+ // Types
+ import type { Bookmark } from '$lib/data/types'
+ // Data
+ import { activeFolder } from '$lib/data/dbStore'
+ import { settings } from '$lib/settings/settingsStore'
+ // Components
+ import Tooltip from './../Tooltip.svelte'
+ import { tick, createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte'
+ import BM from '$lib/ui/Bookmarks/Bookmark.svelte'
+ // Utils
+ import { spring } from 'svelte/motion'
+ import { mapRange } from 'fractils'
+ let active = -1
+ let container: HTMLElement
+ let box_el: { [x: string]: HTMLElement } = {}
+ let box_start = 0
+ let dragPosition = spring(0, { stiffness: 0.05, damping: 0.75 })
+ let hovering: number | null = null
+ let activeSet = true
+ $: box_el[1] && activeSet && set_positions()
+ // set the correct absolute positions
+ const dispatch = createEventDispatcher()
+ let first = true
+ function set_positions() {
+ // disable animation on first load
+ if (first) {
+ document.querySelectorAll('li').forEach((el) => {
+ el.style.transition = 'none'
+ })
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ document.querySelectorAll('li').forEach((el) => {
+ el.style.transition = 'transform 0.2s, background 0.2s, box-shadow 0.2s'
+ })
+ activeSet = false
+ }, 1500)
+ first = false
+ }
+ container.style.position = 'relative'
+ const item_count = $activeFolder.bookmarks.length
+ let offset = 0
+ // get the bookmark width + gridGap setting
+ const width = $settings.ranges.cellSize.value + $settings.ranges.gridGap.value
+ $activeFolder.bookmarks.forEach(({ position }, index) => {
+ const _el = box_el[position]
+ const { x, y } = _el.getBoundingClientRect()
+ // get grid offset from center
+ const from_center = (item_count * width) / 2 - width / 2
+ if (position !== active || !dragging) {
+ box_el[position].style.transform = `translateX(${offset - index - from_center}px)`
+ }
+ box_positions[position] = {
+ x: offset - index - from_center,
+ mid: offset + width / 2 - from_center,
+ width
+ }
+ offset += width
+ // _height = _height > height + y - container_y ? _height : height + y - container_y
+ })
+ // container.style.height = _height + 'px'
+ }
+ let dragging: boolean = false
+ let cancel_drag
+ let clientX_start = 0
+ let timer: NodeJS.Timeout
+ let box_positions: {
+ [x: string]: { x: number; mid: number; width: number }
+ } = {}
+ let container_offset = 0
+ // wait for a small duration before doing anything to distinguish clicks from potential drags
+ // the mouse up handler will bail us out
+ async function handle_mousedown({ clientX }: MouseEvent, id: number) {
+ active = id
+ console.log(id)
+ dispatch('change', id)
+ await tick()
+ // we need to wait for active to be set before we can start transforming
+ activeSet = true
+ // we have other mousedown events, we need to wait a little so we don't get confused
+ timer = setTimeout(async () => {
+ dragging = true
+ // we don't really want to be querying the style too much on mousemove
+ // we will do as much up-front work as possible
+ // get the initial clientX position when the interaction started
+ clientX_start = clientX
+ // grab the current container offset
+ container_offset = container.getBoundingClientRect().x
+ // and the initial position of the current box,
+ box_start = box_positions[active].x
+ }, 200)
+ // $dragPosition = box_positions[active].x
+ dragPosition.set(box_positions[active].x, { hard: true })
+ }
+ let threshold_passed: boolean = false
+ async function handle_mouseup(e: MouseEvent) {
+ // if the drag hasn't started we need to cancel it here
+ if (!dragging) {
+ clearTimeout(timer)
+ return
+ }
+ // if we were dragging we need to stop doing that now
+ dragging = false
+ threshold_passed = false
+ requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ // $dragPosition = box_positions[active].x
+ dragPosition.set(box_positions[active].x, { soft: true })
+ // box_el[active].style.setProperty(
+ // 'transform',
+ // `translateX(${box_positions[active].x}px)`
+ // )
+ })
+ activeSet = false
+ }
+ const throttled_position = throttle(requestAnimationFrame)
+ function within_range(num: number, from: number, to: number): boolean {
+ return num >= from && num <= to
+ }
+ async function handle_mousemove({ clientX, movementX }: MouseEvent) {
+ if (!dragging) return
+ if (!threshold_passed && within_range(clientX - clientX_start, -15, 15)) return
+ threshold_passed = true
+ await tick()
+ // add the latest positions to the raf queue
+ // throttled_position(['transform', `translateX(${box_start + (clientX - clientX_start)}px)`])
+ $dragPosition = box_start + (clientX - clientX_start)
+ const _index = $activeFolder.bookmarks.findIndex((v) => active === v.position)
+ const right = box_positions[active].width + box_start + (clientX - clientX_start)
+ if (
+ movementX > 0 &&
+ _index < $activeFolder.bookmarks.length - 1 &&
+ right > box_positions[$activeFolder.bookmarks[_index + 1].position].mid
+ ) {
+ swap($activeFolder.bookmarks, _index, _index + 1)
+ } else if (
+ movementX < 0 &&
+ _index > 0 &&
+ box_start + (clientX - clientX_start) <
+ box_positions[$activeFolder.bookmarks[_index - 1].position].mid
+ ) {
+ swap($activeFolder.bookmarks, _index, _index - 1)
+ }
+ // tabs = tabs
+ await tick()
+ }
+ // we don't want to write to the dom on every mousevent
+ // we will throttle the operations once per frame
+ // this is basically lodash/throttle but raf
+ function throttle(timer: typeof requestAnimationFrame) {
+ let queued_property_def: null | [string, string] = null
+ return (property_def: [string, string]) => {
+ if (!queued_property_def) {
+ timer(() => {
+ const _current = queued_property_def as [string, string]
+ // box_el[active].style.setProperty(_current[0], _current[1])
+ queued_property_def = null
+ })
+ }
+ queued_property_def = property_def
+ }
+ }
+ function swap(arr: Array
, index_a: any, index_b: any) {
+ const _t = arr[index_a]
+ const _p = arr[index_a].position
+ const _p2 = arr[index_b].position
+ arr[index_a] = arr[index_b]
+ arr[index_b] = _t
+ $activeFolder.bookmarks[index_a].position = _p2
+ $activeFolder.bookmarks[index_b].position = _p
+ }
+ $: svgDot = container
+ ? mapRange($dragPosition, 0, container.getBoundingClientRect().width, 0, 100)
+ : 0
diff --git a/src/routes/drag.svelte b/src/routes/drag.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f4872c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/routes/drag.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ showEditor(e.detail.index)} on:newBookmark={newBookmark} />
+ showEditor(e.detail.index)} on:newBookmark={newBookmark} />
+ (showModal = false)} />