diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/CNic.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/CNic.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00701aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/CNic.php
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+ null,
+ 'password' => null
+ );
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('CURL extension is not enabled');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['user']) && !empty($options['user'])) {
+ $this->config['user'] = $options['user'];
+ unset($options['user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "CentralNIC" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "CentralNIC Username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['password']) && !empty($options['password'])) {
+ $this->config['password'] = $options['password'];
+ unset($options['password']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "CentralNIC" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "CentralNIC password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ //@todo
+ //require_once 'Registrar/CNic/Toolkit.php';
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on CentralNIC via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'CentralNIC Username',
+ 'description'=>'CentralNIC Username'
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'password' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'CentralNIC password',
+ 'description'=>'CentralNIC password',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function getTlds()
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit('suffixes');
+ return $this->_request($query)->suffixes();
+ }
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit('search', $domain->getSld());
+ $query->set('suffixlist', array($domain->getTld()));
+ return !$this->_request($query)->is_registered($domain->getTld());
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $this->getLog()->debug('Checking if domain can be transfered: ' . $domain->getName());
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit(
+ 'modify',
+ $domain->getName(),
+ 1,
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password']
+ );
+ $nsList = array();
+ $nsList[] = $domain->getNs1();
+ $nsList[] = $domain->getNs2();
+ $nsList[] = $domain->getNs3();
+ $nsList[] = $domain->getNs4();
+ $query->set('dns', array(
+ 'drop' => 'all',
+ 'add' => $nsList
+ ));
+ return (bool) $this->_request($query);
+ }
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit(
+ 'modify_handle',
+ 1,
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password']
+ );
+ $userid = $this->_getHandleId($domain);
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $query->set('handle', $userid);
+ $query->set('name', $c->getName());
+ $query->set('company', $c->getCompany());
+ $query->set('street1', $c->getAddress1());
+ $query->set('street2', $c->getAddress2());
+ $query->set('city', $c->getCity());
+ $query->set('sp', $c->getCountry());
+ $query->set('postcode', $c->getZip());
+ $query->set('country', $c->getCountry());
+ $query->set('phone', $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel());
+ $query->set('fax', $c->getFaxCc() . '.' . $c->getFax());
+ $query->set('email', $c->getEmail());
+ return (bool) $this->_request($query);
+ }
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit(
+ 'start_transfer',
+ 1,
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password']
+ );
+ $query->set('domains', array($domain->getName()));
+ $query->set('authinfo', array($this->_getEpp($domain)));
+ return (bool) $this->_request($query);
+ }
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit('whois', $domain->getName());
+ $response = $this->_request($query);
+ return $this->_createDomainObj($response, $domain);
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $userid = $this->_createHandle($domain);
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit(
+ 'register',
+ $domain->getName(),
+ 1,
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password']
+ );
+ $nsList = array();
+ $nsList[] = $domain->getNs1();
+ $nsList[] = $domain->getNs2();
+ $nsList[] = $domain->getNs3();
+ $nsList[] = $domain->getNs4();
+ $query->set('registrant', 'John Doe, Example Company Ltd.');
+ $query->set('chandle', $userid);
+ $query->set('thandle', $userid);
+ $query->set('bhandle', $userid);
+ $query->set('ahandle', $userid);
+ $query->set('dns', $nsList);
+ $query->set('period', $domain->getRegistrationPeriod());
+ return (bool) $this->_request($query);
+ }
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit(
+ 'issue_renewals',
+ 1,
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password']
+ );
+ $query->set('period', $domain->getRegistrationPeriod());
+ $query->set('domains', array($domain->getName()));
+ return (bool) $this->_request($query);
+ }
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit('whois', $domain->getName());
+ $contact = $this->_request($query)->response('chandle');
+ // Request for privacy settings change
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit(
+ 'modify_handle',
+ 1,
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password']
+ );
+ $query->set('handle', $contact['userid']);
+ $query->set('visible', 1);
+ return (bool) $this->_request($query);
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit('whois', $domain->getName());
+ $contact = $this->_request($query)->response('chandle');
+ // Request for privacy settings change
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit(
+ 'modify_handle',
+ 1,
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password']
+ );
+ $query->set('handle', $contact['userid']);
+ $query->set('visible', 0);
+ return (bool) $this->_request($query);
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Epp code retrieval is not implemented');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain locking is not implemented');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain unlocking is not implemented');
+ }
+ public function isTestEnv()
+ {
+ return $this->_testMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates domain object from received data array.
+ * @param array $result
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return Registrar_Domain
+ */
+ private function _createDomainObj($response, Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $contact = $response->response('chandle');
+ $nameservers = $response->response('dns');
+ $privacy = false;
+ // If name doesn't exist, that means privacy is on, so we need to
+ // request contact details separately
+ if (!array_key_exists('name', $contact))
+ {
+ $contact = $this->_getHandleInfo($contact['userid']);
+ $privacy = true;
+ }
+ $c = new Registrar_Domain_Contact();
+ $c->setName($contact['name'])
+ ->setEmail($contact['email'])
+ ->setCompany($contact['company'])
+ ->setTel($contact['phone'])
+ ->setFax($contact['fax'])
+ ->setAddress1($contact['street1'])
+ ->setAddress2($contact['street2'])
+ ->setCity($contact['city'])
+ ->setCountry($contact['country'])
+ ->setZip($contact['postcode']);
+ $domain->setContactRegistrar($c);
+ $domain->setRegistrationTime($response->response('created'));
+ $domain->setExpirationTime($response->response('expires'));
+ $domain->setPrivacyEnabled($privacy);
+ $domain->setEpp($this->_getEpp($domain));
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates contact handle and returns its id.
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _createHandle(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit(
+ 'create_handle',
+ 1,
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password']
+ );
+ $params = array(
+ 'name' => $c->getName(),
+ 'company' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'street1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'street2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'street3' => $c->getAddress3(),
+ 'city' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'sp' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'postcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'phone' => $c->getTelCc() . $c->getTel(),
+ 'fax' => $c->getFaxCc() . $c->getFax(),
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ );
+ $query->set('handle', $params);
+ $query->set('visible', 1);
+ return $this->_request($query)->handle();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets and formats information of the handle.
+ * @param string $userid
+ * @return array $contact
+ */
+ private function _getHandleInfo($userid)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit(
+ 'handle_info',
+ 1,
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password']
+ );
+ $query->set('visible', 0);
+ $query->set('handle', $userid);
+ $response = $this->_request($query);
+ $contact = array();
+ foreach (array('name', 'company', 'address', 'street1',
+ 'street2', 'street3', 'city', 'sp', 'postcode',
+ 'country', 'tel', 'fax', 'email') as $key)
+ {
+ $contact[$key] = $response->response($key);
+ }
+ return $contact;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets userid (handle) of a certain domain's contact.
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getHandleId(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit('whois', $domain->getName());
+ $contact = $this->_request($query)->response('chandle');
+ return $contact['userid'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets transfer (authcode) of the domain.
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $query = new CNic_Toolkit(
+ 'auth_info',
+ 1,
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password']
+ );
+ $query->set('domain', $domain->getName());
+ return $this->_request($query)->response('authcode');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs the request.
+ * @param CNic_Toolkit $query
+ * @return string
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ private function _request($query)
+ {
+ if ($this->isTestEnv())
+ $query->set('test', 1);
+ $response = $query->execute();
+ if ($response->is_success())
+ return $response;
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($response->response('message'));
+ }
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diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Domainbox.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Domainbox.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02b2494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Domainbox.php
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+ null,
+ 'user' => null,
+ 'password' => null
+ );
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if(!extension_loaded('soap')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Soap extension required for DomainBox registrar');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['reseller']) && !empty($options['reseller'])) {
+ $this->config['reseller'] = $options['reseller'];
+ unset($options['reseller']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "Domainbox" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "Domainbox Reseller" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['user']) && !empty($options['user'])) {
+ $this->config['user'] = $options['user'];
+ unset($options['user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "Domainbox" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "Domainbox Username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['password']) && !empty($options['password'])) {
+ $this->config['password'] = $options['password'];
+ unset($options['password']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "Domainbox" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "Domainbox Password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on Domainbox via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'reseller' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'Domainbox Reseller',
+ 'description'=>'Domainbox Reseller',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'Domainbox Username',
+ 'description'=>'Domainbox Username',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'password' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'Domainbox Password',
+ 'description'=>'Domainbox Password',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function getTlds()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'asia', 'biz', 'com', 'info', 'mobi', 'net', 'org',
+ 'tel', 'xxx', 'eu', 'me', 'tv', 'cc', 'im', 'us',
+ 'in', 'co', 'cx', 'gs', 'ht', 'ki', 'mu', 'nf', 'tl',
+ 'at', 'be', 'so', 'la',
+ 'br.com', 'gb.net', 'uk.com', 'uk.net', 'uy.com',
+ 'hu.com', 'no.com', 'ru.com', 'sa.com', 'se.com',
+ 'se.net', 'za.com', 'jpn.com', 'eu.com', 'gb.com',
+ 'us.com', 'qc.com', 'de.com', 'ae.org', 'kr.com',
+ 'ar.com', 'cn.com', 'gr.com', 'com.cc',
+ 'net.cc', 'org.cc', 'art.ht', 'org.ht', 'com.ht',
+ 'net.ht', 'pro.ht', 'firm.ht', 'info.ht', 'shop.ht',
+ 'adult.ht', 'pol.ht', 'rel.ht', 'asso.ht', 'perso.ht',
+ 'biz.ki', 'com.ki', 'net.ki', 'org.ki', 'tel.ki',
+ 'info.ki', 'mobi.ki', 'phone.ki', 'ac.mu', 'co.mu',
+ 'net.mu', 'com.mu', 'org.mu', 'com.nf', 'net.nf',
+ 'per.nf', 'web.nf', 'arts.nf', 'firm.nf', 'info.nf',
+ 'store.nf', 'rec.nf', 'other.nf', 'com.sb', 'net.sb',
+ 'org.sb', 'tl',
+ );
+ }
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'LaunchPhase' => 'GA',
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('CheckDomainAvailability', $params);
+ return ($result->AvailabilityStatus == 0)
+ && ($result->AvailabilityStatusDescr == 'Available');
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Checking if domain can be transfered is disabled for this registrar');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain locking');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain unlocking');
+ }
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection enable');
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection disable');
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support EPP code retrieval');
+ }
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $params['Nameservers']['NS1'] = $domain->getNs1();
+ $params['Nameservers']['NS2'] = $domain->getNs2();
+ if($domain->getNs3()) {
+ $params['Nameservers']['NS3'] = $domain->getNs3();
+ }
+ if($domain->getNs4()) {
+ $params['Nameservers']['NS4'] = $domain->getNs4();
+ }
+ $result = $this->_request('ModifyDomainNameservers', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $contact = array(
+ 'Name' => $c->getName(),
+ 'Street1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'Street2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'Street3' => $c->getAddress3(),
+ 'City' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'State' => $c->getState(),
+ 'Postcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'CountryCode' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'Telephone' => '+' . $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'Email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ // .us additional parameters
+ 'Nexus' => array(
+ 'AppPurpose' => 'P3',
+ 'Category' => 'C11',
+ ),
+ );
+ // Change the Name of every contact to register successfully
+ $admin = $tech = $bill = $contact;
+ $admin['Name'] .= 'a';
+ $tech['Name'] .= 't';
+ $bill['Name'] .= 'b';
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'Contacts' => array(
+ 'Registrant' => $contact,
+ 'Admin' => $admin,
+ 'Tech' => $tech,
+ 'Billing' => $bill,
+ ),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('ModifyDomainContacts', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $contact = array(
+ 'Name' => $c->getName(),
+ 'Street1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'Street2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'Street3' => $c->getAddress3(),
+ 'City' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'State' => $c->getState(),
+ 'Postcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'CountryCode' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'Telephone' => '+' . $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'Email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ // .us additional parameters
+ 'Nexus' => array(
+ 'AppPurpose' => 'P3',
+ 'Category' => 'C11',
+ ),
+ );
+ $admin = $tech = $bill = $contact;
+ $admin['Name'] .= 'a';
+ $tech['Name'] .= 't';
+ $bill['Name'] .= 'b';
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'AutoRenew' => false,
+ 'AutoRenewDays' => 1,
+ 'AcceptTerms' => true,
+ 'KeepExistingNameservers' => true,
+ 'Contacts' => array(
+ 'Registrant' => $contact,
+ 'Admin' => $admin,
+ 'Tech' => $tech,
+ 'Billing' => $bill,
+ ),
+ );
+ $this->_request('RequestTransfer', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('QueryDomain', $params);
+ $contact = $result->Contacts->Registrant;
+ $tel = explode(".", $contact->Telephone);
+ $tel[0] = str_replace('+', '', $tel[0]);
+ $c = new Registrar_Domain_Contact();
+ $c->setName($contact->Name)
+ ->setEmail($contact->Email)
+ ->setTel($tel[1])
+ ->setTelCc($tel[0])
+ ->setAddress1($contact->Street1)
+ ->setAddress2($contact->Street2)
+ ->setCity($contact->City)
+ ->setCountry($contact->CountryCode)
+ ->setZip($contact->Postcode);
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $epp = $this->_request('QueryDomainAuthcode', $params);
+ $domain->setNameservers($ns_list);
+ $domain->setExpirationTime(strtotime($result->ExpiryDate));
+ $domain->setRegistrationTime(strtotime($result->CreatedDate));
+ $domain->setEpp($epp->AuthCode);
+ $domain->setPrivacyEnabled($result->ApplyPrivacy);
+ $domain->setContactRegistrar($c);
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $ns_list['NS1'] = $domain->getNs1();
+ $ns_list['NS2'] = $domain->getNs2();
+ if($domain->getNs3()) {
+ $ns_list['NS3'] = $domain->getNs3();
+ }
+ if($domain->getNs4()) {
+ $ns_list['NS4'] = $domain->getNs4();
+ }
+ $contact = array(
+ 'Name' => $c->getName(),
+ 'Street1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'Street2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'Street3' => $c->getAddress3(),
+ 'City' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'State' => $c->getState(),
+ 'Postcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'CountryCode' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'Telephone' => '+' . $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'Email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ // .us additional parameters
+ 'Nexus' => array(
+ 'AppPurpose' => 'P3',
+ 'Category' => 'C11',
+ ),
+ );
+ // Change the Name of every contact to register successfully
+ $admin = $tech = $bill = $contact;
+ $admin['Name'] .= 'a';
+ $tech['Name'] .= 't';
+ $bill['Name'] .= 'b';
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'LaunchPhase' => 'GA',
+ 'ApplyLock' => false,
+ 'AutoRenew' => false,
+ 'AutoRenewDays' => 1,
+ 'ApplyPrivacy' => false,
+ 'AcceptTerms' => true,
+ 'Period' => $domain->getRegistrationPeriod(),
+ 'Nameservers' => $ns_list,
+ 'Contacts' => array(
+ 'Registrant' => $contact,
+ 'Admin' => $admin,
+ 'Tech' => $tech,
+ 'Billing' => $bill,
+ ),
+ );
+ if (($domain->getTld() == 'eu') || ($domain->getTld() == 'be')) {
+ unset($params['Contacts']['Admin']);
+ unset($params['Contacts']['Billing']);
+ }
+ $this->_request('RegisterDomain', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'Period' => $domain->getRegistrationPeriod(),
+ 'CurrentExpiry' => date('Y-m-d', $domain->getExpirationTime()),
+ );
+ $this->_request('RenewDomain', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function togglePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'ApplyPrivacy' => !$domain->getPrivacyEnabled(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('ModifyDomainPrivacy', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs an api command and returns parsed data.
+ * @param string $cmd
+ * @param array $params
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function _request($cmd, $params)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'CommandParameters' => $params,
+ 'AuthenticationParameters' => array(
+ 'Reseller' => $this->config['reseller'],
+ 'Username' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'Password' => $this->config['password'],
+ ),
+ );
+ if ($this->_testMode) {
+ $wsdl = 'https://sandbox.domainbox.net/?wsdl';
+ } else {
+ $wsdl = 'https://live.domainbox.net/?wsdl';
+ }
+ $client = new SoapClient($wsdl,
+ array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_2)
+ );
+ $result = $client->$cmd($params);
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($params, true));
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($result, true));
+ if ($result->{$cmd . 'Result'}->ResultCode != 100) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($result->{$cmd . 'Result'}->ResultMsg);
+ }
+ return $result->{$cmd . 'Result'};
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Dotid.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Dotid.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..899f8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Dotid.php
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ null,
+ 'token' => null,
+ );
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('CURL extension is not enabled');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['username']) && !empty($options['username'])) {
+ $this->config['username'] = $options['username'];
+ unset($options['username']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "DotId" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "DotId username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['token']) && !empty($options['token'])) {
+ $this->config['token'] = $options['token'];
+ unset($options['token']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "DotId" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "DotId token" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on DotId via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'username' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'DotId username',
+ 'description'=>'DotId username',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'token' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'DotId token',
+ 'description'=>'DotId token',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function getTlds()
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Cannot register domain using DotId Api.');
+ }
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $curl_opts = array(
+ CURLOPT_URL => 'whois.paneldotid.com',
+ CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => $domain->getName() . "\r\n",
+ );
+ $ch = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_opts);
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ return (strpos($result, 'NOT FOUND') !== false);
+ }
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $dom = file_get_contents($this->_getApiUrl() . "getdomain.php?uid={$this->config['username']}&token={$this->config['token']}&domain={$domain->getName()}");
+ $parse = explode("Error:", $dom);
+ if (count($parse) > 1)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($parse[1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $ns_list = ''; $i = 1;
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns)
+ $ns_list .= '&ns' . $i++ . '=' . $ns->getHost();
+ $getapi = file_get_contents($this->_getApiUrl() . "savens.php?session=12345&domain={$domain->getName()}" . $ns_list);
+ if (strpos($getapi,"Anda Belum Login"))
+ echo "";
+ $parse = explode("Error:", $getapi);
+ if (count($parse) > 1)
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($parse[1]);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Cannot modify contact details using DotId Api.');
+ }
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Cannot transfer domain using DotId Api.');
+ }
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Cannot get domain details using DotId Api.');
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Cannot register domain using DotId Api.');
+ }
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Cannot renew domain using DotId Api.');
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Checking if domain can be transfered is disabled for this registrar');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain locking');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain unlocking');
+ }
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection enable');
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection disable');
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support EPP code retrieval');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Api URL.
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getApiUrl()
+ {
+ return 'http://paneldotid.com/api/';
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Dottk.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Dottk.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ade0e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Dottk.php
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ null,
+ 'password' => null
+ );
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('CURL extension is not enabled');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['email']) && !empty($options['email'])) {
+ $this->config['email'] = $options['email'];
+ unset($options['email']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "dotTK" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "dotTK email" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['password']) && !empty($options['password'])) {
+ $this->config['password'] = $options['password'];
+ unset($options['password']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "dotTK" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "dotTK password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on dotTK via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'email' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'dotTK email',
+ 'description'=>'dotTK email',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'password' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'dotTK password',
+ 'description'=>'dotTK password',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function getTlds()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '.tk',
+ );
+ }
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = 'domainname=' . $domain->getName();
+ $result = $this->_request('availability_check', $params);
+ return ($result->partner_availability_check->status == 'DOMAIN AVAILABLE');
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain transfer checking is not implemented');
+ }
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = 'domainname=' . $domain->getName();
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns)
+ $params .= '&nameserver=' . $ns->getHost();
+ $result = $this->_request('modify', $params);
+ return ($result->partner_modify->status == 'DOMAIN MODIFIED');
+ }
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception("Can't modify contacts using dotTK API.");
+ }
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception("Can't transfer domains using dotTK API.");
+ }
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = 'domainname=' . $domain->getName();
+ $result = $this->_request('availability_check', $params);
+ $nsList = array();
+ foreach ($result->partner_availability_check->nameservers as $ns)
+ $nsList[] = (string) $ns->hostname;
+ $date = $result->partner_availability_check->expiration_date;
+ $date_str = substr($date, 0, 4) . ' ' . substr($date, 4, 2) . ' '. substr($date, 6, 2);
+ $domain->setExpirationTime(strtotime($date_str));
+ $domain->setNameservers($nsList);
+ //$domain->setPrivacyEnabled($privacy);
+ //$domain->setEpp($result['transferauthinfo']);
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = 'domainname=' . $domain->getName();
+ $params .= '&enduseremail=' . $domain->getContactRegistrar()->getEmail();
+ $params .= '&monthsofregistration=' . $domain->getRegistrationPeriod() * 12;
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns)
+ $params .= '&nameserver=' . $ns->getHost();
+ $result = $this->_request('register', $params);
+ return ($result->partner_registration->status == 'DOMAIN REGISTERED');
+ }
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = 'domainname=' . $domain->getName();
+ $params .= '&monthsofregistration=12';
+ $result = $this->_request('renew', $params);
+ return ($result->partner_renew->status == 'DOMAIN RENEWED');
+ }
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception("dotTK does not support Privacy protection");
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception("dotTK does not support Privacy protection");
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Epp code retrieval is not implemented');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain locking is not implemented');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain unlocking is not implemented');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs an api command and returns data.
+ * @param string $command
+ * @param array $params
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function _request($command, $params)
+ {
+ // Set authentication params
+ $params .= '&email=' . $this->config['email'];
+ $params .= '&password=' . $this->config['password'];
+ $ch = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->_getApiUrl() . $command . '?' . $params);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ if ($result === false) {
+ $e = new Registrar_Exception(sprintf('CurlException: "%s"', curl_error($ch)));
+ $this->getLog()->err($e);
+ curl_close($ch);
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ curl_close($ch);
+ $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($result);
+ if ($xml->status == 'NOT OK')
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($xml->reason);
+ }
+ return $xml;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Api URL.
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getApiUrl()
+ {
+ return 'https://api.domainshare.tk/';
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Gandi.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Gandi.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9137368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Gandi.php
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+ null,
+ 'password' => null
+ );
+ private $_s = null;
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('CURL extension is not enabled');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['user']) && !empty($options['user'])) {
+ $this->config['user'] = $options['user'];
+ unset($options['user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "Gandi" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "Gandi Username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['password']) && !empty($options['password'])) {
+ $this->config['password'] = $options['password'];
+ unset($options['password']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "Gandi" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "Gandi Password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on Gandi via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'Gandi Username',
+ 'description'=>'Gandi Username',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'password' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'Gandi Password',
+ 'description'=>'Gandi Password',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function getTlds()
+ {
+ return $this->_request('tld_list', array($this->_getSession()));
+ }
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ if (($domain->getTld() == 'pl') || ($domain->getTld() == 'in')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Cannot check availablity of this TLD using Gandi api');
+ }
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ array(
+ $domain->getName(),
+ ),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain_available', $params);
+ return ($result[$domain->getName()] == 1);
+ }
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $ns_list = array();
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns)
+ $ns_list[] = $ns->getHost();
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $domain->getName(),
+ $ns_list,
+ );
+ $this->_request('domain_ns_set', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain_info', $params);
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $result['owner_handle'],
+ new Zend_XmlRpc_Value_Struct(
+ array(
+ 'address' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'zipcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'city' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'phone' => '+' . $c->getTelcc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ )
+ ),
+ );
+ $this->_request('contact_update', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $handle_id = $this->_createHandle($domain, true);
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain_info', $params);
+ $ns_list = array();
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns)
+ $ns_list[] = (string) $ns->getHost();
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $domain->getName(),
+ $handle_id,
+ $handle_id,
+ $handle_id,
+ $handle_id,
+ $ns_list,
+ $result['authorization_code'],
+ );
+ $this->_request('domain_transfer_in', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ // Get Domain info
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain_info', $params);
+ // Get contact info
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $result['owner_handle'],
+ );
+ $contact = $this->_request('contact_info', $params);
+ // Get nameservers
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $nss = $this->_request('domain_ns_list', $params);
+ $tel = explode(".", $contact['phone']);
+ $tel[0] = str_replace('+', '', $tel[0]);
+ $c = new Registrar_Domain_Contact();
+ $c->setFirstName($contact['firstname'])
+ ->setLastName($contact['lastname'])
+ ->setEmail($contact['email'])
+ ->setTel($tel[1])
+ ->setTelCc($tel[0])
+ ->setAddress1($contact['address'])
+ ->setCity($contact['city'])
+ ->setCountry($contact['country'])
+ ->setZip($contact['zipcode']);
+ // Add nameservers
+ $ns_list = array();
+ foreach ($nss as $ns)
+ {
+ $n = new Registrar_Domain_Nameserver();
+ $n->setHost($ns);
+ $ns_list[] = $n;
+ }
+ $domain->setNameservers($ns_list);
+ $domain->setExpirationTime(strtotime($result['registry_expiration_date']));
+ $domain->setRegistrationTime(strtotime($result['registry_creation_date']));
+ $domain->setEpp($result['authorization_code']);
+ $domain->setPrivacyEnabled($contact['whois_obfuscated']);
+ $domain->setContactRegistrar($c);
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $handle_id = $this->_createHandle($domain, true);
+ $ns_list = array();
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns)
+ $ns_list[] = $ns->getHost();
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $domain->getName(),
+ $domain->getRegistrationPeriod(),
+ $handle_id,
+ $handle_id,
+ $handle_id,
+ $handle_id,
+ $ns_list,
+ );
+ $this->_request('domain_create', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $domain->getName(),
+ 1
+ );
+ $this->_request('domain_renew', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function togglePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ // Get Domain info
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain_info', $params);
+ // Get contact info
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $result['owner_handle'],
+ );
+ $contact = $this->_request('contact_info', $params);
+ $handle_id = $this->_createHandle($domain, !$contact['whois_obfuscated']);
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ $domain->getName(),
+ $handle_id,
+ $handle_id,
+ $handle_id,
+ $handle_id,
+ );
+ $this->_request('domain_change_owner', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Checking if domain can be transfered is disabled for this registrar');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain locking');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain unlocking');
+ }
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection enable');
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection disable');
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support EPP code retrieval');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs an api command and returns parsed data.
+ * @param string $cmd
+ * @param array $params
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function _request($cmd, $params)
+ {
+ $client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client($this->_getApiUrl());
+ try {
+ $result = $client->call(
+ $cmd,
+ $params
+ );
+ } catch (Zend_XmlRpc_Client_HttpException $e) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($e->getMessage());
+ }
+ $this->getLog()->debug($cmd);
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($params, true));
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($result, true));
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Logins and gets session string.
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getSession()
+ {
+ if ($this->_s) {
+ return $this->_s;
+ }
+ $params = array(
+ $this->config['user'],
+ $this->config['password'],
+ new Zend_XmlRpc_Value_Boolean(false)
+ );
+ return $this->_s = $this->_request('login', $params);
+ }
+ public function isTestEnv()
+ {
+ return $this->_testMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Api URL.
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getApiUrl()
+ {
+ if ($this->isTestEnv()) {
+ return 'https://api.ote.gandi.net/xmlrpc/';
+ }
+ return 'https://rpc.gandi.net/xmlrpc/2.0/';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates new contact handle.
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @param bool $privacy
+ * @return int
+ */
+ private function _createHandle(Registrar_Domain $domain, $privacy)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ // Create contact
+ $params = array(
+ $this->_getSession(),
+ 'individual',
+ $c->getFirstName(),
+ $c->getLastName(),
+ $c->getAddress1(),
+ $c->getZip(),
+ $c->getCity(),
+ $c->getCountry(),
+ '+' . $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ $c->getEmail(),
+ new Zend_XmlRpc_Value_Struct(array('whois_obfuscated' => new Zend_XmlRpc_Value_Boolean((bool) $privacy))),
+ );
+ return $this->_request('contact_create', $params);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Namecheap.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Namecheap.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bf803a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Namecheap.php
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+ null,
+ 'apiKey' => null
+ );
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('CURL extension is not enabled');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['user']) && !empty($options['user'])) {
+ $this->config['user'] = $options['user'];
+ unset($options['user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "Namecheap" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "Namecheap API Username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['apiKey']) && !empty($options['apiKey'])) {
+ $this->config['apiKey'] = $options['apiKey'];
+ unset($options['apiKey']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "Namecheap" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "Namecheap API key" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on Namecheap via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'Namecheap API Username',
+ 'description'=>'Namecheap API Username'
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'apiKey' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'Namecheap API key',
+ 'description'=>'Namecheap API key',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getTlds() {
+ $params = array (
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.gettldlist'
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, new Registrar_Domain());
+ $tlds = array();
+ foreach($response->CommandResponse->Tlds->Tld as $tld) {
+ $tlds[] = '.' . (string)$tld->attributes()->Name;
+ }
+ return $tlds;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.check',
+ 'DomainList'=> $domain->getName()
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ foreach ($response->CommandResponse->DomainCheckResult as $result) {
+ if ($result->attributes()->Domain == $domain->getName()
+ && $result->attributes()->Available == 'true') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $oldNs = $this->_getNameservers($domain);
+ $del_domain = $domain;
+ $del_domain->setNameservers($oldNs);
+ $this->_deleteNameservers($del_domain);
+ if (!$this->_setNameservers($domain)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.setContacts',
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($domain)
+ );
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $types = array('Registrant', 'Tech', 'Admin', 'AuxBilling');
+ foreach($types as $type) {
+ $params[$type . 'FirstName'] = $c->getFirstName();
+ $params[$type . 'LastName'] = $c->getLastName();
+ $params[$type . 'Address1'] = $c->getAddress1();
+ $params[$type . 'City'] = $c->getCity();
+ $params[$type . 'StateProvince'] = $c->getState();
+ $params[$type . 'PostalCode'] = $c->getZip();
+ $params[$type . 'Country'] = $c->getCountry();
+ $params[$type . 'Phone'] = $c->getTel() ? '+'.$c->getTelCc().'.'.$c->getTel() : '';
+ $params[$type . 'EmailAddress'] = $c->getEmail();
+ $optional_params[$type . 'OrganizationName'] = $c->getCompany();
+ $optional_params[$type . 'JobTitle'] = $c->getJobTitle();
+ $optional_params[$type . 'Address2'] = $c->getAddress2();
+ $optional_params[$type . 'Fax'] = $c->getFax() ? '+'.$c->getFaxCc().'.'.$c->getFax() : '';
+ }
+ $params = array_merge($params, $optional_params);
+ $result = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ $attr = $result->CommandResponse->DomainSetContactResult->attributes();
+ if ($attr->Domain == $domain->getName() && $attr->IsSuccess == 'true') {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Can\'t transfer domain using Namecheap API');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Should return details of registered domain
+ * If domain is not registered should throw Registrar_Exception
+ * @return Registrar_Domain
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $domain->setContactRegistrar($this->_getContactDetails($domain));
+ $domain->setNameservers($this->_getNameservers($domain));
+ $domain = $this->_getDomainDates($domain);
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ if (!$this->_checkUserExists($domain)) {
+ $this->_createUser($domain);
+ }
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.create',
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'Years' => 1,
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($domain)
+ );
+ $optional_params = array(
+ 'PromotionCode' => '',
+ );
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $types = array('Registrant', 'Tech', 'Admin', 'AuxBilling');
+ foreach($types as $type) {
+ $params[$type . 'FirstName'] = $c->getFirstName();
+ $params[$type . 'LastName'] = $c->getLastName();
+ $params[$type . 'Address1'] = $c->getAddress1();
+ $params[$type . 'City'] = $c->getCity();
+ $params[$type . 'StateProvince'] = $c->getState();
+ $params[$type . 'PostalCode'] = $c->getZip();
+ $params[$type . 'Country'] = $c->getCountry();
+ $params[$type . 'Phone'] = $c->getTel() ? '+'.$c->getTelCc().'.'.$c->getTel() : '';
+ $params[$type . 'EmailAddress'] = $c->getEmail();
+ $optional_params[$type . 'OrganizationName'] = $c->getCompany();
+ $optional_params[$type . 'JobTitle'] = $c->getJobTitle();
+ $optional_params[$type . 'Address2'] = $c->getAddress2();
+ $optional_params[$type . 'Fax'] = $c->getFax() ? '+'.$c->getFaxCc().'.'.$c->getFax() : '';
+ }
+ $params['Nameservers'] = '';
+ foreach($domain->getNameservers() as $nse) {
+ $params['Nameservers'] .= ($params['Nameservers']) ? ',' . $nse->getHost() : $nse->getHost();
+ }
+ $params = array_merge($params, $optional_params);
+ $result = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ if ($result->CommandResponse->DomainCreateResult->attributes()->Domain == $domain->getName()
+ && $result->CommandResponse->DomainCreateResult->attributes()->Registered == 'true') {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.renew',
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'Years' => 1,
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($domain)
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ if ($response->CommandResponse->DomainRenewResult->attributes()->DomainName == $domain->getName()
+ && $response->CommandResponse->DomainRenewResult->attributes()->Renew == 'true') {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Checking if domain can be transfered is disabled for this registrar');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain locking');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain unlocking');
+ }
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection enable');
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection disable');
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support EPP code retrieval');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Makes API call
+ * @param array $params
+ * @param string $type
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ private function _makeRequest($params = array(), Registrar_Domain $domain, $type = 'xml') {
+ $params = array_merge(array(
+ 'ApiUser' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'ApiKey' => $this->config['apiKey'],
+ 'UserName' => isset($params['UserName']) ? $params['UserName'] : $this->config['user'],
+ ), $params);
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $clientIp = isset($params['UserName']) ? $this->_getIp($c, false) : $this->_getIp($c);
+ $opts = array(
+ CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'http://fordnox.com',
+ CURLOPT_URL => $this->_getApiUrl().'?ClientIp='.$clientIp,
+ //workaround to prevent errors related to SSL
+ );
+ foreach ($params as $key => $param)
+ {
+ if (is_array($param)) $param = implode(',',$param);
+ $opts[CURLOPT_URL] .= '&'.$key.'='.urlencode((string)$param);
+ }
+ $this->getLog()->debug($opts[CURLOPT_URL]);
+ $ch = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt_array($ch, $opts);
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ if ($result === false) {
+ $e = new Registrar_Exception(sprintf('CurlException: "%s"', curl_error($ch)));
+ $this->getLog()->err($e);
+ curl_close($ch);
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ curl_close($ch);
+ return $this->_parseResponse($result, $type);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * get server or client ip
+ * @param Registrar_Domain_Contact $c
+ * @param boolean $server
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getIp(Registrar_Domain_Contact $c, $server = true) {
+ if ($this->_isTestEnv()) return '';
+ if($server) return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+ $table = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Model_ActivityClientHistory');
+ $row = $table->findOneByClientId($c->id);
+ if ($row instanceof Model_ActivityClientHistory) return $row->ip;
+ else throw new Registrar_Exception('NamecheapApiError: can\'t find client\'s ip');
+ }
+ private function _isTestEnv()
+ {
+ return $this->_testMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Api URL
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getApiUrl()
+ {
+ if($this->_isTestEnv()) {
+ return 'https://api.sandbox.namecheap.com/xml.response';
+ }
+ return 'https://api.namecheap.com/xml.response';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses response
+ * @param string $result
+ * @param string $type
+ * @return object
+ */
+ private function _parseResponse($result, $type = 'xml')
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $xml = simplexml_load_string($result, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('simpleXmlException: '.$e->getMessage());
+ }
+ if (isset($xml->Errors) && count($xml->Errors->Error) > 0) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception(sprintf('NamecheapApiError: "%s"', $xml->Errors->Error[0]), 100);
+ }
+ return $xml;
+ }
+ private function _createUser(Registrar_Domain $d) {
+ $c = $d->getContactRegistrar();
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.users.create',
+ 'NewUserName' => $this->_getUsername($d),
+ 'NewUserPassword' => $this->_getPassword($d),
+ 'EmailAddress' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'Firstname' => $c->getFirstName(),
+ 'LastName' => $c->getLastName(),
+ 'AcceptTerms' => 1,
+ 'AcceptNews' => 0,
+ 'JobTitle' => $c->getJobTitle(),
+ 'Organization' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'Address1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'Address2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'City' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'StateProvince' => $c->getState(),
+ 'Zip' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'Country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'Phone' => $c->getTel() ? '+'.$c->getTelCc().'.'.$c->getTel() : '',
+ 'Fax' => $c->getFax() ? '+'.$c->getFaxCc().'.'.$c->getFax() : ''
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $d);
+ if ($response->CommandResponse->UserCreateResult->attributes()->Success == 'true') {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Checks if client has account in namecheap
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $d
+ */
+ private function _checkUserExists(Registrar_Domain $d) {
+ $c = $d->getContactRegistrar();
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.users.login',
+ 'Password' => $this->_getPassword($d),
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($d)
+ );
+ try {
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $d);
+ } catch (Registrar_Exception $e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($response->CommandResponse->UserLoginResult->attributes()->LoginSuccess == 'true') {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Generates password for namecheap user
+ * @param unknown_type $d
+ */
+ private function _getPassword(Registrar_Domain $d) {
+ $c = $d->getContactRegistrar();
+ return substr(MD5($this->config['apiKey'] . $c->getEmail()), 0, 20);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Generates username for namecheap
+ * @param unknown_type $d
+ */
+ private function _getUsername(Registrar_Domain $d) {
+ $email = $d->getContactRegistrar()
+ ->getEmail();
+ $email = strtolower($email);
+ $email = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/', '', $email);
+ $email_length = strlen($email);
+ if($email_length < 6) {
+ for ($i=$email_length; $i<6; $i++) {
+ $email .= '0';
+ }
+ } elseif ($email_length > 20) {
+ $email = substr($email, 0, 20);
+ }
+ return $email;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Gets registrar lock status for domain
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ private function _getRegistrarLock(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $params = array (
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.getRegistrarLock',
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($domain),
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName()
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ if ($response->CommandResponse->DomainGetRegistrarLockResult->attributes()->Domain == $domain->getName()
+ && $response->CommandResponse->DomainGetRegistrarLockResult->attributes()->RegistrarLockStatus == 'true') {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Switches registrar lock
+ * ($lock = true to lock; $lock = false to unlock);
+ *
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @param boolean $lock
+ */
+ private function _registrarLock(Registrar_Domain $domain, $lock = true) {
+ $currentLock = $this->_getRegistrarLock($domain);
+ if ($currentLock && $lock) {
+ return true;
+ } elseif ($currentLock && !$lock) {
+ $lockAction = 'UNLOCK';
+ } elseif (!$currentLock && $lock) {
+ $lockAction = 'LOCK';
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.setRegistrarLock',
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'LockAction' => $lockAction,
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($domain)
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ if ($response->CommandResponse->DomainSetRegistrarLockResult->attributes()->Domain == $domain->getName()
+ && $response->CommandResponse->DomainSetRegistrarLockResult->attributes()->IsSuccess == 'true') {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Get domain contacts info
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return Registrar_Domain_Contact
+ */
+ private function _getContactDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.getContacts',
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($domain)
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ $result = $response->CommandResponse->DomainContactsResult->Registrant;
+ $tel = $this->_separateTelephone($result->Phone);
+ $fax = $this->_separateTelephone($result->Fax);
+ $c = new Registrar_Domain_Contact();
+ $c->setCompany((string)$result->OrganizationName)
+ ->setFirstName((string)$result->FirstName)
+ ->setLastName((string)$result->LastName)
+ ->setAddress1((string)$result->Address1)
+ ->setAddress2((string)$result->Address2)
+ ->setCity((string)$result->City)
+ ->setState((string)$result->StateProvince)
+ ->setZip((string)$result->PostalCode)
+ ->setCountry((string)$result->Country)
+ ->setTelCc($tel['code'])
+ ->setTel($tel['tel'])
+ ->setFaxCc($fax['code'])
+ ->setFax($fax['tel'])
+ ->setEmail((string)$result->EmailAddress);
+ return $c;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Separates telephone from international calling code
+ * @param string $tel
+ * @return array|string
+ */
+ private function _separateTelephone($tel) {
+ $return = array(
+ 'code' => '',
+ 'tel' => ''
+ );
+ $tel = str_replace(array('+', '(', ')', ' '), '', $tel);
+ if (strlen($tel) < 2) {
+ return $return;
+ }
+ $tel = explode('.', $tel);
+ if (isset($tel[0]) && !empty($tel[0]) && isset($tel[1]) && !empty($tel[1])) {
+ $return['code'] = $tel[0];
+ $return['tel'] = $tel[1];
+ }
+ return $return;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Get nameservers list for domain
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return array of Registrar_Domain_Nameserver
+ */
+ private function _getNameservers(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.dns.getList',
+ 'SLD' => $domain->getSld(),
+ 'TLD' => $domain->getTld(),
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($domain)
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ $result = $response->CommandResponse->DomainDNSGetListResult->Nameserver;
+ $ns = array();
+ foreach ($result as $nameserver) {
+ $n = new Registrar_Domain_Nameserver();
+ $n->setHost((string)$nameserver);
+ $ns[] = $n;
+ }
+ return $ns;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Gets domain registration and expiration dates
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return Registrar_Domain
+ */
+ private function _getDomainDates(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $params = array (
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.getList',
+ 'ListType' => 'ALL',
+ 'SearchTerm' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($domain)
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ $result = $response->CommandResponse->DomainGetListResult->Domain->attributes();
+ $domain->setExpirationTime(strtotime((string)$result->Expires));
+ $domain->setRegistrationTime(strtotime((string)$result->Created));
+ $domain->setEpp('NAMECHEAP');
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Deletes nameservers
+ *
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ private function _deleteNameservers(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $ns = $domain->getNameservers();
+ foreach($ns as $n) {
+ if (!$n instanceof Registrar_Domain_Nameserver) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Nameservers should be objects of Registrar_Domain_Nameserver');
+ }
+ if (!$n->getHost()) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Host of nameserver can\'t be empty');
+ }
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.ns.delete',
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($domain),
+ 'SLD' => $domain->getSld(),
+ 'TLD' => $domain->getTld(),
+ 'Nameserver' => $n->getHost()
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ if ($response->CommandResponse->DomainNSDeleteResult->attributes()->Nameserver != $n->getHost()
+ || $response->CommandResponse->DomainNsDeleteResult->attributes()->IsSuccess != 'true') {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain or nameserver mismatch');
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Set nameservers
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ private function _setNameservers(Registrar_Domain $domain) {
+ $ns = $domain->getNameservers();
+ foreach($ns as $n) {
+ if (!$n instanceof Registrar_Domain_Nameserver) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Nameservers should be objects of Registrar_Domain_Nameserver');
+ }
+ if (!$n->getHost()) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Host of nameserver can\'t be empty');
+ }
+ if (!$n->getIp()) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('IP of nameserver can\'t be empty');
+ }
+ $params = array(
+ 'command' => 'namecheap.domains.ns.create',
+ 'UserName' => $this->_getUsername($domain),
+ 'SLD' => $domain->getSld(),
+ 'TLD' => $domain->getTld(),
+ 'Nameserver' => $n->getHost(),
+ 'IP' => $n->getIP()
+ );
+ $response = $this->_makeRequest($params, $domain);
+ if ($response->DommandResponse->DomainNSCreateResult->attributes()->IsSuccess == "true") {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Netregistry.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Netregistry.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c41b1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Netregistry.php
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+ null,
+ 'password' => null,
+ );
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('CURL extension is not enabled');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['user']) && !empty($options['user'])) {
+ $this->config['user'] = $options['user'];
+ unset($options['user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "Netregistry" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "Netregistry Login" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['password']) && !empty($options['password'])) {
+ $this->config['password'] = $options['password'];
+ unset($options['password']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "Netregistry" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "Netregistry Password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on Netregistry via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'Netregistry Login',
+ 'description'=>'Netregistry Login'
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'password' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'Netregistry password',
+ 'description'=>'Netregistry password',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return array of TLDs current Registar is capable to register
+ * If function returns empty array, this registrar can register any TLD
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getTlds()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '.com.au', '.com', '.net.au', '.net',
+ '.org.au', '.org', '.co.nz', '.co.uk',
+ '.info', '.biz', '.au.com', '.id.au',
+ '.asn.au', '.asia', '.net.nz', '.org.nz',
+ '.geek.nz', '.org.uk', '.eu', '.tv', '.mobi','.us',
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domainLookup', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain transfer checking is not implemented');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $nsList = array();
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns)
+ $nsList[] = $ns->getHost();
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'nameServers' => $nsList,
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('updateDomainNS', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domainInfo', $params);
+ $contact_id = $result->entries[4]->value;
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'nicHandle' => $contact_id,
+ 'contactDetails' => array(
+ 'firstName' => $c->getFirstName(),
+ 'lastName' => $c->getLastName(),
+ 'organisation' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'state' => $c->getState(),
+ 'address1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'address2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'suburb' => $c->getState(),
+ 'postcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'phone' => $c->getTelCc() . $c->getTel(),
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ ),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('contactUpdate', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domainInfo', $params);
+ $contact_id = $result->entries[4]->value;
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'nicHandle' => $contact_id,
+ 'period' => '1',
+ 'authcode' => $this->_getEPP($domain),
+ 'contactDetails' => array(
+ 'firstName' => $c->getFirstName(),
+ 'lastName' => $c->getLastName(),
+ 'organisation' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'state' => $c->getState(),
+ 'address1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'address2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'suburb' => $c->getState(),
+ 'postcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'phone' => $c->getTelCc() . $c->getTel(),
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ ),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('transferDomain', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Should return details of registered domain
+ * If domain is not registered should throw Registrar_Exception
+ * @return Registrar_Domain
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domainInfo', $params);
+ $contact_id = $result->entries[4]->value;
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'nicHandle' => $contact_id,
+ );
+ $result1 = $this->_request('contactInfo', $params);
+ $c = new Registrar_Domain_Contact();
+ $c->setFirstName($result1->entries[0]->value)
+ ->setLastName($result1->entries[8]->value)
+ ->setEmail($result1->entries[6]->value)
+ ->setCompany($result1->entries[3]->value)
+ ->setTel($result1->entries[1]->value)
+ ->setAddress1($result1->entries[10]->value)
+ ->setAddress2($result1->entries[9]->value)
+ ->setCity($result1->entries[2]->value)
+ ->setCountry($result1->entries[12]->value)
+ ->setZip($result1->entries[7]->value);
+ // Add nameservers
+ $nsList = array();
+ foreach ($result->entries as $entry)
+ if (strpos($entry->key, 'ns.name') !== false)
+ {
+ $n = new Registrar_Domain_Nameserver();
+ $n->setHost($entry->value);
+ $nsList[] = $n;
+ }
+ $domain->setNameservers($nsList);
+ $domain->setExpirationTime(strtotime($result->entries[7]->value));
+ $domain->setRegistrationTime(strtotime($result->entries[3]->value));
+ //$domain->setPrivacyEnabled($privacy);
+ $domain->setEpp($this->_getEPP($domain));
+ $domain->setContactRegistrar($c);
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $nsList = array();
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns)
+ {
+ $nsList[] = $ns->getHost();
+ }
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'contactDetails' => array(
+ 'firstName' => $c->getFirstName(),
+ 'lastName' => $c->getLastName(),
+ 'organisation' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'state' => $c->getState(),
+ 'address1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'address2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'suburb' => $c->getState(),
+ 'postcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'phone' => $c->getTelCc() . $c->getTel(),
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ ),
+ 'period' => $domain->getRegistrationPeriod(),
+ 'nameServers' => $nsList,
+ );
+ if ($domain->getTld() == 'au')
+ {
+ $params['eligibility'] = array(
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'au.registrant.name',
+ 'value' => $c->getName(),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'au.registrantid.type',
+ 'value' => 'ABN',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'au.registrant.number',
+ 'value' => 123456789,
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'au.org.type',
+ 'value' => 'Company',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ if ($domain->getTld() == 'asia')
+ {
+ $params['eligibility'] = array(
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'asia.country',
+ 'value' => $c->getCountry(),
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'asia.legal.entity.type',
+ 'value' => 'Natural Person',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'asia.id.form',
+ 'value' => 'Passport',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'asia.id.number',
+ 'value' => $c->getDocumentNr(),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ if ($domain->getTld() == 'ca')
+ {
+ $params['eligibility'] = array(
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'ca.legal.entity.type',
+ 'value' => 'CCO',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'ca.registrant.language',
+ 'value' => 'English',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ if ($domain->getTld() == 'es')
+ {
+ $params['eligibility'] = array(
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'es.id.type',
+ 'value' => 'Other',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'key' => 'es.id.number',
+ 'value' => '123',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ $result = $this->_request('registerDomain', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'period' => '1',
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('renewDomain', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception("Netregistry does not support Privacy protection");
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception("Netregistry does not support Privacy protection");
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Epp code retrieval is not implemented');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain locking is not implemented');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain unlocking is not implemented');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs an api command and returns data.
+ * @param string $command
+ * @param array $params
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function _request($cmd, $params)
+ {
+ $client = new SoapClient(
+ $this->_getApiUrl() . '?wsdl', array(
+ 'login' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'password' => $this->config['password'],
+ )
+ );
+ $client->__setLocation($this->_getApiUrl());
+ $result = $client->$cmd($params);
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($result, true));
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($params, true));
+ if ($result->return->success == 'FALSE')
+ {
+ if (is_array($result->return->errors))
+ {
+ $error_msg = '';
+ foreach ($result->return->errors as $error)
+ $error_msg .= $error->errorMsg . ' ';
+ }
+ else
+ $error_msg = $result->return->errors->errorMsg;
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($error_msg);
+ }
+ return $result->return->fields;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Api URL.
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getApiUrl()
+ {
+ return 'https://theconsole.netregistry.com.au/external/services/ResellerAPIService/';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets transfer (authcode) of the domain.
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getEPP(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ return $this->_request('domainAuthCode', $params)->entries[0]->value;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Opensrs.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Opensrs.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c7c0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Opensrs.php
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+ null,
+ 'key' => null,
+ 'client_user' => null,
+ 'client_pass' => null
+ );
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('CURL extension is not enabled');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['user']) && !empty($options['user'])) {
+ $this->config['user'] = $options['user'];
+ unset($options['user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "OpenSRS" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "OpenSRS Username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['key']) && !empty($options['key'])) {
+ $this->config['key'] = $options['key'];
+ unset($options['key']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "OpenSRS" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "OpenSRS key" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['client_user']) && !empty($options['client_user'])) {
+ $this->config['client_user'] = $options['client_user'];
+ unset($options['client_user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "OpenSRS" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "OpenSRS client username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['client_pass']) && !empty($options['client_pass'])) {
+ $this->config['client_pass'] = $options['client_pass'];
+ unset($options['client_pass']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "OpenSRS" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "OpenSRS client password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ //@todo
+// require_once 'Registrar/opensrs/openSRS_loader.php';
+// require_once 'Registrar/opensrs/spyc.php';
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on OpenSRS via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'OpenSRS Username',
+ 'description'=>'OpenSRS Username'
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'key' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'OpenSRS key',
+ 'description'=>'OpenSRS key',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'client_user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'OpenSRS client username',
+ 'description'=>'The username of the registrant. For more information please visit www.opensrs.com'
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'client_pass' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'OpenSRS client password',
+ 'description'=>'The registrants password. For more information please visit www.opensrs.com',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tells what TLDs can be registered via this adapter
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getTlds()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '.com', '.net', '.org', '.info', '.tel',
+ '.biz', '.name', '.mobi', '.asia',
+ '.co', '.me', '.tv', '.ws', '.xxx',
+ '.at', '.au', '.be', '.bz', '.ca', '.cc',
+ '.ch', '.de', '.dk', '.es', '.eu', '.fr', '.in',
+ '.it', '.li', '.mx', '.nl', '.uk', '.us'
+ );
+ }
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'lookupDomain',
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'selected' => $domain->getTld()
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ $result = $this->_process($data);
+ if ($result)
+ return ($result[0]['status'] == 'available');
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $cookie = $this->_getCookie($domain);
+ $ns = array();
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $nse)
+ {
+ $ns[] = $nse->getHost();
+ }
+ $nameservers = implode(',', $ns);
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'nsAdvancedUpdt',
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'bypass' => '',
+ 'cookie' => $cookie,
+ 'op_type' => 'assign',
+ 'assign_ns' => $nameservers
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ return ((bool) $this->_process($data));
+ }
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $cookie = $this->_getCookie($domain);
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'provUpdateContacts',
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'types' => 'owner,admin,billing,tech',
+ 'cookie' => $cookie
+ ),
+ 'personal' => array(
+ 'first_name' => $c->getFirstName(),
+ 'last_name' => $c->getLastName(),
+ 'phone' => $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'fax' => $c->getFaxCc() . '.' . $c->getFax(),
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'org_name' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'address1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'address2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'address3' => $c->getAddress3(),
+ 'postal_code' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'city' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'url' => '',
+ 'state' => $c->getState(),
+ 'country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'lang_pref' => 'EN'
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ return ((bool) $this->_process($data));
+ }
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'provSWregister',
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'auto_renew' => '0',
+ 'link_domains' => '0',
+ 'f_parkp' => 'Y',
+ 'custom_tech_contact' => '0',
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'period' => '1',
+ 'reg_type' => 'transfer',
+ 'reg_username' => $this->config['client_user'],
+ 'reg_password' => $this->config['client_pass'],
+ 'custom_transfer_nameservers' => '0',
+ 'custom_nameservers' => '0'
+ ),
+ 'personal' => array(
+ 'first_name' => $c->getFirstName(),
+ 'last_name' => $c->getLastName(),
+ 'phone' => $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'fax' => $c->getFaxCc() . '.' . $c->getFax(),
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'org_name' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'address1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'address2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'address3' => $c->getAddress3(),
+ 'postal_code' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'city' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'url' => '',
+ 'state' => 'n/a',
+ 'country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'lang_pref' => 'EN'
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ return ((bool) $this->_process($data));
+ }
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $cookie = $this->_getCookie($domain);
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'lookupGetDomain',
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'cookie' => $cookie,
+ 'bypass' => '',
+ 'type' => 'all_info',
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ $result = $this->_process($data);
+ if ($result)
+ return $this->_createDomainObj($result['attributes'], $domain);
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'provSWregister',
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'custom_tech_contact' => '0',
+ 'custom_nameservers' => '1',
+ 'reg_username' => $this->config['client_user'],
+ 'reg_password' => $this->config['client_pass'],
+ 'reg_type' => 'new',
+ 'period' => $domain->getRegistrationPeriod(),
+ 'handle' => 'process'
+ ),
+ 'personal' => array(
+ 'first_name' => $c->getFirstName(),
+ 'last_name' => $c->getLastName(),
+ 'phone' => $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'fax' => $c->getFaxCc() . '.' . $c->getFax(),
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'org_name' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'address1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'address2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'address3' => $c->getAddress3(),
+ 'postal_code' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'city' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'url' => '',
+ 'state' => 'n/a',
+ 'country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'lang_pref' => 'EN'
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ // add nameservers to the data array
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $nameserver)
+ {
+ $data['data']['name' . $i] = $nameserver->getHost();
+ $data['data']['sortorder' . $i] = $i;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return ((bool) $this->_process($data));
+ }
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'provRenew',
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'auto_renew' => '0',
+ 'currentexpirationyear' => date('Y', $domain->getExpirationTime()),
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'handle' => 'process',
+ 'period' => '1'
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ return ((bool) $this->_process($data));
+ }
+ public function togglePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $cookie = $this->_getCookie($domain);
+ if ($this->_isPrivacyEnabled($domain)) $state = 'disable';
+ else $state = 'enable';
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'provModify',
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'data' => 'whois_privacy_state',
+ 'state' => $state,
+ 'cookie' => $cookie,
+ 'affect_domains' => '0'
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ return ((bool) $this->_process($data));
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Checking if domain can be transfered is disabled for this registrar');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain locking');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain unlocking');
+ }
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection enable');
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection disable');
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support EPP code retrieval');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets session.
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return string
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ private function _getCookie(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'cookieSet',
+ 'data' => array (
+ 'reg_username' => $this->config['client_user'],
+ 'reg_password' => $this->config['client_pass'],
+ 'domain' => $domain->getName()
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ $result = $this->_process($data);
+ if ($result)
+ return $result['attributes']['cookie'];
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($result['response_text']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates domain object from received data array.
+ * @param array $result
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return Registrar_Domain
+ */
+ private function _createDomainObj($result, $domain)
+ {
+ $contact = $result['contact_set']['admin'];
+ $name = implode(' ', array($contact['first_name'], $contact['last_name']));
+ $telCc = explode('.', $contact['phone']);
+ $telCc = $telCc[0];
+ $c = new Registrar_Domain_Contact();
+ $c->setName($name)
+ ->setEmail($contact['email'])
+ ->setCompany($contact['org_name'])
+ ->setTel($contact['phone'])
+ ->setTelCc($telCc)
+ ->setAddress1($contact['address1'])
+ ->setAddress2($contact['address2'])
+ ->setCity($contact['city'])
+ ->setCountry($contact['country'])
+ ->setState($contact['state'])
+ ->setZip($contact['postal_code']);
+ $nsList = array();
+ foreach ($result['nameserver_list'] as $ns)
+ {
+ $n = new Registrar_Domain_Nameserver();
+ $n->setHost($ns['name']);
+ $nsList[] = $n;
+ }
+ $domain->setNameservers($nsList);
+ $domain->setExpirationTime(strtotime($result['expiredate']));
+ $domain->setRegistrationTime(strtotime($result['registry_createdate']));
+ $domain->setContactRegistrar($c);
+ $domain->setEpp($this->_getEPPcode($domain));
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether privacy is enabled
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ private function _isPrivacyEnabled(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $cookie = $this->_getCookie($domain);
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'lookupGetDomain',
+ 'data' => array (
+ 'type' => 'whois_privacy_state',
+ 'cookie' => $cookie,
+ 'bypass' => ''
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ $result = $this->_process($data);
+ return ($result && ($result['attributes']['state'] == 'enabled'));
+ }
+ public function isTestEnv()
+ {
+ return $this->_testMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Api URL
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getApiUrl()
+ {
+ if ($this->isTestEnv())
+ return 'horizon.opensrs.net';
+ return 'rr-n1-tor.opensrs.net';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets domain's EPP code.
+ * @param Registrar_Domain $domain
+ * @return string or bool
+ */
+ private function _getEPPcode(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $cookie = $this->_getCookie($domain);
+ $data = array(
+ 'func' => 'lookupGetDomain',
+ 'data' => array(
+ 'cookie' => $cookie,
+ 'bypass' => '',
+ 'type' => 'domain_auth_info',
+ ),
+ 'user' => $this->config['user'],
+ 'key' => $this->config['key'],
+ 'host' => $this->_getApiUrl()
+ );
+ $result = $this->_process($data);
+ if ($result)
+ return $result['attributes']['domain_auth_info'];
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Process request.
+ * @param array
+ * @return array
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ private function _process($data)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $result = processOpensrs('array', $data)->resultFullRaw;
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
+ }
+ if (($result['response_code'] == 200) && ($result['is_success'] == 1))
+ return $result;
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($result['response_text']);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Planetdomain.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Planetdomain.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..409cda0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Planetdomain.php
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+ null,
+ 'user' => null,
+ 'password' => null,
+ 'client_user' => null,
+ 'client_pass' => null,
+ );
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('CURL extension is not enabled');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['resellerid']) && !empty($options['resellerid'])) {
+ $this->config['resellerid'] = $options['resellerid'];
+ unset($options['resellerid']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "PlanetDomain" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "PlanetDomain Reseller ID" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['user']) && !empty($options['user'])) {
+ $this->config['user'] = $options['user'];
+ unset($options['user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "PlanetDomain" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "PlanetDomain Username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['password']) && !empty($options['password'])) {
+ $this->config['password'] = $options['password'];
+ unset($options['password']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "PlanetDomain" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "PlanetDomain Password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['client_user']) && !empty($options['client_user'])) {
+ $this->config['client_user'] = $options['client_user'];
+ unset($options['client_user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "PlanetDomain" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "PlanetDomain Client Username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['client_pass']) && !empty($options['client_pass'])) {
+ $this->config['client_pass'] = $options['client_pass'];
+ unset($options['client_pass']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "PlanetDomain" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "PlanetDomain Client Password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on PlanetDomain via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'resellerid' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'PlanetDomain Reseller ID',
+ 'description'=>'PlanetDomain Reseller ID',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'PlanetDomain Username',
+ 'description'=>'PlanetDomain Username',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'password' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'PlanetDomain Password',
+ 'description'=>'PlanetDomain Password',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'client_user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'PlanetDomain Client Username',
+ 'description'=>'PlanetDomain Client Username',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'client_pass' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'PlanetDomain Client Password',
+ 'description'=>'PlanetDomain Client Password',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function getTlds()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '.com', '.com.au', '.me.uk', '.co.nz',
+ '.net', '.net.au', '.us.com', '.net.nz',
+ '.org', '.org.au', '.uk.com', '.info',
+ '.mobi', '.asn.au', '.org.uk', '.us',
+ '.asia', '.id.au', '.tv', '.es', '.biz',
+ '.co.uk', '.eu',
+ );
+ }
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain.name' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain.lookup', $params);
+ return $result['domain.status'] == 'AVAILABLE';
+ }
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain.name' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns)
+ {
+ $params['ns.name.' . $i] = $ns->getHost();
+ $params['ns.ip.' . $i++] = gethostbyname($ns->getHost());
+ }
+ $this->_request('domain.update.ns', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain.name' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain.info', $params);
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain.name' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'user.id' => $result['domain.ownerid'],
+ 'user.firstname' => $c->getFirstName(),
+ 'user.lastname' => $c->getLastName(),
+ 'user.company' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'user.address1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'user.address2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'user.suburb' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'user.postcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'user.state' => $c->getState(),
+ 'user.country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'user.phone' => $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'user.email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('user.update', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain.name' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain.info', $params);
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain.name' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'user.id' => $result['domain.ownerid'],
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain.transfer', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain.name' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain.info', $params);
+ $params = array(
+ 'user.id' => $result['domain.ownerid'],
+ );
+ $user = $this->_request('user.info', $params);
+ $tel = explode(".", $user['user.phone']);
+ // Update domain
+ $c = new Registrar_Domain_Contact();
+ $c->setFirstName($user['user.firstname'])
+ ->setLastName($user['user.lastname'])
+ ->setEmail($user['user.email'])
+ ->setCompany($user['user.company'])
+ ->setTel($tel[1])
+ ->setTelCc($tel[0])
+ ->setAddress1($user['user.address1'])
+ ->setAddress2($user['user.address2'])
+ ->setCity($user['user.suburb'])
+ ->setCountry($user['user.country'])
+ ->setZip($user['user.postcode']);
+ // Add nameservers
+ $ns_list = array();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
+ if (!isset($result['ns.name.' . $i])) {
+ $n = new Registrar_Domain_Nameserver();
+ $n->setHost($result['ns.name.' . $i]);
+ $ns_list[] = $n;
+ }
+ }
+ $domain->setNameservers($ns_list);
+ $domain->setExpirationTime(strtotime($result['domain.expirydate']));
+ $domain->setRegistrationTime(strtotime($result['domain.createddate']));
+// $domain->setPrivacyEnabled($privacy);
+ $domain->setEpp($this->_getEPP($domain));
+ $domain->setContactRegistrar($c);
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ // Register new user and get id
+ $params = array(
+ 'user.firstname' => $c->getFirstName(),
+ 'user.lastname' => $c->getLastName(),
+ 'user.address1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'user.address2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'user.suburb' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'user.postcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'user.state' => $c->getState(),
+ 'user.country' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'user.phone' => '+' . $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'user.email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'user.username' => $this->config['client_user'],
+ 'user.password' => $this->config['client_pass'],
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('user.add', $params);
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain.name' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'owner.id' => $result['user.id'],
+ 'tech.id' => $result['user.id'],
+ 'admin.id' => $result['user.id'],
+ 'billing.id' => $result['user.id'],
+ 'register.period' => $domain->getRegistrationPeriod(),
+ );
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns)
+ {
+ $params['ns.name.' . $i] = $ns->getHost();
+ $params['ns.ip.' . $i++] = gethostbyname($ns->getIp());
+ }
+ if ($domain->getTld() == 'us')
+ {
+ $params['us.intended_use'] = P3;
+ $params['us.nexus_category'] = C11;
+ }
+ if ($domain->getTld() == 'com.au')
+ {
+ $params['au.org.type'] = 'NONPROFIT';
+ $params['au.registrant.name'] = $domain->getContactRegistrar()->getName();
+ }
+ $this->_request('domain.register', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain.name' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'register.period' => $domain->getRegistrationPeriod(),
+ );
+ $this->_request('domain.renew', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Checking if domain can be transfered is disabled for this registrar');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain locking');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain unlocking');
+ }
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection enable');
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection disable');
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support EPP code retrieval');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs an api command and returns parsed data.
+ * @param string $cmd
+ * @param array $params
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function _request($cmd, $params)
+ {
+ // Set authentication params
+ $params['operation'] = $cmd;
+ $params['admin.username'] = $this->config['user'];
+ $params['admin.password'] = $this->config['password'];
+ $params['reseller.id'] = $this->config['resellerid'];
+ $curl_opts = array(
+ CURLOPT_URL => $this->_getApiUrl(),
+ CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($params),
+ );
+ $ch = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_opts);
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ if ($result === false) {
+ $e = new Registrar_Exception(sprintf('CurlException: "%s"', curl_error($ch)));
+ $this->getLog()->err($e);
+ curl_close($ch);
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ curl_close($ch);
+ $return = array();
+ $splitResult = explode("\n", $result);
+ foreach ($splitResult as $str) {
+ if (strlen($str)) {
+ $splitStr = explode("=", trim($str));
+ $return[$splitStr[0]] = $splitStr[1];
+ }
+ }
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($params, true));
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($return, true));
+ if ($return['success'] == 'FALSE') {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($return['error.desc.0']);
+ }
+ return $return;
+ }
+ public function isTestEnv()
+ {
+ return $this->_testMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Api URL.
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getApiUrl()
+ {
+ if ($this->isTestEnv())
+ return 'https://test-www.planetdomain.com/servlet/TLDServlet';
+ return 'https://api.planetdomain.com/servlet/TLDServlet';
+ }
+ private function _getEPP(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain.name' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'user.id' => $this->config['client_user'],
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('domain.authcode', $params);
+ return $result['domain.password'];
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Realtimeregister.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Realtimeregister.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bc48a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Realtimeregister.php
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+ null,
+ 'password' => null,
+ );
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('CURL extension is not enabled');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['user']) && !empty($options['user'])) {
+ $this->config['user'] = $options['user'];
+ unset($options['user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "RealtimeRegister" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "RealtimeRegister Username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['password']) && !empty($options['password'])) {
+ $this->config['password'] = $options['password'];
+ unset($options['password']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "RealtimeRegister" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "RealtimeRegister Password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on RealtimeRegister via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'RealtimeRegister Username',
+ 'description'=>'RealtimeRegister Username',
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'password' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'RealtimeRegister Password',
+ 'description'=>'RealtimeRegister Password',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function getTlds()
+ {
+ return array(
+ '.nl', '.com', '.net', '.org', '.info', '.eu',
+ '.co.uk', '.me', '.be', '.biz','.de', '.dk',
+ '.ch', '.es', '.com.es', '.org.es', '.nom.es',
+ '.eu', '.li', '.me', '.nl', '.se', '.me.uk',
+ '.co.uk', '.org.uk', '.ltd.uk', '.plc.uk', '.net.uk', '.ae',
+ '.am', '.cc', '.fm', '.in', '.co.in', '.firm.in', '.gen.in',
+ '.ind.in', '.net.in', '.org.in', '.mobi', '.name', '.nu', '.tel',
+ '.to', '.tv',
+ );
+ }
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $result = $this->_request('domains/' . $domain->getName() . '/check');
+ return $result->{$domain->getName()}->avail == 1;
+ }
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ // Send empty array to remove previous nameservers
+ $ns_list = array();
+ $params = array(
+ 'ns' => $ns_list,
+ );
+ $this->_request('domains/' . $domain->getName() . '/update', $params);
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns) {
+ $ns_list[] = array(
+ 'host' => $ns->getHost(),
+ );
+ }
+ $params = array(
+ 'ns' => $ns_list,
+ );
+ $this->_request('domains/' . $domain->getName() . '/update', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $result = $this->_request('domains/' . $domain->getName() . '/info');
+ $params = array(
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'name' => $c->getName(),
+ 'street' => array(
+ $c->getAddress1(),
+ $c->getAddress2(),
+ $c->getAddress3(),
+ ),
+ 'city' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'sp' => $c->getState(),
+ 'pc' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'cc' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'voice' => '+' . $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'fax' => ($c->getFax() ? '+' . $c->getFaxCc() . '.' . $c->getFax() : ''),
+ );
+ $this->_request('contacts/' . $result->registrant . '/update', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $result = $this->_request('domains/' . $domain->getName() . '/info');
+ $params = array(
+ 'auth' => $domain->getEpp(),
+ 'request_type' => 'transfer',
+ 'registrant' => $result->registrant,
+ 'admin' => $result->admin,
+ 'tech' => $result->tech,
+ 'billing' => $result->billing,
+ );
+ $this->_request('domains/' . $domain->getname() . '/transfer', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $result = $this->_request('domains/' . $domain->getName() . '/info');
+ $contact = $this->_request('contacts/' . $result->registrant . '/info');
+ $tel = explode('.', $contact->voice);
+ $c = new Registrar_Domain_Contact();
+ $c->setName($contact->name)
+ ->setEmail($contact->email)
+ ->setTel($tel[1])
+ ->setTelCc($tel[0])
+ ->setCity($contact->city)
+ ->setCountry($contact->cc)
+ ->setZip($contact->pc);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
+ if (isset($contact->street[$i])) {
+ $c->{'setAddress' . ($i + 1)}($contact->street[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add nameservers
+ $ns_list = array();
+ foreach ($result->ns as $ns)
+ {
+ $n = new Registrar_Domain_Nameserver();
+ $n->setHost($ns->host);
+ $ns_list[] = $n;
+ }
+ $domain->setNameservers($ns_list);
+ $domain->setExpirationTime($result->exDate);
+ $domain->setRegistrationTime($result->crDate);
+ $domain->setEpp((isset($result->pw) ? $result->pw : ''));
+ $domain->setContactRegistrar($c);
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $ns_list = array();
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns) {
+ $ns_list[] = array(
+ 'host' => $ns->getHost(),
+ );
+ }
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $params = array(
+ 'ns' => $ns_list,
+ 'contact_data' => array(
+ 'registrant' => array(
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'name' => $c->getName(),
+ 'street' => array(
+ $c->getAddress1(),
+ $c->getAddress2(),
+ $c->getAddress3(),
+ ),
+ 'city' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'sp' => $c->getState(),
+ 'pc' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'cc' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'voice' => '+' . $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ ),
+ 'tech' => array(
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'name' => $c->getName(),
+ 'street' => array(
+ $c->getAddress1(),
+ $c->getAddress2(),
+ $c->getAddress3(),
+ ),
+ 'city' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'sp' => $c->getState(),
+ 'pc' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'cc' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'voice' => '+' . $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'fax' => ($c->getFax() ? '+' . $c->getFaxCc() . '.' . $c->getFax() : ''),
+ ),
+ 'admin' => array(
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'name' => $c->getName(),
+ 'street' => array(
+ $c->getAddress1(),
+ $c->getAddress2(),
+ $c->getAddress3(),
+ ),
+ 'city' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'sp' => $c->getState(),
+ 'pc' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'cc' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'voice' => '+' . $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ ),
+ 'billing' => array(
+ 'email' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'name' => $c->getName(),
+ 'street' => array(
+ $c->getAddress1(),
+ $c->getAddress2(),
+ $c->getAddress3(),
+ ),
+ 'city' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'sp' => $c->getState(),
+ 'pc' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'cc' => $c->getCountry(),
+ 'voice' => '+' . $c->getTelCc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ $this->_request('domains/' . $domain->getName() . '/create', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'curExpDate' => $domain->getExpirationTime(),
+ );
+ $this->_request('domains/' . $domain->getName() . '/renew', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Checking if domain can be transfered is disabled for this registrar');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain locking');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support domain unlocking');
+ }
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection enable');
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support privacy protection disable');
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Exception('Registrar does not support EPP code retrieval');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs an api command and returns parsed data.
+ * @param string $cmd
+ * @param array $params
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function _request($cmd, $params = array())
+ {
+ $params['login_handle'] = $this->config['user'];
+ $params['login_pass'] = $this->config['password'];
+ $curl_opts = array(
+ CURLOPT_URL => $this->_getApiUrl() . $cmd,
+ 'Content-Type: application/json',
+ 'Accept: application/json',
+ ),
+ CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode($params),
+ );
+ $ch = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_opts);
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ if ($result === false) {
+ $e = new Registrar_Exception(sprintf('CurlException: "%s"', curl_error($ch)));
+ $this->getLog()->err($e);
+ curl_close($ch);
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ $result = json_decode($result);
+ $this->getLog()->debug($this->_getApiUrl() . $cmd);
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($params, true));
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($result, true));
+ curl_close($ch);
+ if (strpos($result->code, '100') === false) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($result->msg . "\n" . implode("\n", $result->error));
+ }
+ return $result->response;
+ }
+ public function isTestEnv()
+ {
+ return $this->_testMode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Api URL.
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function _getApiUrl()
+ {
+ if ($this->isTestEnv()) {
+ return 'https://httpapi.realtimeregister-ote.com/v1/';
+ }
+ return 'https://httpapi.yoursrs.com/v1/';
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Resellone.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Resellone.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09b8af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/Resellone.php
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+config['user'] = $options['user'];
+ unset($options['user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "ResellOne" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "ReselleOne Username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['key']) && !empty($options['key'])) {
+ $this->config['key'] = $options['key'];
+ unset($options['key']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "ResellOne" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "ReselleOne key" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['client_user']) && !empty($options['client_user'])) {
+ $this->config['client_user'] = $options['client_user'];
+ unset($options['client_user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "ResellOne" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "ResellOne client username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['client_pass']) && !empty($options['client_pass'])) {
+ $this->config['client_pass'] = $options['client_pass'];
+ unset($options['client_pass']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "ResellOne" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "ResellOne client password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on ReselleOne via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'ResellOne Username',
+ 'description'=>'ResellOne Username'
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'key' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'ResellOne key',
+ 'description'=>'ResellOne key',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'client_user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'ResellOne client username',
+ 'description'=>'The username of the registrant. For more information please visit www.resellone.net'
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'client_pass' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'ResellOne client password',
+ 'description'=>'The registrants password. For more information please visit www.resellone.net',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ protected function _getApiUrl()
+ {
+ if ($this->isTestEnv())
+ return 'horizon.opensrs.net';
+ return 'resellers.resellone.net';
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/TPPInternet.php b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/TPPInternet.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..895203e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bb-library/Registrar/Adapter/TPPInternet.php
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+ null,
+ 'password' => null,
+ );
+ public function __construct($options)
+ {
+ if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('CURL extension is not enabled');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['user']) && !empty($options['user'])) {
+ $this->config['user'] = $options['user'];
+ unset($options['user']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "TPP Internet" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "TPP Internet Username" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ if(isset($options['password']) && !empty($options['password'])) {
+ $this->config['password'] = $options['password'];
+ unset($options['password']);
+ } else {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain registrar "TPP Internet" is not configured properly. Please update configuration parameter "TPP Internet Password" at "Configuration -> Domain registration".');
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getConfig()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'label' => 'Manages domains on TPP Internet via API',
+ 'form' => array(
+ 'user' => array('text', array(
+ 'label' => 'TPP Internet Username',
+ 'description'=>'TPP Internet Username'
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'password' => array('password', array(
+ 'label' => 'TPP Internet password',
+ 'description'=>'TPP Internet password',
+ 'renderPassword' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return array of TLDs current Registar is capable to register
+ * If function returns empty array, this registrar can register any TLD
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getTlds()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'com', 'net', 'org', 'biz', 'info',
+ 'eu', 'asia', 'co', 'jobs', 'mobi',
+ 'tel', 'travel', 'com.au', 'net.au',
+ 'org.au', 'asn.au', 'id.au',
+ 'co.uk', 'org.uk', 'me.uk',
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function isDomainAvailable(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'domain' => $domain->getSld(),
+ 'suffixes' => $domain->getTld(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('availability/check', $params);
+ return isset($result['available'])
+ && ($result['available'] == $domain->getName());
+ }
+ public function isDomainCanBeTransfered(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain transfer checking is not implemented');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function modifyNs(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'TransactionType' => 'DELEGATION',
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $i = 1;
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns) {
+ $params['NameServer' . $i] = $ns->getHost();
+ $params['NameServer' . $i++ . 'IP'] = gethostbyname($ns->getHost());
+ }
+ $result = $this->_request('updates/domainupdate', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function modifyContact(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $params = array(
+ 'TransactionType' => 'CONTACT_UPDATE',
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'RegistrantFirstName' => $c->getFirstname(),
+ 'RegistrantLastName' => $c->getLastname(),
+ 'RegistrantCompanyName' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'RegistrantEmail' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'RegistrantPhone' => '+' . $c->getTelcc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'RegistrantAddressLine1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'RegistrantAddressLine2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'RegistrantSuburb' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'RegistrantPostcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'RegistrantState' => $c->getState(),
+ 'RegistrantCountry' => $c->getCountry(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('updates/domainupdate', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function transferDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'RequestType' => 'T',
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('orderrequest', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Should return details of registered domain
+ * If domain is not registered should throw Registrar_Exception
+ * @return Registrar_Domain
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function getDomainDetails(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('info/DomainInfo', $params);
+ $tel = explode(".", $result['RegistrantPhone']);
+ $c = new Registrar_Domain_Contact();
+ $c->setName($result['RegistrantFirstName'] . ' ' . $result['RegistrantLastName'])
+ ->setEmail($result['RegistrantEmail'])
+ ->setTel($tel[1])
+ ->setTelCc($tel[0])
+ ->setAddress1($result['RegistrantAddress1'])
+ ->setAddress2($result['RegistrantAddress2'])
+ ->setCity($result['RegistrantSuburb'])
+ ->setCountry($result['RegistrantCountry'])
+ ->setState($result['RegistrantState'])
+ ->setZip($result['RegistrantPostcode']);
+ // Add nameservers
+ $ns_list = array();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
+ $n = new Registrar_Domain_Nameserver();
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $n->setHost($result['PrimaryNameServer']);
+ } else {
+ $n->setHost($result['SecondaryNameServer' . $i]);
+ }
+ $ns_list[] = $n;
+ if (!isset($result['SecondaryNameServer' . $i + 1])) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $domain->setNameservers($ns_list);
+ $domain->setExpirationTime(strtotime($result['ExpiryDate']));
+ $domain->setContactRegistrar($c);
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ public function deleteDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Registrar does not support domain removal.');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function registerDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $c = $domain->getContactRegistrar();
+ $params = array(
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'RequestType' => 'R',
+ 'Period' => $domain->getRegistrationPeriod(),
+ 'RegistrantFirstName' => $c->getFirstname(),
+ 'RegistrantLastName' => $c->getLastname(),
+ 'RegistrantCompanyName' => $c->getCompany(),
+ 'RegistrantEmail' => $c->getEmail(),
+ 'RegistrantPhone' => '+' . $c->getTelcc() . '.' . $c->getTel(),
+ 'RegistrantAddressLine1' => $c->getAddress1(),
+ 'RegistrantAddressLine2' => $c->getAddress2(),
+ 'RegistrantSuburb' => $c->getCity(),
+ 'RegistrantPostcode' => $c->getZip(),
+ 'RegistrantState' => $c->getState(),
+ 'RegistrantCountry' => $c->getCountry(),
+ );
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($domain->getNameservers() as $ns) {
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $params['PrimaryNS'] = $ns->getHost();
+ $params['PrimaryNSIP'] = gethostbyname($ns->getHost());
+ } else {
+ $params['SecondaryNS' . $i] = $ns->getHost();
+ $params['SecondaryNS' . $i . 'IP'] = gethostbyname($ns->getHost());
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $this->_request('orderrequest', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function renewDomain(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ $params = array(
+ 'TransactionType' => 'RENEWAL',
+ 'DomainName' => $domain->getName(),
+ 'Period' => 1,
+ );
+ $result = $this->_request('updates/domainupdate', $params);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws Registrar_Exception
+ */
+ public function enablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('TPPInternet Registrar does not support Privacy protection.');
+ }
+ public function disablePrivacyProtection(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('TPPInternet Registrar does not support Privacy protection.');
+ }
+ public function getEpp(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Epp code retrieval is not implemented');
+ }
+ public function lock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain locking is not implemented');
+ }
+ public function unlock(Registrar_Domain $domain)
+ {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception('Domain unlocking is not implemented');
+ }
+ private function _request($cmd, $params)
+ {
+ $params['ClientID'] = $this->config['user'];
+ $params['ClientPassword'] = $this->config['password'];
+ $url = $this->_getApiUrl() . $cmd . '.php' . '?' . http_build_query($params);
+ $ch = curl_init($url);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ $this->getLog()->debug($url);
+ $this->getLog()->debug(print_r($result, true));
+ $matches = array();
+ if (preg_match('/1170#
#(.*?)#/i', $result, $matches)) {
+ throw new Registrar_Exception($matches[1]);
+ }
+ return $this->_parseResponse($result);
+ }
+ private function _parseResponse($result) {
+ $return = array();
+ $result = str_replace(' ', '', $result);
+ $result = explode("
", $result);
+ foreach ($result as $r) {
+ $matches = array();
+ if (preg_match('/([\w\d]+):([^<#\n]+)/', $r, $matches)) {
+ $return[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
+ }
+ }
+ return $return;
+ }
+ private function _getApiUrl()
+ {
+ if ($this->isTestEnv()) {
+ return 'https://ssl.twoplums.com.au/tppautomation/test/';
+ }
+ return 'https://ssl.twoplums.com.au/tppautomation/production/';
+ }
+ public function isTestEnv()
+ {
+ return $this->_testMode;
+ }
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