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Releases: boxbeam/RedLib

Improvements to MultiBlockStructure and ProtectionPolicy

13 Aug 18:36
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  • You can now specify a block type to skip when scanning a structure, in case that type was used to select the corners
  • You can now register custom events to be protected by a ProtectionPolicy using ProtectionPolicy#registerProtection and ProtectionPolicy#registerProtectionNonCancellable

Breaking changes to ConfigManager, changes to make dependencies more reload-safe, optimizations

06 Aug 15:51
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  • ConfigMap#postInit has been removed, as it was causing issues. Create a method called postInit with no arguments.
  • ProtectionPolicies will now unregister themselves if the plugin which created them is disabled
  • Region#getChunks and Region#getEntities have been optimized because World#getChunkAt is evidently an expensive operation. Chunks are now cached by Regions after one call, and Region#getEntities no longer loads chunks to check for entities unless specified to.

Minor improvements and bugfixes

04 Aug 21:39
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  • Structure#getRegion now returns the correct region regardless of rotation
  • LocationUtils#getNearestSafeLocation is now more accurate

Various fixes and improvements

03 Aug 19:30
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  • CustomBlockRegistry no longer throws an exception when breaking a custom block
  • Commands registered through CommandManager will now be unregistered when the plugin that registered them is disabled
  • InventoryGUI now cancels InventoryDragEvents which are in non-open slots in the GUI
  • ItemUtils now has a utility method to clone an inventory (cannot be opened, but supports other operations)

Refactored WeightedRandom to work with decimal weights

02 Aug 16:33
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Backwards compatibility was mostly preserved, but is deprecated and may be removed in the future.

Reworked internals of Hologram utility, it is now much more reliable

30 Jul 17:32
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Reworked internal parts of the Hologram utility, it is now much more …

Various tweaks and minor improvements, progress on custom world generation

27 Jul 17:15
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Various tweaks to the API, progress on custom world generation

Major improvements to various parts of the API, introduced a WIP world generation API

25 Jul 00:33
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Minor bugfixes

21 Jul 01:46
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BlockDataManager will no longer throw NPEs when attempting to load blocks from worlds that have not yet been loaded
NMSHelper will now find methods more smartly

Added NMS helper and packet listener

20 Jul 21:07
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You can now easily work with NMS classes and objects using RedLib
There is also now a built-in packet listener that allows you to easily listen to incoming and outgoing packets