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The Open Note Command

bordaigorl edited this page Feb 16, 2015 · 3 revisions

The command to open/search a note is


it accepts the following arguments:

Argument Description
note_guid The unique id of a note to be opened
from_notebook A notebook's title
with_tags A list of tags
by_searching A bool, a string or {"snippet": template} (see below)
order One of created, updated, relevance or title
ascending If true order in ascending order
convert If true convert the contents to Markdown (default is true)


In a keymap

 { "keys": ["super+e"], "command": "open_evernote_note", "args": {"by_searching": "tag:todo"} }

or from the console/a plugin

 window.run_command("open_evernote_note", {"by_searching": "tag:todo "+view.substr(view.sel()[0])})


The open_evernote_note command's arguments control how the note to be opened is selected.

If note_guid is specified, the other arguments are ignored and the note with the specified guid is opened, if found. This can be helpful in defining a key-binding that opens a favourite note.

If note_guid is not specified then a palette with a list of notes will be shown so the user can select the one to be opened. The notes in the palette are filtered according to the other arguments as follows.

If from_notebook and/or with_tags are specified, the notes in the palette will be filtered by notebook and tags. The by_searching argument can be:

  • true then a prompt will ask for a query and the palette will show the results of the search.

  • A string representing a search query: it will be used as the query without prompting. The search query can be an expression as documented here.

  • An object {"snippet": template}: the template string follows the Sublime Text Snippets' syntax. When the search prompt is presented, the prompt will be initialised with the snippet. Example:

     { "keys": ["super+shift+e"], "command": "open_evernote_note", "args": {"by_searching": {"snippet": "tag:${1:food} $0"}}}

The from_notebook and with_tags arguments will also be used to filter the results if set. This can be useful to define key-bindings to saved searches.

The order and ascending control the order of the notes displayed in the palette.

The max_notes setting controls the maximum number of notes that can be displayed in the palette. The notes_order and notes_order_ascending settings set the default ordering. These settings can be changed in Evernote.sublime-settings.

If a search has only one result, the pallette is not displayed and the note is opened directly, unless the open_single_result setting is set to false.

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