All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is (loosely) based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- recursive mode lints assets stac-utils#84
- recursive mode swaps pystac for stac-validator stac-utils#84
- fix catalog file name check stac-utils#83
- Option to include a configuration file to ignore selected checks
- Change name from stac_check to stac-check in setup for cli
- Fix thumbnail size check
- Fix self-link test
- Make it easier to export linting messages
- Set stac-validator version to 2.4.0
- Loosen stac-validator version
- Update readme
- Reorganized code for version 1.0.0 release
- Import main validator as stac-validator was updated to 2.3.0
- Added best practices docuument to repo
- Recommend 'self' link in links
- Check catalogs and collections use 'catalog.json' or 'collection.json' as a file name
- Check that links in collections and catalogs have a title field
- Recommend that eo:bands or similar information is provided in collection summaries
- Check for small thumbnail image file type
- Check for bloated metadata, too many fields in properties
- Check for geometry field, recommend that STAC not be used for non-spatial data
- Changed bloated links check to a boolean to mirror bloated metadata
- Check for null datetime
- Check for unlocated items, bbox should be set to null if geometry is
- Added github actions to test and push to pypi
- Added makefile, dockerfile
- Removed pipenv
- Best practices - searchable identifiers - lowercase, numbers, '_' or '-' for id names
- Best practices ensure item ids don't contain ':' or '/' characters - Best practices check for item ids to see if they match file names
- Add url support, check for valid urls, validate urls
- Add pystac validate_all to new cli option -> recursive
- Update pystac from 0.5.6 to 1.1.0
- Move stac-validator 2.3.0 into repository
- Best practices check for too many links in object
- Best practices check for summaries in collections
- Validation from stac-validator 2.3.0
- Links and assets validation checks