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Analysis of developing and testing software that depends on a database

Elena Bondareva edited this page Aug 7, 2018 · 8 revisions

Introduction into xUnit

xUnit is a collective name for several unit testing frameworks (JUnit for Java, RUnit for R, etc.). All xUnit frameworks share basic component architecture:

  • Test Runner - an application that instantiates a Test Suite Object and executes all the Testcase Objects it contains.
  • Test Case - a procedure, whether manually executed or automated, that can be used to verify that the system under test (SUT) is behaving as expected. Often called a test case.
  • Test Fixture - all the things we need to have in place to run a test and expect a particular outcome (i.e., the test context). Some variants of xUnit keep the concept of the test context separate from the Testcase Class that creates it; JUnit and its direct ports fall into this camp.
  • Test Suit - a way to name a collection of tests that we want to run together.
  • Test Run - a test or test suite can be run many times, each time yielding a different test result. Some commercial test automation tools record the results of each test run for prosperity.
  • Assertions - a statement that something should be true. In xUnit-style Test Automation Frameworks, an assertion takes the form of an Assertion Method that fails when the actual outcome passed to it does not match the expected outcome.

Testing with Database

Issues with Databases


Techniques for testing with databases


Variants of xUnit

spring-test-dbunit comprises Junit, DbUnit

It uses one of xUnit patterns Four-Phase Test answering the question: How do we structure our test logic to make what we are testing obvious?

Each test has four distinct phases that are executed in sequence: fixture setup, exercise SUT, result verification, and fixture teardown. Why? The test reader must be able to quickly determine what behavior the test is verifying.

  • Fixture setup establishes the SUT’s state prior to the test, which is an important input to the test.
  • The exercise SUT phase is where we actually run the software we are testing.
  • The result verification phase of the test is where we specify the expected outcome.
  • The final phase, fixture teardown, is all about housekeeping.


Use cases

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