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Files Rocket

This package is a configurable rocket to add a storage API to your Booster applications.

Supported Providers

  • Azure Provider
  • Local Provider


This rocket provides some methods to access files stores in your cloud provider:

  • presignedPut: Returns a presigned put url and the necessary form params. With this url files can be uploaded directly to your provider.
  • presignedGet: Returns a presigned get url to download a file. With this url files can be downloaded directly from your provider.
  • list: Returns a list of files stored in the provider.

These methods may be used from a Command in your project secured via JWT Token.

This rocket also provides a Booster Event each time a file is uploaded.


Install needed dependency packages:

npm install --save @boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-core @boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-types

Depending on your provider you could need some of the following dependency packages:

Azure Provider:

npm install --save @boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-azure

Local Provider:

npm install --save @boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-local

Also, you will need a devDependency in your project, depending on your provider:

Azure Provider

npm install --save-dev @boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-azure-infrastructure

Local Provider:

npm install --save-dev @boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-local-infrastructure

In your Booster config file, configure your BoosterRocketFiles:

import { Booster } from '@boostercloud/framework-core'
import { BoosterConfig } from '@boostercloud/framework-types'
import { BoosterRocketFiles } from '@boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-core'
import { RocketFilesUserConfiguration } from '@boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-types'

const rocketFilesConfigurationDefault: RocketFilesUserConfiguration = {
  storageName: 'clientst',
  containerName: 'rocketfiles',
  directories: ['client1', 'client2'],

const rocketFilesConfigurationCms: RocketFilesUserConfiguration = {
  storageName: 'cmsst',
  containerName: 'rocketfiles',
  directories: ['cms1', 'cms2'],

const APP_NAME = 'test'

// Azure Config:
Booster.configure('production', (config: BoosterConfig): void => {
  config.appName = APP_NAME
  config.providerPackage = '@boostercloud/framework-provider-azure'
  config.rockets = [
    new BoosterRocketFiles(config, [rocketFilesConfigurationDefault, rocketFilesConfigurationCms]).rocketForAzure(),

// Local Config:
Booster.configure('local', (config: BoosterConfig): void => {
  config.appName = APP_NAME
  config.providerPackage = '@boostercloud/framework-provider-local'
  config.rockets = [
    new BoosterRocketFiles(config, [rocketFilesConfigurationDefault, rocketFilesConfigurationCms]).rocketForLocal(),

Available parameters are:

  • storageName: Name of the storage repository.
  • containerName: Directories container.
  • directories A list of dirs to be watched, or glob patterns

[!NOTE] Azure Provider will use storageName as the Storage Account Name. Local Provider will use it as the root folder name

The structure created for Azure and the Local Provider will be:

  • storage
    • container
      • directory

[!NOTE] Azure and Local provider urls are not equals. For Local you will need to use: http://localhost:3000/storageName/containerName/filename.ext but for Azure: http://storageAccountUrl:3000/containerName/filename.ext

PresignedPut Usage

Azure & Local

Create a command in your application and call the presignedPut method on the FileHandler class with the directory and filename you want to upload on the storage.

The storageName parameter is optional. It will use the first storage if undefined.

import { Booster, Command } from '@boostercloud/framework-core'
import { Register } from '@boostercloud/framework-types'
import { FileHandler } from '@boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-core'

  authorize: 'all',
export class FileUploadPut {
  public constructor(readonly directory: string, readonly fileName: string, readonly storageName?: string) {}

  public static async handle(command: FileUploadPut, register: Register): Promise<string> {
    const boosterConfig = Booster.config
    const fileHandler = new FileHandler(boosterConfig, command.storageName)
    return await fileHandler.presignedPut(, command.fileName)

Mutation example:

mutation {
  FileUploadPut(input: {
    storageName: "clientst",
    directory: "client1",
    fileName: "myfile.txt"

This returns the following payload:

  "data": {
    "FileUploadPut": "<SAS>"

Note: For Local Provider, the url will be simpler:

  "data": {
    "FileUploadPut": "http://localhost:3000/clientst/rocketfiles/client1/myfile.txt"

That can be used in a new PUT rest call replacing the AZ_URL with the FileUploadPut field from the previous response:


DATE_NOW=$(date -Ru | sed 's/\+0000/GMT/')

curl -v -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
-H "x-ms-date: ${DATE_NOW}" \
-H "x-ms-version: ${AZ_VERSION}" \
-H "x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob" \
--data-binary @"${FILE_PATH}" \

For Local Provider, the request could be:


DATE_NOW=$(date -Ru | sed 's/\+0000/GMT/')

curl -v -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
-H "x-ms-date: ${DATE_NOW}" \
-H "x-ms-version: ${AZ_VERSION}" \
-H "x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob" \
--data-binary @"${FILE_PATH}" \

Local Provider will write files on .<storageName>/rocketfiles folder

Note: Azure will return a 201 status but Local will return a 200

PresignedGet Usage

Create a command in your application and call the presignedGet method on the FileHandler class with the directory and filename you want to get on the storage.

The storageName parameter is optional. It will use the first storage if undefined.

import { Booster, Command } from '@boostercloud/framework-core'
import { Register } from '@boostercloud/framework-types'
import { FileHandler } from '@boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-core'

  authorize: 'all',
export class FileUploadGet {
  public constructor(readonly directory: string, readonly fileName: string, readonly storageName?: string) {}

  public static async handle(command: FileUploadGet, register: Register): Promise<string> {
    const boosterConfig = Booster.config
    const fileHandler = new FileHandler(boosterConfig, command.storageName)
    return await fileHandler.presignedGet(, command.fileName)

Mutation example:

mutation {
  FileUploadGet(input: {
    storageName: "clientst",
    directory: "client1",
    fileName: "myfile.txt"

This returns the following payload:

  "data": {
    "FileUploadGet": "<SAS>"

NOTE: For Local Provider, the url will be simpler:

  "data": {
    "FileUploadGet": "http://localhost:3000/clientst/rocketfiles/client1/myfile.txt"

That can be used in a new GET rest call with the FileUploadGet field from the previous response:

curl --request GET '<FileUploadGet>'

List Usage

Create a command in your application and call the list method on the FileHandler class with the directory you want to get the info and return the formatted results.

The storageName parameter is optional. It will use the first storage if undefined.

import { Booster, Command } from '@boostercloud/framework-core'
import { Register } from '@boostercloud/framework-types'
import { FileHandler } from '@boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-core'
import { ListItem } from '@boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-types'

  authorize: 'all',
export class FileUploadList {
  public constructor(readonly directory: string, readonly storageName?: string) {}

  public static async handle(command: FileUploadList, register: Register): Promise<Array<ListItem>> {
    const boosterConfig = Booster.config
    const fileHandler = new FileHandler(boosterConfig, command.storageName)
    return await fileHandler.list(

Mutation example:

mutation {
  FileUploadList(input: {
    storageName: "clientst",
    directory: "client1"

This returns the following payload in Azure:

  "data": {
    "FileUploadList": [
        "name": "client1/myfile.txt",
        "properties": {
          "createdOn": "2022-10-26T05:40:47.000Z",
          "lastModified": "2022-10-26T05:40:47.000Z",
          "contentLength": 6,
          "contentType": "text/plain"

Local Provider payload:

  "data": {
    "FileUploadList": [
        "name": "client1/myfile.txt",
        "properties": {
          "lastModified": "2022-10-26T10:35:18.905Z"

Uploaded files event Usage

Create a Booster ReadModel to provide a view of the files uploaded to a directory

import { Projects, ReadModel } from '@boostercloud/framework-core'
import { ProjectionResult } from '@boostercloud/framework-types'
import { UploadedFileEntity } from '@boostercloud/rocket-file-uploads-types'

  authorize: 'all',
export class UploadedFileEntityReadModel {
  public constructor(public id: string, readonly metadata: unknown) {

  @Projects(UploadedFileEntity, 'id')
  public static projectUploadedFileEntity(
    entity: UploadedFileEntity,
    currentUploadedFileEntityReadModel?: UploadedFileEntityReadModel
  ): ProjectionResult<UploadedFileEntity> {
    return new UploadedFileEntityReadModel(, entity.metadata)

Mutation example:

query {
  ListUploadedFileReadModels(filter: {}) {
    items {

This returns the following payload:

  "data": {
    "ListUploadedFileReadModels": {
      "items": [
          "id": "f119ef635226888dd1bacd734f8955db",
      "metadata": {
      		// A bunch of fields (depending on Azure) 
      "count": 1,
      "cursor": {
        "id": "1"

For Local

  "data": {
    "ListUploadedFileEntityReadModels": {
      "items": [
          "id": "xxx",
          "metadata": {
            "uri": "http://localhost:3000/clientst/rocketfiles/client1/myfile.txt",
            "name": "client1/myfile.txt"
      "count": 1,
      "cursor": {
        "id": "1"


For each upload file a new event will be generated.

On Azure, the event will be like this:

  "version": 1,
  "kind": "snapshot",
  "superKind": "domain",
  "requestID": "xxx",
  "entityID": "xxxx",
  "entityTypeName": "UploadedFileEntity",
  "typeName": "UploadedFileEntity",
  "value": {
    "id": "xxx",
    "metadata": {
      // A bunch of fields (depending on Azure)
  "createdAt": "2022-10-26T10:23:36.562Z",
  "snapshottedEventCreatedAt": "2022-10-26T10:23:32.34Z",
  "entityTypeName_entityID_kind": "UploadedFileEntity-xxx-b842-x-8975-xx-snapshot",
  "id": "x-x-x-x-x",
  "_rid": "x==",
  "_self": "dbs/x==/colls/x=/docs/x==/",
  "_etag": "\"x-x-0500-0000-x\"",
  "_attachments": "attachments/",
  "_ts": 123456

On Local, the event will be:

  "version": 1,
  "kind": "snapshot",
  "superKind": "domain",
  "requestID": "x",
  "entityID": "x",
  "entityTypeName": "UploadedFileEntity",
  "typeName": "UploadedFileEntity",
  "value": {
    "id": "x",
    "metadata": {
      "uri": "http://localhost:3000/clientst/rocketfiles/client1/myfile.txt",
      "name": "client1/myfile.txt"
  "createdAt": "2022-10-26T10:35:18.967Z",
  "snapshottedEventCreatedAt": "2022-10-26T10:35:18.958Z",
  "_id": "lMolccTNJVojXiLz"

Azure Roles

[!NOTE] Starting at version 0.31.0 this Rocket use Managed Identities instead of Connection Strings. Please, check that you have the required permissions to assign roles

For uploading files to Azure you need the Storage Blob Data Contributor role. This can be assigned to a user using the portal or with the next scripts:

First, check if you have the correct permissions:


# use this to test if you have the correct permissions
az storage blob exists --account-name $ACCOUNT_NAME `
                        --container-name $CONTAINER_NAME `
                        --name blob1.txt --auth-mode login

If you don't have it, then run this script as admin:


OBJECT_ID=$(az ad user list --query "[?mailNickname=='<YOUR MAIL NICK NAME>'].objectId" -o tsv)
STORAGE_ID=$(az storage account show -n $ACCOUNT_NAME --query id -o tsv)

az role assignment create \
    --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" \
    --assignee $OBJECT_ID \
    --scope "$STORAGE_ID/blobServices/default/containers/$CONTAINER_NAME"


Local Provider doesn't check paths. You should check that the directory and files passed as paratemers are valid.


  • Optional storage deletion when unmounting the stack.
  • Optional events, in case you don't want to store that information in the events-store.
  • When deleting a file, save a deletion event in the events-store. Only uploads are stored at the moment.


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