The following environment variables can be set:
Name | Description | Default |
SECRET | Long random secret. | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 |
RELAY_PORT | Relay's server port | 8008 |
RELAY_PRIVATE_KEY | Relay's private key in hex | (auto-generated) |
API_KEY | With access to doshboard (dashborad) | |
MONGO_DB_NAME | Database name | denostr |
MONGO_MIN_POOL_SIZE | Min. connections per worker | 8 |
MONGO_MAX_POOL_SIZE | Max. connections per worker | 16 |
MONGO_RR_ENABLED | Read Replica (RR) Toggle | false |
MONGO_RR_MIN_POOL_SIZE | Min. connections per worker (RR) | 3 |
MONGO_RR_MAX_POOL_SIZE | Max. connections per worker (RR) | 5 |
TOR_HOST | Tor Hostname | |
TOR_CONTROL_PORT | Tor control Port | 9051 |
TOR_PASSWORD | Tor control password | nostr_ts_relay |
HIDDEN_SERVICE_PORT | Tor hidden service port | 80 |
REDIS_HOST | Redis Host | |
REDIS_PORT | Redis Port | 6379 |
REDIS_DB | Redis DB | 0 |
REDIS_USER | Redis User | |
REDIS_PASS | Redis Password | |
REDIS_TLS | Redis TLS | false |
NOSTR_CONFIG_DIR | Configuration directory | <project_root>/.nostr/ |
DEBUG | Debugging filter | |
ZEBEDEE_API_KEY | Zebedee Project API Key | |
LNBITS_API_KEY | Lnbits Invoice/read Key | |
OPENNODE_API_KEY | API Key with Invoices Key | |
NODELESS_API_KEY | Nodeless API key | |
NODELESS_WEBHOOK_SECRET | Nodeless webhook secret |
Running denostr
for the first time creates the settings file in <project_root>/.nostr/settings.yaml
. If the file is not created and an error is thrown ensure that the <project_root>/.nostr
folder exists. The configuration directory
can be changed by setting the NOSTR_CONFIG_DIR
environment variable.
Name | Description |
info.relay_url | Public-facing URL of your relay. (e.g. wss:// | | Public name of your relay. (e.g. TBG's Public Relay) |
info.description | Public description of your relay. (e.g. Toronto Bitcoin Group Public Relay) |
info.pubkey | Relay operator's Nostr pubkey in hex format. | | Relay operator's contact. (e.g. mailto:[email protected]) |
network.maxPayloadSize | Maximum number of bytes accepted per WebSocket frame |
network.remoteIpHeader | HTTP header from proxy containing IP address from client. |
payments.enabled | Enabled payments. Defaults to false. |
payments.processor | Either zebedee , lnbits , lnurl . |
payments.feeSchedules.admission[].enabled | Enables admission fee. Defaults to false. |
payments.feeSchedules.admission[].amount | Admission fee amount in msats. |
payments.feeSchedules.admission[].whitelists.pubkeys | List of pubkeys to waive admission fee. |
payments.feeSchedules.admission[].whitelists.event_kinds | List of event kinds to waive admission fee. Use [min, max] for ranges. |
paymentProcessors.zebedee.baseURL | Zebedee's API base URL. |
paymentProcessors.zebedee.callbackBaseURL | Public-facing Denostr's Zebedee Callback URL (e.g. |
paymentProcessors.zebedee.ipWhitelist | List with Zebedee's API Production IPs. See ZBD API Documentation for more info. |
paymentProcessors.lnbits.baseURL | Base URL of your Lnbits instance. |
paymentProcessors.lnbits.callbackBaseURL | Public-facing Denostr's Lnbits Callback URL. (e.g. |
paymentProcessors.lnurl.invoiceURL | LUD-06 Pay Request provider URL. (e.g. |
mirroring.static[].address | Address of mirrored relay. (e.g. ws:// |
mirroring.static[].filters | Subscription filters used to mirror. |
mirroring.static[].secret | Secret to pass to relays. Denostr relays only. Optional. |
workers.count | Number of workers to spin up to handle incoming connections. |
Spin workers as many CPUs are available when set to zero. Defaults to zero. | |
limits.event.eventId.minLeadingZeroBits | Leading zero bits required on every incoming event for proof of work. |
Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero. | |
limits.event.kind.whitelist | List of event kinds to always allow. Leave empty to allow any. |
limits.event.kind.blacklist | List of event kinds to always reject. Leave empty to allow any. |
limits.event.pubkey.minLeadingZeroBits | Leading zero bits required on the public key of incoming events for proof of work. |
Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero. | |
limits.event.pubkey.whitelist | List of public keys to always allow. Only public keys in this list will be able to post to this relay. Use for private relays. |
limits.event.pubkey.blacklist | List of public keys to always reject. Public keys in this list will not be able to post to this relay. |
limits.event.createdAt.maxPositiveDelta | Maximum number of seconds an event's created_at can be in the future. Defaults to 900 (15 minutes). Disabled when set to zero. |
limits.event.createdAt.minNegativeDelta | Maximum number of secodns an event's created_at can be in the past. Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero. |
limits.event.content[].kinds | List of event kinds to apply limit. Use [min, max] for ranges. Optional. |
limits.event.content[].maxLength | Maximum length of content . Defaults to 1 MB. Disabled when set to zero. |
limits.event.rateLimits[].kinds | List of event kinds rate limited. Use [min, max] for ranges. Optional. |
limits.event.rateLimits[].period | Rate limiting period in milliseconds. |
limits.event.rateLimits[].rate | Maximum number of events during period. |
limits.event.whitelists.pubkeys | List of public keys to ignore rate limits. |
limits.event.whitelists.ipAddresses | List of IPs (IPv4 or IPv6) to ignore rate limits. |
limits.client.subscription.maxSubscriptions | Maximum number of subscriptions per connected client. Defaults to 10. Disabled when set to zero. |
limits.client.subscription.maxFilters | Maximum number of filters per subscription. Defaults to 10. Disabled when set to zero. |
limits.message.rateLimits[].period | Rate limit period in milliseconds. |
limits.message.rateLimits[].rate | Maximum number of messages during period. |
limits.message.ipWhitelist | List of IPs (IPv4 or IPv6) to ignore rate limits. |