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Environment variables

The following environment variables can be set:

Name Description Default
SECRET Long random secret. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890
RELAY_PORT Relay's server port 8008
RELAY_PRIVATE_KEY Relay's private key in hex (auto-generated)
API_KEY With access to doshboard (dashborad)
MONGO_DB_NAME Database name denostr
MONGO_MIN_POOL_SIZE Min. connections per worker 8
MONGO_MAX_POOL_SIZE Max. connections per worker 16
MONGO_RR_ENABLED Read Replica (RR) Toggle false
MONGO_RR_MIN_POOL_SIZE Min. connections per worker (RR) 3
MONGO_RR_MAX_POOL_SIZE Max. connections per worker (RR) 5
TOR_HOST Tor Hostname
TOR_CONTROL_PORT Tor control Port 9051
TOR_PASSWORD Tor control password nostr_ts_relay
HIDDEN_SERVICE_PORT Tor hidden service port 80
REDIS_PORT Redis Port 6379
REDIS_PASS Redis Password
REDIS_TLS Redis TLS false
NOSTR_CONFIG_DIR Configuration directory <project_root>/.nostr/
DEBUG Debugging filter
ZEBEDEE_API_KEY Zebedee Project API Key
LNBITS_API_KEY Lnbits Invoice/read Key
OPENNODE_API_KEY API Key with Invoices Key
NODELESS_WEBHOOK_SECRET Nodeless webhook secret


Running denostr for the first time creates the settings file in <project_root>/.nostr/settings.yaml. If the file is not created and an error is thrown ensure that the <project_root>/.nostr folder exists. The configuration directory can be changed by setting the NOSTR_CONFIG_DIR environment variable.

Name Description
info.relay_url Public-facing URL of your relay. (e.g. wss:// Public name of your relay. (e.g. TBG's Public Relay)
info.description Public description of your relay. (e.g. Toronto Bitcoin Group Public Relay)
info.pubkey Relay operator's Nostr pubkey in hex format. Relay operator's contact. (e.g. mailto:[email protected])
network.maxPayloadSize Maximum number of bytes accepted per WebSocket frame
network.remoteIpHeader HTTP header from proxy containing IP address from client.
payments.enabled Enabled payments. Defaults to false.
payments.processor Either zebedee, lnbits, lnurl.
payments.feeSchedules.admission[].enabled Enables admission fee. Defaults to false.
payments.feeSchedules.admission[].amount Admission fee amount in msats.
payments.feeSchedules.admission[].whitelists.pubkeys List of pubkeys to waive admission fee.
payments.feeSchedules.admission[].whitelists.event_kinds List of event kinds to waive admission fee. Use [min, max] for ranges.
paymentProcessors.zebedee.baseURL Zebedee's API base URL.
paymentProcessors.zebedee.callbackBaseURL Public-facing Denostr's Zebedee Callback URL (e.g.
paymentProcessors.zebedee.ipWhitelist List with Zebedee's API Production IPs. See ZBD API Documentation for more info.
paymentProcessors.lnbits.baseURL Base URL of your Lnbits instance.
paymentProcessors.lnbits.callbackBaseURL Public-facing Denostr's Lnbits Callback URL. (e.g.
paymentProcessors.lnurl.invoiceURL LUD-06 Pay Request provider URL. (e.g.
mirroring.static[].address Address of mirrored relay. (e.g. ws://
mirroring.static[].filters Subscription filters used to mirror.
mirroring.static[].secret Secret to pass to relays. Denostr relays only. Optional.
workers.count Number of workers to spin up to handle incoming connections.
Spin workers as many CPUs are available when set to zero. Defaults to zero.
limits.event.eventId.minLeadingZeroBits Leading zero bits required on every incoming event for proof of work.
Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.event.kind.whitelist List of event kinds to always allow. Leave empty to allow any.
limits.event.kind.blacklist List of event kinds to always reject. Leave empty to allow any.
limits.event.pubkey.minLeadingZeroBits Leading zero bits required on the public key of incoming events for proof of work.
Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.event.pubkey.whitelist List of public keys to always allow. Only public keys in this list will be able to post to this relay. Use for private relays.
limits.event.pubkey.blacklist List of public keys to always reject. Public keys in this list will not be able to post to this relay.
limits.event.createdAt.maxPositiveDelta Maximum number of seconds an event's created_at can be in the future. Defaults to 900 (15 minutes). Disabled when set to zero.
limits.event.createdAt.minNegativeDelta Maximum number of secodns an event's created_at can be in the past. Defaults to zero. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.event.content[].kinds List of event kinds to apply limit. Use [min, max] for ranges. Optional.
limits.event.content[].maxLength Maximum length of content. Defaults to 1 MB. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.event.rateLimits[].kinds List of event kinds rate limited. Use [min, max] for ranges. Optional.
limits.event.rateLimits[].period Rate limiting period in milliseconds.
limits.event.rateLimits[].rate Maximum number of events during period.
limits.event.whitelists.pubkeys List of public keys to ignore rate limits.
limits.event.whitelists.ipAddresses List of IPs (IPv4 or IPv6) to ignore rate limits.
limits.client.subscription.maxSubscriptions Maximum number of subscriptions per connected client. Defaults to 10. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.client.subscription.maxFilters Maximum number of filters per subscription. Defaults to 10. Disabled when set to zero.
limits.message.rateLimits[].period Rate limit period in milliseconds.
limits.message.rateLimits[].rate Maximum number of messages during period.
limits.message.ipWhitelist List of IPs (IPv4 or IPv6) to ignore rate limits.