— Leave your mark on cryptocurrency world! Save your message in Bitcoin blockchain. Forever! 🚀
With Bitcoin you can not only pay for things, but also store data in its blockchain which will be saved forever on thousand of blockchain-nodes across the world. So why not use it for something fun? 😉
- try to use blockchain technologies for something fun
- use React for frontend (despite the fact that I prefer Angular 2/4+ and @ngrx)
- try Firebase for backend (and some frontend parts)
- try MobX for state management (as I found it looks really cool OOP-wise, near the same as services in Angular+RxJS)
- write serverless app (I mean: with backend, but without classic server)
- write beautiful backend implementation
- write beautiful frontend implementation (of course!)
- try to use async/await more widely
Node 6+
cd ./functions
cd ../
You need to set next Firebase Environment Variables:
firebase functions:config:set"btc or tbtc or bch or tbch"
firebase functions:config:set blockchain.wallet_wif="your wallet WIF here"
firebase functions:config:set blockchain.fee_satoshis_per_byte=20
firebase functions:config:set donations.imap_user="your email"
firebase functions:config:set donations.imap_password="email password"
firebase functions:config:set donations.imap_host="IMAP of mail provider"
firebase functions:config:set donations.imap_mailbox_name="mailbox name if different from INBOX"
firebase functions:config:set donations.min_donation_amount=1.20
firebase functions:config:set donations.min_donation_currency="USD"
Then export it to .runtimeconfig.json for it can be used locally:
firebase functions:config:get > ./functions/.runtimeconfig.json
Then execute yarn server