This represents the immediately acknowledged issues on the path to the 10.3 release. If you feel something needs to be added to this, make sure and poke us!!
- Fix startup issues:
- Only expose when startup is complete
- Reveal the Panel using an animation (cairo+buffer offset)
- Disable automatic sorting until the panel is fully loaded, and then go back and sort them all to fix weird placement issues
- Use an animation to reveal new applets, looks fugly just BAM there's a new applet.
- Add garbage collection for unloaded modules
- Approved "new" applets needed:
- Screencast indicator for integration with WM (Status Applet?)
- Keyboard layout indicator
- Add pinning capabilities to the Budgie Menu itself
- Disallow Ugly Apps from overriding the icon (main chrome instance, hexchat, etc)
- Turn Power Icon into a user menu (Hibernate, Switch User, etc)
- Ensure all popover-associated applets use this as the primary action, no more right-click left-click nonsense. Left click only.
- Just because it's at the end of the panel, doesn't mean it needs to launch feckin Raven. Notification icon + sound are sufficient.
- Add intellihide.
- More popovers.
- Add workaround for clicking on the desktop to allow dismissing of Raven for when Nautilus isn't being used..
Icon Tasklist
- Make the world happy: Add drag and drop reordering of pinned icons
- Switch to a GtkFlowBox for better sorting: This is no longer neccessary, sorting issues were resolved
- Add proper Raven API for applets (single instance, unlike Budgie Panel)
- Enforce constant sizes
- Enhance discoverability. People seem to not know that it exists ....
- Actually add some applets:
- "System Monitor"
- Ticker?
- It might be GTK but make these things more alive!!
- Add all relevant options to allow deprecation of gnome-tweak-tool usage by us.
- Fix notifications (Yes you Spotify..)
- Probably sign up with Spotify too. Sure as shit beats using YouTube all the time.
- Clean up the UI.
Window Manager
- Fix derpy-ass alt+tab
- Add proper ibus support
- Add screen recording and screenshot support (see GNOME Shell)
- Low Priority: "Blur Behind" effect based on wm_class
- Extend the d-bus API so that the Panel and Raven are positioned by us for future Wayland work (Also require an accessible strut mechanism from the compositor. Sync with elementary + Jasper St Pierre over this) [Low Priority]
- Make it suck less.
- Need a sexy LightDM greeter.
- Take over the world.
- Focus on X11 for now, even thinking about Wayland atm will make my head asplode.