- Added mute function to video page
- Added a hide video function to video page
- Added call button to initiate 1-on-1 call
- Fixed an issue where audio would not connect with video
- #15 Webcam does not disconnect immidiately after leaving video chat
- #16 Log out won't work properly with phantom user that isn't logged in
- Preliminary Video Calling functionality
- Matched Users can enter a virtual video conference room and communicate
- Logout API and functionality
- Fixed an issue where unneccessary warning messages appeared
- Separate video players on new lines
- Dynamic video Token generation not working
- Webcam does not disconnect immidiately after leaving video chat
- Log out won't work properly with phantom user that isn't logged in
- Matching service to identify potential partners
- Backend Dummy Data generation for testing
- Expanded user profile options for language proficiency, hobby, and profession
- Added action to 'find friend' button on dashboard
- Fixed an issue where user profile would not be instantiated with an id key
- Matching service sometime returns a duplicate user
- English to Korean translator page
- Backend dictionary/translation storage
- Cleaned up and improved README's documentation and installation guiide
- Database connection properly established for newly cloned project environments
- Updated translator page to align with app's standard styling
- 'Find Friend' feature on home page does not properly interact with backend
- Chat screen is empty with no meaningful navigation options
- Registering an account and logging in
- Creating a personalized profile
- Matching with individuals that match your needs
- Able to view friends on dashboard page
- Chatting with friends
- Virtual keyboard
- RESTful API created for the messageModel
- Connected the FrontEnd pages to their respective BackEnd
- Fixed an issue where you can see your own account as a person you could chat to
- Refresh needed for chats to appear
- Issue where name of the person being messaged is incorrect
- Window sizing issue depending on the size of the email
You may want to have an IDE like Visual Studio Code and a MySQL GUI installed.
- Git
- Node.js / Node Package Manager (npm)
Clone this repository locally.
Open the project directory in your terminal.
For Backend dependencies (terminal commands):
cd Backend
npm install
For Frontend dependecies (terminal commands):
cd Frontend
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm install translate --legacy-peer-deps
To migrate the database:
cd Backend/src
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
Note that you will need to remove your database's password and create a table named languageexchangematchmaker in order to get things working.
No builds are necessary for this app.
No additional files need to be added
cd Backend
npm start
cd Frontend
npm start