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A few extra validations for Ruby on Rails. Works with Ruby 2.1+ & Rails 4+.

We try to do the sane thing by not being too strict, when in doubt, we accept input as being valid. We never want to reject valid input as invalid.

For many formats doing a 100% foolproof check is not trivial, email addresses are a famous example, but it also applies to other formats. Regardless, you can never be sure it’s what the user intended anyway. For example, email validators will accept [email protected] as being ‘valid’, even though my email address is [email protected].


The gem includes English and Dutch error messages. If you want to translate it to another language then copy config/locales/en.yml to your project. Please send us your translations so we can add them!

Available validations


Validate if a column is a valid date, and if it’s before or after another date.

# Check if it looks like a valid date
validates :date_column, date: true

# We use a lambda for these checks because otherwise would be
# evaluated *only* on startup, and not every time we run the validations
# (you never want this).
validates :date_column, date: { after: -> { } }
validates :date_column, date: { after_or_equal_to: -> { } }
validates :date_column, date: { equal_to: -> { } }
validates :date_column, date: { before: -> { } }
validates :date_column, date: { before_or_equal_to: -> { } }

Check if the column enddate is after the value of the column begindate:

validates :begindate, date: true
validates :enddate, date: { after: :begindate }


Validate if a string looks like a valid domain. This should work with IDN.

This will accept, but rejects [email protected]:

validates :domain_column, domain: true

Set a minimum and maximum number of domain parts (aka. labels), this will accept, but rejects lico:

validates :domain_column, domain: { min_domain_parts: 2 }

Accept, but reject

validates :domain_column, domain: { max_domain_parts: 2 }


Validate if a string looks like an email address. This should work with unicode addresses ([RFC 6531][rfc6531], [IDN][idn]).

Accepts [email protected], but rejects or martin@lico:

validates :email_column, email: true


Check if this is a valid IBAN account number. This uses the [iban-tools][iban-tools] gem.

validates :iban_column, iban: true

By default we set “not a valid IBAN account number” as the error message, but we can also set more detailed errors:

validates :iban_column, iban: { detailed_errors: true }

Note Since version 2.0, this gem no longer depends on iban-tools. If you want IBAN validations, then you must add gem iban-tools it to your Gemfile manually.


Check if this is a valid phone number. This should work with most, if not all, writing conventions. We consider a phone to be valid if it consists of numbers & any amount of \-.() characters. A country code at the start indicated with + is also accepted.

validates :phone_column, phone: true


Check if this is a valid postal code (or zip code for the states).

validates :postal_code_column, postal_code: { country: :nl }

# Country defaults to I18n.locale
validates :postal_code_column, postal_code: true

Currently implemented countries:

  • nl - The Netherlands


Check if this is a valid chamber of commerce identification number.

validates :commerce_number_column, commerce_number: { country: :nl }

Currently implemented countries:

  • nl - The Netherlands


Check if this is a valid VAT identification number

validates :vat_number_column, vat_number: { country: :nl }

Currently implemented countries:

  • nl - The Netherlands


Version 2.3, 2017-08-31

  • Slacken dependencies

Version 2.2, 2017-08-28

  • Fix deprecation warning on Fixnum by checking against Integer instead.
  • Dropped Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 support
  • Dropped Rails 3 support

Version 2.0, 2015-08-19

  • Don't depend on the iban-tools gem. If you want IBAN validations, then you must add gem iban-tools to your Gemfile manually (this is the only change, but since it's incompatible I bumped the version to 2.0).

Version 1.4, 2015-08-11

  • Make it work with Ruby 1.9 and Rails 3.0

Version 1.3, 2015-05-22

  • Add commerce_number validation.
  • Add vat_number validation.
  • The postal_code validation will now raise an error if an invalid country code is given.

Version 1.2, 2015-03-07

  • The IBAN check will now defaults to just a "is invalid" message, set the detailed_errors option to get the more detailed errors.
  • Also allow emails with multiple domains (e.g. [email protected]).
  • Date validation now accepts a custom message.

Version 1.1.4, 2014-12-28

  • Bugfix for Date validator when comparing to other columns that are a String.

Version 1.1.3, 2014-12-03

  • Make sure that the date validator doesn’t throw an exception if 'invalid'.to_date fails.

Version 1.1.2, 2014-12-01

  • Fix typo in Dutch translation.
  • Update some docs.

Version 1.1.1, 2014-10-13

  • Fix i18n key for phone.
  • Allow passing a Proc to date without an argument.

Version 1.1, 2014-10-03

  • Make the date validation work if the column it points to is nil.
  • Add documentation.

Version 1.0, 2014-09-05

  • Initial release.

[idn]: [rfc6531]: [iban-tools]:


Extra validations for Ruby on Rails







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