The app is totally working, it calls a node.js service to get/set data of the todo list, you can find the service code here. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, you just have to clone the repository on your local folder and then run:
IMPORTANT: to avoid CORS Blocking the async calls to the service, please open the app in your broser disabling CORS.
Example for Chrome on Windows launch from START->RUN this command: chrome.exe --disable-web-security --disable-gpu --user-data-dir=C:\tmp
Please run:
The folders structure:
public (where you can find the index.html file)
src (the main directory, where you can find every component)
Let's go deeply into src folder:
- components (all the react components are here)
- stores (here is the REDUX store, the reducer and the actions)
- helpers (I use to put here files with common functionalities, fetchers, tools, etc..)
- interfaces (here are all the Interfaces I've implemented to give a type to the objects)
- scss (yes the scss are here)
- tests (some test i wrote)
.env file (contains some environment variables: in this case only the URL of the node service)
.tsconfig.json (configuration for typescript)
other files: .gitignore, package.json package-lock.json
I choose to use REDUX to manage the state between components, but i wuold use the useState hook too, I've chosen REDUX justo to show you some skills.
I used bootstrap only for the icons and I've wrote all the other SCSS.