Base on the doc from official (testnet currently available)
- Pull latest code
git clone --branch rel/stable
- Build docker image
cd docker/releases docker build -f Dockerfile-testnet . -t algorand/testnet-telem:latest
- Create a Docker container
- prepare configuration file
docker run -it -v <root-path>:/root/node/tmp algorand/testnet-telem:latest node > cp -rf data tmp node > exit
- copy configuration file
cp <root-path>/data/config.json.example <root-path>/data/config.json
from example and editvi <root-path>/data/config.json
,... "Archival": true, ... "DNSBootstrapID": "", ... "EndpointAddress": "", ... "IsIndexerActive": true,
- start a container
docker run -it -d -v <root-path>/data:/root/node/data -p 8080:8080 --name algorand algorand/testnet-telem:latest
- Sync Node with Network
- run goal
docker exec -it algorand /root/node/goal node start -d /root/node/data
- print the rpc token
docker exec -it algorand cat /root/node/data/algod.token
- run goal