Imagine a pendulum swinging back and forth. We can plot the position of its tip on the x-axis and the velocity of the tip on the y-axis. This xy plane is now called a phase space, and although it does not correspond to physical space it does tell us interesting information about the system it represents. An excellent summary of modeling differential equations by 3B1B may be found here.
By setting up a pendulum to obey Newton's laws, we can model how the pendulum will swing using Euler's formula to model the trajectory through phase space of the differential equations governing pendulum motion as it is slowed by friction:
Where the constant
It is helpful to view the vector plot for this differential system to get an idea of where a point moves at any given (x,y) coordinate:
Imagine a ball rolling around on a plane that is directed by the vectors above. We can calculate this rolling using Euler's formula (see here) the change in time step
Now note that we can achieve a similar map with a linear dissipative differential system
which at $\Delta t = 0.1 $ yields
In either case, the trajectory heads asymptotically towards the origin. This is also true for any initial point in the vicinity of the origin, making the point (0,0) an attractor of the system. As the attractor is a point, it is a 0-dimensional attractor or point attractor.
Now let's increase
With a slightly larger
And by
Thus an increase in
Here is a video of the transition from
What happens to the linear system (2) when
And when
But this is not so! Closer inspection of this ring reveals that there is no change in point density between the starting and ending ring: instead, meaning that the points are still moving towards the origin at a constant rate.
Only at
Notice that more and more waves are visible as the scale decreases. At a small spatial scale, many waves are seen over a very small in
Waves are not observed for the linear map at any
The collection of iterations in a ring suggests that the nonlinear pendulum system is eventually periodic: the attractor is a 1-dimensional circle in phase space for the parameters chosen above. Because the system is eventually periodic, it should not be sensitive to initial values as only aperiodic trajectories are sensitive to initial values (disregarding round-off error and approximation issues present in real-world computations). This can be checked for two values shifted by an
#! python3
# import third-party libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'dark_background')
def pendulum_phase_map(x, y, a=0.2, b=4.9):
dx = y
dy = -a*y - b*np.sin(x)
return dx, dy
# parameters
steps = 1000000
delta_t = 0.043
# initialization
X = np.zeros(steps + 1)
Y = np.zeros(steps + 1)
X1 = np.zeros(steps + 1)
Y1 = np.zeros(steps + 1)
X[0], Y[0] = 0.00000001, 1
X1[0], Y1[0] = 0, 1
# differential equation model
for i in range(steps):
dx, dy = pendulum_phase_map(X[i], Y[i])
X[i+1] = X[i] + dx * delta_t
Y[i+1] = Y[i] + dy * delta_t
for i in range(steps):
dx, dy = pendulum_phase_map(X1[i], Y1[i])
X1[i+1] = X1[i] + dx * delta_t
Y1[i+1] = Y1[i] + dy * delta_t
print ('p1 = ' + '(' + str(X[-1]) + ',' + str(Y[-1]) + ')')
print ('p2 = ' + '(' + str(X1[-1]) + ',' + str(Y1[-1]) + ')')
p1 = (-0.6195501560736936,-0.3176710683722944)
p2 = (-0.6195501540914985,-0.3176710834485138)
The final values are very nearly identical. Indeed, when the final cartesian distance between the shifted points shrinks to 0 as the initial distance does:
for i in range(steps):
dx, dy = pendulum_phase_map(X1[i], Y1[i])
X1[i+1] = X1[i] + dx * delta_t
Y1[i+1] = Y1[i] + dy * delta_t
initial_distance.append(float('0.' + j*'0' + '1'))
final_distance.append(((X[-1] - X1[-1])**2 + (Y[-1] - Y1[-1])**2)**0.5)
for i in range(len(initial_distance)):
print ('initial = {}'.format(initial_distance[i]) + ' ' + 'final = {:.3e}'.format(final_distance[i]))
initial = 0.1 final = 1.957e-01
initial = 0.01 final = 1.161e-02
initial = 0.001 final = 1.485e-03
initial = 0.0001 final = 1.517e-04
initial = 1e-05 final = 1.520e-05
initial = 1e-06 final = 1.521e-06
initial = 1e-07 final = 1.521e-07
initial = 1e-08 final = 1.521e-08
initial = 1e-09 final = 1.522e-09
initial = 1e-10 final = 1.528e-10
and to plot these points on a log/log scale,
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(initial_distance, final_distance)
ax.set(xlabel='Initial distance', ylabel='Final distance')
Thus the pendulum map is not sensitive to initial conditions for these values, implying periodicity (which we have already seen in the phase space diagrams above).
In contrast, the semicontinuous Clifford map for
p1 = (10.98448, 7.96167)
p2 = (11.03945, 8.26257)
If we shrink the distance between initial points to 0, the distance between final points does not decrease.
initial = 0.1 final = 3.775e-01
initial = 0.01 final = 3.060e-01
initial = 0.001 final = 3.097e-01
initial = 0.0001 final = 3.042e-01
initial = 1e-05 final = 4.195e-01
initial = 1e-06 final = 1.138e-01
initial = 1e-07 final = 4.368e-02
initial = 1e-08 final = 3.059e-01
initial = 1e-09 final = 3.143e-01
initial = 1e-10 final = 4.002e-01
This means that the Clifford attractor is sensitive to initial values, implying that it is aperiodic for these parameters.
There are a number of similarities between widely different nonlinear systems. Perhaps the most dramatic example of this is the ubiquitous appearance of self-similar fractals in chaotic nonlinear systems. This may be most dramatically seen when the constant parameters of certain equation systems are tweaked such that the output produces a near-copy of another equation system, a phenomenon that is surprisingly common to nonlinear systems. For example, take the Clifford attractor:
This is clearly a very different system of equations than (1), and for most constant values it produces a variety of maps that look nothing like what is produced by the pendulum system. But observe what happens when we iterate semicontinuously (see here for more information), setting
We have a (slightly oblong) pendulum map!
There are some physically relevant reasons to increase a
The case of periodic forcing, where external energy is applied to a physical system in regular intervals. The dt value may be thought of as a direct measure of this energy, as a large enough
$\Delta t$ will send this system towards infinity (ie infinite velocity). -
When a field is intermittent: if a particle moves smoothly but only interacts with a field at regular time intervals, the same effect is produced.