Diana David-Rus
Research Scientist, ICB-Helmholtz Zentrum München
+ Diana has a Diploma in Physics from the University of Bucharest, Romania,
+ and a Ph.D. from Rutgers University, within the interdisciplinary BioMaPs program
+ (Biology, Mathematics, and Physics). In her doctoral work she was supervised by Prof. Joel Lebowitz,
+ a renowned expert in Mathematical Physics, and Prof. Monica Driscoll, distinguished for her contributions
+ to Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Subsequently, she held postdoctoral positions at ENS-Paris, France,
+ and UCL- Brussels, Belgium. Prior to joining Christian’s group at ICB- Helmholtz Zentrum, she held
+ research positions at MPI for Biochemistry, LMU & LGL-Bayern. Her research pursuits are aimed at
+ unraveling fundamental biological processes through the use of statistical and bioinformatic methods,
+ complemented by physics-inspired mathematical modeling. Her work has included analyzing sequencing data
+ for aging research, developing models for epigenetic features, and studying protein interactions.
+ Her current focus is on the ocean's microbiome and its environmental interactions, aiming to uncover
+ their impact on health and biological systems as well as identify the microbiome signature on human
+ health by using various machine-learning approaches.
In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, jogging kickboxing,
+ and cross-country skiing. She also likes to tackle philosophical problems within the foundational
+ aspects of physics and metaphysics of science and regularly attends seminars and conferences on
+ such subjects.
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Graduate Student, Institue of Statistics LMU
Roberto studied Genomic Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
Before joining our group, he worked with
Dr. Robert Schneider
analyzing high-throughput experiments in order to dissect the effect of glucose starvation on cis-regulatory elements in human liver cells.
- Broadly speaking, Roberto is very interested in the subject of antibiotic resistance and its intersection with microbial ecology.
- He makes use of high-throughput datasets to make new insights into the bacterial response to stress, particularly at the transcriptional level.
- He is very much at home with bioinformatics and the creation of pipelines and is currently expanding his statistical abilities.
+ Broadly speaking, Roberto is very interested in the subject of antibiotic resistance and its intersection with microbial biology.
+ He makes use of high-throughput datasets to make new insights into the bacterial response to stress,
+ particularly at the transcriptional level.
In our group, he is responsible for the
StressRegNet project.
In his free time, Roberto enjoys cycling, bouldering, and playing soccer.