Compiled at 2023-08-02 06:39:25 UTC
The purpose of this document is to show the advantages of complementary pairs stability selection (CPSS) over cross-validation in the hierarchical interaction model.
We take the 58 synthetic proteins with interaction coefficients that we have created in the previous step. First, we compare 5-fold-cross-validation (lambda selection with 1se rule) to CPSS in the noise-free model (no noise and no intercept term).
coef_sim <- readRDS("data/results/coef_sim.rds")
sim_laplace_resid <- readRDS("data/results/sim_laplace_resid.rds")
random_intercept <- readRDS("data/results/random_intercept.rds")
## read data
L <- readRDS("data/input/L-library.rds")
Linteract <- cbind(L, hierNet::compute.interactions.c(L, diagonal = F))
## remove real names of modifications
colnames(Linteract) <- rownames(coef_sim)
P <- readRDS("data/input/P-proteinsFandR.rds")
Pmean = log((2^P[, 1:1915] + 2^P[, (1915 + 1):ncol(P)])/2, base = 2)
prot_interact = which(colSums(coef_sim[13:78,] != 0) > 0)
hiernet_cv_binary <- function(p = p, x = L, y = Psim_noisefree, seed = 234){
zz_binary <- hierNet::compute.interactions.c(x, diagonal = FALSE)
fit1 = hierNet.path(x = x,
y = y[, p],
minlam = 0.001, maxlam = 20, nlam = 20,
diagonal = FALSE, strong = TRUE, = FALSE, stand.main = TRUE,
zz = zz_binary)
fit1cv =, x, y[, p], nfolds = 5) <- fit1cv
lamhat = fit1cv$lamhat.1se
fit2 = hierNet(x = x,
y = y[, p],
lam = lamhat, diagonal = FALSE, strong = TRUE, = FALSE, stand.main = TRUE,
zz = zz_binary)
theta <- (fit2$th + t(fit2$th))/2
interact_p <- c()
q = 12
m <- 0
for(i in 1:(q - 1)){
for(j in (i + 1):q){
m <- m + 1
interact_p[m] <- theta[i, j] # interaction coef. modif. i and j
coef_p <- c(fit2$bp + (-fit2$bn), interact_p)
hiernet.lasso.binary <- function(x, y, q, l = 12){
if (!requireNamespace("hierNet", quietly = TRUE))
stop("Package ", sQuote("hierNet"), " needed but not available")
x.lin <- x[, 1:l]
p_init <- ncol(x.lin)
## there might be zero columns (modifications) after removing observations
## (subsampling) which compute.interactions can't handle:
## Remove zero columns
col_sub = apply(x.lin, 2, function(col) all(col == 0 ))
x.lin = x.lin[, !col_sub]
nlam = 20
## with passing zz we avoid that zz gets computed based on the scaled x
## which is not wanted for binary features
zz_binary <- compute.interactions.c(x.lin, diagonal = FALSE)
fit <- hierNet::hierNet.path(x.lin, y, minlam = .001, maxlam = 20,
nlam = nlam, diagonal = FALSE, strong = TRUE, = FALSE, stand.main = TRUE,
zz = zz_binary
p <- ncol(x.lin)
coefmatrix_lam <- matrix(nrow = p * (p + 1)/2, ncol = nlam)
## calculate linear coefficients
linear_coef <- fit$bp - fit$bn
for(lam in 1:length(fit$lamlist)){
## symmetrize theta
theta <- (fit$th[, , lam] + t(fit$th[, , lam]))/2
interact_coef <- theta[lower.tri(theta)]
## combine linear effects and interactions
coefmatrix_lam[, lam] <- c(linear_coef[, lam], interact_coef)
## interaction feature names after potentially removing linear features
A <- colnames(x.lin)
n <- 0
names_int <- c()
for(i in 1:(ncol(x.lin) - 1)){
for(j in (i + 1): ncol(x.lin)){
n <- n + 1
names_int[n] <- paste0(A[i], ":", A[j])
rownames(coefmatrix_lam) <- c(colnames(x.lin), names_int)
## Empty matrix with all features (also the ones that where removed before)
sequence <- matrix(nrow = p_init * (p_init + 1)/2, ncol = nlam)
rownames(sequence) <- colnames(x)
sequence[rownames(coefmatrix_lam), ] <- (coefmatrix_lam != 0)
sequence[] <- 0
## select the lambda where number of selected features is <= q
seq_q <- which(colSums(sequence) <= q)
ret <- sequence[, seq_q[length(seq_q)]]
## return both
return(list(selected = ret, path = sequence))
## run stability selection
stabsel_p <- function(p, seed = 123, x = Linteract, y = Psim){
y_p <- y[, p]
ret <- stabs::stabsel(x = x, y = y_p,
fitfun = hiernet.lasso.binary, cutoff = 0.6,
q = 12, sampling.type = "SS" )
We create synthetic datasets with five different noise levels. Noise level 1 corresponds to the noise level we observe in the MARCS data.
Psim_noisefree = random_intercept +
Linteract %*% coef_sim + 0 * matrix(sim_laplace_resid, nrow = 33, ncol = 1915)
Psim_025noise = random_intercept +
Linteract %*% coef_sim + 0.25 * matrix(sim_laplace_resid, nrow = 33, ncol = 1915)
Psim_075noise = random_intercept +
Linteract %*% coef_sim + 0.75 * matrix(sim_laplace_resid, nrow = 33, ncol = 1915)
Psim_100noise = random_intercept +
Linteract %*% coef_sim + 1.00 * matrix(sim_laplace_resid, nrow = 33, ncol = 1915)
Psim_125noise = random_intercept +
Linteract %*% coef_sim + 1.25 * matrix(sim_laplace_resid, nrow = 33, ncol = 1915)
n <- 1
SNR <- c()
SNR[1] <- "noise free"
for(i in c(.25, .75, 1, 1.15)){
n <- n + 1
SNR[n] <- round(var(as.vector(Linteract %*% coef_sim))/var(i*sim_laplace_resid), 2)
## [1] "noise free" "73.32" "8.15" "4.58" "3.47"
We run the model for 58 proteins for each noise level 20 times (20 replicates).
## run cv on cluster
P_all <- list(Psim_noisefree, Psim_025noise, Psim_075noise,
Psim_100noise, Psim_125noise)
names_p <- c("0", "25", "75", "100", "125")
for(PP in seq(length(P_all))){
hiernet_cv_synth <- list()
for(repl in 1:20){
hiernet_cv_synth[[repl]] <- mclapply(as.list(prot_interact),
hiernet_cv_binary, seed = repl, y = P_all[[PP]],
mc.cores = 20, mc.preschedule = FALSE)
saveRDS(hiernet_cv_synth, paste0("hiernet_cv_synth_noise_", names_p[PP],".rds"))
for(PP in seq(length(P_all))){
hiernet_cpss_synth <- list()
for(repl in 1:20){
hiernet_cpss_synth[[repl]] <- mclapply(as.list(prot_interact),
stabsel_p, seed = repl, y = Psim_125noise,
mc.cores = 20, mc.preschedule = FALSE)
saveRDS(hiernet_cpss_synth, paste0("hiernet_cpss_synth_noise_", names_p[PP],".rds"))
## F1 score CV
hiernet_cv_synth_all_noiselevels <- list(hier_cv_0, hier_cv_25, hier_cv_75,
hier_cv_100, hier_cv_125)
compute_f1_score_matrix_cv <- function(model_output = hiernet_cv_synth_noise0){
F1_score_matrix <- matrix(nrow = 20, ncol = length(prot_interact)) ## replicates x proteins
for(repl in 1:20){
for(prot in seq(length(prot_interact))){
F1_score_matrix[repl, prot] <- Metrics::f1(which(coef_sim[, prot_interact[prot]] != 0),
which(model_output[[repl]][[prot]] != 0))
F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels <- lapply(hiernet_cv_synth_all_noiselevels,
## F1 score CPSS
hiernet_cpss_synth_all_noiselevels <- list(hier_cpss_0, hier_cpss_25, hier_cpss_75, hier_cpss_100, hier_cpss_125)
compute_f1_score_matrix_cpss <- function(model_output = hiernet_cpss_synth_noise0) {
F1_score_matrix <- matrix(nrow = 20, ncol = length(prot_interact)) ## replicates x proteins
for(repl in 1:20){
for(prot in seq(length(prot_interact))){
F1_score_matrix[repl, prot] <- Metrics::f1(which(coef_sim[, prot_interact[prot]] != 0),
which(model_output[[repl]][[prot]]$max >= .5))
F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels <- lapply(hiernet_cpss_synth_all_noiselevels,
## change data to long format for plotting
## CV
## convert matrices (replicates x proteins) to vectors of length 20*58=1160
F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_vec <- lapply(F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels, as.vector)
## covert list of vectors to matrix
F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_mat <-, F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_vec)
rownames(F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_mat) <- paste0(SNR, c("", "", "", " (MARCS data)", ""))
## convert matrix to long format
F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_long <- reshape2::melt(t(F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_mat))
F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_long$method <- "CV"
colnames(F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_long) <- c("ind", "SNR", "F1 score", "Method")
## convert matrices (replicates x proteins) to vectors of length 20*58=1160
F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_vec <- lapply(F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels, as.vector)
## covert list of vectors to matrix
F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_mat <-, F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_vec)
rownames(F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_mat) <- paste0(SNR, c("", "", "", " (MARCS data)", ""))
## convert matrix to long format
F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_long <- reshape2::melt(t(F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_mat))
F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_long$method <- "CPSS"
colnames(F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_long) <- c("ind", "SNR", "F1 score", "Method")
## merge CV and CPSS F1 tables into one dataset
F1_score_long_cv_cpss <- rbind(F1_score_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_long,F1_score_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_long)
F1_score_long_cv_cpss[1:3, ]
## ind SNR F1 score Method
## 1 1 noise free 0.7058824 CV
## 2 2 noise free 0.7058824 CV
## 3 3 noise free 0.7058824 CV
## plot f1 score per SNR and method
plt_f1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(F1_score_long_cv_cpss, aes(x = `SNR`, y = `F1 score`, fill = Method)) +
fun.y = median,
geom = 'line',
aes(group = Method, colour = Method),
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
xlab("Signal-to-noise ratio") +
geom_boxplot() +
## Every boxplot is based on 58 * 20 = 1160 F1-scores (proteins x replicates)
nrow(F1_score_long_cv_cpss[which(F1_score_long_cv_cpss$`SNR`=="noise free" &
F1_score_long_cv_cpss$Method == "CV" ),]) == 58 * 20
## [1] TRUE
## CV
hiernet_cv_synth_all_noiselevels <- list(hier_cv_0, hier_cv_25, hier_cv_75,
hier_cv_100, hier_cv_125)
compute_hamming_matrix_cv <- function(model_output = hier_cv_0){
hamming_matrix <- matrix(nrow = 20, ncol = length(prot_interact)) ## replicates x proteins
for(repl in 1:20){
for(prot in seq(length(prot_interact))){
hamming_matrix[repl, prot] <- sum((coef_sim[1:12, prot_interact[prot]] != 0) !=
(model_output[[repl]][[prot]][1:12] != 0))/12
hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels <- lapply(hiernet_cv_synth_all_noiselevels,
## Mean Hamming distance for every protein and replicate (mean over 20 replicates)
mean_hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels <- lapply(hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels, colMeans)
## List of 5
## $ : num [1:58] 0.311 0.511 0.622 0.478 0.594 ...
## $ : num [1:58] 0.406 0.528 0.672 0.517 0.617 ...
## $ : num [1:58] 0.633 0.489 0.8 0.522 0.806 ...
## $ : num [1:58] 0.744 0.489 0.8 0.511 0.861 ...
## $ : num [1:58] 0.806 0.539 0.833 0.506 0.906 ...
## F1 score CPSS
hiernet_cpss_synth_all_noiselevels <- list(hier_cpss_0, hier_cpss_25, hier_cpss_75,
hier_cpss_100, hier_cpss_125)
compute_hamming_matrix_cpss <- function(model_output = hiernet_cpss_synth_noise0) {
hamming_matrix <- matrix(nrow = 20, ncol = length(prot_interact)) ## replicates x proteins
for(repl in 1:20){
for(prot in seq(length(prot_interact))){
hamming_matrix[repl, prot] <- sum((coef_sim[1:12, prot_interact[prot]] != 0) !=
(model_output[[repl]][[prot]]$max[1:12] >= .5))/12
hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels <- lapply(hiernet_cpss_synth_all_noiselevels,
## List of 5
## $ : num [1:20, 1:58] 0.0833 0.0833 0.0833 0.0833 0.0833 ...
## $ : num [1:20, 1:58] 0.0833 0.0833 0.0833 0.0833 0.0833 ...
## $ : num [1:20, 1:58] 0.1667 0.0833 0.1667 0.0833 0.1667 ...
## $ : num [1:20, 1:58] 0.1667 0.0833 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 ...
## $ : num [1:20, 1:58] 0.167 0.167 0.167 0.167 0.167 ...
## Mean Hamming distance for every protein and replicate (mean over 20 replicates)
mean_hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels <- lapply(hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels, colMeans)
## List of 5
## $ : num [1:58] 0.08333 0.00833 0.23333 0.15833 0.07083 ...
## $ : num [1:58] 0.09583 0.00833 0.20417 0.15833 0.1 ...
## $ : num [1:58] 0.121 0 0.175 0.146 0.121 ...
## $ : num [1:58] 0.137 0 0.167 0.158 0.137 ...
## $ : num [1:58] 0.154 0 0.167 0.15 0.129 ...
## change data to long format
## CV
## convert matrices (replicates x proteins) to vectors of length 20*58=1160
hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_vec <- mean_hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels
## covert list of vectors to matrix
hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_mat <-, hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_vec)
rownames(hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_mat) <- paste0(SNR, c("", "", "", " (MARCS data)", ""))
## convert matrix to long format
hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_long <- reshape2::melt(t(hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_mat))
hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_long$method <- "CV"
colnames(hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_long) <- c("ind", "SNR", "Hamming distance", "Method")
## convert matrices (replicates x proteins) to vectors of length 20*58=1160
hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_vec <- mean_hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels
## covert list of vectors to matrix
hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_mat <-, hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_vec)
rownames(hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_mat) <- paste0(SNR, c("", "", "", " (MARCS data)", ""))
## convert matrix to long format
hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_long <- reshape2::melt(t(hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_mat))
hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_long$method <- "CPSS"
colnames(hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_long) <- c("ind", "SNR", "Hamming distance", "Method")
## merge CV and CPSS F1 tables into one dataset
hamming_long_cv_cpss <- rbind(hamming_matrix_cv_all_noiselevels_long,hamming_matrix_cpss_all_noiselevels_long)
hamming_long_cv_cpss[1:3, ]
## ind SNR Hamming distance Method
## 1 1 noise free 0.3111111 CV
## 2 2 noise free 0.5111111 CV
## 3 3 noise free 0.6222222 CV
plt_hamming_main <- ggplot2::ggplot(hamming_long_cv_cpss, aes(x = `SNR`, y = `Hamming distance`, fill = Method)) +
geom_boxplot() +
xlab("Signal-to-noise ratio") +
ylab("Hamming distance (main effects) [in %]") +
## ind SNR Hamming distance Method
## 1 1 noise free 0.01515152 CV
## 2 2 noise free 0.01515152 CV
## 3 3 noise free 0.01515152 CV
plt_hamming_int <- ggplot2::ggplot(hamming_long_cv_cpss, aes(x = `SNR`,
y = `Hamming distance`,
fill = Method)) +
geom_boxplot() +
xlab("Signal-to-noise ratio") +
ylab("Hamming distance (interaction effects)") +