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Running with the Bloom Pipeline

DATE: 2022.09.25

Creating a pipeline to run prompt evals of bigbio via BLOOM

Step 1: Make a conda environment and install necessary packages.

Create a base package and activate it.

conda create --name bloom python=3.8.3 -y
conda activate bloom

Then, I advise you to make a new directory to store all the various libraries etc. We will be installing a few packages from source.

mkdir bloom_pipeline
cd bloom_pipeline

Check to see that your python and pip installation point to the environment's installation. Then, install python packages

You will need 2 packages to install. The first is lm-evaluation-harness or LmEval.

Install as follows (as per instructions provided):

git clone
cd lm-evaluation-harness
pip install -e ".[dev]"
cd ..

The second is the eval-hackathon branch of PromptSource; lm-eval supports this branch of PromptSource specifically (note this install command is borrowed from the recommendations of the lm-evaluation-harness README:)

git clone --single-branch --branch eval-hackathon
cd promptsource
pip install -e .

I also went ahead and installed any extra dependencies in case (these are probably installed anyway for the most part):

pip install torch transformers scikit-learn pandas numpy scipy datasets tensorboard ipython

Step 1.5: Create prompts for your dataset

You will need to use promptsource to make custom prompts. Since we are just borrowing tasks from scitail, I will not cover this. Please visit their documentation, or alternatively learn how to make prompts from our earlier tutorial.

Step 2: Make a task suited to your dataset

TLDR. Move the contents to lm_eval/tasks into your installation of lm_evaluation_harness.

We now need to make a task via the PromptSourceTask template. To do this, we make a `Task` file and place it in `lm-evaluation-harness/lm_eval/tasks`.

We follow the recipe provided as follows:

N. Seelam

This path tests the `bigbio` version of SciTail. We generate prompts

from lm_eval.api.task import PromptSourceTask

_CITATION = """"""

class BBSciTail(PromptSourceTask):

    DATASET_PATH = "bigscience-biomedical/scitail"
    DATASET_NAME = "scitail_bigbio_te"

    def has_training_docs(self):
        return True

    def has_validation_docs(self):
        return True

    def has_test_docs(self):
        return True

    def training_docs(self):
        if self.has_training_docs():
            return self.dataset["train"]

    def validation_docs(self):
        if self.has_validation_docs():
            return self.dataset["validation"]

    def test_docs(self):
        if self.has_test_docs():
            return self.dataset["test"]

Copy the above and move it to the tasks folder as

Some notes: - We delete the max_generation_length since we will not be running a generation task - The dataset I tried has train/val/test docs, hence I kept all of the has_<x>_docs functions True - We do not use advanced features of the following functions: construct_requests, process_results, aggregation, higher_is_better

In order for this task to be recognized, we need to include it into the task registry. To do this, we need to include it in the file of the tasks.

Open this file: lm-evaluation-harness/lm_eval/tasks/

Add your task in the task registry as such

from . import bigbioscitail
    "your_dataset_name": yourdataset.Class_Corresponding_To_Schema

Generically this is:

from . import <your_dataset>  # Place this in the beginning import

# Within TASK_REGISTRY, add the following command
    "bigbioscitail": bigbioscitail.BBSciTail

Step 3: Make your prompts

TLDR. Move the template file in promptsource/templates.yaml into your installation of promptsource. Place this file in the folder: promptsource/promptsource/templates/bigscience-biomedical/scitail/scitail-bigbio-te

I will not cover how to make a prompt a priori since we will be borrowing a prompt from [here]( Specifically, I will modify the `scitail` prompt.

The prompt is below:

dataset: bigscience-biomedical/scitail
subset: scitail_bigbio_te
  ea58d4dc-4a46-4419-8312-4ba5961c0260: !Template
    answer_choices: yes ||| no
    id: ea58d4dc-4a46-4419-8312-4ba5961c0260
    jinja: 'Given that {{premise}} Does it follow that {{hypothesis}}
      {{ answer_choices | join('' or '') }}?
      |||{% if label == "entailment" %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}'
    metadata: !TemplateMetadata
      choices_in_prompt: true
      - Accuracy
      original_task: true
    name: Yes/No Entailment Framing
    reference: ''

Since we are importing from the bigbio Hub version of datasets, we need to make a matching path. Enter your promptsource installation (note, should be local as we git cloned this) and go to the templates folder. This should be found here: promptsource/promptsource/templates.

BigBio is hosted on the hub, meaning if we load datasets, we will use the command bigscience-biomedical/scitail. The templates file needs to have this structure, additionally there is another folder to indicate the specific data split. We will be using the scitail_bigbio_te split.

This means we will need to make a directory as such and copy the yaml file into it:

mkdir -p promptsource/promptsource/templates/bigscience-biomedical/scitail/scitail_bigbio_te

Step 4: Run the model

Run your model with the appropriate BLOOM checkpoint:

python \
    --model_api_name 'hf-causal' \
    --model_args use_accelerate=True,pretrained='bigscience/bigscience-small-testing' \
    --task_name bigbioscitail

You can use any of the specific arguments (ex: template_names) as necessary.