This project was made during my second years of Banchlor degree in the Computer Graphics course to indroduce myself at the basic of computer graphics tecniques using C++ and OpenGL.
It's a set of basic class and structures that I made to create and manipulate 2D and 3D object in OpenGL with C++ and I use them to create a basic scene to test all the tecniques i learn like:
- Basic randaring with VBO, indeces
- Basic of shadeing lenguage
- Prorspective and Orgogonal Camera
- Bling-Phong lighting
- Shadow mapping
- Model loading with texture
- Blending
To run the code I wrote a Makefile that execute the basics compile commands. To compile:
And to run the code just use the executable file:
To help my studing I use the following resources:
- LearnOpenGL very usefull with complete lessons
- Book Professor book and materials