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SiHhangChen committed Dec 31, 2023
1 parent 5ce4ddb commit be43483
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314 changes: 314 additions & 0 deletions EduCDM/IRT/EM/
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# coding: utf-8
# 2023/12/26 @ ChenSiHang
import pandas as pd
import sys
import logging
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import pickle
from pandas.core.api import DataFrame as DataFrame
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy import stats
from irt import irt3pl
from EduCDM import CDM, re_index

def init_parameters(prob_num, dim):
Initialize the parameters of IRT model
prob_num: the number of problems
dim: the dimension of student's ability
Return value:
alpha: Discrimination of the problems
beta: Difficulty of the problems
gamma: Guess parameters of the problems
alpha = stats.norm.rvs(loc=0.75, scale=0.01, size=(prob_num, dim))
beta = stats.norm.rvs(size=(prob_num, dim))
gamma = stats.uniform.rvs(size=prob_num)
return alpha, beta, gamma

def init_prior_prof_distribution(dim):
Initialize the prior distribution of student abilities
dim: Dimension of student's ability
Return value:
prof: Uniform distribution from -4 to 4, 100*dim matrix
norm_dis: Normalized distribution of student abilities
prof = stats.uniform.rvs(loc=-4, scale=8, size=(100, dim)) # shape = (100,dim)
dis = stats.multivariate_normal.pdf(prof, mean=np.zeros(dim), cov=np.identity(dim))
norm_dis = dis / np.sum(dis) # shape = (100,)
return prof, norm_dis

def get_Likelihood(a, b, c, prof, R):
get the likelihood function
a: Discrimination of the problems
b: Difficulty of the problems
c: Guess parameters of the problems
prof: Normalized distribution of student's ability
R: matrix of item response
Return value:
prof_prob: Probability matrix for 100 ability levels of people answering each question correctly
prob_stu: Probability matrix of which ability level a student belongs to
stu_num, prob_num = R.shape[0], R.shape[1]
prof_prob = irt3pl(np.sum(a * (np.expand_dims(prof, axis=1) - b), axis=-1), 1, 0, c) # shape = (100, prob_num)
tmp1, tmp2 = np.zeros(shape=(prob_num, stu_num)), np.zeros(shape=(prob_num, stu_num))
tmp1[np.where(R == 1)[1], np.where(R == 1)[0]] = 1 # shape = (prob_num, stu_num)
tmp2[np.where(R == 0)[1], np.where(R == 0)[0]] = 1 # shape = (prob_num, stu_num)
prob_stu = np.exp( + 1e-9), tmp1) + - prof_prob + 1e-9), tmp2))
return prof_prob, prob_stu # shape = (100, prob_num), (100, stu_num)

def update_prior(prior_dis, prof_stu_like):
update the prior distribution of student abilities
prior_dis: prior distribution of student abilities
prof_stu_like: Probability matrix of which ability level a student belongs to
Return value:
update_prior_dis: updated prior distribution of student abilities
norm_dis_like: Normalized distribution of student abilities
dis_like = prof_stu_like * np.expand_dims(prior_dis, axis=1) # shape = (100, stu_num)
norm_dis_like = dis_like / np.sum(dis_like, axis=0) # shape = (100, stu_num)
update_prior_dis = np.sum(norm_dis_like, axis=1) / np.sum(norm_dis_like) # shape = (100,)
return update_prior_dis, norm_dis_like # shape = (100,), (100, stu_num)

def update_irt(a, b, c, D, prof, R, r_ek, s_ek, lr, epoch=10, epsilon=1e-3):
update the parameters of IRT model
a: Discrimination of the problems
b: Difficulty of the problems
c: Guess parameters of the problems
D: the value of D
prof: Normalized distribution of student's ability
R: matrix of item response
r_ek: the number of students who answered correctly
s_ek: the number of students who answered
lr: learning rate
epoch: the number of iterations
epsilon: threshold of convergence
Return value:
a: Discrimination of the problems
b: Difficulty of the problems
c: Guess parameters of the problems
for iteration in range(epoch):
a_tmp, b_tmp, c_tmp = np.copy(a), np.copy(b), np.copy(c)
prof_prob, _ = get_Likelihood(a, b, c, prof, R)
common_term = (r_ek - s_ek * prof_prob) / prof_prob / (1 - c + 1e-9) # shape = (100, prob_num)
a_1 = np.transpose(
D * common_term * (prof_prob - c) * np.transpose(np.expand_dims(prof, axis=1) - b, (2, 0, 1)), (1, 2, 0))
b_1 = D * common_term * (c - prof_prob)
a_grad = np.sum(a_1, axis=0)
b_grad = a * np.expand_dims(np.sum(b_1, axis=0), axis=1)
c_grad = np.sum(common_term, axis=0)
a = a + lr * a_grad
b = b + lr * b_grad
c = np.clip(c + lr * c_grad, 0, 1)
change = max(np.max(np.abs(a - a_tmp)), np.max(np.abs(b - b_tmp)), np.max(np.abs(c - c_tmp)))
if iteration > 5 and change < epsilon:
return a, b, c

class IRT(CDM):
IRT model, training (EM) and testing methods
meta_data: a dictionary containing all the userIds, itemIds, and skills.
dim: int
dimension of student/problem embedding, MIRT for dim > 1
skip_value: int
Unavailable value in matrix need to be skipped
def __init__(self, meta_data: dict, dim=1, skip_value=-1):
super(IRT, self).__init__()
self.id_reindex, _ = re_index(meta_data)
self.stu_num = len(self.id_reindex['userId'])
self.prob_num = len(self.id_reindex['itemId'])
self.dim = dim
self.skip_value = skip_value
self.a, self.b, self.c = init_parameters(self.prob_num, dim)
self.D = 1.702, self.prior_dis = init_prior_prof_distribution(dim)
self.stu_prof = np.zeros(shape=(self.stu_num, dim))

def transform__(self, train_data: pd.DataFrame):
transform the train data to matrix of item response
train_data: training dataset
Return value:
R: matrix of item response
R = np.full((self.stu_num, self.prob_num), self.skip_value)
for index, i in tqdm(train_data.iterrows(), "transforming"):
stu, test_id, true_score = i['userId'], i['itemId'], i['response']
re_stu_id, re_item_id = self.id_reindex['userId'][stu], self.id_reindex['itemId'][test_id]
R[re_stu_id, re_item_id] = true_score
return R

def fit(self, train_data: pd.DataFrame, lr, epoch=10, epoch_m=10, epsilon=1e-3):
Train the IRT model
This function uses the EM algorithm to train the model, in which the M step uses gradient descent to maximize parameters.
train_data: training dataset
test_data: test dataset
stu_num: the number of students
prob_num: the number of problems
Return value:
R: matrix of item response
test_set: test dataset
R = self.transform__(train_data)
a, b, c = np.copy(self.a), np.copy(self.b), np.copy(self.c)
prior_dis = np.copy(self.prior_dis)
for iteration in range(epoch):
a_tmp, b_tmp, c_tmp, prior_dis_tmp = np.copy(a), np.copy(b), np.copy(c), np.copy(prior_dis)
prof_prob_like, prof_stu_like = get_Likelihood(a, b, c,, R)
prior_dis, norm_dis_like = update_prior(prior_dis, prof_stu_like)
r_1 = np.zeros(shape=(self.stu_num, self.prob_num))
r_1[np.where( R == 1)[0], np.where( R == 1)[1]] = 1
r_ek =, r_1) # shape = (100, prob_num)
r_1[np.where( R != self.skip_value)[0], np.where( R != self.skip_value)[1]] = 1
s_ek =, r_1) # shape = (100, prob_num)
a, b, c = update_irt(a, b, c, self.D,, R, r_ek, s_ek, lr, epoch_m, epsilon)
change = max(np.max(np.abs(a - a_tmp)), np.max(np.abs(b - b_tmp)), np.max(np.abs(c - c_tmp)),
np.max(np.abs(prior_dis_tmp - prior_dis_tmp)))
if iteration > 20 and change < epsilon:
self.a, self.b, self.c, self.prior_dis = a, b, c, prior_dis
self.stu_prof = self.Get_stu_ability(R)

def predict_proba(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
calculate the probability
Return value:
pred_score: the probability of students response correctly
pred_score = irt3pl(np.sum(self.a * (np.expand_dims(self.stu_prof, axis=1) - self.b), axis=-1), 1, 0, self.c)
return pd.DataFrame(pred_score)

def pridict(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
predict the probability
Return value:
df_pred: the probability
irt_proba = self.predict_proba()
for i in range(self.stu_num):
for j in range(self.prob_num):
irt_proba[i][j] = 1 if irt_proba[i][j] >= 0.5 else 0
df_pred = pd.DataFrame(irt_proba)
return df_pred

def eval(self, val_data: pd.DataFrame):
Evaluate the IRT model
val_data: validation dataset
Return value:
test_rmse: RMSE of test dataset
test_mae: MAE of test dataset
pred_score = self.predict_proba()
test_rmse, test_mae = [], []
for index, i in tqdm(val_data.iterrows(), "evaluating"):
stu, test_id, true_score = i['userId'], i['itemId'], i['response']
re_stu_id, re_item_id = self.id_reindex['userId'][stu], self.id_reindex['itemId'][test_id]
test_rmse.append((pred_score.iloc[re_stu_id, re_item_id] - true_score) ** 2)
test_mae.append(abs(pred_score.iloc[re_stu_id, re_item_id] - true_score))
return np.sqrt(np.average(test_rmse)), np.average(test_mae)

def save(self, filepath: str):
save the parameters of IRT model
filepath: the path of file
Return value:
with open(filepath, 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump({"a": self.a, "b": self.b, "c": self.c, "prof": self.stu_prof}, file)"save parameters to %s" % filepath)

def load(self, filepath: str):
load the parameters of IRT model
filepath: the path of file
Return value:
with open(filepath, 'rb') as file:
self.a, self.b, self.c, self.stu_prof = pickle.load(file).values()"load parameters from %s" % filepath)

def Get_stu_ability(self, records, lr=1e-3, epoch=10, epsilon=1e-3):
Transform the records to student's ability by MLE method
can evaluate multiple students' states simultaneously, thus output shape = (stu_num, dim)
initialization stu_prof, shape = (stu_num, dim)
records: records of students' answers
lr: learning rate
epoch: the number of iterations
epsilon: threshold of convergence
Return value:
stu_prof: student's ability distribution
if len(records.shape) == 1: # one student
records = np.expand_dims(records, axis=0)
_, prof_stu_like = get_Likelihood(self.a, self.b, self.c,, records)
stu_prof =[np.argmax(prof_stu_like, axis=0)]

for iteration in range(epoch):
prof_tmp = np.copy(stu_prof)
ans_prob = irt3pl(np.sum(self.a * (np.expand_dims(stu_prof, axis=1) - self.b), axis=-1), 1, 0, self.c)
ans_1 = self.D * (records - ans_prob) / ans_prob * (ans_prob - self.c) / (1 - self.c + 1e-9)
ans_1[np.where(records == self.skip_value)[0], np.where(records == self.skip_value)[1]] = 0
prof_grad =, self.a)
stu_prof = stu_prof - lr * prof_grad
change = np.max(np.abs(stu_prof - prof_tmp))
if iteration > 5 and change < epsilon:
return stu_prof # shape = (stu_num, dim)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions EduCDM/IRT/EM/
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# coding: utf-8
# 2021/5/2 @ liujiayu

from .IRT import IRT
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions EduCDM/IRT/
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# coding: utf-8
# 2021/4/23 @ tongshiwei

from .GD import IRT as GDIRT
from .EM import IRT as EMIRT
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions EduCDM/IRT/
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# coding: utf-8
# 2021/4/23 @ tongshiwei

import numpy as np

__all__ = ["irf", "irt3pl"]

def irf(theta, a, b, c, D=1.702, *, F=np):
return c + (1 - c) / (1 + F.exp(-D * a * (theta - b)))

irt3pl = irf
44 changes: 43 additions & 1 deletion docs/
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@@ -1,11 +1,53 @@
# Item response theory

If the reader wants to know the details of EMIRT, please refer to the paper: *[Estimation for Item Response Models using the EM Algorithm for Finite Mixtures](*.

title={Estimation of Item Response Models Using the EM Algorithm for Finite Mixtures.},
author={Woodruff, David J and Hanson, Bradley A},

## Introduction of model

![这是图片](_static\IRT\EMIRT\emirt1.png "Magic Gardens")

![这是图片](_static\IRT\EMIRT\emirt2.png "Magic Gardens")

![这是图片](_static\IRT\EMIRT\emirt3.png "Magic Gardens")

![这是图片](/assets/img/philly-magic-garden.jpg "Magic Gardens")

## Parameters description

| ---------- | ---- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| meta_data | dict | a dictionary containing all the userIds, itemIds, and skills. |
| dim | int | the dimension of student's ability. Default: 1 |
| skip_value | int | the skip_value of the item response matrix. Default: -1 |


import pandas as pd
from EduCDM import EMIRT
meta_data = {'userId': ['001', '002', '003'], 'itemId': ['adf', 'w5'], 'skill': ['skill1', 'skill2', 'skill3', 'skill4']}
model = EMIRT(meta_data)

train_data = pd.DataFrame({'userId':[1,1,2,2,3,3], 'itemId': [1,2,1,3,2,3], 'skill': ["[1]", "[1,3]", "[1]", "[1,2,3]", "[1,3]", "[1,2,3]"], 'response': [1,1,0,1,1,0]})
test_data = pd.DataFrame({'userId':[1,2,3], 'itemId': [3,2,1], 'skill': ["[1,2,3]", "[1,3]", "[1]"], 'response': [1,1,0]}), epoch=2)
predict = model.predict()
mrse, mse = model.eval(test_data)

## Methods summary

| ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| fit | Fits the model to the training data. |
| fit_predict | Use the model to predict the responses in the testing data and returns the results. The responses are either 1 (i.e., correct answer) or 0 (i.e., incorrect answer). |
| fit_predict_proba | Use the model to predict the responses in the testing data and returns the probabilities (that the correct answers will be provided). |
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