- #6980 [BugFix] Fix validation on product variant (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6974 [Documentation][Book] Rework structure of chapters (@TheMadeleine)
- #6981 Improve ChannelFormSubscriber coverage (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6977 [BugFix] Cleanup in TaxonRepository (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6978 [Admin][Channel] Add subscriber to add baseCurrency and defaultLocale to channel's collections (@GSadee)
- #6979 [Admin][Images] Fix displaying images on product and taxon pages (@GSadee)
- #6976 Clean up components and bundles (@pjedrzejewski)
- #6975 [Documentation][Cookbook] CRON jobs basics (@TheMadeleine)
- #6971 [Admin][Product] Fix saving and displaying main taxon on product (@GSadee)
- #6964 [Documentation][Customization Guide] Forms update (@TheMadeleine)
- #6969 [ApiBundle] Minor fix for user fields disappearing (@tuka217)
- #6965 [Ui] Validation fix (@Arminek)
- #6970 [Documentation] Currencies & Pricing update (@TheMadeleine)
- #6968 [Shop] Handle properly prices of variants with quotation mark in name (@Zales0123)
- #6967 [Fixtures] Fixed product variant fixtures generation (@NeverResponse)
- #6966 [Admin][Shipping] Display appropriate currency symbol in amount field (@GSadee)
- #6926 [Admin] Fix user fields disappearing on validation fails (@tuka217)
- #6962 [Critical][Shop] Revert changes that "fixed" broken cart widget (@Zales0123)
- #6963 [Grid] Add label to boolean filter template (@GSadee)
- #6960 Adjust README to reflect Symfony3 support (@Zales0123)
- #6959 [BugFix] Random fixes and CustomerGroupRule (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6958 Fix cart widget (broke cart summary page) (@pjedrzejewski)
- #6957 [Admin] Finalize the UI (@pjedrzejewski)
- #6940 POC - Use trans choice instead of multiple message keys (@gabiudrescu)
- #6843 Finalize shop UI, routing and templates (@pjedrzejewski, @Arminek, @michalmarcinkowski, @Zales0123)
- #6956 [Maintenance] Temporary disable packages on PHP 5.6 (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6954 [BugFix] Fix current locale resolving for translatable entities (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6952 [Core][Installer] Rework installer commands (@Zales0123)
- #6953 [Checkout] Fix checkout addressing (@Arminek)
- #6950 [Admin][Product] Attributes fixes (@GSadee)
- #6947 [Core] Fix wrong data passed in subscriber causing not displayed value (@Zales0123)
- #6948 Upgrade to Symfony 3.2 (@TheMadeleine)
- #6924 [Admin][Product] Hide generating variants for product without options (@GSadee)
- #6943 Make forms & related stuff final again (@pamil)
- #6944 [BugFix] Fix promotion applicator (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6941 [BugFix] Enable translations at default (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6811 [Bundles] Services initialization tests (@TheMadeleine)
- #6922 [UiBundle] Semantic ui paginator (@loicmobizel)
- #6939 [DX][Core][Shop] Simplified variant price rendering (@NeverResponse)
- #6933 [Core][Promotion] Apply promotion only when any action has been applied (@Zales0123)
- #6934 Models clean up (@GSadee)
- #6937 Factories clean up (@GSadee)
- #6938 [Admin] Move impersonation routing since referer was added (@NeverResponse)
- #6927 Regex validation for codes (@NeverResponse)
- #6904 [Core] Maintain previous cart after logging in (@Zales0123)
- #6931 [RFC] Add default translation provider to ResourceBundle (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6928 [Promotion] Make currency required when defining channel based currencies (@lchrusciel)
- #6920 [Fixture] Make example Shop user great again (@Zales0123)
- #6923 [Shop] Fixed 500 on listing a configurable product with no variants (@NeverResponse)
- #6906 [Core][Promotion] Continuation of rules with amount per channel (@lchrusciel, @Zales0123)
- #6921 [BugFix] Split locale providers (@michalmarcinkowski, @tuka217)
- #6919 [Core][Product] Remove add product on product taxon from subscriber (@Arminek)
- #6913 [BugFix] Enforce confirming email after registration (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6916 [BC Break][Core][Pricing] Remove unused Pricing bundle and component (@Zales0123)
- #6887 [RFC] Hide root taxon from UI (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6915 [BugFix] Fix order fixtures (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6914 [Core] Remove translator from ImpersonateUserController (@NeverResponse)
- #6900 [Behat] Fix exception msg for Toggles checkbox assertion (@venyii)
- #6907 [Core] Unfinalized fixtures (@NeverResponse)
- #6909 Remove Docker files (migrated to github.com/Sylius/Docker) (@pjedrzejewski)
- #6911 Remove Vagrant from main repo (@pjedrzejewski)
- #6912 [Resource] Remove unused form types (@pamil)
- #6899 Flashes clean up (@GSadee)
- #6910 Upgrade packages to Symfony 3 (@pamil)
- #6908 Make validation in commands working again (@pamil)
- #6905 Make running server & selenium quiet (@pamil)
- #6901 [Currency] [Critical] Channel based currencies support (@lchrusciel, @GSadee, @Zales0123)
- #6902 Move custom scripts from etc/bin to bin (@pamil)
- #6896 Upgrade to Symfony 3 (@pamil)
- #6898 Removed unused parameters (@crevillo)
- #6890 Remove loggable (@GSadee)
- #6864 [Admin][Core] User switching (@NeverResponse)
- #6880 [Core][Email] Email templates clean up (@GSadee)
- #6855 [Admin][Order] Edit order billing address (@tuka217)
- #6893 Use FQCNs for form types instead of aliases - seventh part (@pamil)
- #6877 [BC Break] Initial Order repository cleanup (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6873 [BC Break] Initial repository cleanup (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6876 [BugFix] Nth order promotion should exclude cancelled orders (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6865 [Core] State machine clean up (@Arminek)
- #6888 [BC Break] Initial cleanup in Product and Taxon repository (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6847 [Resource] Use csrf protection in delete actions (@Arminek)
- #6886 [BugFix] Adjust taxon slugs and add T-Shirts as parent taxon (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6881 [Twig] Replace deprecated "render" tag (@pamil)
- #6884 [Behat][Account][Addressing] Feature steps clean up (@GSadee)
- #6882 Remove unused ProductTaxonPositionCollectionType (@pamil)
- #6878 Use FQCNs for form types instead of aliases - sixth part (@pamil)
- #6875 [RFC][BC Break] Rename checkout summary event (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6867 [Core] Clean up core after removing sitemap feature (@Arminek)
- #6863 Use FQCNs for form types instead of aliases - fifth part (@pamil)
- #6861 [Sitemap] Remove sitemap support (@Arminek)
- #6857 [Taxon] Cover reordering taxonomy (@Arminek)
- #6856 Improve flashes translation (@skyosev)
- #6838 [Admin] Move shipping category from Product to ProductVariant (@tuka217)
- #6845 [Payment] Notify about payment status (@Arminek)
- #6851 [Documentation][ResourceBundle] Fix configure several doctrine drivers. (@pmdc)
- #6850 [Maintenance] Remove mixin annotation from spec (@lchrusciel)
- #6842 Use FQCNs for form types instead of aliases - fourth part (@pamil)
- #6848 [Behat] Fix typos (@GSadee)
- #6840 [Core] Added image size validation (@NeverResponse)
- #6835 Use FQCNs for form types instead of aliases - third part: bundles (@pamil)
- #6834 [Admin] Dashboard statistics per channel (@Arminek)
- #6825 [Admin][Shipping] Crud for shipping category (@tuka217)
- #6826 [Gulp] Split gulpfiles and make them configurable (@Arminek)
- #6674 [RFC] Bring back doctrine 2.5 support (@lchrusciel)
- #6832 Use FQCNs for form types instead of aliases - second part: bundles (@pamil)
- #6830 [Behat] Multi-language product's slug edition (@NeverResponse)
- #6833 [Behat] Slightly refactored ManagingProductsContext (@NeverResponse)
- #6829 [ProductVariant] Add generate button (@lchrusciel)
- #6828 [HOTFIX] [Payment] Ordering payment repositories (@lchrusciel)
- #6824 [Shipment] Shipping methods available, based on the category of items in my cart (@tuka217)
- #6827 Bring back executables to /bin (@pamil)
- #6821 Use FQCNs for form types instead of aliases (@pamil)
- #6560 [API] Use codes instead of IDs in the REST API for simple objects (@jjanvier)
- #6781 [Admin][Currency] ExchangeRate's CRUD (@NeverResponse)
- #6788 [GridBundle] Add multiple object managers support (@RADiActive)
- #6745 [Admin][Payment] Sorting payment metods by position (@tuka217)
- #6762 [Shop][Admin] Product attributes sorting (@NeverResponse)
- #6807 [Admin][Shop][Ui] Js clean up (@Arminek)
- #6822 Use Symfony 3 directory structure (@pamil)
- #6818 Remove deprecated usage of FormInterface::submit(Request $request) (@pamil)
- #6817 Remove deprecations from ParameterBag usage (@pamil)
- #6819 Remove unused forms (@pamil)
- #6815 Remove deprecations from custom validators (@pamil)
- #6806 [Behat] Fix typo (@lchrusciel)
- #6804 [Channel][Admin] Minor fixes in AddBaseCurrencySubscriber (@tuka217)
- #6791 [Behat] Fix base currency step semantics (@Zales0123)
- #6793 [Resource][Grid] Add possibility to configure parameters for action (@GSadee)
- #6795 [Grid] Allow to define custom template for filter (@GSadee)
- #6799 [Product] Disabled deleting of option value for now (@NeverResponse)
- #6790 [Channel][Admin] Base currency immutable (@tuka217)
- #6612 [Admin][Product] Sort products within taxon (@tuka217)
- #6803 [Product] Product variant validation (@lchrusciel)
- #6712 [Cart][Inventory] Fix cart inventory validation (@Arminek)
- #6768 [Product] Product variant validation (@lchrusciel)
- #6761 [Behat] Allow to define array of elements (@lchrusciel)
- #6759 [Admin][Order] Set customer IP on placed order (@Zales0123)
- #6792 [Npm] Remove unused dependencies (@Arminek)
- #6789 [Behat] Fix confusing product price step (@Zales0123)
- #6782 [UserBundle] Delete routing and templates from UserBundle (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6787 Show name field in product variant form so it wont get lost on updating (@crevillo)
- #6777 [Admin][Taxon] Fix setting taxon's slug in multiple languages (@Zales0123)
- #6783 [Behat] Temporary disable unstable taxon scenario (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6766 [Core] Renamed 'defaultCurrency' to 'baseCurrency' on Channel model (@NeverResponse)
- #6773 [Behat] Remove duplicated reason sentence beginning (@Zales0123)
- #6780 Use default Symfony env names (@gruberro)
- #6776 Improve TranslatableTrait (@pamil)
- #6769 [Behat] Improve product association scenario step (@Arminek)
- #6774 [Product] Removed 'originalPrice' field from ProductVariant (@NeverResponse)
- #6775 [BugFix] Show items total in cart widget (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6772 [PromotionAction] Minor fixes (@GSadee)
- #6755 [Promotion] Fix product and taxon filter (@lchrusciel)
- #6765 [Grid] Overwritable sorting declarations (@NeverResponse)
- #6760 [Taxon][Admin] Taxon slug validation (@Zales0123)
- #6767 Remove formtypes specs (@pamil)
- #6756 [Behat] Cure the build (@Arminek)
- #6734 [PromotionAction] Configuring discounts in different currencies (@GSadee)
- #6754 [Order][Cart] Clean up cart events (@Arminek)
- #6743 Latest translatable issue (@lchrusciel)
- #6752 [Taxation] Remove useless argument type property (@venyii)
- #6753 [Core][Behat] Minor fixes from previous PRs (@Zales0123)
- #6741 [Documentation][Cookbook] How to add a custom promotion action? (@TheMadeleine)
- #6750 [Shipment] Fix master build and consistency (@lchrusciel)
- #6744 [Core][Promotion] Unify taxon rule checkers (@Zales0123)
- #6731 [Core][Admin] Select channel on shipping and payment method's forms (@Zales0123)
- #6729 fixes #6595 (@davalb)
- #6746 Remove dev dependency on SettingsBundle (@pamil)
- #6733 [Behat] Be consistent with shipping method naming (@Zales0123)
- #6713 [Product] Product variant generation (@lchrusciel)
- #6673 [SettingsBundle] Removed from the main repository (@NeverResponse)
- #6726 [Shop] Restrict the max quantity of units on add to cart (@NeverResponse)
- #6735 [Twig] Add missing currency variable (@lchrusciel)
- #6732 [Core] Make example Admin great again (@Zales0123)
- #6724 [Behat] Price per channel and currency fixes (@Arminek)
- #6719 [Admin] Added promotion priorities to admin's panel (@NeverResponse)
- #6728 [Mailer] Added missing migration (@NeverResponse)
- #6717 Remove ContentBundle (@pamil)
- #6718 [Account][Order] Be able to pay for unpaid orders (@Arminek)
- #6727 #6706 update Model.OrderItem.yml (@tcaron)
- #6723 [Promotion] Fix unhelpful exception message (@lchrusciel)
- #6665 [BC Break] Remove getLastShipment method from Order (@michalmarcinkowski, @NeverResponse)
- #6721 [ShopBundle] Fix redirect when referer is blank (@inssein)
- #6722 [Documentation][Book] Promotion - usageLimit clarification (@TheMadeleine)
- #6716 [Documentation][Cookbook] How to add Facebook login? (@TheMadeleine)
- #6683 [Pricing] Price per channel and currency (@Arminek)
- #6688 [Admin] Added physical dimensions to variant/simple product views (@NeverResponse)
- #6692 [Core] Use dbname from doctrine connection to allow custom values (@venyii)
- #6684 [Admin][Customer] Browsing orders of a customer (@GSadee)
- #6715 [Behat] Fix JS tests related to promotions actions/rules (@pamil)
- #6714 [CoreBundle] Fix OAuthUser (@TheMadeleine)
- #6707 Remove Omnipay dependency (@pamil)
- #6709 [Admin] Added sorting to promotions (@NeverResponse)
- #6710 [Behat] Fix wait for methods (@Arminek)
- #6711 [Province] Ensured provinces cannot exist without a country (@NeverResponse)
- #6708 [Mailer] Decouple from Resource and database (@Zales0123)
- #6699 removes superfluous words in documentation (@davalb)
- #6703 [ResourceBundle] Allow array to form config. (@liverbool)
- #6593 [Behat][ProductReview] Recalculate average rating after review rate change (@Zales0123)
- #6690 [Core] Removed all occurrences of 'getFirstVariant' method (@NeverResponse)
- #6697 [Core] Ensure writable web/ directories with absolute paths in the installer (@venyii)
- #6666 [Product][Shop] Buy product in correct prices for channel and currency (@Zales0123)
- #6689 [AdminBundle] Create checkbox based on form instead of attribute (@sweoggy)
- #6672 [Documentation][Cookbook] How to add a custom promotion rule? (@TheMadeleine)
- #6588 [Core][Behat] Default address related fixes (@NeverResponse)
- #6695 [WIP][Grid] Fixed sortable properties' paths (@NeverResponse)
- #6691 [Core] Use cache_dir parameter to ensure writable cache dir in InstallCommand (@venyii)
- #6642 [Admin][ProductAssociation] Adding associated products to a product (@GSadee)
- #6685 [Documentation][Book] Taxation - included in price examples (@TheMadeleine)
- #6663 [Order] Changed OrderRepository queries to rely on cart state (@NeverResponse)
- #6680 [Taxon] Fix auto complete (@Arminek)
- #6677 [Github] Yet another pull request template fix (@lchrusciel)
- #6675 [Admin][Customer] Reset customer's password from Admin panel (@Zales0123)
- #6678 [Admin] Disable editing base currency exchange rate (@Zales0123)
- #6671 [Order] Renamed 'completedAt' to 'checkoutCompletedAt' (@NeverResponse)
- #6661 [Admin] All locales selectable on AdminUser's edit (@NeverResponse)
- #6670 [Behat] Lower maximum waiting time for slug generation (@Zales0123)
- #6657 [Taxon] Edit taxon slug (@Zales0123)
- #6625 Outsource Behat extensions to FriendsOfBehat (and add support for Symfony 3 there) (@pamil)
- #6660 [Association] Assimilated with Product (@NeverResponse)
- #6659 [BugFix] Correct total in payment description (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6658 [Admin][UI] Small fixes in slug generation UI (@Zales0123)
- #6656 [Documentation][Cookbook] How to render a menu of taxons? (@TheMadeleine)
- #6633 [Github] Fix default PR description template (@Zales0123)
- #6649 [TaxonomyBundle] rename the taxon table on TaxonomyBundle (@loicmobizel)
- #6654 Grammar updates to docs customization section (@carbide20)
- #6607 [Taxon] Changing order of the taxon (@Arminek)
- #6634 [Behat][Taxon] Adding taxon to specific parent (@Zales0123)
- #6645 [Documentation][Cookbook] How to embed a list of products? (@TheMadeleine)
- #6644 Fixed form type name in categorization.rst (@RomainSanchez)
- #6643 [Admin][Order] Fix payment state label on order show page (@GSadee)
- #6640 Fix ShipmentInterface use statement in ShipmentEmailManager (@tkotosz)
- #6639 Allow StateMachineBundle 0.3 (@winzou)
- #6575 [ProductImage][TaxonImage] Code validation (@GSadee)
- #6631 [Documentation][ResourceBundle] configure several doctrine drivers with sylius resource (@loicmobizel)
- #6623 [Documentation][Cookbook] Stripe Credit Card (@TheMadeleine)
- #6621 [Documentation] Overriding State Machines fix (@TheMadeleine)
- #6597 [Behat][Product] Editing product's slug (@Zales0123)
- #6596 [Admin][Customer] Seeing detailed information about customer (@tuka217)
- #6632 [Admin] Fix admin api routing (@Zales0123)
- #6620 [Bundles] Make all paths in imports relative (@TheMadeleine)
- #6626 Update customer_and_shopuser.rst (@brunocombodo)
- #6628 [Promotion] Remove weird "decorating" stuff from PromotionExtension (@pamil)
- #6618 [Documentation] Correct order confirmation email description (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6608 [Documentation][Book] Pricing (@TheMadeleine)
- #6615 [Core] Extend proper interface in Core/ProductTranslationInterface (@Zales0123)
- #6613 [Order] Format agnostic cart summary (@lchrusciel)
- #6591 update of sylius_order configuration template (documentation) (@davalb)
- #6611 [API] Fix payment method show (@lchrusciel)
- #6609 [Pricing] Remove redundant Calculator constant (@TheMadeleine)
- #6605 [Fixtures] Add 'code' to fixtures, fixes #6487 (@yukoff)
- #6603 Deleted unused private methods in OrderController (@crevillo)
- #6600 [Critical] Payum uses int for amount, not float (@tchapi)
- #6592 [Address] Clean all inputs before filling in the address (@Arminek)
- #6538 [Documentation][Cookbook] How to customize Sylius Checkout? (@TheMadeleine)
- #6570 [Documentation][Book] Product Associations (@TheMadeleine)
- #6581 [Behat][ProductAssociation] Minor fixes in ShowPage (@GSadee)
- #6520 Move punctuation inside translations (@patrick-mcdougle)
- #6589 [ResourceController] Allow state machine transition from createAction (@winzou)
- #6590 [CoreBundle] Clean product fixtures. (@tadcka)
- #6552 [Core] Remove unused method from ProductRepository (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6587 [Behat][CustomerGroup] Method name fix (@GSadee)
- #6576 [WIP][Shop] Fixes of saving unique addresses after checkout (@NeverResponse)
- #6583 [Core] Improve OrderPaymentStateResolver (@Zales0123)
- #6578 [Behat] Small semantic fixes in scenarios (@Zales0123)
- #6568 [Behat] Minor fixes (@GSadee)
- #6567 [Behat][Admin][CustomerGroup] Add missing scenario for deleting a customer group (@GSadee)
- #6584 [Shop][Account] Marking an address as default (@NeverResponse)
- #6582 [Travis] Use standard worker for application tests (fix JS tests) (@pamil)
- #6506 [Documentation] Fixed typos (@pborreli)
- #6551 [Customer] Add code to customer group (@Arminek)
- #6555 [Order][Payment] Mark payment as refunded (@Zales0123)
- #6564 [Shop][Product] Associated products on product page (@GSadee)
- #6553 [Review] Enhance review factory (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6565 [Behat][Admin][Shop] Change shop user password as administrator (@Zales0123)
- #6545 [Shop][Account] Updating customer's address (@NeverResponse)
- #6571 [Travis] Make JS tests great again! (@pamil)
- #6569 [Travis] Temporary fix: partition Behat with JS (@pamil)
- #6526 [Addresing][Checkout] Choosing address from address book during checkout (@Arminek)
- #6558 [Behat][DX] Use variadics wherever they can be used (@Zales0123)
- #6557 [Behat] Use StringInflector wherever it can be used (@Zales0123)
- #6566 [Documentation][Cookbook] Resize Image Fix (@Kibsoon)
- #6542 [Product] Product search for customer (@Zales0123)
- #6563 [Documentation] custom model, step 8 service fix (@neok)
- #6539 [Promotion] UI for product filter (@lchrusciel)
- #6540 [Core] Removed unnecessary flush from CustomerUniqueAddressAdder (@NeverResponse)
- #6541 [Addressing] Simplify AddressComparator (@pamil)
- #6543 [Composer] Add SonataIntlBundle to requirements (@lchrusciel)
- #6550 [Documentation][Cookbook] Resizing Images (@TheMadeleine)
- #6546 [Documentation][API] Fix API authorization doc (@jjanvier)
- #6507 [Promotion] Product filter (@lchrusciel)
- #6477 [Documentation][Book] Address Book (@TheMadeleine)
- #6490 [Documentation][Book] Product Reviews (@TheMadeleine)
- #6522 Fix typo (@coudenysj)
- #6489 [Promotion] UI for price range and taxon filtration (@lchrusciel, @gabiudrescu)
- #6504 [Documentation][Customization][Menus] Fix (@TheMadeleine)
- #6530 [OrderBundle] Fix unpaid order query. (@liverbool)
- #6503 [Admin][ProductReview] Introduce reviews in admin panel (@GSadee)
- #6536 [Shop] Saving new addresses into customer's address book after checkout (@NeverResponse)
- #6531 [Core] Changed shipping/billing address into defaultAddress on customer's model (@NeverResponse)
- #6524 [Promotion] Add missing requirement (@lchrusciel)
- #6521 [Resource] Remove layout.html.twig (@lchrusciel)
- #6505 [Admin] Filter by taxons on products grid (@pamil)
- #6508 [Admin][ProductAssociationType] CRUD (@GSadee)
- #6528 [Product] Add missing methods to ProductInterface (@pamil)
- #6529 [Resource] Remove actions for toggling from ResourceController (@pamil)
- #6453 Remove @mixin annotations in specs (@pamil)
- #6515 [Shop] Tweak the UI of the address book (@pjedrzejewski)
- #6501 [ProductReview] Product reviews on shop (@Zales0123)
- #6512 [Resource] Remove move*() methods (@pamil)
- #6502 [RFC] [Promotion] Finalize promotion classes in core (@lchrusciel)
- #6516 [Resource] Refactor composite complier pass (@Arminek)
- #6472 [Shop] Customer's address book base (@NeverResponse, @tuka217)
- #6460 [Documentation][Book] Inventory (@TheMadeleine)
- #6452 [Admin] [Shipping] Sorting shipping methods (@pamil)
- #6493 Fix YAML deprecations (@pamil)
- #6494 [Resource] Improve ParametersParser (@pamil)
- #6495 [Core] Improve ProductExampleFactory (@pamil)
- #6496 [Grid] Improve ArrayToDefinitionConverter (@pamil)
- #6492 Improve discount rendering (@pamil)
- #6500 [Admin][ProductVariant] Remove unnecessary media tab (@GSadee)
- #6488 [Travis] Maintenance update (@pamil)
- #6440 [Shop][Admin] Final UI tweak before alpha release (@pjedrzejewski)
- #6478 [Cart] Fix cart summary display (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6476 [Promotion] Track promotion coupon usage (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6479 [Promotion] Better coverage of percentage promotion distribution (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6471 [Docs] Fix code block in coupons (@pamil)
- #6470 [Promotion] Per customer usage limit should not count cancelled orders (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6464 [Grid] Simplify bundle extension (@pamil)
- #6463 [Critical][Promotion] Fix per customer usage limit (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6462 [Promotion] Remove add product action (@lchrusciel)
- #6451 [Promotion] Contains product promotion fix (@lchrusciel)
- #6357 [Shop] Fix Forgot Password (@inssein)
- #6450 Remove PR template from CONTRIBUTING.md (@pamil)
- #6438 [Critical][Order] Fix order cancelling issue (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6455 [Behat] Cleanup ProductContext (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6439 [Grid] Further sorting reworks (@NeverResponse)
- #6448 [CoreBundle][DX] Division of the state_machine.yml file (@TheMadeleine)
- #6447 Use configureOptions instead of setDefaultOptions (@pamil)
- #6445 [Core] Remove final from OAuth UserProvider (@pamil)
- #6432 [Behat] Split 'delete' and 'try to delete' methods in Domain contexts (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6437 [Promotion] Fix per channel promotions availability (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #6434 [SettingsBundle][Registry] Remove final, because classes must be proxied (@tuka217)
- #6430 [SettingsBundle] Fix service name (@tuka217)
- #6435 [Promotion] Remove CustomerLoyaltyRuleChecker (@pamil)
- #6429 Reorganise services definitions localisation (@pamil)
- #6425 [Core] Sylius config files Separation. (@liverbool)
- #6427 Closes #6426: RequirementCollection should be abstract (@pix-art)
- #6389 [Installer] Fix getCode on null exception (@lchrusciel)
- #6417 Regenerate migrations (@pamil)
- #6158 Refactor AbstractDriver addFactory method (@patrick-mcdougle)
- #6418 [Development] Vagrant rework to PHP 7, MySQL 5.6, Apache/FPM, Debian (@pix-art)
- #6421 [Core] Clean up bundle (@pamil)
- #6420 [Core] Clean up component (@GSadee)
- #6419 [Bundles][Components] READMEs clean up (@TheMadeleine)
- #6422 [Resource] Remove unused ResourceEvent (@pamil)
- #6416 Fix fragile spec (@pamil)
- #6412 [Registry] [Resource] [Grid] Cleanup (@pamil)
- #6401 [Order][Promotion] Clean up (@GSadee)
- #6414 [Paypal][Behat] Unmock api responses after paypal action (@Arminek)
- #6415 [Clean-up] Revert some useful comments (@Arminek)
- #6413 [Documentation][Book] Fixtures (@TheMadeleine)
- #6404 [Documentation][Cookbook][Api] Fix (@TheMadeleine)
- #6400 [Inventory][Mailer][Settings] The rest of bundles clean up (@Zales0123)
- #6408 [Fixtures] Allow channel to define default locale and currency (@lchrusciel)
- #6409 [CoreBundle] Reorganized form namespaces (@NeverResponse)
- #6411 [User] Cleaning fixes (@NeverResponse)
- #6398 [Checkout] Checkout related bundles clean up (@Arminek)
- #6387 [User][Customer] Clean up of components and bundles (@NeverResponse)
- #6407 [Critical][Behat] Fix broken scenarios (@tuka217)
- #6402 [Documentation] Cookbook - How to use Sylius API? (@TheMadeleine)
- #6362 [Product][Attribute][Association] Product-related bundles clean up (@Zales0123)
- #6399 [Shop] Sort product by price (@tuka217)
- #6384 [Fixtures] Only channel should always be enabled (@lchrusciel)
- #6383 [Channel][Currency][Locale][Money] Clean up components and bundles (@GSadee)
- #6382 [Documentation][Book][Orders] Shipments & Payments of an Order (@TheMadeleine)
- #6390 [Payment][Payum][Pricing] Clean up payment related bundles (@Arminek)
- #6332 [Shop] Sort product by date (@tuka217)
- #6393 [Documentation] Various Fixes (@TheMadeleine)
- #6395 [Documentation] #6369 Removed old documentation (@pix-art)
- #6394 Added rewrite rule to htaccess to prevent issues with api token (@pix-art)
- #6311 [Images][Taxon] Validation for unique code during creation/edition (@tuka217)
- #6312 [Documentation][Bundles] SyliusGridBundle docs update (@TheMadeleine)
- #6359 [Admin][Api][Shop][Ui] Bundles clean-ups (@NeverResponse)
- #6381 [Grid] Simplified sorting urls (@NeverResponse)
- #6385 Remove unneeded dependencies & update composer.json (@pamil)
- #6386 [Documentation] Customization Guide: Flashes (@TheMadeleine)
- #6378 Remove JMSTranslationBundle (@pamil)
- #6379 [AdminBundle] Fixed consistency issue with Product and ProductVariant (@ychanan)
- #6354 [Admin] Disable toggling of base currency (@NeverResponse)
- #6365 [Content] Clean up a bit (@pamil)
- #6374 Fix Customer Group Type and RuleChecker (@tchapi)
- #6364 [Review][Taxonomy] Review and taxonomy related bundles clean up (@GSadee)
- #6375 [Fixtures] Clean up a bit (@pamil)
- #6376 [BugFix] Upgrade payum omnipay bridge to 1.2.4 (@steffenbrem)
- #6361 [Payment] Sylius stripe integration (@Arminek)
- #6270 [Core][Promotion] Tracking promotions usage (@pamil, @Zales0123)
- #6370 [Theme] Clean up a little bit (@pamil)
- #6373 Remove unecessary assignation in Customer constructor (@tchapi)
- #6371 Use variadic instead of call_user_func_array (@pamil)
- #6372 [Core] Move installer translations to default domain (@pamil)
- #6333 [Customer] Add group to customer create and edit page (@GSadee)
- #6368 [Composer] Update testing dependencies (@pamil)
- #6329 [CustomerGroup] CRUD (@GSadee)
- #6366 [Travis] Run Behat with --no-interaction flag (@pamil)
- #6367 [Documentation] [State machine] Update state machine references to meet current implementation (@lchrusciel)
- #6353 Remove Storage component (@pamil)
- #6352 [Documentation] Concepts: Orders Fixes (@TheMadeleine)
- #6344 Extract per-class validation files (@pamil)
- #6358 Move SessionCartSubscriber to CoreBundle (@patrick-mcdougle)
- #6327 Remove unused set*(Collection) methods on models (@pamil)
- #6356 [OrderBundle] Bug fix - add flush after cancel expired order/cart. (@liverbool)
- #6355 [Grid] Add show/hide ability for grid column. (@liverbool)
- #6330 [Promotion] Rename Action(Interface) to PromotionAction(Interface) (@pamil)
- #6348 [Core][Order][Behat] Minor fixes for expired orders and carts (@Zales0123)
- #6350 [Admin] Disable toggling of base locale/currency (@NeverResponse)
- #6272 [Promotion][Action] Add validation percentage discount and some fixes (@GSadee)
- #6277 [Resource] Moved flash translation from helper to template (@NeverResponse)
- #6324 [Payum] Fix PayumBundle -> SyliusPayumBundle -> SyliusPaymentBundle integration (@pamil)
- #6325 [Resource] Remove Twig SyliusResourceExtension (@pamil)
- #6331 [Promotion] Rename Rule(Interface) to PromotionRule(Interface) (@pamil)
- #6336 [Behat] Use FriendsOfBehat/VariadicExtension (@pamil)
- #6338 [Theme] Remove duplicated translator definitions from the compiled container (@pamil)
- #6340 [BugFix] Apply payment state transition for Payum Notify requests (@steffenbrem)
- #6343 [Addressing] Remove ShippableAddressConstraint (@GSadee)
- #6334 [Resource] Make RedirectHandler use cached router methods (@pamil)
- #6335 [Grid] Sort filtered resources (@NeverResponse)
- #6321 [Order] Automatically cancel unpaid orders (@Zales0123)
- #6323 [OrderBundle] Fix Add-to-cart Pre-create event (@tchapi)
- #6291 [Order] Automatically delete expired carts (@Zales0123)
- #6326 [Order] Remove OrderInterface::isInoviceAvailable (@pamil)
- #6305 [Resource] Reorganise services configuration (@pamil)
- #6320 [Channel] Remove taxons (@lchrusciel)
- #6299 [Fixture] Add amount to fulfill name assumptions (@lchrusciel)
- #6322 [Resource] Remove DateExtension (@pamil)
- #6031 Drop doctrine/orm <2.5 constraint (@pamil)
- #6304 [Fixtures] More quotation marks (@lchrusciel)
- #6273 [Promotion] Promotion coupon validation (@pamil)
- #6303 [Api] Decoupled ApiBundle from CoreBundle (@NeverResponse)
- #6313 [Resource] Unify drivers names (@pamil)
- #6317 [Core] Finalize string inflector (@lchrusciel)
- #6302 [Travis] Disabled email notifications (@NeverResponse)
- #6301 [Fixture] Change prototype for locales (@lchrusciel)
- #6032 [Shop] Update domestic dependencies in composer.json (@pamil)
- #6298 [Fixture] Missing quotation mark around names (@lchrusciel)
- #6297 [Fixture] Wrong tax category (@lchrusciel)
- #6300 [Resource] Improve CollectionExtension (@pamil)
- #6296 [Resource] Remove KernelControllerSubscriber (@pamil)
- #6295 [Resource] Remove DefaultFormFactory (@pamil)
- #6294 [Resource] Remove ResourceSelectionToIdentifierCollectionTransformer (@pamil)
- #6292 [Grid] fixed BooleanFilterType choice labels (@starspire)
- #6275 [Payum] Use converted amount for generic capture (@inssein)
- #6288 [Resource] Remove our ExpressionLanguage (@pamil)
- #6286 [Resource] Improve data transformers (@pamil)
- #6290 [Product] Quick fix to disabling product options in product form (@GSadee)
- #6289 [Resource] Simplify RequestConfigurationFactory (@pamil)
- #6287 [Resource] Remove unused fixtures (@pamil)
- #6044 [Fixtures] Fix configuration definitions & add Humbug configuration (@pamil)
- #6231 [Admin] Administration panel in admin's preferred locale (@NeverResponse)
- #6264 [ProductBundle] Creating new product's variant with specific option's value (@tuka217)
- #6278 [Product] Add product options to mug, sticker and t-shirt product fixtures (@GSadee)
- #6271 [Order] Remove order comments (@Arminek)
- #6268 [Order] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6265 [Checkout] Preventing to pay for cancelled order (@Arminek)
- #6266 [Behat] Run idle feature and adjust it to current logic (@Zales0123)
- #6257 [Behat] Display variant price on product details improvements (@Zales0123)
- #6253 [Admin] Remove admin root path (@lchrusciel)
- #6252 [Admin] Fix admin without a slash sufix path (@lchrusciel)
- #6104 [Shop][Checkout] Refactor thank you page (@Arminek, @tuka217)
- #6226 [Documentation] Cookbook - How to add a custom Model? (@TheMadeleine)
- #6148 [Documentation] Concepts: Adjustments (@TheMadeleine)
- #6250 [Documentation] Cookbook - How to configure Paypal Express Checkout? (@TheMadeleine)
- #6161 [Shop] Different variant prices on product details page (@Zales0123)
- #6187 [CRITICAL][Shop] Minor fix in out of stock validation message display (@Zales0123)
- #6180 [Admin] Sorting by translatable fields always done in default locale (@NeverResponse)
- #6217 [Checkout] Preventing payment step completion without a selected method (@tuka217)
- #6248 [Coupon] Minor fixes in CouponType (@GSadee)
- #6242 [Behat] Unify keys for admin user (@GSadee)
- #6244 [Inventory] Minor fixes for back to stock after order cancellation (@tuka217)
- #6243 [Core] Minor refactor validation file (@GSadee)
- #6245 [CoreBundle][Core] Improvement of DefaultShippingMethodResolver (@tuka217)
- #6246 Cleanup some state machine callbacks | Reviews (@ylastapis)
- #6235 [Shop][UI] Fix styles path for the shop (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5705 [Documentation] Concepts: Orders (@TheMadeleine)
- #6120 [Documentation] Installation: Project Structure (@TheMadeleine)
- #6194 [Documentation] Cookbook - How to send a custom email? (@TheMadeleine)
- #6043 [Documentation] Concepts: Coupons (@TheMadeleine)
- #6240 [UPGRADE][ProductVariant] Add missing upgrade note (@GSadee)
- #6234 [Documentation] Fix all the links to http://guides.spreecommerce.org/ (@coudenysj)
- #6237 Cleanup some state machine callbacks. (@ylastapis)
- #6192 [Inventory] Inventory back to stock after order cancellation (@tuka217)
- #6236 [ProductVariant] Rename options to optionValues (@GSadee)
- #6195 [Core] Order fulfilment feature (@NeverResponse)
- #6193 [Product] Refactor product variant generator (@pamil)
- #6233 [Currency] Remove currency importers (@GSadee)
- #6232 [Documentation] Remove page and limit parameters on Get a Single Customer endpoint (@loicmobizel)
- #6199 [Checkout] Minor fixes on checkout shipping selection (@tuka217)
- #6215 [Admin][Product] Product image unique code validation (@GSadee)
- #6209 [Admin][Product] Removing images of a product (@GSadee)
- #6183 [Admin][Taxon] Taxon image unique code validation (@GSadee)
- #6213 [ProductImage][TaxonImage] Add ProductImageInterface and TaxonImageInterface (@saidul)
- #6214 [CoreBundle] Fix installation commands (@NeverResponse)
- #6208 [Behat] Add assert to getting last element of an array (@GSadee)
- #6207 [ProductImage] Fix displaying images by a code (@GSadee)
- #6188 Fix Gulpfile - Wrong minifile assets. (@liverbool)
- #6175 [Documentation] Concepts: Emails (@TheMadeleine)
- #6152 [Core] Made currency/locale change handlers taggable (@NeverResponse)
- #6053 [Sylius] Changed remember_me key to secret (@sweoggy)
- #6047 The User component only requires doctrine/collections (@mbabker)
- #6219 [CoreBundle] Rename taxon and product image unique code constraint (@Niiko)
- #6162 [Documentation] Minor Fixes (@TheMadeleine)
- #6197 [Payum] Fix converting prices to correct currencies in PayPal (@GSadee)
- #6203 [CoreBundle][InstallerBundle] Moved InstallerBundle innards into CoreBundle (@NeverResponse)
- #6179 [Admin][Product] Changing images of a product (@GSadee)
- #6201 [Behat] Fixed ShippingContext's faulty method use (@NeverResponse)
- #6128 [Admin] Changed product code to variant code on orders show page (@NeverResponse)
- #6202 [CoreBundle] Removed remnants of OrderPurger (@NeverResponse)
- #6174 [Repository] Removed unused
methods (@Zales0123) - #6196 [Ui][Translation] Crowdin wake up (@NeverResponse)
- #6075 [Checkout] Preventing shipping step completion without a selected method (@tuka217)
- #6149 [Behat] Remove unused steps (@Arminek)
- #6156 [Admin][Product] Move images from a product variant to a product (@GSadee)
- #6150 [Product] [Variation] Merge Variation into Product (@pamil)
- #6191 [CRITICAL][Shop] Check for provinces on preselected country (@Zales0123)
- #6177 [Admin] Unified grid fields declaration convention (@NeverResponse)
- #6172 [Behat][Repositories] Refactory find by name repository methods (@Zales0123)
- #6176 [Shop] Preselect only available country on addressing form (@Zales0123)
- #6181 [Core] Remove unneeded expired orders purger (@Zales0123)
- #6002 [Country] Adding a province to a country manually (@tuka217)
- #6134 [Cart][Order] Merge Cart into Order (@Zales0123)
- #6171 [Security] Admin redirection fix (@lchrusciel)
- #6164 [Behat] Clean up Behat pages defined elements (@Zales0123)
- #6163 [Core] Fixed typo in StringInflector's method name (@NeverResponse)
- #6063 [Behat] Checked if the order confirmation email gets sent (@NeverResponse)
- #6154 [Core] Minor fixes in TaxonInterface model (@pamil)
- #5763 [CoreBundle][HwiOauth] Type error on HwiOauth authentication / Fix service definition (@ylastapis)
- #6153 [Admin] Fixed class deprecations in grids declarations (@NeverResponse)
- #6151 [Core] Remove metadata outtakes (@pamil)
- #6135 [Ui] Changed yes/no translations for crowdin to catch up (@NeverResponse)
- #6033 [Inventory] Holding inventory units during checkout (@Arminek)
- #6077 [Core] Remove all *.class parameters (@pamil)
- #6089 [Settings] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6091 [Shop] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6088 [Review] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6090 [Shipping] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6092 [User] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6086 [Payment] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6087 [Pricing] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6085 [Mailer] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6084 [Grid] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6083 [Customer] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6082 [Channel] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6081 [Attribute] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6080 [Api] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6079 [Association] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6078 [Addressing] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6129 [Ui] Fixed yes/no translations (@NeverResponse)
- #6111 [Api] Fixed checkout routing (@NeverResponse)
- #6119 [Product] Remove duplicated field (@lchrusciel)
- #6126 [ShipmentUnit] Docblock fix (@GSadee)
- #6113 [Admin][Order] Modifying customer's shipping address validation (@GSadee)
- #6110 [Customer] Move CustomerRepository to core (@GSadee)
- #6062 [Admin][Order] Modifying a customer's shipping address on an order (@GSadee)
- #6124 [Order][Behat] Minor fix after updating a deleting an order feature (@GSadee)
- #6122 [Behat] Minor step name fixes (@GSadee)
- #6112 [OrderItemUnit][ShippingUnit][InventoryUnit] Clean up (@GSadee)
- #6105 [Shop][Checkout] Prevent starting checkout with empty cart (@Arminek)
- #6093 [Ui] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6094 [Taxonomy] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6095 [Taxation] Remove .class parameters (@pamil)
- #6121 [HOTFIX] [CRITICAL] Fix master build (@lchrusciel)
- #5393 use code to show shipping method options (@videni)
- #6109 [Order][Admin] Remove possibility to delete an order (@GSadee)
- #6096 [User] Do not redeclare roles property on AdminUser (@pamil)
- #6114 [Core] Removed the 'sold' field from ProductVariant (@NeverResponse)
- #6103 [ShopBundle] Fix dependency issue with AdminBundle in _addresses.html.twig (@steffenbrem)
- #6100 [ShopBundle] Locale and currency switcher small improvement (@steffenbrem)
- #5332 [Bug Fix] ShippingCountryRuleChecker, Use the country configuration as a code, instead of it's id (@steffenbrem)
- #6055 [Addressing][Shop][Taxonomy] Quoting scalars... (@sweoggy)
- #6064 [BugFix][Core] Remove cascade transitions on sylius_shipment_unit (@steffenbrem)
- #6116 [Shop] Made sure item's variant code is displayed (@NeverResponse)
- #6115 [Ui] Small frontend fixes (@NeverResponse, @bretto36)
- #6102 [Admin][Translation] Add translation for editing administrator (@Arminek)
- #6074 [Theme] fix bc break in templates loading, add real template existence check (@ahilles107)
- #6059 [Behat] EmailChecker upgrades (@NeverResponse)
- #6065 [Core] Extract even more services definitions (@pamil)
- #6068 [Critical] Fixed build failing due to unresolved behat step (@NeverResponse)
- #6042 [Behat] Seeing order prices in it's currency on details page (@NeverResponse)
- #5847 [Shop] Fixed currency displaying on cart's summary (@NeverResponse)
- #5951 [BugFix][Core] Added shipping method eligibility checker to core methods resolver (@steffenbrem)
- #6046 Cleanup unused OrderCheckoutTransitions (@ylastapis)
- #6050 [Shop] HTML5 conformance and Symfony deprecations (@sweoggy)
- #5945 [Checkout] Firewall for checkout (@Arminek)
- #6045 [Behat] Order prices in it's currency's exchange rate on details page (@NeverResponse)
- #6000 [Promotion] Clean up promotions handling (@pamil)
- #5962 [Documentation] Concepts: Taxation (@TheMadeleine)
- #6040 [Admin][Product] Enable tracking (@Arminek)
- #6030 [Taxon] Changing images of a taxon (@GSadee)
- #6012 [Documentation] Customization Guide: State Machine (@TheMadeleine)
- #6029 [Checkout][Behat] Split checkout features (@Arminek)
- #6013 [Product] Remove legacy product type (@pamil)
- #6039 [Core] Make all codes lowercase in new fixtures (@gorkalaucirica)
- #6036 [Core] Clean up TaxCalculationStrategy (@pamil)
- #6038 [Documentation][Order] Added order processor docs (@gorkalaucirica)
- #6035 [Core] Remove unused routing-related features (@pamil)
- #6034 [Core] Remove unused PurchaseCompleteEvent (@pamil)
- #6028 Revert "[Settings] Do not inject container to ParameterTransformerListener" (@pamil)
- #6026 [Core] Remove Sylius ORM Purger (@pamil)
- #6023 [Core] Use .class parameter instead of dynamically modifying class in the extension (@pamil)
- #6022 [Core] Move setting parameters from prepend to load method (@pamil)
- #6004 [Taxon] Removing images of a taxon (@GSadee)
- #6021 [Core] Remove unused bundles from extension (@pamil)
- #6018 [Core] Reorganise services (@pamil)
- #5956 [Checkout] Be able to modify all past steps of the checkout (@Arminek)
- #5957 [Cart][Inventory] Verify quantity of units on adding to cart (@tuka217, @Arminek)
- #5996 [Grid] Default sorting of order by number (@NeverResponse)
- #5992 [Documentation] Customization Guide: Translations (@TheMadeleine)
- #5998 Compiler pass added to register order processors using service tags (@gorkalaucirica)
- #5946 [Documentation] Concepts: Promotions (@TheMadeleine)
- #6008 [Checkout] Add missing translation (@GSadee)
- #6016 [Behat] Scenarios for seeing orders totals in exchange rate of their currency on index (@NeverResponse)
- #6005 [Flow][Core][BC Break] Remove FlowBundle (@Zales0123, @pamil)
- #5959 [Taxon] Refactor taxon images (@GSadee, @okwinza)
- #6007 [Behat] Fixes in Order and ProductVariant contexts (@GSadee)
- #6015 [Core] Remove Sylius ORM Purger (@pamil)
- #6014 [Core] Remove leftovers from SettingsBundle usage (@pamil)
- #6001 [Channel] Add missing type hints (@lchrusciel)
- #6003 [DocBlocks] Clean up obvious comments. (@lchrusciel)
- #6006 Correct spelling (@merianos)
- #5935 [Inventory] Decrease quantity of items when order is paid (@GSadee, @tuka217)
- #5993 [Documentation] Remove documentation for non-existent bundles & components (@pamil)
- #5970 [RFC] [POC] [Cart] Introduce CartModifier service (@lchrusciel)
- #5991 [Settings] Do not inject container to ParameterTransformerListener (@pamil)
- #5990 [Promotion] Clean up PromotionApplicator (@pamil)
- #5994 [Core] Improve factories usage in DI (@pamil)
- #5987 [Behat][Setup][Users] Create only enabled accounts (@Arminek)
- #5952 Remove duplicate “flash” config entry (@coox)
- #5958 [Theme] Twig loader quick fix to avoid profiler exception (@Zales0123)
- #5974 Docs - fixing dependencies in AppKernel (@kshishkin)
- #5896 [API] Checkout API rework (@Zales0123)
- #5975 [Security][Kinda] Typos fixes never end (@NeverResponse)
- #5976 [Promotion] Use proportional distribution in order percentage discount (@pamil)
- #5977 [Core] Typehint for Core Order if needed (@pamil)
- #5980 [Behat] Missing constructor typehint (@lchrusciel)
- #5978 Update UPGRADE.md (@gabiudrescu)
- #5972 [Cart] Fix event and flush order in CartItemController (@lchrusciel)
- #5925 [Documentation] Concepts: Customer & ShopUser (@TheMadeleine)
- #5971 [RFC] [OrderComponent] OrderProcessorInterface moved to order component. (@lchrusciel)
- #5973 fixed typo (@podorozhny)
- #5939 [Behat] Fix step name in editing customer (@GSadee)
- #5955 [Core] Remove unneeded listener in CartType (@Zales0123)
- #5940 Fix typo in CartLocaleChangeHandler Exception (@skyosev)
- #5938 [ShippingBundle] Removed unused Controller (@NeverResponse)
- #5915 [Core][Cart] Cart locale update (@Arminek, @GSadee)
- #5937 [Behat] Fix some steps associated with newsletter subscription (@GSadee)
- #5929 [Admin][Customer] Making customer subscribed to the newsletter (@GSadee)
- #5932 [Behat] Checked if the shipment confirmation email gets sent (@NeverResponse)
- #5926 [Admin][Customer] Checking subscribed to the newsletter on customer show page (@GSadee)
- #5923 [Registration] Subscribe to the newsletter during registration (@GSadee)
- #5845 [Cart] Refactor removing cart item from cart (@GSadee)
- #5912 [Behat] Checked whether a customer receives the welcoming email (@NeverResponse)
- #5900 [Checkout] Ensured exchange rate gets updated throughout checkout (@NeverResponse)
- #5898 [Core] Translatable entities should not rely on current channel's locales and available ones (@Arminek, @pamil)
- #5927 [Documentation] Concepts: AdminUser (@TheMadeleine)
- #5918 [Account] Subscribe to the newsletter in customer account (@GSadee)
- #5911 Remove the remaining resolver references (@mbabker)
- #5910 [Shipping] ShipmentInterface of subject in the Calculators fix (@TheMadeleine)
- #5816 [Documentation] Concepts: Payments (@TheMadeleine)
- #5920 [Documentation] Concepts: Addresses (@TheMadeleine)
- #5848 [Documentation] Concepts: Shipments (@TheMadeleine)
- #5622 Fix a typo in DemoteUserCommand (@loicmobizel)
- #5884 Stubs for pricing bundle docs (@mbabker)
- #5919 [Migrations] Add missing migrations after removing metadata and reports (@GSadee)
- #5878 [Inventory] Quantity validation on cart summary (@Arminek)
- #5921 [Behat] Minor refactor shopping cart features (@GSadee)
- #5882 [Checkout][Inventory] Verify complete checkout (@Arminek, @pamil)
- #5904 [Docs] Models referred in PromotionBundle docs had wrong paths (@gabiudrescu)
- #5839 [Report] Remove ReportBundle (@GSadee)
- #5903 Tweaks for inventory bundle installation docs (@mbabker)
- #5902 Remove reference to translation bundle (@mbabker)
- #5893 [Cart] Controller cleanup (@lchrusciel)
- #5844 [Shop][Cart] Update cart after channel switching (@tuka217)
- #5894 [Admin] Removing shop user account (@tuka217)
- #5889 [Rbac] Remove RBAC-related packages from composer "replace" list (@coox)
- #5891 [Rbac] Removing rbac from Sylius installer - Fixes- #5890 (@alecslupu)
- #5869 [Rbac] remove rbac bundle and component (@Arminek)
- #5885 Remove Metadata component & bundle (@pamil)
- #5730 [Documentation] Concepts: Checkout (@TheMadeleine)
- #5841 [Contact] Removed Contact component and bundle (@NeverResponse)
- #5821 [Behat][Admin] Create delete admin feature (@Arminek)
- #5835 [Archetype] Removed Archetype component and bundle (@NeverResponse)
- #5842 [Shipping] Remove shipping rules (@tuka217)
- #5811 [Behat] Changed sample data to correspond with default configuration (@NeverResponse)
- #5876 [Gulp] Fix path to theme icons (@lchrusciel)
- #5875 Fix on users service routing file (@rodmarzavala)
- #5862 Remove ItemResolver(Interface) (@pamil)
- #5867 remove duplicated sidebar in admin (@gabiudrescu)
- #5655 Remove WebBundle (@pamil)
- #5830 [Admin] Prettify state labels (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5832 [Behat][Domain] Minor refactor domain contexts (@GSadee)
- #5823 [Composer] Update KnpMenuBundle to ^2.0 (@pamil)
- #5651 Remove SearchBundle (@pamil)
- #5820 [Behat] Remove unnecessary check (@lchrusciel)
- #5819 [Behat] Got rid of an incoherent scenario (@NeverResponse)
- #5815 [Core][User] Add administrator role (@Arminek)
- #5814 [Shop] Finalize templates and remove legacy checkout (@pamil, @pjedrzejewski)
- #5804 [Order] Order exchange rate (@Arminek, @tuka217)
- #5797 [Admin] Crud for admin user (@Arminek)
- #5806 [Docs][RbacBundle] Add sylius.cache parameter config (@Niiko)
- #5805 [Core] Cleaned up some state machine classes (@NeverResponse)
- #5653 [API] Remove unneeded routing (@lchrusciel)
- #5785 Allow setting theme name in Channel fixtures (@gorkalaucirica)
- #5766 Removed duplicate setting (@bretto36)
- #5783 One migration to rule them all (@pamil)
- #5787 [Rbac][AdminBundle] Add missing check permission on admin customer show route (@Niiko)
- #5789 [Instaltion] Fix setup instalator (@lchrusciel)
- #5801 [User][Behat] Replace user test factories with example factory (@Arminek)
- #5792 [Installer] Install database fixes (@lchrusciel)
- #5798 [User] Get metadata definition from registry (@Arminek)
- #5795 [Docs] Remove AttributeBundle from installation of GridBundle (@lchrusciel)
- #5770 [Cart] Refactor cart (@GSadee)
- #5754 Refactor order processing logic (@pamil)
- #5780 [Behat] Several minor fixes in Behat contextes (@lchrusciel)
- #5539 [User] Change user bundle configuration to be able to support multipl… (@Arminek)
- #5748 [Gulp] Clean up Sylius gulp files (@Zales0123)
- #5779 [Docs] Adjust a Behat guide to latest changes (@lchrusciel)
- #5781 Remove unused assets (@pamil)
- #5757 Added missing quotes (@jontorrado)
- #5752 [Cart] Refactor clearing cart (@GSadee)
- #5690 [Cart] Refactor adding to cart (@GSadee)
- #5749 [Composer] Use stable ApiTestCase (@pamil)
- #5753 [Documentation] Concepts: taxons - mainTaxon (@TheMadeleine)
- #5747 [Documentation] Installation and Architecture fix (@TheMadeleine)
- #5630 [Documentation] Concepts: Taxons (@TheMadeleine)
- #5741 [API][Order] Update OrderType to have customer optional (@danut007ro)
- #5736 [Core] Move main Sylius bundles to AppKernel (@Zales0123)
- #5737 [Order] Remove Identity (@pamil)
- #5734 [BC Break][Content] Remove Assetic and CMFMenuBundle (@Zales0123, @pjedrzejewski)
- #5733 [Travis] Run cli tagged Behat scenarios (@pamil)
- #5732 [Command] Fix setup command (@lchrusciel)
- #5689 [Shop][Payment] Prevent selecting payment method not assigned to channel (@tuka217)
- #5729 [Admin] [Customer]Remove delete button on index, add information about no account on show page (@tuka217)
- #5718 [Behat][Promotion] Added reverting item based promotion scenario (@NeverResponse)
- #5703 [Shop][Admin] Include tax rate in product price (@tuka217)
- #5650 [Inventory] Remove backorders & available on demand support, add tracking toggle on Stockable (@pamil)
- #5710 fixes for #5709 (@krojew)
- #5722 Namespace does not match (@enekochan)
- #5726 Bugfix test order domain context (@ahmadrabie)
- #5728 [API][Zone] Zone API tests (@Zales0123)
- #5714 [API] API fixes (@Zales0123)
- #5717 [Core][Product] Fix query with true value instead of 1 (@Niiko)
- #5686 [CoreBundle][OrderBundle] Cascade delete addresses and comments (@tuka217)
- #5711 [API][Fixtures] Added default API user (@Zales0123)
- #5673 [Shop] Fix Order's payment processing (@NeverResponse)
- #5704 [CoreBundle] Unplugged 'loyalty', 'group', 'product' rules and 'add_product' action (@NeverResponse)
- #5698 [Maintenance] Remove unused @legacy tag (@lchrusciel)
- #5700 [Theme] Improve fallback locales handling in translator (@pamil)
- #5697 [Factory] Decouple ProductVariantFactory and CouponFactory from repositories (@lchrusciel)
- #5699 [Core][Shipping][Payment] Rename resolvers (@tuka217)
- #5638 Add typehints for objects taken from registries (@pamil)
- #5659 [Channel] Make default locale required (@pamil)
- #5672 [Admin] Delete duplicated breadcrumb macro file (@pamil)
- #5680 Fixes 5678 (@ylastapis)
- #5676 issue_5561 (@vcraescu)
- #5681 Fix various typos in documentation (@CharlyP)
- #5617 [Shop][Product] Viewing product's price (@tuka217)
- #5658 [Installer] Remove PHPCR fixtures from installing sample data (@pamil)
- #5662 Issue#5561: Taxon root is not being checked (@vcraescu)
- #5628 [ThemeBundle] fixed assets re-installation (@takeit)
- #5666 Update product.rst (@pix-art)
- #5663 [UserBundle] Remove unused service. (@liverbool)
- #5644 [TaxonomyBundle] Add typehints on TaxonRepository (@loicmobizel)
- #5654 [Locale] Add request based locale context (@pamil)
- #5657 [Core] Make shopper context extend nested context interfaces (@pamil)
- #5648 [Core] Remove CustomerController (@pamil)
- #5656 [Core] Make SyliusCollector catch correct exceptions (@pamil)
- #5647 [Core] Rewrite ChannelBasedCurrencyProvider (@pamil)
- #5610 [Behat][Shop] Added stock level dependant rendering of simple product's details page (@NeverResponse)
- #5615 [Core][Order] Refactor order shipment state (@Arminek)
- #5547 [CustomerBundle][Customer] Introduce Customer component and CustomerBundle (@tuka217, @michalmarcinkowski)
- #5645 [TaxonomyBundle] Remove Webmozart useless dependency (@loicmobizel)
- #5646 [Core] Remove ProductAccessor (@pamil)
- #5636 [Grid] Introduce variadics (@pamil)
- #5634 [Grid] Fixes for StringFilter (@pamil)
- #5632 [API] Fix api authenticator (@lchrusciel)
- #5627 [Core] Remove CustomerAwareListener (@pamil)
- #5643 [Core] Remove ProductController (@pamil)
- #5635 [Core][Cart] Remove registry from composite cart context & small fixes (@Arminek)
- #5633 [API] Surround resources with double quote (@lchrusciel)
- #5642 Added notes translation (@bretto36)
- #5605 [Payment] Refactor order payment state machine (@GSadee)
- #5601 Make locales switchable by user & dependent on current channel (@pamil)
- #5629 [Behat] Remove DefaultSuiteSettingsExtension (@pamil)
- #5625 [Core] Remove not needed listeners (@pamil)
- #5616 [Order][Behat] Minor refactor orders behat (@GSadee)
- #5621 Remove duplicated keys (@lchrusciel)
- #5565 [Cart][Core] Rework the logic behind the cart (@Arminek, @pjedrzejewski)
- #5559 [ResourceBundle] Allow arguments with expression service accept parameters. (@liverbool)
- #5611 Process missing 'permission' parameter in ResourceLoader (@Strontium-90)
- #5620 Added missing translation (@bretto36)
- #5619 Update DemoteUserCommand.php (@gabiudrescu)
- #5581 [Documentation] Concepts: Products (@TheMadeleine)
- #5527 [Documentation] Concepts: Currencies (@TheMadeleine)
- #5608 [Documentation] Concepts: Attributes (@TheMadeleine)
- #5606 [Shipping] Refactor shipment state machine (@Arminek)
- #5582 [Theme] Support namespaced paths (@pamil)
- #5607 [Api][Test] Add default currency (@Arminek)
- #5592 [Channel] Add not blank validation for channel default currency (@Arminek)
- #5578 [Channel] Fix serializer directory name (typo) (@pamil)
- #5595 [Shop] Hide selector if there are no other available currencies (@pamil)
- #5599 [Core] Replace hardcoded validation groups with related parameter (@pamil)
- #5596 Update products.rst (@daifabde)
- #5598 Fix sitemap test response (@pamil)
- #5594 [Core] Update channel fixtures with default locale & currency (@pamil)
- #5597 [Locale] Locale refactoring (@pamil)
- #5567 [Payment] Refactor payment state machine (@GSadee)
- #5306 [Core] Delete old fixtures (@pamil)
- #5541 Upgrade to phpspec 3.0 (@pamil)
- #5589 Use factory to create model resource (@BenjaminGoetz)
- #5588 Correct a typo in word "troubleshooting" (@BenjaminGoetz)
- #5587 Typo (@tvlooy)
- #5571 [ResourceBundle] Fix validation_groups configuration definition. (@liverbool)
- #5579 [Optimization] Enhance shipping methods resolver (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5580 [Payment] Cleanup in payment method repository (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5583 [Behat] Use FriendsOfBehat/PerformanceExtension in order to speed up Behat execution (@pamil)
- #5584 Update LoadUsersData.php (@samanmohamadi)
- #5577 [Order] Fixes after refactoring state machine (@GSadee)
- #5575 [Core] Rename ChannelAwareCurrencyProvider to ChannelBasedCurrencyProvider (@pamil)
- #5573 [Fixtures] Allow for nested array nodes at sylius_fixtures.**.options and taxon.children (@pamil)
- #5497 Refactoring currency context & related code (@pamil)
- #5564 [Installer] A small cleanup (@pamil)
- #5562 [Order] Fix number generator (@GSadee)
- #5557 [Shop][Behat] Upgraded EmailChecker and fixed verification on registration (@NeverResponse)
- #5516 [Order] Refactor order state machine (@GSadee)
- #5545 [Documentation] Concepts: Countries (@TheMadeleine)
- #5549 [Travis] Remove residues after legacy Behat (@pamil)
- #5553 [Behat] Remove legacy contexts, suites and scenarios (@pamil)
- #5555 [Behat] fix typo in seeing_items_on_order_summary_page.feature (@gabiudrescu)
- #5556 [Core] Remove LocaleController (@pamil)
- #5505 [Order][Sequence] Remove SequenceBundle and move logic of generating numbers to OrderBundle (@GSadee)
- #5551 [Documentation] Concepts: Zones (@TheMadeleine)
- #5554 [Behat] Maintaining cart after authorization scenarios (@Zales0123)
- #5548 [Behat] Receiving discount on cart from coupon scenario (@Zales0123)
- #5522 [Behat] Generic login user type (@majidgolshadi)
- #5371 [Resource] Fix resource loading / metadata (@isometriks, @cdaguerre)
- #5518 [Documentation] Concepts: Locales (@TheMadeleine)
- #5511 [Documentation] Concepts: Channels (@TheMadeleine)
- #5517 Response status codes (@bendavies)
- #5278 correct payum version constraints for SyliusPayumBundle (@videni)
- #5546 [Core] Delete purchase events and listener (@Zales0123)
- #5535 [BC Break] Unplug SyliusWebBundle and SyliusSearchBundle (@GSadee, @pjedrzejewski)
- #5537 [Core][Originator] Base on promotion codes instead of originator (@Zales0123)
- #5466 [Admin][User] Remove temporarily authorization roles from user form (@GSadee)
- #5506 [Documentation] Resource Layer and State Machine update (@TheMadeleine)
- #5532 [Addressing] ProvinceController clean up (@Zales0123)
- #5531 [Attribute] Unsupport
method of attribute factory (@Zales0123) - #5523 save refresh token when oauth login (@videni)
- #5501 [GridBundle] Allow filtering by fields from associated objects (@aramalipoor)
- #5498 [Behat] Username typo (@lchrusciel)
- #5499 [Docs] Typo in architecture (@lchrusciel)
- #5504 [Documentation] Installation update (@TheMadeleine)
- #5500 [Documentation] Third party libraries (@TheMadeleine)
- #5451 [Documentation] Architecture - Divisions (@TheMadeleine)
- #5447 Bump version and branch alias for 1.0.0-alpha (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5420 [Documentation] Architecture - Symfony, Doctrine & Twig (@TheMadeleine)
- #5489 [Documentation] Architecture - Resource Layer & State Machine (@TheMadeleine)
- #5414 [Documentation] Installation via composer (@TheMadeleine)
- #5429 Only add steps that are active (@dantleech)
- #5494 [Documentation] System requirements quick fix (@TheMadeleine)
- #5406 [Core] Tweak the default fixtures to be more realistic and add orders (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5364 [Documentation] System requirements (@TheMadeleine)
- #5490 Windows path compatibility: (@caponica)
- #5488 Make CurrencyContext work correctly without channel (@pamil)
- #5487 Fix showing channel in the collector (@pamil)
- #5486 fix SetupCommand 'tax_calculation_strategy' should not be null (@nogo)
- #5483 [Docs] Added missing bundle in SyliusResourceBundle installation docs (@Zales0123)
- #5481 [Admin] Allow to remove default tax zone from existing channel (@Zales0123)
- #5482 [Behat][CRITICAL] Fix typo in adding channel scenario (@Zales0123)
- #5458 Added resource debug command (@dantleech)
- #5479 [Admin] Added missing "show" button on customers list (@Zales0123)
- #5471 [Web] Refactor space trim in Order macro (@pamil)
- #5474 Prevent ChannelCollector crash if not in a channel (@pamil)
- #5472 [Shop][Customer] Fixed verification rendering + Customer's trim (@NeverResponse)
- #5473 Prevent SyliusCollector crash if not in a channel (@pamil)
- #5468 [Behat][Core] Remove set customer id callback and apply review fixes (@Arminek)
- #5459 Remove right trim in order list (@ping86)
- #5467 [Core] Enhance Sylius collector template (@pamil)
- #5433 [Admin][Payment] Payment instructions and offline payment rework (@Zales0123, @GSadee)
- #5419 [Shop] Change payment method on an order (@tuka217, @Arminek, @GSadee)
- #5029 [Shop] Account verification (@NeverResponse)
- #5440 [Behat] Add state transitions to creating orders programmatically (@GSadee)
- #5461 [Theme] Fix collector if there are themes found (@pamil)
- #5453 [Channel] Enhance channel collector (@pamil)
- #5381 [Behat] Clean up (@Arminek, @tuka217, @GSadee)
- #5452 [Shop] Add ability to show static content (@pamil)
- #5427 [Behat] Move shared storage to behat services (@lchrusciel)
- #5457 [Documentation] Customization Guide: Models - fix (@TheMadeleine)
- #5442 [Core][Payment] Populate gateway choices based on payum configuration (@Zales0123)
- #5430 [Core][Shop] Apply proper transitions on checkout summary (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5450 [Admin] Enhance CMF integration (frontend fixes) (@pamil)
- #5426 [Shop][Order] Fix typo (@GSadee)
- #5434 [Documentation] Use a fixture multiple times in a single suite (@pamil)
- #5422 [Fixtures] Ability to reuse a fixture in the same suite (@pamil)
- #5415 [Order][Checkout] Thx page (@Arminek, @tuka217, @GSadee)
- #5454 [Theme] Enhance theme collector (@pamil)
- #5446 Update CHANGELOG for 0.19 (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5443 [Composer] Lock doctrine/data-fixtures at 1.1.* (@pamil)
- #5441 Move sylius.ui.* translations and from WebBundle to UiBundle (@pamil)
- #5435 [CRITICAL] Prevent SyliusDataCollector from breaking the whole app if channel cannot be found (@pamil)
- #5423 [Admin] Support for CMF routes (@pamil)
- #5363 [Promotion] Apply promotion on nth order for a Guest (@tuka217)
- #5416 [Core] Fix Order's state machine (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5409 [Admin] Initial support for static content (@pamil)
- #5421 [Composer] Update matthiasnoback/* dependencies and remove fork repository usage (@pamil)
- #5417 [Behat] Refactor checkValidationMessageFor to getValidationMessage (@pamil)
- #5413 missing request configuration parameter (@videni)
- #5407 [Shop] Remove default "permission: false" parameter from routes configurations (@Zales0123)
- #5405 [Behat] Small fixes in assert messages (@Zales0123)
- #5402 [Behat] Remove *.class parameters to improve readability (@pamil)
- #5398 Fix issue 5317, when asking /api/checkouts/{id} for the available pay… (@ylastapis)
- #5395 [Core] Move default taxation settings to channel (@Zales0123)
- #5403 [Shop] Allow to choose province on addressing step (@Zales0123)
- #5396 [Admin][Customer] Remove unused toggle on update action (@Arminek)
- #5390 [Shop][Checkout] Displaying detailed shipping fee (@tuka217)
- #5375 [Admin][Behat] Customer show page basic info and addresses (@Zales0123)
- #5385 [Composer][Locale] Add SonataIntlBundle and localized date in templates (@Niiko)
- #5394 [Resource] gracefully handle state machine transitions that cannot be applied (@bendavies)
- #5386 [Behat][Shop] Allow to go back in checkout (@Zales0123)
- #5389 [Shop] Fix rendering shipping and payment method on summary page (@tuka217)
- #5358 Improve SyliusFlow Docs (@gabiudrescu)
- #5388 [Documentation] Fix API endpoint (@davidfuhr)
- #5369 Update link to API data fixtures (@pamil)
- #5367 [Email] Fix resetting password (@Arminek)
- #5360 [Fixtures] Allow options to be an array only (@pamil)
- #5214 [Documentation] Customization Guide (@TheMadeleine)
- #5337 [User] Synchronize User::usernameCanonical with Customer::emailCanonical (@pamil)
- #5359 [Shop][Checkout] Quick fixes (@Arminek)
- #5353 [Core] [Fixtures] Add images to product fixtures (@pamil)
- #5339 [Theme] Ability to disable assets / templates / translations overwriting support (@pamil)
- #5350 [Core] [Fixtures] Do not create admin users by default (@pamil)
- #5319 [Admin][Order] Add order notes (@Arminek)
- #5314 [Shop][Checkout] Seeing shipping and payment methods on order summary (@Zales0123, @Arminek)
- #5342 [ReportBundle] Get default configuration for embedAction if no config… (@Niiko)
- #5334 [Core] Refactor core fixtures, add specific products types fixtures (@pamil)
- #5323 [Shop][Behat] Seeing total tax on order summary (@Zales0123)
- #5330 [WebBundle][ProductVariant] Add form errors for class constraints (@Niiko)
- #5331 [Admin][Taxon] create partial routing for taxons (@Arminek)
- #5310 [Shop][Checkout] Seeing discount on order item (@Arminek)
- #5328 [Rbac] Add missing permissions (@Niiko)
- #5327 [Product][Order] Remove Revert and Restore action (@Niiko)
- #5285 [Fixtures] Rewrite Core fixtures (@pamil)
- #5281 [Shop][Account] Order details on my account page (@GSadee)
- #5274 [Admin][Shop] New order appears in the admin panel (@Arminek)
- #5116 [Migration] Auto-generate product code in db field while running doctrine (@psyray)
- #5324 [Shop][Behat] Seeing order items on order summary (@tuka217, @Zales0123)
- #5318 Fix issue 5317 (@ylastapis)
- #5311 [Attribute] Remove unused AttributeValue::$value (@pamil)
- #5312 [Attrbiute] Use value setter & fix properties visibility (@pamil)
- #5265 [Behat][Shop] Seeing shipping details on order summary (@Zales0123, @tuka217)
- #5316 [Variation] Rename presentation to name (@pamil)
- #5315 [Migrations] Fix migrations namespace (@pamil)
- #5305 [CRITICAL] Rename authorization step & fix build on master (@pamil)
- #5286 [Documentation] Fixtures bundle (@pamil)
- #5294 [Shop] Use menu builder for my account section + small tweaks (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5291 [Admin] Allow for customizable labels (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5240 [Shop] New checkout payment step (@tuka217)
- #5295 [Behat] Fix typo in scenario step (@tuka217)
- #5297 [Admin] Fixed bug with editing checkbox attributes (@Zales0123)
- #5299 [Fixtures] Update readme.md / composer.json & small improvements (@pamil)
- #5300 [Core] Cleanup inventory and guest order paramaters (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5292 [JS] Upgrade a npm package version (@lchrusciel)
- #5293 [JS] Run gulp script (@lchrusciel)
- #5272 [Core] Remove usage of PropertyAccess for simple array manipulation (@pamil)
- #5298 [Core] Bring migrations back (@pamil)
- #5279 [Resource] Do not check for permission by default (@inssein)
- #5219 [Fixtures] Brand new fixtures bundle (@pamil)
- #5141 [Shop][Account] Orders on my account page (@GSadee)
- #5255 [Shop][Checkout] Sigining in during checkout addressing step (@Arminek)
- #5247 [Grid] Grid options (@dantleech)
- #5271 [Core] Do not remove onFlush listeners in OrderItemInventoryListener (@pamil)
- #5228 Change currency to currency code (@GSadee)
- #5262 [Shop] Add initial images support (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5266 [Shop] Routing typo fix (@GSadee)
- #5210 [Resource] Allow explicit enabling of drivers (@dantleech)
- #5224 [Mail] Update mail templates (@GSadee)
- #5182 [RFC] [Settings] Change Settings parameters type to json_array (@bendavies)
- #5251 [Promotion][Core] Decouple Promotion configuration from Core (@Zales0123)
- #5260 [Shop] Break infinite loop (@Arminek)
- #5259 [Shipping] Removed unneeded composite resolver interface (@Zales0123)
- #5201 [Shop][Checkout] addressing as a guest (@Arminek)
- #5225 [Composer][PayumBundle] Upgrade to 2.1 (@Niiko)
- #5254 [Shop] Quick tweaks to the shipping step template (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5256 [Admin] Fix image upload on product create and update (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5257 [Admin] Quick fix for deleting attributes (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5253 [Admin] Quickfixes and tweak to admin's products UI (@michalmarcinkowski, @pjedrzejewski)
- #5220 [Behat][Shop] New checkout shipping step (@Zales0123)
- #5202 [Core] Implement object usefull for string formatting (@Zales0123)
- #5138 [Shop] Integrate latest templates (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5096 [Shop] reset password feature (@Arminek, @pamil)
- #5242 [Shipping] Add translatable description to ShippingMethod (@Zales0123)
- #5238 [Promotion] Add missed translation (@lchrusciel)
- #5234 [ResourceBundle] Ignore flash message if set to false (@majidgolshadi)
- #5149 [SearchBundle][Documentation] Update elasticsearch product mapping (@Niiko)
- #5226 [WebBundle] Fix SKU Refactoring (@ylastapis)
- #1 Fix Behat on test_cached (@pamil)
- #5193 [ShopBundle] Index of products from given taxon (@tuka217)
- #5216 [Core][Shipping] Fix shipping method choice type (@Zales0123)
- #3951 [ResourceBundle] Generic autocomplete form type for resources (@tuka217)
- #5217 [Behat] Fixed wrong checkout suite file name (@Zales0123)
- #5218 [Resource] Allow to redirect to route without default query parameters (@Zales0123)
- #5215 Use getRoot on taxons (replacing the remove getTaxonomy) (@coudenysj)
- #5211 Default to empty array on translator resource provider (@dantleech)
- #5183 [Shop][Checkout] Checkout addressing step (@Arminek)
- #5195 [Documentation] The Book - Architecture (@TheMadeleine)
- #5209 Update link documentation about state machine (@Chrysweel)
- #5205 [Documentation] README update - Installation (@TheMadeleine)
- #5196 [Core] Implement simple ShopperContext (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5198 [Core] Remove restricted zone feature (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5187 [Behat] Order promotions aggregation scenarios (@Zales0123)
- #5150 [Admin][Behat] Adding a text attribute to product (@Zales0123)
- #5192 [Resource] Repository interface fix (@TheMadeleine)
- #5186 [Behat] Order taxes aggregation scenarios (@Zales0123)
- #5190 Merge the translation component documentation in the resource component documentation (@coudenysj)
- #5174 [Documentation] The Book - Installation (@TheMadeleine)
- #5185 [Review] Remove creating reviews in backend and product review form types (@GSadee)
- #5175 remove unused doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle (@bendavies)
- #5180 [User] Set required to false on not required fields on CustomerType (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5179 [Behat] Quick fix in OrderContext (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5176 [Admin] Rework the UI of completing a payment, cancelling and shipping an order (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5172 [Backend] Fix displaying orders on dashboard (@GSadee)
- #5169 [Admin][Core] Fix calculation issues on order show (@Zales0123)
- #5039 [ResourceBundle] Default Form builder for PHPCR-ODM (@dantleech)
- #5161 [Resource] Updating resources response code (@bendavies)
- #5167 [User] Customer validation fix (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5165 [Documentation] Docs Contribution Guide update (@TheMadeleine)
- #5164 [TaxonomyBundle] adding webmozart/assert on composer.json in sylius/taxonomy-bundle (@loicmobizel)
- #5166 [Resource] use a more appropriate response code on foreign key constraint violation exception (@bendavies)
- #5163 [Shop][Fix] Fix order payment and shipment route parameters (@Arminek)
- #5152 [Admin][Behat] Add shipping order feature (@Arminek)
- #5148 [Admin][Order] Cancelling an order (@tuka217)
- #5157 [Payum] Fix order amounts that are sent to Paypal (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5155 [UiBundle] Fix choice type hardcoded class (@TheMadeleine)
- #5156 [Backend] Fixed sorting translatable fields in backend (@GSadee)
- #5154 Update your_first_grid.rst (@antonioperic)
- #5144 [Admin][Order] Complete order's payment feature (@Arminek)
- #5153 [Behat][Admin] Fix attributes creation on new admin (@Zales0123)
- #5151 [Core] Add missing configuration parameters (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5142 [Promotion][Core] Discounted unit price feature (@Zales0123)
- #4936 [Core][Product] Remove master variant (@Zales0123)
- #5143 [Grid] Submit the data to fill the form properly (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5140 [Sylius] Extract CoreBundle's Kernel once again (@pamil)
- #5129 [RBAC] Use a cache-key prefix for improved namespacing (@peteward)
- #5131 Update OrderRepository.php (@ibasaw)
- #5128 [Sylius] Fixes for changes from #5058 (@pamil)
- #5126 [Admin] Product variant cleanup (@lchrusciel)
- #5127 [HOTFIX] Fix core data collector (@lchrusciel)
- #5058 Executable tests on Sylius-Standard & remove duplicated configs (@pamil)
- #5119 [TaxonomyBundle] Fix display bug in choice list and enlarge area (@psyray)
- #5120 Fix typo in OrderItemQuantityModifier usage doc (@akovalyov)
- #5115 [WebBundle] Add missing translations for payment & shipping state in admin (@psyray)
- #5114 Fixed typo (@GSadee)
- #5117 [Fixture] Set EUR as base currency in fixtures (@Zales0123)
- #5084 [Order][Core] Order improvements (@Zales0123, @michalmarcinkowski)
- #5068 [Admin] Product variant features (@lchrusciel)
- #5094 [Shop][Account] Changing customer password (@GSadee)
- #5073 [Shop] Sign in and registration feature (@Arminek)
- #5104 [UserBundle] Deleted unused email configuration (@NeverResponse)
- #5106 Bump minimal requirements to Symfony 2.8 (@NeverResponse, @pamil)
- #5095 [Admin] Rework of order, coupon and products UI (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5108 [WebBundle] Add missing shipment state translations (@psyray)
- #5105 [OrderBundle] Fixed sending emails for order comments (@NeverResponse)
- #5103 [Promotion] Move coupon routing import to main file (@lchrusciel)
- #5110 fix small typo (@gabiudrescu)
- #5016 [Doc][Behat] Add basic usage for behat guide (@Arminek)
- #5086 [Admin] Add single channel dashboard (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5046 [Shop][Cart] Add features about actions made on cart (@tuka217, @Arminek)
- #5049 [Shop][Account] Editing customer profile (@GSadee)
- #4947 [Admin] Product features (@lchrusciel)
- #4542 [ResourceBundle] Allow applying transition when updating resources (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5082 Include correct Paweł's email (@pamil)
- #5090 [Promotion] Coupon generation refactoring (@lchrusciel)
- #4668 Remove AppVeyor configuration files (@pamil)
- #4939 [Shop][Cart][Product] Initialization for new view of product detailed page and cart in shop (@tuka217, @pjedrzejewski)
- #5088 Bump version to 0.19-dev (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4571 Drop support for PHP 5.5 (@pamil)
- #5087 Coupon generation fix (@lchrusciel)
- #5081 [Core][Review] Email fixes (@Zales0123)
- #5083 [CRUCIAL] Fix mail (@lchrusciel)
- #5080 fix my email (@bendavies)
- #5043 Prepare release v0.18.0 (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5079 [Behat] Perform no deep merging on sylius_multi_container.imports (@pamil)
- #5078 [UPGRADE] Added info about order promotion distribution (@Zales0123)
- #5066 [Core] Remove promotion and tax adjustments before recalculation (@Zales0123)
- #5076 [Travis] Ensure full suite is always run on branch builds (@pamil)
- #5074 [Metadata] Add hierarchical archetype support to ProductVariant Metadata (@peteward)
- #5075 fix mapped superclass subscribers for overidden resources (@bendavies)
- #5070 [Behat] Refactor setup configuration (@pamil)
- #5069 [Metadata] Add hierarchical archetype support to Product Metadata (@peteward)
- #5071 add Chinese currency symbol to LexicalContext class (@videni)
- #4768 [Core][Promotion] Distribute promotions on units (@Zales0123, @pamil)
- #3339 [Promotion] Making coupon code length configurable. (@Arminek)
- #5067 [UserBundle] Remove not needed class copied from Symfony (@pjedrzejewski)
- #5065 [Doc][ThemeBundle] renamed theme assets command (@takeit)
- #5057 [Order] Cleanups in Order component (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #5060 [Payum] Update payum to 1.3 (@Niiko)
- #5061 [ResourceBundle] Fix template not found issue (@mheki)
- #5056 fix typos (@bendavies)
- #5047 Fix and refactor Load*MetadataSubscriber (@bendavies)
- #5045 [Resource] Fix broken spec in ResourceBundle (@Zales0123)
- #5019 [migrations] - added missing settings and theme migrations (@nakashu)
- #4618 [ResourceBundle] Merge request criteria in SingleResourceProvider (@dragosprotung)
- #5041 [Travis] More verbose Symfony setup (@pamil)
- #4990 [Composer] Bump symfony/symfony to ^2.7.9 due to a security issue (CVE-2016-1902) (@pamil)
- #5032 Allow multiple search indexes (@inspiran)
- #5036 [ResourceBundle] Pass $resource in redirectToIndex parameters (@aramalipoor)
- #5038 [Currency] Do not use booleans as money formatter's locales (@pamil)
- #5033 [WebBundle] Fix account order detail page (@inssein)
- #4981 Make sure no master variants are returned in the getAvailableVariants method (@coudenysj)
- #5028 [Channel] channel.theme.title -> channel.themeName (@pamil)
- #5023 Reflect changes from c9ead52a36a49fe2c1a4ea (@coudenysj)
- #5025 [Travis] Disable documentation cache (@pamil)
- #5024 [User] Make HWIOAuthBundle a little bit more optional (@pamil)
- #5022 [Travis] Always run full test suite on master branch (@pamil)
- #5020 [Travis] Innovational, intelligent suite executing ;) (@pamil)
- #4948 [DX] Change tests namespace (@lchrusciel)
- #5018 [Travis] More verbose docs build (@pamil)
- #5013 [Theme] Remove sylius.theme.repository aliasing, rename to sylius.repository.theme (@pamil)
- #5009 [Variation] - return transformed options as array to avoid side-effects (@nakashu)
- #4813 [GridBundle] [WIP] PHPCR-ODM Driver (@dantleech)
- #4898 [Admin][Order] Order features (@GSadee, @pjedrzejewski)
- #5005 [Behat] Fix master build (@lchrusciel)
- #4991 [Behat] [DX] Improve current page resolver (@lchrusciel)
- #5004 Reflect 0.15 resources configuration upgrade (@rvanlaak)
- #4998 Do no translate choice form type values that do not need it (@peteward)
- #4999 [Legacy Admin] Fix login assetic dependencies (@peteward)
- #4954 [Admin] Managing promotion coupons (@Arminek)
- #4904 [Behat][ProductOption] Delete unused parameter in context method (@Arminek)
- #4983 [BUG][CoreLocaleType] Add locale choice for edit mode. (@liverbool)
- #4994 [WebBundle] Add missing bootstrap tag for date in product form (@psyray)
- #4972 [GridBundle] Explicitly enable drivers (@dantleech)
- #4987 [ResourceBundle] Use default manager as configured by Doctrine (@dantleech)
- #4958 Update gherkin checker utilitary (@malukenho)
- #4985 [Theme] Easier way to test themes (@pamil)
- #4975 make ValidatorInterface used in class VariantGenerator consistent w… (@videni)
- #4979 [Docs] Improve GridBundle documentation (@pamil)
- #4967 [Product] fix ProductController::searchAction (@lighta971)
- #4966 [Behat][Shipping] Fixed wrong features' names (@GSadee)
- #4261 Simplify Sylius configuration and parameters.yml.dist (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4977 fix set data to object (@vcraescu)
- #4965 [Docs] Bunch of improvements (@pamil)
- #4962 [Settings] Make schema & resolver registries lazy (@pamil)
- #4949 [Behat] [DX] Fix steps beginnings (@lchrusciel)
- #4957 [Channel] Cache channel not found exceptions in CachedPerRequestChannelContext (@pamil)
- #4897 [Theme] Remove database synchronization & simplify workflow (@pamil)
- #4911 [Resource] catch foreing key deletion error (@gperdomor)
- #4950 [Tests] Add has method to shared storage (@lchrusciel)
- #4953 [PayumBundle] Fix missing
(@liverbool) - #4942 Remove semantic coupling in metadata spec (@lchrusciel)
- #4941 Update the ADMIN role in the documentation (@coudenysj)
- #4940 Recompile container on configuration class modification (@pamil)
- #4943 [Setup][Order] Fixed names of some steps in OrderContext (@GSadee)
- #4946 [Docs] Remove outdated information about staging environment (@pamil)
- #4945 [Behat] Product attribute typo (@lchrusciel)
- #4918 [Taxonomy] Allow passing code in the taxon choice type (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4919 [Docs] Fix Sphinx warnings & improve consistency (@pamil)
- #4937 [DX] Fix "paying fo order" features catalog name (@Zales0123)
- #4920 [Behat] [DX] Remove channel definition from new features background (@lchrusciel)
- #4926 Fixed typo in ArchetypeBundle installation docs (@gorkalaucirica)
- #4921 [Behat] Fix passing route params to form in create action (@Arminek)
- #4924 Add fluent interface to PHPDoc (@sagikazarmark)
- #4922 [Behat] [DX] Moving attributes page to keep consistency (@lchrusciel)
- #4915 [Travis] Improve caching (@pamil)
- #4917 [User] Add missing translations to UserBundle (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #4880 [CoreBundle] Fixed overriding of ShippingMethodChoiceType (@NeverResponse)
- #4862 [Core][DX] CS fixes in Component and Bundle (@Zales0123)
- #4914 [Inventory] Remove sku from stockable interface (@lchrusciel)
- #4882 [Behat] Typo fix in promotion features (@lchrusciel)
- #4909 [Grid] Parse parameters of grid driver configuration (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4913 [Web] Fix typo in cart summary (@psyray)
- #4865 [Installer] Tweak installation currency and locale settings (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4910 [Grid] Escape values of the string field type (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4782 [Admin] General UI improvements (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4907 synchronize RepositoryInterface method signatures (@bendavies)
- #4902 [Order] Add custom repository methods to obtain only placed orders (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #4901 [Behat] Notifcation context extraction (@Arminek)
- #4873 [Theme] Support for settings (@pamil)
- #4879 [ResourceBundle] Fix bug with adding product option value translations (@tuka217)
- #4881 [Resource] Do not make repositories lazy by default (@pamil)
- #4893 [Travis] Do not run "cli" and "todo" tagged scenarios (@pamil)
- #4895 [Admin] Extracted ProductOptionContext in setup (@GSadee)
- #4889 [Bug Fix] Elastica product listener orphaned objects throws error (@steffenbrem)
- #2910 [SettingsBundle] Use find() in ObjectToIdentifierTransformer (@aramalipoor)
- #4887 Tweak pull request template (@pamil)
- #4886 [Behat] Do not test "cli" suites by default (@pamil)
- #4876 [Admin] Promotions start and end date validation (@lchrusciel)
- #4866 [Admin] Managing taxons (@Arminek)
- #4870 [Travis] Bunch of build fixes (@pamil)
- #4835 [Admin][ProductOption] Product option features (@GSadee)
- #4875 [ProductOption] Fixed problem with removing values from product option (@GSadee)
- #4864 [Core] Refactored AbstractCalculator (@pamil)
- #4867 [Registry] Update docblocks (@pamil)
- #4856 [VariationBundle] Added option repository (@GSadee)
- #4863 [Behat][Page][Crud] Rename isResourceOnPage to isSingleResourceOnPage (@tuka217)
- #4846 [ProductAttribute] Product attributes feature (@tuka217)
- #4785 [Promotion][UX] Sort promotion rules and actions in selectbox (@Zales0123)
- #4858 Legacy admin tabbed translations form theme (@peteward)
- #4849 [Admin] Promotion features (@lchrusciel)
- #4783 [RFC] [DX] Features cleanup (@lchrusciel)
- #4805 [Admin] Channel features (@lchrusciel)
- #4604 [Admin][Currency] New behats for Currency (@tuka217)
- #4836 [Registry] Added service registry context (@dantleech)
- #4613 [Admin] Managing zones (@Arminek)
- #4844 [Docs] Bump PHP version also in the documentation (@pamil)
- #4742 [Admin][PaymentMethod] Payment method features (@GSadee, @Arminek)
- #4837 [Theme] Support for screenshots (@pamil)
- #4705 [Admin][Customer] New behats for Customers (@tuka217)
- #4787 [Ui] Quick form display fixes (@Zales0123)
- #4674 [Bug Fix] Make sure doctrine removes orphan tax rates (@steffenbrem)
- #4798 [Twig] Currency and Money helpers clean up (@lchrusciel)
- #4781 [Cart] Fix Cart repository reference (@lchrusciel)
- #4833 [User] Add missing users permissions (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #4840 [Travis] Bunch of improvements (@pamil)
- #4841 [Behat] Relocate hasResourceValues method (@Arminek)
- #4834 [Content] Enable persistance in cmf to prevent from uninitialized service (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #4832 [Fixtures] Fix fixtures to use codes for references (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #4774 [Admin][Promotion] Adding promotion with action feature (@Zales0123)
- #4789 [Grid] Introduced grid datetime field type (@Zales0123)
- #4801 [Content] Add missing RDF mapping for StringBlock (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #4793 [Bug Fix] Fix elastic search "[ActionRequestValidationException] id is missing" error (@steffenbrem)
- #4794 [Behat][Notification] Flyweight pattern (@Arminek)
- #4829 [Reporting] Fix UserRepository coupling with sylius default table naming structure (@peteward)
- #4826 [Fixtures] Speed up fixtures (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #4818 [Travis] Yet another build refactoring (@pamil)
- #4819 [DX] [Admin] Routing and grids sorted alphabetically (@lchrusciel)
- #4666 [Composer] Use stable symfony-cmf/routing-bundle dependency (@pamil, @lchrusciel)
- #4767 Remove the remaining soft deleteable code (@coudenysj)
- #4810 [SingleResourceProvider] Use repository find() method. (@dantleech)
- #4777 [Core][Promotion] Move rules checkers constants into rules classes (@Zales0123)
- #4778 [Core] Quick fixes in NthOrderRuleChecker (@Zales0123)
- #4786 [Travis] Use Trusty beta (in order to install Chrome) (@pamil)
- #4775 Fix the installer setup command (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4689 [Admin][Province] Managing country with provinces (@GSadee, @TheMadeleine)
- #4667 [Admin] Add shipping method feature (@lchrusciel)
- #4760 [Taxation] Tax calculation minor enhancements (@michalmarcinkowski)
- #4695 [Admin][Promotion] Adding promotion feature (@Zales0123)
- #4664 [Behat][Promotion] Complex promotions scenarios (@Zales0123)
- #4765 [Behat] Notification checker refactoring (@Arminek)
- #4771 [Admin] Redirect to index when cancelling action (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4763 [Core] - added missing email template translation keys (@nakashu)
- #4770 [UserBundle] remove Rbac roles from create user command (@loicmobizel)
- #4747 [Bug Fix] Added customer validator initializer to set canonical email (@steffenbrem)
- #4762 [mailer] - fix mailer configuration to allow adding new templates (@nakashu)
- #4764 [GridBundle] Allow overriding grid templates. (@liverbool)
- #4758 [Behat] [DX] Table row counter on index page (@lchrusciel)
- #4702 [Resource] Fixed proviously spoiled transformer (@Zales0123)
- #4759 [DX] Yaml cleanup (@lchrusciel)
- #4678 Allow for JMSTranslationBundle 1.1 and above. (@Nyholm)
- #4752 [RFC] [Ui] Cancel button (@lchrusciel)
- #4701 [Behat] Refactor default Page object (remove unused features, fix visibilities, simplify code) (@pamil)
- #4751 [Search] fixed search indexing (@kurakin-oleksandr)
- #4750 [Currency] Fix wrong twig helper call (@lchrusciel)
- #4746 [Order] Fix bug in Order model (@sblaut)
- #4682 [Twig] Percentage twig widget (@lchrusciel)
- #4688 [Migration] Auto-generate code in db field while running migration (@psyray)
- #4755 [OptionValue] Update translation migrations to copy data between tables (@psyray)
- #4677 [Core] Get last payment's method also from failed payments (@ahmadrabie)
- #4756 [ProductReview] flash message fix (@kurakin-oleksandr)
- #4748 Update LoadProductOptionData.php (@sprik)
- #4406 [Taxation] Tax Calculation Strategies (@mmckelviereiss)
- #4649 [WebBundle] Improve shipment transitions and tracking form (@majidgolshadi)
- #4654 [Behat][Promotion] Discount based on nth order (@Zales0123)
- #4679 [SettingsBundle] Recompute doctrine change-set after transforming settings (@aramalipoor)
- #4740 [Currency] Show base instead of current currency (@lchrusciel)
- #4728 [Order] Remove 'deleted' twig call in order history (@lchrusciel)
- #4718 [Core] Refactor cart blamer listener (@pamil)
- #4704 [Semantic Ui] [RFC] Fix problematic dropdown generation (@lchrusciel)
- #4693 [Resource] Rework mapping interfaces (@pamil, @gperdomor)
- #4703 [Behat] TableAccessor fix (@lchrusciel)
- #4709 [Behat] Remove contexts specs (@pamil)
- #4713 [CoreBundle] Fix usage of getAlias() (@inssein)
- #4714 [Promotion] do not check for eligibility if no coupon is specified (@inssein)
- #4722 [Composer] Remove unnecessary packages that are provided by required metapackage (@pamil)
- #4723 [Resource] Remove static from ResourceBundleInterface::getSupportedDrivers (@pamil)
- #4725 Fix yml deprecation (@rvanlaak)
- #4730 [FixturesBundle]: Added enable/disable status to shipping data fixture. (@ahmadrabie)
- #4731 [CoreBundle] Sitemap - Fix priority setter (@inssein)
- #4735 [Metadata] reverse transform keywords properly (@inssein)
- #4739 [Ui][Critical] Sort messages keys (@Zales0123)
- #4708 Fix TaxonsToCodesTransformer (@inssein)
- #4721 [Cart] Allow to configure repositories and set default one for ORM (@pamil)
- #4673 [AttributeBundle] Fix attribute metadata (@Lowlo)
- #4687 [Grid] do not use output walkers in orm driver (@bendavies)
- #4670 [Metadata] Fix modifying metadata by serializing it early (@pamil)
- #4660 [Behat] Remove unnecessary "fixed" and "discount" words from steps (@Zales0123)
- #4671 fix some specs that where not testing anything (@bendavies)
- #4694 [Promotion] Make description not required (@Zales0123)
- #4685 [Twig] Locale extension refactoring + introducing locale name filter (@lchrusciel)
- #4681 [Twig] Sematic money widget (@lchrusciel)
- #4683 [Behat] Element not found exception fix (@lchrusciel)
- #4675 [WebBundle] Fix finalize page (@inssein)
- #4680 Set promotion coupon in cart to not required (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #4672 [Review] Fixed reviews limit (@GSadee)
- #4661 [Checkout] Changed method to protected to be able to inherit (@GSadee)
- #4662 [DX] [Behat] Optimize imports (@lchrusciel)
- #4665 [Composer] Removed A2lix/TranslationFormBundle dependency (@pamil)
- #4663 [Travis] Use strict Composer validation for the main composer.json / composer.lock (@pamil)
- #4246 [SettingsBundle] Settings rework (@steffenbrem)
- #4637 [Admin] Tax rate validation features (@lchrusciel)
- #4656 [Admin] Don't render whole form by default on create/update page (@Zales0123)
- #4657 [Behat] Current page resolver (@lchrusciel)
- #4525 [SearchBundle][ProductBundle] Add multilingual in elasticsearch engine and check on product availability (@Niiko)
- #4640 [Locale] Locale name converter (@Arminek)
- #4652 [Behat] Fix notification checker (@lchrusciel)
- #4653 [Composer] Add missing dependency + alphabetically sorting (@Zales0123)
- #4622 [RFC][DX] Introduce NotificationChecker (@lchrusciel)
- #4641 [DX] [Behat] Tax rate sematic fix (@lchrusciel)
- #4639 [Behat][Promotion] Discount based on number of products from taxon (@Zales0123)
- #4212 [UserBundle] adding commands to promote or demote a user by adding or removing a role (@loicmobizel)
- #4644 [RFC] [DX] Behat services clean up (@lchrusciel)
- #4645 [Promotion][Core][DX] Promotion eligibility checker refactoring (@Zales0123)
- #4605 [Behat][Promotion] Receiving discount based on total of items from specific taxons (@Zales0123)
- #4624 [Admin] Adding tax rate feature (@lchrusciel)
- #4610 [Admin] Locale unique code validation feature (@Arminek)
- #4588 [Promotion] Discount based on items from specific taxons (@Zales0123)
- #4625 [Behat] [DX] Zones sematical fixes (@lchrusciel)
- #4635 Fixed wrong namespace in Bundle registration for ReportBundle (@itinance)
- #4627 [Composer] Update ApiTestCase dependency (@lchrusciel)
- #4621 [ci skip] Clean up documentation merged into main repo (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4581 [Documentation] Copied Sylius-Docs to docs/ (@pjedrzejewski, @drymek, @webmuch, @michalpipa, @l3l0, @umpirsky, @MartijnDwars, @winzou, @ConneXNL, @stloyd, @daSn0wie, @pilot, @aRn0D, @gregsomers, @pborreli, @amenophis, @cordoval, @jjanvier, @dbu, @ftassi, @BenoitLeveque, @diimpp, @docteurklein, @elliot, @shadypierre, @pfwd, @marekkalnik, @20th, @gplocke, @pmartelletti, @patkar, @marcaube, @tuchk4, @erheme318, @Shine-neko, @gonzalovilaseca, @wouterj, @tvlooy, @sjoerdsmink, @emgiezet, @ojhaujjwal, @javiercejudo, @danielsreichenbach, @adamelso, @jrobeson, @jmontoyaa, @sivolobov, @allanbrault, @igormukhingmailcom, @gregoirepaqueron, @torinaki, @michalmarcinkowski, @alexptrn, @Strontium-90, @antonioperic, @djaed, @lchrusciel, @JulienItard, @kedrap, @advancingu, @borisschapira, @Zales0123, @broncha, @axelvnk, @fstr, @hussani, @aur1mas, @uNknownMark, @patrick-mcdougle, @pamil, @wpottier, @liviucmg, @jimbocoder, @jamesyo, @NeverResponse, @herodrigues, @Arminek, @TheMadeleine, @tuka217, @PWalkow, @bendavies, @ufik, @dragosprotung, @versgui, @gabiudrescu, @gperdomor)
- #4587 [Admin] Tax category creation (@lchrusciel)
- #4617 [ResourceBundle] Added return doc statement (@dragosprotung)
- #4594 [Admin] Editing locale feature (@Arminek)
- #4595 [Core][Promotion] Fix taxon based promotions (@Zales0123)
- #4551 [Core] Order recalculation clean-up (@Zales0123)
- #4612 [Critical] Fix behat build (@lchrusciel)
- #4545 [Behat] Move extensions and services (@tuka217)
- #4565 [Admin] Country code immutability (@Arminek)
- #4611 [ResourceBundle] Fix use statement for doc comment (@dragosprotung)
- #4607 [DX] NotificationAccessor fix (@lchrusciel)
- #4606 [Critical] Caching Composer dependencies at Travis (@pamil)
- #4603 [Core] Throw proper exception in ActivePromotionsByChannelProvider (@Zales0123)
- #4573 [Admin] Tax category deletion (@lchrusciel)
- #4602 [Behat][Critical] Sort suites imports alphabetically (@Zales0123)
- #4597 [DX] Add 'an' to administrator log in step (@lchrusciel)
- #4318 [ResourceBundle] Create Sylius translations type (@NeverResponse)
- #4572 [Behat] Semantic fix in ManagingCountriesContext (@lchrusciel)
- #4575 [Travis] Reset all composer.lock caches on composer.json update (@pamil)
- #4591 [DX] Removed redundant lines (@lchrusciel)
- #4582 [Bug Fix] Add values one-to-many relationship on attribute model (@steffenbrem)
- #4584 [Behat] Clean up test parameters (@Arminek)
- #4577 [DX] SharedStorage clean-up (@lchrusciel)
- #4442 [Admin] Editing countries (@Arminek)
- #4574 [DX] Imporve SharedStorage transformator (@lchrusciel)
- #4564 [Behat] Addressing features typo and localization fixes (@lchrusciel)
- #4537 [UI] Critical improvement to new locales and countries interface (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4553 [ResourceBundle] fixed #4524 resource.settings not taken in account (@plusdepseudo)
- #4548 [Core] Checkout flow and errors improvements (@Zales0123)
- #4535 [Behat] [DX] Transformers cleanup (@lchrusciel)
- #4539 [Admin] Country code uniquness validation (@lchrusciel)
- #4549 fix typo (@bendavies)
- #4550 Added min length message in zone form (@gonzalovilaseca)
- #4556 [Behat] Pages alphabetical ordering and fixes (@TheMadeleine)
- #4473 [API] Test currency (@axelvnk)
- #4541 [WebBundle] Massive translations renaming (@pamil)
- #4540 [Behat] Pages organization fix and ProductContexts cleanup (@TheMadeleine, @lchrusciel)
- #4531 [RFC] [DX] [Behat] Traits usage in new behats (@lchrusciel)
- #4533 [Behat] [DX] Split localization features (@lchrusciel)
- #4538 [Behat] Consistent context naming (@lchrusciel)
- #4464 [Behat][Promotion] Percentage discount on items in range (@Zales0123)
- #4543 [Order] comment controller redirection broken (@lighta971)
- #4307 [MoneyBundle] [CurrencyBundle] Add interface for MoneyHelper and repl… (@axelvnk)
- #4534 [Behat] Typo fix (@lchrusciel)
- #4528 [Travis] Remove setting Github OAuth Token in Composer as it is no longer needed (@pamil)
- #4529 [Behat] [Critical] Localization unique code validation feature fix (@lchrusciel)
- #4530 [ShippingBundle] Fix shipAction to new resource bundle conventions (@aramalipoor)
- #4457 [Behat][Promotion] Fixed discount on items in price range (@Zales0123)
- #4224 [Checkout] Delete purchase step from checkout flow (@Arminek)
- #4302 [DX] Describe fixtures loading command with Behat scenarios (@TheMadeleine)
- #4520 Changing viewport of backend invoice PDF generation. (@ahmadrabie)
- #4523 [Docker] Docker improvements (@jverdeyen)
- #4047 [Shipping] Deleting shipping methods (@NeverResponse)
- #4401 [Behat][Promotion] Removed softdeletable from Promotion (@NeverResponse)
- #4510 [WebBundle] Add missing field availableUntil (@Niiko)
- #4514 [OptionValue][Core] - various fixes after option value model changes (@nakashu)
- #4515 [Installer] Improve display while installing Sylius (@Zales0123)
- #4400 [Behat][Promotion] Removed softdeletable from Coupon (@NeverResponse)
- #4507 [FixtureBundle] Throw exception when method does not exists (@jverdeyen)
- #4505 [Core] Remove unnecessary methods (@Zales0123)
- #4476 [OAuth][Login] Fix oauth login (@gperdomor)
- #428 Copyright year update (@lchrusciel)
- #4364 [Product] Remove softdeletable from Product (@TheMadeleine)
- #4502 [Ui] Missing closing bracket in app.js (@lchrusciel)
- #4432 [WebBundle] Show shipment transitions, Random fixes in displaying shipment and payment states (@kasrakhosravi)
- #3642 [CoreBundle] Add sitemap feature (@Arminek)
- #4500 [Travis] Disabling OPCache while running phpspec (@pamil)
- #4391 [Promotion][Behat] Fixed discount on specific taxon (@Zales0123)
- #4372 [ResourceBundle] Fix ObjectToIdentifierTransformer to check for an empty value (@kasrakhosravi)
- #4496 [CoreBundle] Change enabled = 1 in ProductRepository to true (@Niiko)
- #4428 [taxon] - added missing migration for taxonomy to taxon change (@nakashu)
- #4491 [Travis] Retry phpspec / phpunit package tests on failure (@pamil)
- #4445 [Admin] Locale feature (@lchrusciel)
- #4467 [Core] LocaleType fix (@lchrusciel)
- #4489 Twig "sameas" replaced by "same as" (@martijngastkemper)
- #4493 [Migration] Added missing license blocks to migrations (@Zales0123)
- #4495 [Admin] Country translation (@lchrusciel)
- #4460 [CoreBundle] Fix coupon association (@inssein)
- #4474 [GULP] Remove coffee references in gulpfile (@gperdomor)
- #4480 [Admin] Rename edit page interface (@Arminek)
- #4475 Province api tests (@acrobat)
- #4471 [CoreBundle] Fix some small deprecated calls (@tvlooy)
- #4470 Country api tests (@acrobat)
- #4469 Locale API: Routing + tests (@pix-art)
- #4466 [DX] Moved custom scripts from bin/ to etc/bin/, fixed relative paths issues, removed bin/install (@pamil)
- #427 Removed duplicated "User Guide" section (@pamil)
- #4395 [Admin] Adding countries (@Arminek)
- #4462 [Travis] Removed .travis.yml from packages (@pamil)
- #425 Removed empty "Integrations" section (@pamil)
- #424 The User Guide - minor fixes (@pamil)
- #426 Removed empty "Migration Guide" section (@pamil)
- #4441 [RFC] [Behat] [DX] Split behat services to different files (@lchrusciel)
- #4465 [DX] Improved developer experience while using etc/bin/* commands (@pamil)
- #4384 [Behat][Promotion] Fixed discount on taxon scenarios (@Zales0123)
- #423 [Behat] Explain transformers usage (@Zales0123)
- #4415 [Travis] Continuous integration for each Sylius package included in the build (@pamil)
- #4455 [RFC][Taxation] Skip 0 value tax adjustment on shipping. (@mmckelviereiss)
- #4448 Add missing translations (@kielabokkie)
- #3944 New Grids (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4347 [Promotion][Behat] Percentage discount taxon implementation (@Zales0123)
- #4434 [Behat] [DX] Extract legacy tag (@lchrusciel)
- #4444 [Behat] Fix build (@lchrusciel)
- #4175 [User] Account renewal feature scenarios (@TheMadeleine)
- #4353 [Behat] [Product] New behat for product feature (@lchrusciel)
- #4377 [Promotion][Core] Action decoupling issues (@Zales0123)
- #4438 [Behat] Set "twig.strict_variables" to true in test_cached (@pamil)
- #4437 [Behat][Taxonomy] Add legacy tag and fix taxonomy feature file (@aramalipoor)
- #4256 [Resource] Integrated Translations (@NeverResponse)
- #3432 A Docker Compose configuration to develop in Docker containers. (@jverdeyen)
- #4425 [TaxonomyBundle] Remove custom taxon api form. (@liverbool)
- #4418 [TaxonomyBundle] Remove serialization relation to the obsolete taxonomy entity. (@liverbool)
- #4426 [CoreBundle] Decode escaped characters of url in repository-based route provider (@aramalipoor)
- #4433 [Orders] Fix order templates (@lchrusciel)
- #4430 [UserBundle] Fix UserController (@inssein)
- #4435 [Behat] [DX] Missing final keyword (@lchrusciel)
- #4164 Resource movement sort persistance (@nakashu)
- #4421 Fix invalid references to options in fixtures (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4422 Remove not used configuration for translatable fields (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4416 [ResourceBundle] Initialize form collection when DOM is ready (@ahmadrabie)
- #4419 Fix missing ResourceInterface in Contact Request model (@lighta971)
- #3814 [InstallerBundle] Simplification and testing of sylius:install:setup command (@TheMadeleine)
- #4417 update UPGRADE.md to add content migration instructions for v0.17.0 (@lighta971)
- #3854 Repository clean up and TranslatableResourceRepository deletion (@lchrusciel)
- #4387 [Behat] [DX] Unify behat features (@lchrusciel)
- #4407 [Theme] [Composer] Updated ResourceBundle version (@pamil)
- #4379 [Behat] [DX] Page interfaces extraction (@lchrusciel)
- #4242 [CoreBundle] Decode url when finding entity based on request URI (@aramalipoor)
- #3773 [Taxonomy] Remove Taxonomy entity in favor of Taxon (@aramalipoor)
- #4271 [Behat] Delete objects related to order during order deletion (@lchrusciel)
- #4398 [WebBundle]: Displaying product associations in frontend product page (@ahmadrabie)
- #4402 [UserBundle] Add phone number to customer registration form. (@majidgolshadi)
- #4365 Bump version to 0.18.x (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4393 [ResourceBundle] fix return from MongoDB Document Repository (@tonicospinelli)
- #4392 [FixturesBundle] Update LoadProductOptionData presentation -> name (@jverdeyen)
- #4386 [AddressingBundle] Added sorting countries by name in form type (@GSadee)
- #4385 [Composer] Added webmozart/assert assertion library as a dependency (@pamil)
- #4272 Prototype of SemanticUI and generic templates (@pjedrzejewski)
- #4285 [Core][ProductAccessor] Use option code instead of name (@okwinza)
- #4370 [DX] Consistent service name (@lchrusciel)
- #4371 [WebBundle] Removed Payment creation in admin panel (@ahmadrabie)
- #4366 [ReportBundle] Remove sylius_data_fetcher prefix (@Niiko)
- #4361 [Core] Simplify adding adjustments to units in applicator (@Zales0123)
- #4260 [Translation] Changed AbstractTranslatable into TranslatableTrait (@NeverResponse)
- #4237 [Variation] Introduce code for option values and replace presentation with name (@vikey89)
- #4325 [Payment] Remove softdeletable from Payment (@TheMadeleine)
- #4315 [Order] ShipmentProcessor renaming (@lchrusciel)