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File metadata and controls

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Analyzing exceptions

Read exception context

The .ecxr debugger command instructs the debugger to restore the register context to what it was when the initial fault that led to the SEH exception took place. When an SEH exception is dispatched, the OS builds an internal structure called an exception record It also conveniently saves the register context at the time of the initial fault in a context record structure.

0:003> dt ntdll!_EXCEPTION_RECORD
   +0x000 ExceptionCode    : Int4B
   +0x004 ExceptionFlags   : Uint4B
   +0x008 ExceptionRecord  : Ptr32 _EXCEPTION_RECORD
   +0x00c ExceptionAddress : Ptr32 Void
   +0x010 NumberParameters : Uint4B
   +0x014 ExceptionInformation : [15] Uint4B
0:003> dt ntdll!_CONTEXT

.lastevent will also show you information about the last error that occured (if the debugger stopped because of the exception). You may then examine the exception record using the .exr command, eg.:

0:049> .lastevent
Last event: 15ae8.133b4: CLR exception - code e0434f4d (first/second chance not available)
  debugger time: Thu Jul 30 19:23:53.169 2015 (UTC + 2:00)
0:049> .exr -1
ExceptionAddress: 000007fe9b17f963
   ExceptionCode: e0434f4d (CLR exception)
  ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 0

To get the last error value for the current thread you may use the !gle command (or !teb). An additional -all parameter shows the last errors for all the threads, eg.

0:001> !gle -all
Last error for thread 0:
LastErrorValue: (Win32) 0 (0) - The operation completed successfully.
LastStatusValue: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000034 - Object Name not found.

Last error for thread 1:
LastErrorValue: (Win32) 0 (0) - The operation completed successfully.

Based on

Exception handlers

To list exception handlers for the currently running method use !exchain command, eg.:

0072ef74: clr!_except_handler4+0 (744048b9)
  CRT scope  0, filter: clr!RaiseTheExceptionInternalOnly+233 (74405e1c)
                func:   clr!RaiseTheExceptionInternalOnly+263 (7451c86b)
0072f04c: clr! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+2a7f9 (74405714)
0072f0d0: clr!COMPlusFrameHandler+0 (7440619f)
0072f108: clr!_except_handler4+0 (744048b9)
  CRT scope  1, func:   clr!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+7e (742715d8)
  CRT scope  0, filter: clr!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+84 (745b019d)
                func:   clr!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+90 (745b01a9)

Managed exception handlers can be listed using the SOS !EHInfo - example of how to list ASP.NET MVC exception handlers can be found on my blog.

x86 applications

Pointer to the exception handler is kept in fs:[0]. The prolog for a method with exception handling has the following structure:

mov     eax,fs:[00000000]
push    eax
mov     fs:[00000000],esp

Example session of retrieving the exception handler:

0:000> dd /c1 fs:[0]-8 L10
0053:fffffff8  00000000
0053:fffffffc  00000000
0053:00000000  0072ef74 <-- this is our first exception pointer to a handler
0053:00000004  00730000
0053:00000008  0072c000

0:000> dd /c1 0072ef74-8 L10
0072ef6c  0072eefc
0072ef70  74275582
0072ef74  0072f04c <-- previous handler
0072ef78  744048b9 <-- handler address
0072ef7c  2778008f
0072ef80  00000000
0072ef84  0072f058
0072ef88  744064f9

Decrypting error numbers

If you receive an error message with an error number like this:

Compiler Error Message: The compiler failed with error code -1073741502.

you can run windbg starting any process you like, eg. windbg notepad.exe and get heximal number of an error:

0:000> .formats -0n1073741502
Evaluate expression:
Hex: c0000142
Decimal: -1073741502
Octal: 30000000502
Binary: 11000000 00000000 00000001 01000010
Chars: ...B
Time: ***** Invalid
Float: low -2.00008 high -1.#QNAN
Double: -1.#QNAN

Then find an error description using the hex error number and the !error command:

0:000> !error c0000142
Error code: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000142 (3221225794) - {DLL Initialization Failed} Initialization of the dynamic link library %hs failed. The process is terminating abnormally.

More error codes and error messages are served by the Andrew Richards !pde.err command from the PDE extension.

On the command line you may use the net command:

> net helpmsg 2

The system cannot find the file specified.

or errmsg:

PS Windows> errmsg.exe 2

Error: 2 (0x00000002) (02)
The system cannot find the file specified.
