Make message pane scrollable: (estimated 100 pts) The message pane will fill up if the number of turns is relatively high. ucsb-cs56-projects#21
Create a graphical main menu: (estimated 200 pts) The main menu is currently text based. It would add a nice amount of polish to implement a graphical version. ucsb-cs56-projects#22
Rewrite the max turns algorithm: (estimated 200 pts) Currently the max turns algorithm will make the game too easy or too hard for some combinations of difficulty settings and numbers of colors. For example, the game will be too easy if the game is set to hard difficulty and the number of colors is high. Additionally, although the easy setting is meant to be easy, it might be a little too easy. This algorithm will likely need some kind of exponential scaling to be implemented based on the number of colors, at least for the hard setting. For the medium setting, the game is pretty well balanced as is. ucsb-cs56-projects#23