Stacking your Monads - Monad Transformers for FP Error Handling & Configuration Me Dev Team Manager at iseek Communications We build enterprise-grade networks, data centers and cloud infrastructure Lots of little distributed APIs, some written on top of vendor APIs Types and FP help keep us sane Our Journey Tonight Getting rid of exceptions with IO (Either e a) Enter ExceptT & what it means to be a monad transformer ReaderT to weave configuration into our contexts Stacking it all together and hiding the layers Neat effects of the MonadReader/MonadIO/MonadError typeclasses on your code Conclusions & Take aways Why Monad Transformers are useful to stack different monads into one thing. How the mtl classes help you not to care about the exact stack. Get the inklings of how you’d use this in a bigger project. Other Things of mention The Errors Package: Lots of goodies to help you avoid partial functions and emit good errors. AccValidation: Allows you to accumulate all errors rather than terminate at the first. You can do this in scala, too. Useful Resources RWH Ch18: Monad Transformers: RWH Ch19: Error Handling: