In short you need to create a controller that uses the library to generate the swagger spec and make it available as an endpoint.
Follow the Step 1 from the main README.
It is sufficient to only add Play swagger as a library dependency in your build.sbt
rather than a plugin in this setup.
You'll need to add Resolver.jcenterRepo
to your resolvers
Add a controller that uses Play swagger as a library to generates a swagger spec json and serves it as an endpoint.
Example (compile time DI):
package controllers.swagger
import play.api.Configuration
import com.iheart.playSwagger.SwaggerSpecGenerator
import play.api.libs.json.JsString
import play.api.mvc._
class ApiSpecs(cc: ControllerComponents, config: Configuration) extends AbstractController(cc) {
implicit val cl = getClass.getClassLoader
val domainPackage = "YOUR.DOMAIN.PACKAGE"
val otherDomainPackage = "YOUR.OtherDOMAIN.PACKAGE"
lazy val generator = SwaggerSpecGenerator(domainPackage, otherDomainPackage)
// Get's host configuration.
val host = config.get[String]("")
lazy val swagger = Action { request =>
generator.generate().map(_ + ("host" -> JsString(host))).fold(
e => InternalServerError("Couldn't generate swagger."),
s => Ok(s))
def specs = swagger
Add endpoints to the routes file.
### NoDocs ###
GET /docs/swagger-ui/*file"/public/lib/swagger-ui", file:String)
### NoDocs ###
GET /assets/swagger.json controllers.swagger.ApiSpecs.specs
Follow Step 2 through Step 3 in the main README.