Some custom auth middleware to support multi tenants (a tenant is a project
then) and multiple "providing services" against which a user in a project is identified and maybe authorized. Build with / around auth0 and some (not published) custom identity provider.
Requires psr/http-client
, psr/http-factory
and psr/log
Made for stateless PHP APIs, not for PHP session auth. Uses one Auth0 SPA Application which produces/verifies the access token, and an optional Auth0 Server Application which is used to auth against the Auth0 Management API.
composer require bemit/auth-middleware
Provides the Auth0 management API client, if not used, doesn't need to be configured.
- for constructor check example dependencies definition
management(): Management
Provides the verifier for client access tokens.
- for constructor check example dependencies definition
validate(string $token, ?string $audience = null): ?ValidateResult
to verify a token- the token must be pure, e.g. without
- if
is specified, this audience is used to verify the token, it must be inallowed_audiences
- the token must be pure, e.g. without
isAudienceAllowed(string $audience): bool
A PSR Middleware that extracts the access token and maybe an audience from headers, verifies it and adds the validation result to the request attributes.
If e.g. the audience is not allowed, returns 401
with a JSON response containing the reason. No special handling when the token is invalid, check inside your request handler and throw/response accordingly. Catches throws of NotAuthorizedException
and responds with 401
, with {error: string, reason: string}
, where reason
is the optional exception message.
__construct(AuthService $auth, Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface $response, Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface $stream)
process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface
Uses headers:
to optionally specify a custom audience idAUTHORIZATION
the access token inBearer THE_TOKEN_A1234
Adding attributes when authenticated:
with thesub
for PSR request handler to easily validate if access should be granted, throws Bemit\AuthMiddleware\NotAuthorizedException
when some authorize check fails.
requireRole(ServerRequestInterface $request, string $service, string $role): void
- fails when role is not granted for the service
requireRoleOneOf(ServerRequestInterface $request, string $service, array $possible_roles): void
, only one of the specified roles must match
requireProjectAccess(ServerRequestInterface $request, string $project_id): void
- does not check for any roles, only that the specified access token is valid against the given
- does not check for any roles, only that the specified access token is valid against the given
Convenience functions to get the typed data out of the server request attributes.
static getTokenData(ServerRequestInterface $request): ?TokenData
static getUserData(ServerRequestInterface $request): ?UserData
static getProject(ServerRequestInterface $request): ?ProjectData
static getId(ServerRequestInterface $request): ?string
Exception to be used when needs authorization, but doesn't have them.
Dependency definition example, with PHP\DI:
use function DI\autowire;
use function DI\get;
$dependencies = [
// the middleware uses `AuthService and psr/http-factory implementation for responses
Bemit\AuthMiddleware\AuthMiddleware::class => autowire(),
Bemit\AuthMiddleware\AuthService::class => autowire()
->constructorParameter('issuer', $_ENV['AUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER'])
->constructorParameter('audience', $_ENV['AUTH_CLIENT_AUDIENCE'])
// use either frontend client id for e.g. APIs or otherwise same as for Auth0Service
->constructorParameter('client_id', $_ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_ID_FRONTEND'])
->constructorParameter('namespace_user_data', 'https://userdata')
->constructorParameter('namespace_projects', 'https://id.namespace')
->constructorParameter('allowed_audiences', [
// optional, for jwks caching:
->constructorParameter('cache', get(Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface::class))
->constructorParameter('cache_ttl', 360),
Bemit\AuthMiddleware\Auth0Service::class => autowire()
->constructorParameter('issuer', $_ENV['AUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER'])
->constructorParameter('client_id', $_ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_ID'])
->constructorParameter('client_secret', $_ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET'])
->constructorParameter('http_client', get(Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface::class))
->constructorParameter('logger', get(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class)),
This project is free software distributed under the MIT License.
By committing your code to the code repository you agree to release the code under the MIT License attached to the repository.
Maintained by Michael Becker