My son wanted a celtic knot bracelet. This library was used to create my first attempt. The knots look like:
The library provides two interfaces. The first API uses large knot parts (called pieces in the code) and looks like:
knot([ "<~>",
"[-]" ], tile_width = 5);
where the first parameter is an kind of ASCII art for the desired
pattern and tile_width
is the knot tile size. The "alphabet" for
pieces is generated by knot-piece-alphabet.scad
and looks like:
Each pieces is a 2x2 square of smaller knot parts (called tiles in the code). However, edge and corner pieces have some empty tiles.
The second API uses knot tiles and looks like:
fine_knot([ "<rq>",
"[sd]" ], tile_width = 5);
where the first parameter is an ASCII art for the desired pattern and
is the knot tile size.
The "alphabet" for tiles is generated by knot-tile-alphabet.scad
looks like:
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