www.be-oi.be - Static website
Using Middleman for static website generator.
Prerequisite: Ruby and bundler.
People that have never worked with Ruby before and work on MacOS X may first want to follow these instructions. MacOS X comes with a Ruby installation, however, installing gemfiles results in a permission error unless sudo is used. Since that is generally a bad idea, it's better to have a Ruby installation somewhere in userspace. Here's how to:
- Install homebrew ( follow instructions on http://brew.sh/ )
brew install rbenv ruby-build
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
- close and open terminal to re-load profile
rbenv install -l
will show a list of packages. Find the latest2.x.x
rbenv install 2.2.3
(or whatever the latest version is)rbenv global 2.2.3
rbenv rehash
gem update —system
gem install middleman
gem install bundler
In the project directory, install required package:
bundle install
Launch the (auto-reload) web server:
bundle exec middleman server
Install EditorConfig for your favorite editor to enforce the formatting rules of source files.
To build:
bundle exec middleman build
To deploy on S3 (requires AWS credentials in .s3.sync
in the yaml format):
bundle exec middleman s3_sync