website content
This repository uses git submodules, so you have to git clone --recurse-submodules
If you forget and realize later, just run:
$ git submodule init themes/book
$ git submodule update
$ dnf install hugo
$ hugo help
There's also a copr repo, but the newer versions not always work as expected, you have to experiment a bit:
$ dnf copr enable daftaupe/hugo
$ brew install hugo
$ hugo new posts/
All content is organized in content directory tree.
make server
orhugo server -D
means 'show also content marked as draft')- Web Server
It's done automatically with each push to master. We use Hugo Deploy GitHub Pages Action configured in .github/workflows/deploy-pages.yml which pushes the generated content into packit/ from where the Github Pages are served. The secret used by the action is stored in settings/secrets.
Currently, we use Book theme. For complete list of themes for Hugo, see this. If you want to use a new theme:
git submodule init themes/<theme_name>
git submodule update
- set
theme = "theme_name"
in config.toml
Configuration is stored in config.toml.