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Drive Web Page Test with arbitrary Firefox builds

Test environment

This document describes a test environment consisting of the following machines:

wpt-server - An Ubuntu server running WebPagetest and wpt-controller. In our example, wpt-server is located at

wpr-server-record - An Ubuntu server running Web page replay under the control of WebPagetest so that live web pages are recorded using web page replay before being played back to the test clients with the specified connectivity options. In our example, wpr-server-record is located at

wpr-server-replay - An Ubuntu server running Web page replay in replay mode so that a fixed set of pages recorded in the http archive are replayed back to the test clients with the specified connectivity options. In our example, wpr-server-replay is located at

bc-winxp01 - A Windows XP test client running ipfw+dummynet, web page replay and a patched version of WebPagetest's wptdriver. This client is configured so that wptdriver will request web page replay record a live site, then run tests on the recorded version of the page.

bc-win61i32-bld - A Windows 7 test client running ipfw+dummynet, web page replay and a patched version of WebPagetest's wptdriver. This client is configured so that wtpdriver is unaware of web page replay and will simply play back the previously recorded http archive for the requested url.


Setup WebPagetest server

Set up a WebPagetest server (e.g. wpt-server) and client machine locations according to WebPagetest's Private Instances. The following assumes WebPagetest is to be installed on an Ubuntu machine into /var/www/webpagetest and that the Apache web server runs under the www-data user and group.

Install pre-requisites

sudo apt-get install apache2 ffmpeg php5 php5-gd php5-curl zlib1g zip curl
# Note php5 may contain the required modules as compiled in modules which
# can be listed using php5 -m.

Configure Apache

Edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and set the ServerName.

Enable Required Apache Modules
cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
sudo ln -s ../mods-available/expires.load expires.load
sudo ln -s ../mods-available/headers.load headers.load
sudo ln -s ../mods-available/rewrite.load rewrite.load
# Use proxy to expose the wpt-controller web application running on
# localhost:8051 to external clients as http://wpt-server/wpt-controller
sudo ln -s ../mods-available/proxy.load proxy.load
sudo ln -s ../mods-available/proxy_http.load proxy_http.load

Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default Apache configuration as follows:

--- default.orig        2013-05-10 12:19:48.493158939 -0700
+++ default        2013-05-17 14:07:51.701934938 -0700
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
 <VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
-        DocumentRoot /var/www
+        DocumentRoot /var/www/webpagetest
         <Directory />
                 Options FollowSymLinks
                 AllowOverride None
         <Directory /var/www/>
-                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
-                AllowOverride None
-                Order allow,deny
-                allow from all
+                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
+                AllowOverride all
+                Order allow,deny
+                Allow from all
         ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
@@ -21,6 +22,16 @@
                Allow from all
+       ProxyRequests Off
+       <Proxy *>
+                Order deny,allow
+                Allow from all
+       </Proxy>
+       ProxyPass /wpt-controller http://localhost:8051
+       ProxyPassReverse /wpt-controller http://localhost:8051
        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
        # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,

so that it looks like

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

        DocumentRoot /var/www/webpagetest
        <Directory />
                Options FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride None
        <Directory /var/www/>
                Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride all
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
        <Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
                AllowOverride None
                Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

        ProxyRequests Off

        <Proxy *>
                Order deny,allow
                Allow from all

        ProxyPass /wpt-controller http://localhost:8051
        ProxyPassReverse /wpt-controller http://localhost:8051

        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log

        # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
        # alert, emerg.
        LogLevel warn

        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

Install WebPagetest

The most recent release of WebPagetest at this time is WebPageTest- 2.12. However the current version of wpt-controller relies up changes which have been made to the json results format since WebPagetest 2.12 was released. Download and unpack the distribution, Clone the repository, then move the www subdirectory to /var/www/webpagetest and change the owner to the Apache www-data user.

mkdir -p ~/Downloads/
cd ~/Downloads/
curl -O
sudo mv webpagetest_2.12/www /var/www/webpagetest

cd ~/Downloads/
git clone
sudo cp -a webpagetest/www /var/www/webpagetest

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/webpagetest
cd /var/www/webpagetest
sudo chmod -R ug+w tmp results work/jobs work/video logs

Configure WebPagetest

WebPagetest can be configured through the .ini files located in /var/www/webpagetest/settings/.


The settings.ini.sample file can be copied and customized to fit your specific needs. The following example allows up to 100 runs for each url.

[email protected]

; test options available

The connectivity.ini file controls the "standard" bandwidth shaping options available. Copy connectivity.ini.sample to connectivity.ini and customize to your needs. The following adds Broadband (10 Mbps/10Mbps 90ms RTT), Modern Mobile (1 Mbps/1Mbps 150ms RTT), Classic Mobile (400 Kbps/400 Kbps 300ms RTT) to the existing configurations.

label="Cable (5/1 Mbps 28ms RTT)"

label="DSL (1.5 Mbps/384 Kbps 50ms RTT)"

label="FIOS (20/5 Mbps 4ms RTT)"

label="56K Dial-Up (49/30 Kbps 120ms RTT)"

label="Mobile 3G (1.6 Mbps/768 Kbps 300ms RTT)"

label="Native Connection (No Traffic Shaping)"

label="Broadband (10 Mbps/10Mbps 90ms RTT)"

label="Modern Mobile (1 Mbps/1Mbps 150ms RTT)"

label="Classic Mobile (400 Kbps/400 Kbps 300ms RTT)"

locations.ini defines the different machine and browser combinations available to the private WebPagetest instance. These settings including the key values must match those set up on the client test machine's wptdriver.ini or urlBlast.ini. In the example below, we define two machines: bc-winxp01 and bc-win61i32-bld which each have Firefox and Chrome configured to run tests.

; [locations] contains a list of "locations" which will be displayed
; in WebPagetest's location select input. These really correspond more
; to machine names rather than a physical location.

; For each machine name listed in [locations], create a section
; which specifies the browser configuration sections for that
; location. In this example we use wptdriver configurations which
; are signified by the "w" suffix on the machine/location name.


; For each browser configuration section named above, create
; a section which defines the supported browser.


Edit /var/www/webpagetest/.htaccess and add the following rewrite rule:

RewriteRule ^jsonResult/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/$ /jsonResult.php?test=$1 [qsa]

You can copy and edit the line for xmlResult.

Configuring Webpagetest to support wpt-controller

In addition to the other directories listed in setting up Private Instances, make sure that the /var/www/webpagetest/installers/browsers/ directory is writable by the web server user. This is needed by wpt-controller so that it can update the firefox.dat and download the requested firefox build.

sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/webpagetest/installers/browsers

Edit /var/www/webpagetest/work/updates/wptupdate.ini and remove the items from the version and md5 sections. This prevents the wptdriver software on the clients from updating wptdriver.exe and related software. This is necessary for the time being since we need to run a patched version of wptdriver.exe on the clients in order to support updating Firefox on demand.

Setup wpt-controller

Check out the source for wpt-controller onto the WebPagetest server and make the directory writable by the web server user. You may need to first install git via sudo git apt-get install git.

cd /var/www
sudo git clone
sudo chown www-data:www-data wpt-controller

Install 7z uses 7z to unpack Firefox installers.

sudo apt-get install p7zip-full

Install BeautifulSoup uses BeautifulSoup to scrape urls for build urls.

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install BeautifulSoup

Install Datazilla uses Datazilla's dzclient to submit results to

sudo pip install datazilla

wpt-controller Configuration

The wpt-controller is configured via the settings.ini file. It consists of 4 required sections: server, mail, admin, defaults and optional sections for automatically submitted jobs. Copy the wpt-controller settings.ini.example file to settings.ini and customize the settings according to your needs:

  • server - the external address or dns name of the wpt-server.
  • port - the port on which the script will listen.
  • sleep_time - time in seconds to wait after finishing a job before polling for the next job.
  • check_minutes - internval in minutes to check builds for availability.
  • api_key - the WebPagetest api key.
  • firefoxpath - the path where to download Firefox installers. This will typically /var/www/webpagetest/installers/browsers.
  • firefoxdatpath - the path to the firefox.dat file. This will typically /var/www/webpagetest/installers/browsers.
  • username - email user account
  • password = email user password
  • mailhost = mail host name
  • admin_toaddrs - comma delimited list of administrator email addresses to be sent error messages.
  • admin_subject - email subject for administrator email messages.
  • admin_loglevel - default loglevel for file based logs.
automatic (optional)
  • jobs - comma delimited list of automatic job names which will be submitted daily. These job names are also the names of additional sections in the ini file which describe the job to be submitted.
(optional, but required if listed in automatic section)
  • email - email address of person to receive user notification emails regarding the job.
  • label - label to be used for the job.
  • build - url for the build or build directory where the build can be downloaded.
  • urls - comma delimited list of urls to be tested in the job.
  • prescript - string containing a WebPagetest script to be executed prior to the url loads. prescript can be used to set preferences prior to starting a test. prescript will be used for every url in the urls list.
  • scripts - comma delimited list of file names containing scripts to be executed after url loads. Each script file corresponds to the url in the same position in the urls list.
  • locations - comma delimited list of locations to be tested in the job. Note these locations consist of the :, e.g. bc-win61i32-bldw:Firefox.
  • speeds - comma delimited list of speeds to be tested.
  • runs - integer number of runs each url should be tested.
  • tcpdump - on to collect a tcpdump of the test.
  • video - on to collect a video of the test.
  • datazilla - on to submit the results to datazilla.
  • hour - hour of the day to submit the job.
  • locations - comma delimited list of WebPagetest location:Browsers
  • urls - comma delimited list of urls

Running wpt-controller manually

In order to run wpt-controller manually, run the following commands as the web user:

sudo su www-data -c 'python'
sudo su www-data -c 'python'

Installing and running wpt-controller as a service.

To set up and as services which automatically start at boot time, first create log directories which are writable by the www-data user:

sudo mkdir /var/log/{wptcontroller,wptmonitor}
sudo chown root:www-data /var/log/{wptcontroller,wptmonitor}
sudo chmod ug+w /var/log/{wptcontroller,wptmonitor}

Then copy the wptcontroller, wptmonitor initd scripts into /etc/init.d/

sudo cp /var/www/wpt-controller/init.d/wptcontroller /etc/init.d/
sudo cp /var/www/wpt-controller/init.d/wptmonitor /etc/init.d/

and then setup and enable the services

sudo update-rc.d wptcontroller defaults
sudo update-rc.d wptcontroller enable

sudo update-rc.d wptmonitor defaults
sudo update-rc.d wptmonitor enable

You can start, stop, get status for the services using the service command. For example:

sudo service wptcontroller status
sudo service wptcontroller start
sudo service wptcontroller stop

Setup Web Page relay servers

The test environment described here uses Web Page Replay on two Ubuntu servers, wpr-server-record and wpr-server-replay, to provide the ability to record and replay web pages from stored archives.

For each server, download web-page-replay and wpt-controller and set up a service webpagereplay to automatically start web-page-replay on boot:

sudo apt-get install git subversion
sudo mkdir -p /mozilla/projects
# Replace user with your userid
sudo chown -R user:user /mozilla
cd /mozilla/projects
svn checkout web-page-replay
git clone
sudo cp wpt-controller/init.d/webpagereplay /etc/init.d/
sudo mkdir /var/log/webpagereplay
sudo update-rc.d webpagereplay defaults
sudo update-rc.d webpagereplay enable

Before we start the webpagereplay service on either machine, we must first create an initial empty archive.

cd /mozilla/projects/web-page-replay
sudo ./ --record ./archive.wpr
# Press Control-C to terminate

The wpr-server-record server will be controlled by the WebPagetest client's to turn on Web Page Replay's recording and replay modes.

The wpr-server-replay server will always run in replay mode. Once we have set up the WebPagetest clients, we will temporarily run the web replay server in record mode to create the archive. It is also possible to create archives for additional urls and add them to the replay archive using the utility in Web Page replay.

Setup WebPagetest clients

Create Firefox installation directory

On each client machines, create the directory C:\firefox-webpagetest\ and make sure that the Administrative user can write to the directory and execute programs located there. WebPagetest will install the test versions of Firefox to this directory.

Configure Web Page Replay on the client machines

In order to route all requests from the client machine through the appropriate Web Page Replay server, we can set the DNS server to point to the appropriate Web Page Replay server. We can either do this by default or we can run the Web Page Replay script on the client machines to temporarily change the DNS server to point to the appropriate Web Page Replay server.

bc-winxp01 DNS

bc-winxp01 uses WebPagetest and Web Page Replay to record live web pages, then replays the recorded web page. You can manually set the DNS to point to the wpr-server-record ( to automatically route all requests through the wpr-server-record server.

If you wish to use Web Page Replay to modify the DNS, install Web Page Replay in c:\web-page-replay either by downloading a release or checking out the source from You will need to install the Windows version of Python which can be downloaded from Assuming you have installed Python into C:\Python27, create a batch file replay.bat in c:\web-page-replay containing

cd c:\web-page-replay
c:\Python27\python --server

and place a shortcut to the batch file in your startup folder.

bc-win61i32-bld DNS

bc-win61i32-bld uses WebPagetest and Web Page Replay to replay previously recorded web pages. You can manually set the DNS to point to the wpr-server-replay ( to automatically route all requests through the wpr-server-replay server.

If you wish to use Web Page Replay to modify the DNS, install Web Page Replay in c:\web-page-replay either by downloading a release or checking out the source from You will need to install the Windows version of Python which can be downloaded from Assuming you have installed Python into C:\Python27, create a batch file replay.bat in c:\web-page-replay containing

cd c:\web-page-replay
c:\Python27\python --server

and place a shortcut to the batch file in your startup folder.

Install WebPagetest onto the client machines

Install WebPagetest onto each client machine according to the instructions in [](WebPagetest's instructions).

Be sure to place shortcuts to WebPagetest's ipfw.cmd and wptdriver.exe in your startup folder.

bc-winxp01 wptdriver.ini (WebPagetest and Web Page Record/Replay)

Edit the wptdriver.ini for bc-winxp01 to match the location specified on the WebPagetest server. Note that we specify the url to the WebPagetest server and the Web Page Replay host using IP addresses since we will be modifying the DNS entry to point to the Web Page Replay server and will not be able to resolve their host names. In our example, the WebPagetest server wpt-server is located at and the recording Web Page Replay server wpr-server-record is located at

Time Limit=300
; software_update_interval_minutes is the new setting available in our
; patched version of wptdriver. This forces the client to always check
; for an updated Firefox build prior to running a test.

exe="C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
options='--load-extension="%WPTDIR%\extension" --user-data-dir="%PROFILE%" --no-proxy-server'

options='-profile "%PROFILE%" -no-remote'
; Tell wptdriver to check the wpt-server for Firefox updates.
bc-win61i32-bld wptdriver.ini (WebPagetest and Web Page Replay)

Edit the wptdriver.ini for bc-win61i32-bld to match the location specified on the WebPagetest server. Note that we specify the url to the WebPagetest server using IP address since we will be modifying the DNS entry to point to the Web Page Replay server and will not be able to resolve their host names. In our example, the WebPagetest server wpt-server is located at

Note that in this replay-only client, we do not tell WebPagetest about the Web Page Replay server. This will prevent WebPagetest from attempting to record each test url prior to testing it.

Time Limit=300
; software_update_interval_minutes is the new setting available in our
; patched version of wptdriver. This forces the client to always check
; for an updated Firefox build prior to running a test.

exe="C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
options='--load-extension="%WPTDIR%\extension" --user-data-dir="%PROFILE%" --no-proxy-server'

options='-profile "%PROFILE%" -no-remote'
; Tell wptdriver to check the wpt-server for Firefox updates.

Build custom version of wptdriver

We use a custom build of the wptdriver software from WebPagetest in order to force the client to check for a new build prior to running each test. This allows us to submit a job to the wptcontroller web application consisting of a test for a specific build of Firefox for a location, speed and url, have the wptmonitor service download the build and submit the test when the build is ready.

You will need Visual Studio 2010 SP1 to build the WebPagetest software. For more information see

Download the source for Webpagetest from either or and apply the patch in webpagetest-software-update.patch. Create a custom build of wptdriver and deploy the following files to the WebPagetest directory on each client machine:
