Releases: bcgov/jag-traffic-courts-online
Releases · bcgov/jag-traffic-courts-online
What's Changed
- TCVP-2589 Ticket Validation - Upgrade 'Cancel' & 'Reject' Functions [PROD] by @saikrishnametpalli-nttdata in #1888
Full Changelog: 2.1.9...2.2.2
Release 2.2.1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.1.9...2.2.1
Release 2.2.0
What's Changed
- TCVP-2467 Blank out fine amount and due date when not guilty by @Sharkww in #1847
- TCVP-2863 fix lawyer's name by @Sharkww in #1845
- TCVP-2477 hide "skip count" when there is only 1 by @Sharkww in #1846
- TCVP-1617 fix sorting by @Sharkww in #1844
- TCVP-2865 Print ticket validation view by @karahanb in #1841
- Hotfix/prod workflow service resources by @pbolduc in #1849
- TCVP-2705: Fix fine amount rounding by @karahanb in #1850
- Merge release/2.1 into develop by @pbolduc in #1857
- Bump ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10 in /src/frontend/staff-portal by @dependabot in #1863
- Bump ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10 in /src/frontend/citizen-portal by @dependabot in #1864
- Bump Npgsql from 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 in /src/backend/TrafficCourts/TrafficCourts.Coms.Client.Test by @dependabot in #1866
- TCVP-2447 Fix Disputant Upload Rules by @Sharkww in #1865
- TCVP-2767 DCF Update - Make Findings Sections Expandable by @Sharkww in #1862
- TCVP-2471 JJ DCF Hearing - rename comments field to JJ endorsements by @Sharkww in #1861
- TCVP-2940 fix error msg by @Sharkww in #1860
- TCVP-2766 DCF Update - Change Offence Amt to Fine Amount by @Sharkww in #1859
- Bump org.openapitools:openapi-generator-maven-plugin from 7.4.0 to 7.5.0 in /src/backend/oracle-data-api by @dependabot in #1855
- Bump org.openapitools:openapi-generator-maven-plugin from 7.5.0 to 7.6.0 in /src/backend/oracle-data-api by @dependabot in #1872
- TCVP-2873 Remove dispute counts that do not have Act by @pbolduc in #1874
- TCVP-2589 [XL] Ticket Validation - Remove 'Cancel' Functions - Upgrade 'Reject' Functions [PROD] by @saikrishnametpalli-nttdata in #1882
- TCVP-2687 Add service and endpoints for fetching permissions by @pbolduc in #1881
- Merge hotfix release 2.1.9 into develop by @pbolduc in #1883
- TCVP-2687 [XL] QA - Roles issues for staff workbench, JJ workbench in TEST and PROD [PROD] by @saikrishnametpalli-nttdata in #1885
Full Changelog: 2.1.9...2.2.0
Release 2.1.9
What's Changed
- TCVP-2924 update FormRecognizer model by @KDNeufeld in #1834
- TCVP-2950 make adjustments to fix possible memory leak by @pbolduc in #1879
- TCVP-2958 fix error deleting file in coms by @pbolduc in #1878
- TCVP-2786 update dispute type sent to arc by @karahanb in #1880
Full Changelog: 2.1.7...2.1.9
Release 2.1.7
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.1.6...2.1.7
Release 2.1.6
What's Changed
- TCVP-2387 Fix mobile layout by @Sharkww in #1823
- TCVP-2637 Fix comments saving wrong field by @Sharkww in #1811
- TCVP-2733 Update dispute status tags for staff and status tracker for disputant by @karahanb in #1805
- TCVP-2809 Fix TCO Snowplow report - Manage Dispute bar missing by @saikrishnametpalli-nttdata in #1810
- TCVP-2823 Fix issue where files are missing filenames by @pbolduc in #1837
- TCVP-2823 Fix issue with getting document filename by @pbolduc in #1842
- TCVP-2823 Fix metadata property names preventing fetching of documents by @pbolduc in #1838
- TCVP-2872 Add Upload Documents Feature to Ticket Validation Screen by @saikrishnametpalli-nttdata in #1836
- TCVP-2878 Added logging to help with missing data in COMS by @KDNeufeld in #1832
- TCVP-2879 Block change dispute from WR to hearing by @Sharkww in #1806
- TCVP-2883 Change Dispute Contact Info Change by @Sharkww in #1795
- TCVP-2900 Upgrade User Initializer App by @karahanb in #1787
- TCVP-2902 BCSC config to develop by @pbolduc in #1796
- TCVP-2914 Sanitized whitespace characters on some OCR fields to develop by @pbolduc in #1829
- TCVP-2921 Update readinessProbe allowing retry by @pbolduc in #1820
- TCVP-2922 Nuget package dependency updates by @pbolduc in #1821
- TCVP-2922 Update virus scan package dependencies by @pbolduc in #1822
- TCVP-2932 Fix Send Email Verification failures by @pbolduc in #1854
- TCVP-2935 Update splunk logging parameters by @pbolduc in #1839
Dependency Updates
- Bump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.11 to 0.8.12 in /src/backend/oracle-data-api by @dependabot in #1757
- Bump tar from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 in /src/frontend/staff-portal by @dependabot in #1801
- Bump tar from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 in /src/frontend/citizen-portal by @dependabot in #1800
Full Changelog: 2.0.3...2.1.6
Release 2.1.5
What's Changed
- TCVP-2823 fix issue with getting document filename by @pbolduc in #1842
- Merge Develop to Release by @saikrishnametpalli-nttdata in #1843
Full Changelog: 2.0.3...2.1.5
Release 2.1.4
What's Changed
- TCVP-2823 metadata property names preventing fetching of documents by @pbolduc in #1838
- TCVP-2935 update splunk logging parameters by @pbolduc in #1839
Full Changelog: 2.0.3...2.1.4
Release 2.1.3
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.0.3...2.1.3
Release 2.1.2
What's Changed
- TCVP-2872: Add Upload Documents Feature to Ticket Validation Screen by @saikrishnametpalli-nttdata in #1836
Full Changelog: 2.0.3...2.1.2