- Fix problem with not converting alleles to strings during v0.2.5 update.
- Handle input VCFs with differing cases in REF and ALT alleles.
- Fix platypus calling to correctly add contig headers to avoid GATK4 GatherVcf errors.
- Fix wrapper script to avoid java in
- Handle input to bcftools concat when all original files have no variants.
- Remove problematic INFO and FORMAT fields for FreeBayes. In complex decomposed, it retains more AD/AO/QA/GL fields then the headers allow, causing bcftools failures.
- Fix logging to correctly raise errors on failures.
- Clarify filters on depth (DP) which fail on recent bcftools when present in both INFO and FORMAT key/values.
- Remove usage of gatk-framework, which is no longer included in bcbio. Replace GATK usage with bcftools merge and concat.
- Fix tabix index error for variants present at position 1 of contigs.
- Avoid FreeBayes error when running
without an empty VCF.
- Handle larger merge sizes with additional memory specifications up to 3000 or more samples.
- Use local temporary directories for GATK calls, avoiding filling up temporary space. Thanks to Roman Valls Guimerà.
- Correctly parse sample names from large numbers of inputs without causing overflow error.
- Do not silently exit if running into Java memory errors.
- Automatically convert ensemble output files to bgzipped output.
- Add genotype qualities (GQ) to output of FreeBayes recalls.
- Use samtools instead of scramble for CRAM integration.
- Annotate ensemble variant calls with names of callers supporting an ensemble variant.
- Support latest GATK and htsjdk to handle issues with gVCFs on GATK 3.4 and different command line options in gatk-framework.
- Correctly handle copies of single files in transactional directories.
- Correctly intersect files when one of the inputs is empty. Thanks to Daryl Waggott.
- Fix command line sorting issues with X/Y chromosomes. Thanks to Lorena Pantano.
- Separate command line help library into bcbio.run for use outside of bcbio.variation.recall.
- FreeBayes: update with options for latest validated version 0.9.21-7
- Avoid copy errors when merging recalls with only a single region.
- Fix errors encountered on large runs, adding additional temporary directory usage during copy and spit commands to prevent partial files.
- Correctly handle identically named input files for recalling.
- Avoid filtering low quality reference calls when recalling with Platypus.
- Correctly support vcffixup stdin in recent vcflib.
- Support new sambamba index changes.
- Ensemble calling: handle variant inputs with multiple identical calls.
- FreeBayes recalling fixes to support GATK compatibility: remove duplicate alternative alleles and ceil very low FreeBayes quality scores.
- Fix FreeBayes recalling/squaring off to better distinguish reference and no call. Avoid filtering low-quality reference positions and assigning as no call while still removing problem variants.
- Fix ensemble calling for cases with closely spaced variants containing identical ref/alts.
- Initial implementation of intersection based ensemble calling. Handle germline and tumor/normal cases.
- Use new picard and htsjdk libraries for variant manipulation.
- Initial release with support for parallel genome merging and squaring off/joint calling with FreeBayes, Platypus and samtools.