In this module we introduce some theory about ASK and then we build an Alexa Hosted Skill from scratch in no time (Hello World template) with no localization (out-of-the-box experience). When using the console we introduce the basic tabs (Build, Code, Test, etc)
- Developer Console: Build, Code and Test tabs. Types of skills that you can create (focus on Custom)
- Build tab: Invocation name, Built-In and Custom Intents and Utterances in VIM. VIM as JSON (JSON editor)
- Code Tab: Dependencies (require), package.json, Save/Deploy/Promote to Live in AHS (branches), basic Handler Structure (canHandle/handle), Handler Input, Response Builder, Speak/Reprompt, Skill Builder + handler registration, Error handler, Session ended request
- Code Tab: Intent Reflector & FallbackIntent handler (*)
- Test Tab: Custom Skill invocation, JSON in/out, LaunchRequest, IntentRequest, Help/Stop/Cancel, Session ended, Test on real device (same account)
- Development and Production Lambda Stages (AHS branches)
- Lambda Dependencies (package.json, requires in code)
- Handler as processor of incoming requests. Handler structure
- Request Types (LaunchRequest, IntentRequest, SessionEndedRequest)
- Skill Builder (custom vs standard) and its functions
- Reflector (catch all intent handler)
- Out-of-domain utterances (*)
- (only in locales that support AMAZON.FallbackIntent) otherwise explain that including the handler on the back-end side does not affect the operation (we can keep it but should clarify to avoid confusion)
- 10 min: Theory, backed by slides
- 10 min: Hands on, create Hello World skill, explain code based on all above. Test "hello" on real device