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install from source

Baz edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 5 revisions

Installation from Source

These instructions are for building this code for use on your gurdy from source. This is only necessary if you want to make non-standard changes to the code or configuration. For most users, you can request a pre-compiled build from me and install with a little less hassle via these instructions.

Step 1: Install Teensyduino

Follow the build installation instructions for installing the Teensyduino program/environment.

Step 2: Download U8g2

There is one non-default library this code depends on: U8g2, the graphics library. In Teensyduino you can go to Tools->Manage Libraries... and install it that way.

Alternately, I have saved a copy of this for safekeeping here. It can be installed by simply placing it (the whole directory) in your libraries directory. Here are instructions on finding that libraries directory:

Step 3: Download the Code

Head over to the branch of code you want (main is the "production" branch and always a safe bet). You'll see a green button towards the top-left that says <> Code and has an option to download the repository.

Step 3b: Tweak the Configuration

In the config.h file you'll find most of the options that I intend for people to change. All the pin assignments are here. Some of the common options you'll want to confirm:

  • WHITE_OLED or BLUE_OLED must be enabled (uncommented) for the screen you have. If you're unsure, ask me and I can help you find out. If you bought a gurdy from, John Dingley can tell you what kind it was built with (they look identical... one isn't actually more blue).
  • USE_TRIGGER or USE_TSUNAMI - one of these must also be enabled. If you don't have either one, choose Trigger.
  • USE_GEARED_CRANK needs to be enabled if you have a gearmotor crank (instead of an optical one).
  • LED_KNOB and USE_PEDAL need to be enabled if you have one or the other of these on your model.

Step 4: Open the Code in Teensyduino

With that in place, you should be able to open the digigurdy-baz.ino file in Teensyduino, and compile/upload it to your digigurdy. Make sure to select the correct port for it and that the other settings look like this after plugging your gurdy to your computer:

teensyduino settings

  • Make sure in particular that the Teensy version is correct and that "USB Type" is "Serial + MIDI".
  • Set the CPU to the fastest not-overclocked speed (this should be default).
  • NOTE: Make sure you select "Fastest" for Teensy4.1. This matters! For Teensy3.5 "Fastest with LTO" is what you should use.
  • If you plug in your gurdy after opening up the IDE, you may have to select your port. Usually it detects it.

After uploading, it should automatically restart and be ready-to-go!

Clear EEPROM for first-time installations

Testing has already shown that strange side-effects occur when the EEPROM (your digigurdy's memory) is filled with other stuff. The start-up screen includes an Other Options selection, and inside is an option to clear your EEPROM.

After updating, it's always a good idea to clear your EEPROM just in case. It's not always necessary, but when I make changes to the structure of what gets saved in the EEPROM, not resetting it can definitely cause bugs.

Digigurdy-baz is the awkward name for the software that powers the Digi-gurdy.

The Digi-gurdy is an electronic/MIDI hurdy gurdy.

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