Releases: bananaturtlesandwich/blue-fire-rando
Releases · bananaturtlesandwich/blue-fire-rando
major performance improvement
- writing takes only 2 seconds now
small fixes
- removed archaic temple of gods locks
- fixed fire keep duck position as chest being impossible to get
- use my new pr to unreal_asset which minimises string copying (therefore marginal performance increase)
fire keep duck and rare glasses patch
- finally fixed the fire keep duck not being modified
- added rare glasses to list of checks because I somehow missed it :p
patch for starting items
- fixes starting with a tunic, spirit or weapon so hundo runs are less dodgy
Linearity and doors
- fixed tavern door and temple gardens gate not opening after temple completions
- temple gardens logic now accounts for the gate that for some reason wasn't there for me
- added in pickups I missed in firefall
- slight writing optimisation
initial release!!!
holy crap this has been a long time coming
we're finally here! the initial release is upon us
this program provides a game mode where pickups such as tunics, spirits and emotes are shuffled in a random order while the game itself is still beatable without glitches (you may have to experiment with what you have to progress )
at the moment the logic is ran in such a way that makes it very likely to get key items quickly - this is planned to be reworked
while a lot of time was spent on modding research including the creation of a map editor and a new hooking technique, there are compromises:
- emote statues and ore pickups are active in chest locations before cutscenes spawn them in (e.g emote pad activated chests)
- the same goes for books before talking to mork and the spirit in fara's quest
- if you don't get a spirit from fara's quest the journal will not update (this only affects percentage)
- abilities or emotes are spawned next to the shop owner instead of being purchaseable from the shop owner
- Nilo's shop isn't randomised since it doesn't seem to work like other shops
- Install your respective build of the randomiser and run it
- If you have the game on amazon games you need to patch to void of sorrows by extracting this patcher to the game folder and running it
- You will be prompted to select your game folder (by default it's
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Blue Fire
for steam andC:\Amazon Games\Library\Blue Fire
for amazon games - please tell me what it is if you have the games on any other platform) - You are unable to continue until you choose a valid game path
- Once this is done you can pick what you would like in the pool
- And now you can generate and install the seed
- This takes around 15 seconds since a lot of data is procedurally written to disk (it used to be 5 minutes)
- Then you can click the launch button to open blue fire (this step is not necessary for the rando to work it's just for convenience)
- Enjoy! If you ever get stuck a spoiler log is generated next to the program location
no glitches are included however there are a few game mechanics you might want to know about:
- if you slash off an edge you get some extra distance
- you get even more distance this way by triple slashing (this is very important for the dashless masochists)
- you can dash towards anything you are locked onto (you can use this for static flying enemies - moving enemies aren't in logic)