Specialties: C++, Python, Linux, Operations Research
Doctor in Computer Science and Mathematics
Since 2013 : Data Scientist for Airconomy (Frankfurt am Main, Germany).
Data mining on various sources to forecast passenger demands over
airline networks.
2009-2012 : PhD in Operations Research with Amadeus (Sophia Antipolis, France).
Researched how to assign aircraft on an airline network in the most
efficient way. I authored several projects, including a C++ solver,
a Python suite of 20+ command line tools, and Hadoop data mining
scripts. I also worked as a teaching assistant at the university,
further improving my communication and public speaking skills.
2008 (3 months) : Internship at Rio Tinto Alcan (Clermont Ferrand, France).
Co-authored a C++ library for optimizing the revenue of a metal
factory. This work was published in the corporate journal of the
2007 (3 months) : Internship at GE Healthcare (Paris, France).
Elaborated an UML spec for the refactoring of 20.000 lines of C++.
Python : Contributor to pulp-or, a linear programming Python library. Author of small tools, like michel, a command line program providing bidirectionnal synchronization of google tasks with text files.
C++ : Author of yaposib, a Python binding to COIN-OSI that is now supported by pulp-or.
C : Author of lazylpsolverlibs, a set of proxy libraries targeting cplex, gurobi and xpress. I also started writing sharebox, a distributed FUSE file system based on git.
Java : Author of talkmyphone, an android application allowing phone control via gtalk. It had 10.000+ downloads, and was forked 50 times. It was then successfully handed over to other developers.
Misc : Lua, Ada, Bash, Makefile, m4, autotools, cmake... See my github résumé. My kudorank on ohloh is 9, among the top 2% of opensource developers.
Linux : My daily operating system: I blog about it sometimes.
2009-2012 : PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science at G-SCOP Laboratory (Grenoble, France).
Title: Integration of Fleet Deployment and of Passenger Service in
Airline Schedule Management. Done at Amadeus, in the Operation
Research team led by [Semi
Gabteni](http://www.linkedin.com/in/semigabteni). Advisors: [Denis
Naddef](http://www.g-scop.inpg.fr/~naddefd/), [Olivier
Defended in January 2013.
2005-2009 : MS in Computer Science in ENSIMAG (Grenoble, France).
Top French school of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science with
highly selective recruitment.
2002-2005 : Preparatory classes in Lycée Thiers (Marseille, France).
Mathematics and Physics courses before a national competitive
examination to Grandes Écoles.
Hobbies : I like travelling. I backpacked in 13 countries in Eastern Europe and South East Asia.
Sports : Running, Cycling, Hiking. I also played rugby union for 7 years.
Activities : I was the president of the grand cercle, one of the largest French campus student associations (5.000 members) during university.
[email protected] • +336 84 14 26 82 • 28 years old
275, chemin du Petit Castel - 13100 Aix en Provence, FRANCE