## Time-stamp: <2017-12-26 16:22:40 vk> ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode: http://orgmode.org/
Nowadays nearly all mobilephones and cameras add some additional information to Photos (EXIF).
This memacs module will walk through a given folder looking for photos. If a photo is found, it will get a timestamp from the exif information.
, path to search for photos-l
, follow symlinks, default False
PIL imghdr
/path/to/Memacs/bin/memacs_photos -f /path/to/photos -o /home/user/orgmode/memacs/photos.org_archive
For more options see help page (<memacs_sms.py -h>)
* Memacs for photos(exif) :Memacs:photos: ** <2007-09-26 Wed 03:11:09> [[/home/user/Pictures/foobar.jpg][foobar.jpg]] :PROPERTIES: :ID: 1f02963b171fbf72ff154f1cd725acc532331c0a :END: