## Time-stamp: <2018-07-21> ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode: http://orgmode.org/
, path to a sqlite db file which contains the firefox history: ~~/.mozilla/firefox/123adsf1.default/places.sqlite~.--output-format
, format for the headers of the generated org. available tags are:guid, url, title, visit_count, timestamp
The visited sites in Firefox are stored in a places.sqlite
file that
contains every url you visited along with the last visited date.
We can use Memacs_firefox to generate a file with the datetimes of the urls:
python bin/memacs_firefox.py -f "/home/rgrau/.mozilla/firefox/3hlzuwen.default/places.sqlite" >~/org/mozhist.org_archive
With the default –output-format, a regular entry looks like this:
* Memacs for firefox url history :Memacs:firefox: ** <2018-07-20 Fri 23:51> [[https://github.com/kidd][kidd (Raimon Grau (rgrau))]] :PROPERTIES: :URL: https://github.com/kidd :VISIT_COUNT: 1 :ID: 68ff284b25379144784a214e7a0d19631c3d18f1 :END: