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File metadata and controls

282 lines (204 loc) · 8.95 KB


Portals provide mechanics to open a new screen while remaining in the same tree.

⚠️ Portals are an experimental feature

Problem definition

Let's imagine this app structure:

└── A
    ├── B
    │   └── D
    │   └── E
    └── C

Here, A is a container that has control over the entire screen space.

A divides this available space into two parts: one to host B, the other to host C. As a consequence, these children have now control over only a portion of the screen.

Repeating this pattern, the screen space available to any Node can only get smaller and smaller. The Nodes themselves shouldn't care about this of course.

But what happens when we would like to show something full screen?

For example, let's say E has a button, which we would like to trigger opening a new screen (marked here with X):

└── A
    ├── B
    │   └── D
    │   └── E
    |       └── X
    └── C

X is "owned" by E just the same as any other parent-child relationships in the tree: resolving dependencies, and orchestrating communication is the responsibility of the parent.

But following from the division of screen space, X could only be hosted in the screen space available to E, which is only a portion of the full screen.

Approach 1: another Activity

We could of course launch another Activity, which would host X as its own root. However, by doing this, we would also lose all benefits of a single-Activity, single-tree approach:

  • E is no longer scoping X
  • E has a lot more difficult way of sharing state and dependencies with X
  • E has a lot more difficult way of communicating with X if it needs to

Approach 2: Adding directly to A

As A is the first (and here also the last) level in the tree which has access to the full screen space, we would need to add X to A instead:

└── A
    ├── B
    │   └── D
    │   └── E
    └── C
    └── X

The first problems with this are similar to Approach #1:

  • E is no longer scoping X
  • E has a lot more difficult way of sharing state and dependencies with X
  • E has a lot more difficult way of communicating with X if it needs to


  • E is no longer responsible for creating X, and we add this responsibility at the wrong place (A)

Imagine what happens if we add more full screen elements with this approach:

└── A
    ├── B
    │   └── D
    │   └── E
    └── C
    └── X1
    └── X3
    └── ...
    └── XN

A will soon become bloated with lots of extra concerns and dependencies that logically it shouldn't have to care about. And more than just an inconvenience, this becomes a burden in a shared module architecture.

Remember: we're tried adding these Nodes here only to show them on full screen - and not because A has anything to do with them. Let's try to avoid it!

Approach 3: Portals

Portals allow you to solve the above problem by separating the logical tree structure from the view tree structure. You can keep the logical tree structure as is, while allowing the child to be attached to a higher level in the view tree.

Let's see an example by introducing an additional level into our tree structure:

└── Portal
    └── A
        ├── B
        │   └── D
        │   └── E
        |       └── X
        └── C

Portal can be added anywhere - but it's most useful somewhere close to the root of our tree, where the available screen space hasn't been divided yet.

What we'll want to do is to separate the logical and the visual tree structures:

  • keep the above logical structure for business logic
  • but in effect, attach X as a child of Portal in the view tree, as if it was actually organised like this:
└── Portal
    └── X

This way, X will render itself on full screen.

Full screen content, full screen overlays

You can achieve full screen rendering for both "Content" and "Overlay" configurations. See back stack documentation for what these terms means.


Add the dependency:

implementation 'com.github.badoo.RIBs:rib-portal:{latest-version}'

Optionally, you can depend on the RxJava version of it, which provides some workflow operations:

implementation 'com.github.badoo.RIBs:rib-portal-rx:{latest-version}'

To use portals, you will want to add it as a dependency in your tree to every Rib down the the point where you want to use it:

interface SomeRib : Rib {
    interface Dependency : CanProvidePortal {
        // ...

This is all you need so far. But if you're curious what this means, CanProvidePortal is actually:

interface CanProvidePortal {

    val portal: Portal.OtherSide

And Portal.Otherside is what gives us the operations we need:

interface Portal : Rib {

    interface OtherSide {
        fun showContent(remoteNode: Node<*>, remoteConfiguration: Parcelable)
        fun showOverlay(remoteNode: Node<*>, remoteConfiguration: Parcelable)

This is provided by the framework, you won't need to implement it.

Add a portal to your tree

In the simplest case, you want Portal to be your actual root, and add yours as a child to it:

override fun createRib(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) =
    PortalBuilder( // or RxPortalBuilder
        object : Portal.Dependency {
            override val defaultResolution: (Portal.OtherSide) -> Resolution =
                { portal -> child { buildYourRib(portal, it) } }
            private fun buildYourRib(
                portal: Portal.OtherSide,
                buildContext: BuildContext
            ): YourRib {
                return YourRibBuilder(
                    object : YourRib.Dependency {
                        // ...
                        override val portal: Portal.OtherSide = portal
                        // ...

You'll also want to propagate this dependency down your whole tree, so that you can interact with the portal on any level.

Using portals

1. Define some routing configurations

The place to do it is the parent that wishes to show something through a portal (E in the original example).

It's helpful to place them in a nested sealed class:

sealed class Configuration : Parcelable {
    sealed class Content : Configuration() {
        // only if you have any - these are meant to be displayed the regular way
    sealed class Overlay : Configuration() {
        // only if you have any - these are meant to be displayed the regular way
    sealed class FullScreen : Configuration() {
        @Parcelize object X : FullScreen()

2. Use the portal

You most likely want to do this in the class responsible for business logic in E. Here we are using an Interactor, but feel free to use any other architectural pattern of course:

// Built in SomeRibBuilder:
class SomeInteractor(
    // ...
    portal: Portal.OtherSide // Coming from SomeRib.Dependency 
) : Interactor<SomeRib, SomeRibView>(
    buildParams = buildParams
) {
    fun businessLogic() {
        portal.showContent(node, FullScreen.X) // <- We send it our local configuration
        // or:
        portal.showOverlay(node, FullScreen.X)

Notice how the methods we call on the portal take 2 params each:

  1. The first one refers to the current Node this Interactor belongs to.
  2. The second one is our local configuration

Note: here node is available because Interactor (base class provided by the framework) provides it automatically. If you're using a different pattern / class, you can still access node either directly through the NodeAware or indirectly through the RibAware plugins. See Plugins for more details.

3. Resolve the configuration

The last bit we need to put in place is resolving our configuration in E's Router:

override fun resolve(routing: Routing<Configuration>): Resolution =
    when (routing.configuration) {
        FullScreen.X -> remoteChild(anchor = node) { }

Notice how we are not using a child { } resolution here, but remoteChild { } with an additional parameter, anchor. This is an important detail. Note again the usage of the current Node, which Router automatically has a reference to.

The importance of these Node references is that it provides a way for Portal to backtrack where X is coming from. Portal itself is agnostic of the children it hosts, and delegates their resolution to the logical parent (E in the original scheme / SomeRib in the code examples).