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-# Covenant Emulator
+# Covenant Emulation Toolset
 ## Overview
-Covenant emulator is a daemon program run by every member of the covenant 
-committee of the BTC staking protocol. The role of the covenant committee 
-is to protect PoS systems against attacks from the BTC stakers and 
-validators. It achieves this by representing itself as an M-out-of-N 
+The covenant emulation toolset is a set of programs operated by every member of 
+the covenant committee of the BTC staking protocol. The role of the covenant 
+committee is to protect PoS systems against attacks from the BTC stakers and 
+finality providers. It achieves this by representing itself as an M-out-of-N 
 multi-signature that co-signs BTC transactions with the BTC staker.
 More specifically, through co-signing, the covenant committee enforces the 
@@ -57,207 +57,64 @@ code. This committee can be dimissed once such programmability becomes
 available, e.g., if BTC's covenant proposal [BIP-119](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0119.mediawiki)
 is merged.
-Covenant emulation committee members are defined in the Babylon parameters and
-their public keys are recorded in the genesis file of the Babylon chain.
-Changing the covenant committee requires a
-[governance proposal](https://docs.cosmos.network/v0.50/build/modules/gov).
-Each committee member runs the `covd` daemon (short for 
-`covenant-emulator-daemon`), which
-constantly monitors staking requests on the Babylon chain, verifies the 
-validity of the Bitcoin transactions that are involved with them, and
-sends the necessary signatures if verification is passed.
-The staking requests can only become active and receive voting power
-if a sufficient quorum of covenant committee members have
-verified the validity of the transactions and sent corresponding signatures.
-Upon a pending staking request being found, the covenant emulation daemon 
-(`covd`), validates it against the spending rules defined in
-[Staking Script specification](https://github.com/babylonlabs-io/babylon/blob/main/docs/staking-script.md),
-and sends three types of signatures to the Babylon chain:
-1. **Slashing signature**. This signature is an [adaptor signature](https://bitcoinops.org/en/topics/adaptor-signatures/),
-which signs over the slashing path of the staking transaction. Due to the
-of the adaptor signature, it also prevents a malicious finality provider from
-irrationally slashing delegations.
-2. **Unbonding signature**. This signature is a [Schnorr signature](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schnorr_signature),
-which is needed for the staker to unlock their funds before the original 
-staking time lock expires (on-demand unbonding).
-3. **Unbonding slashing signature**. This signature is also an adaptor
-signature, which has similar usage to the **slashing signature** but signs over
-the slashing path of the unbonding transaction.
-## Installation
-### Prerequisites
-This project requires Go version `1.21` or later.
-Install Go by following the instructions on
-the [official Go installation guide](https://golang.org/doc/install).
-#### Download the code
-To get started, clone the repository to your local machine from Github:
-$ git clone git@github.com:babylonlabs-io/covenant-emulator.git
-You can choose a specific version from
-the [official releases page](https://github.com/babylonlabs-io/covenant-emulator/releases):
-$ cd covenant-emulator # cd into the project directory
-$ git checkout <release-tag>
-### Build and install the binary
-At the top-level directory of the project
-$ make install 
-The above command will build and install the covenant-emulator daemon (`covd`)
-binary to `$GOPATH/bin`:
-If your shell cannot find the installed binaries, make sure `$GOPATH/bin` is in
-the `$PATH` of your shell. Usually, these commands will do the job
-export PATH=$HOME/go/bin:$PATH
-echo 'export PATH=$HOME/go/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
-To build without installing,
-$ make build
-The above command will put the built binaries in a build directory with the
-following structure:
-$ ls build
-    └── covd
-Another common issue with compiling is that some of the dependencies have
-components written in C. If a C toolchain is absent, the Go compiler will throw
-errors. (Most likely it will complain about undefined names/types.) Make sure a
-C toolchain (for example, GCC or Clang) is available. On Ubuntu, this can be
-installed by running
-sudo apt install build-essential
-## Setting up a covenant emulator
-### Configuration
-The `covd init` command initializes a home directory for the
-finality provider daemon.
-This directory is created in the default home location or in a
-location specified by the `--home` flag.
-If the home directory already exists, add `--force` to override the directory if
-$ covd init --home /path/to/covd/home/
-After initialization, the home directory will have the following structure
-$ ls /path/to/covd/home/
-  ├── covd.conf # Covd-specific configuration file.
-  ├── logs      # Covd logs
-If the `--home` flag is not specified, then the default home directory
-will be used. For different operating systems, those are:
-- **MacOS** `~/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Covd`
-- **Linux** `~/.Covd`
-- **Windows** `C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Covd`
-Below are some important parameters of the `covd.conf` file.
-The configuration below requires to point to the path where this keyring is
-stored `KeyDirectory`. This `Key` field stores the key name used for interacting
-with the Babylon chain and will be specified along with the `KeyringBackend`
-field in the next [step](#generate-key-pairs). So we can ignore the setting of
-the two fields in this step.
-# The interval between each query for pending BTC delegations
-QueryInterval = 15s
-# The maximum number of delegations that the covd processes each time
-DelegationLimit = 100
-# Bitcoin network to run on
-BitcoinNetwork = simnet
-# Babylon specific parameters
-# Babylon chain ID
-ChainID = chain-test
-# Babylon node RPC endpoint
-RPCAddr =
-# Babylon node gRPC endpoint
-GRPCAddr =
-# Name of the key in the keyring to use for signing transactions
-Key = <covenant-emulator-key-name>
-# Type of keyring to use,
-# supported backends - (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory)
-# ref https://docs.cosmos.network/v0.46/run-node/keyring.html#available-backends-for-the-keyring
-KeyringBackend = test
-# Directory where keys will be retrieved from and stored
-KeyDirectory = /path/to/covd/home
-To see the complete list of configuration options, check the `covd.conf` file.
-## Generate key pairs
-The covenant emulator daemon requires the existence of a keyring that signs
-signatures and interacts with Babylon. Use the following command to generate the
-$ covd create-key --key-name covenant-key --chain-id chain-test
-    "name": "cov-key",
-    "public-key": "9bd5baaba3d3fb5a8bcb8c2995c51793e14a1e32f1665cade168f638e3b15538"
-After executing the above command, the key name will be saved in the config file
-created in [step](#configuration).
-Note that the `public-key` in the output should be used as one of the inputs of
-the genesis of the Babylon chain.
-Also, this key will be used to pay for the fees due to the daemon submitting 
-signatures to Babylon.
-## Start the daemon
-You can start the covenant emulator daemon using the following command:
-$ covd start
-2024-01-05T05:59:09.429615Z	info	Starting Covenant Emulator
-2024-01-05T05:59:09.429713Z	info	Covenant Emulator Daemon is fully active!
-All the available CLI options can be viewed using the `--help` flag. These
-options can also be set in the configuration file.
+Covenant emulation committee members are defined in the Babylon parameters and 
+their public keys are recorded in the genesis file of the Babylon chain. 
+Changing the covenant committee requires a 
+[governance proposal](https://docs.cosmos.network/v0.50/build/modules/gov). 
+Each committee member runs two components:
+1. **Covenant Signer**: The Covenant Signer operates in tandem with the Covenant Emulator and
+   is purpose-built to securely manage private keys for signing operations.
+   It prioritizes security through isolation,
+   ensuring that private key handling is confined to an instance with
+   minimal connectivity and simpler application logic compared to the
+   Covenant Emulator daemon.
+2. **Covenant Emulator**: The covenant emulator constantly monitors staking
+   requests on the Babylon chain, verifies the validity of the
+   Bitcoin transactions that are involved with them,
+   and if verification is passed,
+   generates the necessary signatures through a connection to the
+   covenant-signer and sends them to the Babylon blockchain. Specifically,
+   it deals with the following signatures:
+   1. **Slashing signature**. This signature is an [adaptor signature](https://bitcoinops.org/en/topics/adaptor-signatures/),
+      which signs over the slashing path of the staking transaction. Due to the
+      [recoverability](https://github.com/LLFourn/one-time-VES/blob/master/main.pdf)
+      of the adaptor signature, it also prevents a malicious finality provider from
+      irrationally slashing delegations.
+   2. **Unbonding signature**. This signature is a [Schnorr signature](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schnorr_signature),
+      which is needed for the staker to unlock their funds before the original
+      staking time lock expires (on-demand unbonding).
+   3. **Unbonding slashing signature**. This signature is also an adaptor
+      signature, which has similar usage to the **slashing signature** but signs over
+      the slashing path of the unbonding transaction.
+The staking requests can only become active and receive voting power if a 
+sufficient quorum of covenant committee members have verified the validity 
+of the transactions and sent corresponding signatures.
+## Interaction Between Emulator and Signer
+The Covenant Emulator handles the application logic, including monitoring the 
+Babylon blockchain and validating transactions. When a signature is needed, it 
+forwards the request to the Covenant Signer, which processes the signing operation 
+and returns the necessary cryptographic signature.
+The interaction begins with the Covenant Emulator monitoring the Babylon 
+blockchain for new staking requests. The emulator then prepares the necessary 
+signing data, which includes transactions requiring slashing signatures 
+(adaptor signatures), unbonding signatures (Schnorr signatures), and 
+unbonding slashing signatures (adaptor signatures). This data is then forwarded 
+to the Covenant Signer.
+This flow ensures that all private key operations remain isolated within the 
+secure Covenant Signer while the emulator handles the blockchain interaction 
+and validation logic.
+![Covenant Architecture](./static/covenant.png)
+## Covenant Emulator Stack Setup
+To set up your covenant emulator stack,
+please follow the instructions in the following documents
+(in sequence):
+1. [Covenant Signer Setup](./docs/covenant-signer-setup.md)
+2. [Covenant Emulator Setup](./docs/covenant-emulator-setup.md)
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+# Covenant Emulator Setup
+This document outlines the setup of the covenant-emulator
+daemon program.
+## Table of Contents 
+1. [Prerequesites](#1-prerequisites)
+2. [Install Covenant Emulator Binary](#2-install-covenant-emulator-binary)
+3. [Setting up the Covenant Emulator Program](#3-setting-up-the-covenant-emulator-program)
+	1. [Initialize directories](#31-initialize-directories)
+	2. [Configure the covenant emulator](#32-configure-the-covenant-emulator)
+4. [Generate key pairs](#4-generate-key-pairs)
+5. [Start the emulator daemon](#5-start-the-emulator-daemon)
+## 1. Prerequisites
+To successfully complete this guide, you will need:
+1. A running instance of the [covenant signer](../covenant-signer) 
+  with the url that you configured it to. Please follow the 
+  [covenant signer setup guide](./covenant-signer-setup.md) to 
+  complete the setup of the covenant signer with your keys before proceeding.
+  Note that the phase-2 covenant-signer program is a different one than the one
+  used doing phase-1
+2. A connection to a Babylon node. To run your own node, please refer to the 
+  [Babylon Node Setup Guide](https://github.com/babylonlabs-io/networks/blob/main/bbn-test-5/bbn-test-5/babylon-node/README.md).
+## 2. Install covenant emulator binary
+If you haven't already, download [Golang 1.23](https://go.dev/dl).
+Once installed run: 
+go version
+If you have not yet cloned the repository, run:
+git clone git@github.com:babylonlabs-io/covenant-emulator.git
+cd covenant-emulator
+git checkout <tag>
+Run the following command to build the binaries and
+install them to your `$GOPATH/bin` directory:
+make install
+This command will:
+- Build and compile all Go packages
+- Install `covd` binary to `$GOPATH/bin`
+- Make commands globally accessible from your terminal
+If your shell cannot find the installed binary, make sure `$GOPATH/bin` is in
+the `$PATH` of your shell. Use the following command to add it to your profile
+depending on your shell.
+export PATH=$HOME/go/bin:$PATH
+echo 'export PATH=$HOME/go/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
+## 3. Setting up the covenant emulator program
+### 3.1. Initialize directories
+Next, we initialize the node and home directory. It should generate all of the 
+necessary files such as `covd.config`, these files will live in the `<path>` 
+that you set for the `--home` with the below command.
+covd init --home <path>
+After initialization, the home directory will have the following structure:
+$ ls <path>
+  ├── covd.conf # Covd-specific configuration file.
+  ├── logs      # Covd logs
+### 3.2. Configure the covenant emulator
+As you have already set up the covenant signer, you can now configure the covenant 
+emulator to use it. 
+Use the following parameters to configure the `covd.conf` file.
+# The interval between each query for pending BTC delegations
+QueryInterval = 15s
+# The maximum number of delegations that the covd processes each time
+DelegationLimit = 100
+# Bitcoin network to run on
+BitcoinNetwork = simnet
+# Babylon specific parameters
+# Babylon chain ID
+ChainID = bbn-test-5
+# Babylon node RPC endpoint
+RPCAddr = https://rpc-euphrates.devnet.babylonlabs.io:443
+# Babylon node gRPC endpoint
+GRPCAddr = https://rpc-euphrates.devnet.babylonlabs.io:443
+# Name of the key in the keyring to use for signing transactions
+Key = covenant-key
+# Type of keyring to use,
+# supported backends - (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory)
+# ref https://docs.cosmos.network/v0.50/run-node/keyring.html#available-backends-for-the-keyring
+KeyringBackend = test
+; URL of the remote signer
+URL =
+; client when making requests to the remote signer
+Timeout = 2s
+; if true, covenant will use the remote signer to sign transactions
+RemoteSignerEnabled = true
+Below are brief explanations of the configuration entries:
+- `QueryInterval` - How often to check for new BTC delegations that need processing
+- `DelegationLimit` - Maximum number of delegations to process in a single batch
+- `BitcoinNetwork` - Which Bitcoin network to connect to (mainnet, testnet, simnet, etc.)
+- `ChainID` - Unique identifier of the Babylon blockchain network
+- `RPCAddr` - HTTP endpoint for connecting to a Babylon node
+- `GRPCAddr` - gRPC endpoint for connecting to a Babylon node
+- `Key` - Name of the key in the keyring used for transaction signing
+- `KeyringBackend` - Storage backend for the keyring (os, file, kwallet, pass, test, memory)
+- `URL` - Endpoint where the remote signing service is running
+- `Timeout` - Maximum time to wait for remote signer responses
+- `RemoteSignerEnabled` - Whether to use the remote signing service
+Ensure that the covenant signer is running and unlocked before proceeding 
+otherwise you will be unable to run the emulator.
+## 4. Generate key pairs
+The covenant emulator daemon requires the existence of a Babylon keyring that 
+signs signatures and interacts with Babylon. Use the following command to generate 
+the key:
+covd create-key --key-name <name> --chain-id <chain-id> --keyring-backend <backend>
+    "name": "babylon-tx-key",
+    "public-key-hex": "6dd4c9415a4091b74f45fdce71f5b8eebe743e5990b547009ff1dce8393d5df2",
+    "babylon-address": "bbn1gw5ns0kmcjj8y0edu5h4nkkw4aq263eyx2ynnp"
+- `--key-name`: Name for the key in the keyring
+- `--chain-id`: ID of the Babylon chain (e.g., bbn-test-5)
+- `--keyring-backend`: Backend for key storage, we will use `test` 
+  for this guide.
+After executing the above command, the key name will be saved in the config file
+created in the last [step](#42-configure-the-covenant-emulator).
+**⚡ Note:** that the `public-key` in the output should be used as one of the 
+inputs of the genesis of the Babylon chain.
+Also, this key will be used to pay for the fees due to the daemon submitting 
+signatures to Babylon.
+To check your balance, View your account on the 
+[Babylon Explorer](https://babylon-testnet.l2scan.co) by searching for your 
+## 5. Start the emulator daemon
+You can start the covenant emulator daemon using the following command:
+covd start
+2024-01-05T05:59:09.429615Z	info	Starting Covenant Emulator
+2024-01-05T05:59:09.429713Z	info	Covenant Emulator Daemon is fully active!
+All the available CLI options can be viewed using the `--help` flag. These
+options can also be set in the configuration file.
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+# Covenant Signer Setup
+> **⚡ Note:** This document is intended for covenant committee members that
+> are setting up a phase-2 stack based on an existing phase-1 stack.
+The Covenant Signer is a daemon program in the Covenant Emulator toolset
+that is responsible for securely managing the private key of the
+covenant committee member and producing the necessary cryptographic
+It prioritizes security through isolation, ensuring that private key handling
+is confined to an instance with minimal connectivity and simpler application 
+> **⚡ Note:** This program is a separate implementation from the
+> [covenant signer](https://github.com/babylonlabs-io/covenant-signer/)
+> program used for phase-1. All covenant committee members
+> are required to transition their keys to this program to participate
+> in phase-2.
+Previously, private keys were stored in the Bitcoin wallet using PSBT (Partially
+Signed Bitcoin Transactions) for signing operations. The new design uses a
+dedicated Covenant Signer that acts as a remote signing service, storing private
+keys in an encrypted Cosmos SDK keyring. This approach not only improves security
+through isolation but also enables the creation of both Schnorr signatures and
+Schnorr adaptor signatures required for covenant operations.
+## Table of Contents
+1. [Prerequisites](#1-prerequisites)
+2. [Installation](#2-installation)
+3. [Transitioning your covenant key from phase-1 setup](#3-transitioning-your-covenant-key-from-phase-1-setup)
+4. [Operation](#4-operation)
+    1. [Configuration](#41-configuration)
+    2. [Starting the daemon](#42-starting-the-daemon)
+    3. [Unlocking the key](#43-unlocking-the-key)
+## 1. Prerequisites
+This guide requires that:
+1. You have a Bitcoin node setup for the Bitcoin
+  network you intend to operate your covenant signer on.
+2. You have access to the private Bitcoin key you
+  set up your covenant with.
+3. A connection to a Babylon node. To run your own node, please refer to the 
+  [Babylon Node Setup Guide](https://github.com/babylonlabs-io/networks/blob/main/bbn-test-5/babylon-node/README.md).
+For a refresher on setting up the Bitcoin node, refer to the 
+[deployment guide of your phase-1 covenant signer setup](https://github.com/babylonlabs-io/covenant-signer/blob/main/docs/deployment.md#2-bitcoind-setup).
+<!-- TODO: Add a link to the deployment guide instructions when above link is archived -->
+## 2. Installation
+If you haven't already, download [Golang 1.23](https://go.dev/dl).
+Once installed run: 
+go version
+If you have not yet cloned the repository, run:
+git clone git@github.com:babylonlabs-io/covenant-emulator.git
+cd covenant-emulator
+git checkout <tag>
+> ⚡ Note: Replace the checkout tag with the version you want to install.
+Enter the covenant-signer directory, and run the following
+command to build the `covenant-signer` binary
+and install it to your `$GOPATH/bin` directory:
+cd covenant-signer
+make install
+This command will:
+- Build and compile all Go packages
+- Install `covenant-signer` binary to `$GOPATH/bin`
+- Make it globally accessible from your terminal
+If your shell cannot find the installed binary, make sure `$GOPATH/bin` is in
+the `$PATH` of your shell. Use the following command to add it to your profile
+depending on your shell.
+export PATH=$HOME/go/bin:$PATH
+echo 'export PATH=$HOME/go/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
+## 3. Transitioning your covenant key from phase-1 setup
+After installing the necessary binaries, we are ready
+to transition our covenant private key from the `bitcoind` wallet
+into a Cosmos keyring. This is necessary as the `bitcoind` wallet
+does not have support for important covenant signer operations,
+such as the generation of adaptor signatures.
+To complete this process, you are going to need to have access
+to the machine that holds your `bitcoind` wallet and
+know the Bitcoin address associated with your covenant's public key.
+If you need a refresher on the functionalities supported by your
+`bitcoind` wallet or how you previously set it up, you can refer
+to the relevant
+[phase-1 guide](https://github.com/babylonlabs-io/covenant-signer/blob/main/docs/deployment.md#2-bitcoind-setup).
+In the following, we'll go through all the necessary steps
+to transition your wallet.
+#### Step 1: Load wallet
+We start off by loading the wallet holding the covenant keys,
+using the `loadwallet` command. It receives as an argument
+the wallet directory or `.dat` file. In the below example,
+we are loading the wallet named `covenant-wallet`.
+bitcoin-cli loadwallet "covenant-wallet"
+  "name": "covenant-wallet"
+#### Step 2: Extract the covenant address' `hdkeypath`
+Next, we are going to retrieve the `hdkeypath` of the Bitcoin address
+associated with our covenant key.
+We do this through the usage of the `getaddresssinfo` command
+which takes your covenant Bitcoin address as a parameter. As mentioned above, 
+you will need access to the Bitcoin key you set up your covenant with.
+bitcoin-cli -datadir=./1/ getaddressinfo <address> | \ 
+jq '.hdkeypath | sub("^m/"; "") | sub("/[^/]+$"; "")'
+In the above command, we use the `jq` utility to extract only the relevant 
+`hdkeypath` information, which in this example is `84h/1h/0h/0/0` 
+(the initial `m/` can be ignored).
+Make note of the `hdkeypath` information - you'll need it later when
+deriving the covenant private key from the master key for verification purposes.
+#### Step 3: Retrieve the master private key
+In this step,
+we are going to retrieve the **base58-encoded master private key** from the 
+Bitcoin wallet. This key will be used to derive the covenant private key, 
+which can then be imported directly into the Cosmos keyring.
+The command below will list all descriptors in the wallet with private keys. 
+This will provide you with the descriptor needed to derive the private key. 
+Since Bitcoin wallets typically contain multiple descriptors 
+(usually 6 by default), we use `jq` to find the specific descriptor that
+matches our previously saved `hdkeypath` in this example `(84h/1h/0h/0)` 
+and extract the master private key from it.
+So, before you run this command you will need to replace the `<hdkeypath>` below 
+with the one you retrieved in step 2.
+bitcoin-cli listdescriptors true | jq -r '
+  .descriptors[] |
+  select(.desc | contains("<hdkeypath>")) |
+  .desc
+The output will be: 
+As you can see above there is a concatenated string of your private key and 
+part of your `hdkeypath`. To extract the private key:
+1. Remove everything outside the parentheses `wpkh(` and `)`
+2. Remove the `hdkeypath` after the private key 
+(everything after and including `/`)
+You'll be left with just the **base58-encoded master private key**, similar to 
+Now you have your **base58-encoded master private key**.
+You can now pass the above information to the `covenant-signer` binary to 
+derive the covenant private key from the master key using **BIP32 derivation**.
+Use the following command to derive the covenant private key:
+covenant-signer derive-child-key \
+    tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPe9aCeUQgMEMy2YMZ6PHnn2iCuG12y5E8oYhYNEvUqUkNy6sJ7ViBmFUMicikHSK2LBUNPx5do5EDJBjG7puwd6azci2wEdq \
+    84h/1h/0h/0/0
+The output will be:
+derived_private_key: fe1c56c494c730f13739c0655bf06e615409870200047fc65cdf781837cf7f06
+derived_public_key: 023a79b546c79d7f7c5ff20620d914b5cf7250631d12f6e26427ed9d3f98c5ccb1
+- `<master-private-key>`: The base58-encoded master private key from your 
+Bitcoin wallet (first parameter)
+- `<derivation-path>`: The HD derivation path that specifies how to derive 
+the child key (second parameter)
+To verify, you can execute the following:
+bitcoin-cli getaddressinfo <address> | jq .publickey
+If the public key matches the `derived_public_key`s output from the 
+`derive-child-key` command, the verification is successful.
+#### Step 4: Import the private key into a Cosmos Keyring
+Next, we are going to import the derived private key into the Cosmos keyring.
+covenant-signer keys import-hex cov fe1c56c494c730f13739c0655bf06e615409870200047fc65cdf781837cf7f06 \
+    --keyring-backend file \
+    --keyring-dir /path/to/your/keyring/directory
+This command:
+- Uses `import-hex` to import the raw private key
+- Names the key `cov` in the keyring
+- Uses the secure `file` backend which encrypts the key on disk
+- Will prompt you for a passphrase to encrypt the key
+Note that the passphrase you set here will be needed later on
+to unlock the keyring.
+> **⚡ Note:** While both `os` and `file` backends are supported, the authors
+> of the docs have more thoroughly tested the `file` backend across
+> different environments.
+> The `file` backend stores the private key in encrypted form 
+> on disk. When running `import-hex` with the `file` backend, you will be 
+> prompted for a passphrase. This passphrase will be required to unlock the 
+> signer later.
+To confirm that the import was successful, run:
+covenant-signer keys show cov
+The output will display the details of the imported key:
+  - address: bbn1azasawj3ard0ffwj04zpxlw2pt9cp7kwjcdqmc
+    name: cov
+    pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Ajp5tUbHnX98X/IGINkUtc9yUGMdEvbiZCftnT+Yxcyx"}'
+    type: local
+Congratulations! You have successfully imported your key.
+## 4. Operation
+### 4.1. Configuration
+Next, we can return to the covenant signer directory 
+and create your own configuration file. Use the 
+following command to dump the configuration template:
+covenant-signer dump-cfg --config <path-to-config-file>
+This will create a configuration file, from the example configuration, 
+in the specified path.
+Replace the placeholder values with your own 
+configuration. This configuration can be placed directly in the 
+`covenant-signer` directory.
+# Type of keystore to use for managing private keys. Currently only 
+# "cosmos" is supported, which uses the Cosmos SDK keyring system for 
+# secure key storage.
+keystore-type = "cosmos"
+# pointing to the directory where the key is stored, unless specified otherwise
+key-directory = "/path/to/keydir"
+# the backend to be used for storing the key, in this case `file`
+keyring-backend = "file"
+# the key name you specified when importing your covenant key
+key-name = "your-key-name"
+# the chain id of the chain the covenant will connect to
+chain-id = "network-chain-id"
+# The IP address where the covenant-signer server will listen
+host = ""
+# The TCP port number where the covenant-signer server will listen
+port = 9791
+# The IP address where the Prometheus metrics server will listen
+host = ""
+# The TCP port number where the Prometheus metrics server will listen
+port = 2113
+Below are brief explanations of the configuration entries:
+- `keystore-type`: Type of keystore used. Should be set to `"cosmos"`
+- `key-directory`: Path where keys are stored. Do not include the keyring 
+  backend type in the path (e.g., use `/path/to/keys` not 
+  `/path/to/keys/keyring-file`).
+- `keyring-backend`: Backend system for key management, e.g., "file", "os".
+- `key-name`: Name of the key used for signing transactions.
+- `chain-id`: The Chain ID of the Babylon network you connect to.
+- `host` (server-config): IP address where the server listens, typically "" for local access.
+- `port` (server-config): TCP port number for the server.
+- `host` (metrics): IP address for the Prometheus metrics server, typically "".
+- `port` (metrics): TCP port number for the Prometheus metrics server.
+### 4.2. Starting the daemon
+We will then run the following command to start the daemon:
+covenant-signer start --config ./path/to/config.toml
+The covenant signer must be run in a secure network and only accessible by the 
+covenant emulator.
+Once the covenant signer is set up and unlocked, you can configure the covenant 
+emulator to use it. The URL of the covenant signer is configurable (`remotesigner` section)
+but in this example we use the default value of 
+### 4.3. Unlocking the key
+Before you can sign transactions with the covenant key, you must unlock the 
+keyring that stores it. This happens through a `POST` request
+on the `v1/unlock` endpoint with a payload containing
+the covenant keyring passphrase.
+curl -X POST -d '{"passphrase": "<passphrase>"}'
+> ⚡ Note: Even if you provide the passphrase in the curl command to unlock the 
+> keyring, the CLI configuration for starting the service will still prompt you 
+> to enter the passphrase interactively.
+You can sign transactions by invoking the `v1/sign-transactions` endpoint,
+which expects staking and unbonding transactions in hex format.
+curl -X POST \
+  -d '{
+        "staking_tx_hex": "020000000001",
+        "slashing_tx_hex": "020000000001...",
+        "unbonding_tx_hex": "020000000001...",
+        "slash_unbonding_tx_hex": "020000000001...",
+        "staking_output_idx": 0,
+        "slashing_script_hex": "76a914...",
+        "unbonding_script_hex": "76a914...",
+        "unbonding_slashing_script_hex": "76a914...",
+        "fp_enc_keys": [
+            "0123456789abcdef..."
+        ]
+      }'
+<!-- TODO: add in a real staking tx to test -->
+The above command will generate a signature for the provided
+transactions and return it in JSON format.
+    "staking_tx_signature": "<hex_encoded_signature>",
+    "unbonding_tx_signature": "<hex_encoded_signature>"
+These signatures can then be used to verify that the transactions were signed by 
+the covenant key.
+Congratulations! You have successfully set up the covenant signer and are now able 
+to sign transactions with the covenant key.
diff --git a/static/covenant.png b/static/covenant.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..588cdfd
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/covenant.png differ