If you want the gloabally available ascii-art
you'll need to install with the global
npm install -g ascii-art
Otherwise, the binary is available from your project root at ./node_modules/ascii-art/bin/ascii-art
Look at a list of fonts from the maintainers of Figlet:
ascii-art list all
Preview your font in a browser:
ascii-art preview doom
Now, install a figlet font (globally)
ascii-art install doom -g
Render some text
ascii-art text -s green -F doom "some text"
list some graphics on textfiles.com
ascii-art art textfiles.com
show a particular graphic from textfiles.com
ascii-art art textfiles.com/art/nasa.vt
or render an image (use npm run sample
to generate and view a gallery)
ascii-art image path/to/my/file.jpg