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This is documentation for all the tokens in SML, and what they mean.


Begin an exception declaration or specification.

Exception declarations define new exception constructors, or define an alias for existing exception constructors.

exception Foo
exception Bar of string
exception Quz = Foo

In this example:

  • Foo and Quz have type exn.
  • Bar has type string -> exn.
  • Foo and Quz are the same exception.
  • For some string s, Foo and Bar s are different exceptions.
  • For two strings s1 and s2, iff s1 and s2 are the same, then Bar s1 and Bar s2 are the same.

exception can also be used in signatures as a specification.

signature SIG = sig
  exception A
  exception B of int

In specification context, exception aliases are not allowed.


Begin a signature declaration.

Signatures describe the interface to structures.

signature SIG = sig
  type t
  val x : t
  exception E
  datatype foo = Bar | Quz

Compare with sig, which begins a signature expression.


Begin a structure declaration or specification.

Structures are collections of declarations.

structure S = struct
  val num = 3
  val msg = "hi"

val _ = S.num + 5
val _ = print S.msg

structure can also be used in signatures.

signature SIG = sig
  structure S : LIST

Compare with struct, which begins a structure expression.


Begin a datatype declaration, datatype copy declaration, or datatype specification.

A datatype declaration defines a new type and its constructors.

datatype debug =
| Off
| Level of int

In this example:

  • On and Off have type debug.
  • Level has type int -> debug.

datatype can also be used to both create a type alias with all type variables automatically filled in, and bring all constructors into scope. For instance:

structure Tree = struct
  datatype 'a t =
  | Node of 'a t * 'a * 'a t

datatype tree = datatype Tree.t

fun treeSize (t : 'a tree) : int =
  case t of
    Empty => 0
  | Node (l, _, r) => treeSize l + 1 + treeSize r

The datatype copy declaration has the effect of:

  • Defining a type alias (in this case tree), with all the right type variables in the right order.
  • Bringing all of the constructors from the right-hand side declaration (if any) into scope.

datatype can also be used in signatures. The syntax is the same as the declaration form; datatype copy specifications are not allowed.

signature SIG = sig
  datatype 'a t =
  | Node of 'a t * 'a * 'a t

Compare with type, which defines a type alias.


Used with datatype (and abstype) to add extra helper types into scope at the same time as the datatype. This allows the types to be used in the value constructors.

datatype 'a stream = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a front
withtype 'a front = unit -> 'a stream


Begin an abstract type declaration.

This is not really used in modern SML. Prefer a mix of:

  • datatype, for creating new types
  • structure, for managing collections of declarations
  • signature and ascription, for hiding implementation details


Compute logical "and" with two bool expressions.

fun canRide height age =
  height > 6 andalso age >= 18

It short-circuits, so if the first expression evaluates to false, the second is not evaluated.

Because of this special short-circuiting behavior, it is not a regular infix operator, and thus does not work with op.

Compare with and, which permits declaring multiple things at once.


Begin a functor declaration.

functor F (A : sig
  val x : int
end) = struct
  val y = A.x + 123

Regular, "value-level" functions (with fun or fn) take in values and return values.

By contrast, functors, aka "structure-level" functions, take in structures and return structures.

Compare with fun, which is for value-level functions.


Include a signature in another signature, to merge the two signatures together.

signature A = sig
  val x : int

signature B = sig
  include A
  val y : string

structure S : B = struct
  val x = 3
  val y = "hi"

Compare with open, which is like include but for structures.


Share types in a signature.

signature FOO = sig
  type t
  val foo : t

signature BAR = sig
  type t
  val bar : t

signature QUZ = sig
  structure Foo : FOO
  structure Bar : BAR
  sharing type Foo.t = Bar.t


Like type, but can only be used in signature specifications. It indicates the type must be an equality type.

signature SIG = sig
  eqtype t
  val x : t


Handle exceptions.

val _ = (15 + 150) handle Overflow => 0
  • If the head expression does not raise, the whole expression (i.e. the head expression plus the handle clause) evaluates to whatever the head expression did.
  • If the head expression does raise, and the exception raised is matched by the matcher, the whole expression evaluates to the expression in that corresponding matcher arm.
  • If the head expression does raise, and the exception raised is not matched, the whole expression raises.


Cause the given names to be infix operators with the given precedence (or 0 if none is provided), and right associativity.

infixr foo
infixr 3 bar quz

Compare with infix, which has left associativity.


Cause the given names to not be infix.

nonfix foo
nonfix bar quz


Compute logical "or" with two bool expressions.

fun canAfford price persuasiveness =
  price <= 3 orelse persuasiveness >= 75

It short-circuits, so if the first expression evaluates to true, the second is not evaluated.

Because of this special short-circuiting behavior, it is not a regular infix operator, and thus does not work with op.


Begin a structure literal expression.

Structure expressions are often used as:

  • The right-hand side to structure declarations.
  • The arguments to functors.
structure S = struct
  val x = 5

Compare with structure, which begins a structure declaration.


Cause the given names to be infix operators with the given precedence (or 0 if none is provided), and left associativity. Similar to infixr.

infix foo
infix 3 bar quz

Compare with infixr, which has right associativity.


Limit the scope of declarations.

  val inner = 5
  val outerA = inner + 4
  val outerB = inner + 9

val _ = outerA + outerB
  • Declarations in the local ... in may be used by declarations in the in ... end.
  • However, only the declarations in the in ... end are in scope outside of the local.

Compare with let, which is an expression.


Raise an exception.

exception Neg

fun fact n =
  if n < 0 then
    raise Neg
  else if n = 0 then
    n * fact (n - 1)

A raised exception may be handled with handle.


Realize a type in a signature.

This allows a type to "break through" opaque ascription and be known to users of a structure that ascribes to a signature.

signature SIG = sig
  type t
  val x : t

structure S :> SIG
  where type t = int =
  type t = int
  val x = 3

val y = S.x : int


Repeatedly evaluate an expression while a condition is upheld.

fun sayHi n =
    val r = ref 0
    while !r < n do (
      r := !r + 1;
      print "hi"

This feature is "imperative", i.e. it essentially requires the use of ref or other side effects to be useful.


Attempt to match a "head" expression against a sequence of patterns, and choose the first expression whose pattern matched.

fun describe n =
  case n of
    0 => "nothing"
  | 1 => "solitary"
  | 2 => "pair"
  | 3 => "triple"
  | _ => "something else"


Used in conjunction with if and then to mark the expression that the if expression evaluates to if the condition was false. Comes after then.

fun choose x =
  if x then "yes" else "no"


Bring a structure's members into scope.

structure S = struct
  val x = 5

val five = S.x

val ten =
    open S
    x + x

Compare with include, which is kind of like open but for signatures.

Top-level open is usually discouraged.


Used in conjunction with if and else to mark the expression that the if expression evaluates to if the condition was true. Comes between if and else.

fun choose x =
  if x then "yes" else "no"


Begin a type alias declaration or type specification.

type point = int * int

Types defined with type are aliases, meaning no "new" types are defined. Rather, the new name is just an alternative name for the right-hand-side type, and aside from name, they are equivalent.

type can also be used to define a type specification in a signature. In this context, the specification can have a right-hand side or not.

signature S = sig
  type t
  type u = t * t
  val x : t
  val y : u

Compare with datatype, which defines a new type and its constructors.


Used in abstype declarations, which is to say, not much.


Define many things simultaneously.

Most useful for mutually recursive functions.

fun even 0 = true
  | even n = odd (n - 1)
and odd 0 = false
  | odd n = even (n - 1)

Compare with andalso, which is for logical "and" of bool expressions.


Mark the end of various constructs, like:

  • let ... in ... end
  • local ... in ... end
  • struct ... end
  • sig ... end


Begin a function declaration, which may be recursive.

fun increment x = x + 1

fun factorial n =
  case n of
    0 => 1
  | _ => n * factorial (n - 1)

Functions are the unit of abstraction.

Compare with:

  • fn, which begins a function expression, aka a lambda.
  • functor, which defines a functor, aka a structure-level function.


Begin a let expression.

val _ =
    val x = 7
    val y = 5
    x + y

In the let ... in, there is a sequence of declarations. Then, in the in ... end, there is an sequence of expressions, separated by ;.

The sequence of declarations may be empty, but that's not very useful. The sequence of expressions may not be empty, but often there's just one.

The let expression first defines the declarations in the let ... in in sequence, then evaluates the expressions in the in ... end.

Each successive declaration in the let ... in may use the bindings from the previous declaration. The expressions in the in ... end may use all of the bindings from all the declarations.

Compare with local, which is a declaration.


Allow a fn to be recursive.

val rec factorial = fn
  0 => 1
| n => n * factorial (n - 1)

Usually, fun is preferred. (fun is syntax sugar for val rec and fn.)

fun factorial n =
  case n of
    0 => 1
  | _ => n * factorial (n - 1)


Begin a signature literal expression.

Signature expressions are often used as:

  • The right-hand side to signature declarations.
  • The interfaces to functors.
signature SIG = sig
  type t
  val x : t

Compare with signature, which begins a signature declaration.


Begin a val declaration or specification.

A value declaration evaluates the expression on the right, then matches it with the pattern on the left, and introduces new bindings produced by the pattern.

val y = 6
val (_, x) = ("ignored", "bound to x")

Val declarations may be made recursive with rec, but only if the expression is a fn literal. In this case, usually fun is preferred anyway.

val can also be used in signature specifications.


Used with patterns to match the entire value to a variable.

fun f [] = []
  | f (xs as (_ :: xs')) = xs @ f xs'

The basic syntax is <name> as <pat>, though the <name> may also have an optional type annotation, : <ty>.

val a : int as b = 3


  1. Separate a while loop condition from the loop body.

    val () =
      while true do
        print "y\n"
  2. Begin a do declaration, only allowed in Successor ML. do e is equivalent to val () = e.


Begin a function expression, aka a lambda.

val _ = (fn x => x + 1) [1, 3, 8]

Often used to define arguments to higher-order functions, to avoid having to declare and name small helper functions.

Compare with fun, which is used in function declarations.


Case on a bool.

val s =
  if 3 > 4 then
    "math is broken"
    "this is fine"

An if expression cases on a condition of type bool, and selects either the then expression if the condition was true, or the else if it was false.


Separate the first and second parts of a local declaration or let expression.

  val x = 4
  val y = x + 6

val _ =
    val z = 5
    z + 8


  1. Separate the head expression of a case from the arms.

    fun hm x =
      case x of
        1 => 2
      | _ => 3
  2. Denote that a value or exception constructor takes an argument.

    datatype answer =
    | Yes
    | Custom of string


Cause an infix identifier to temporarily act as though it is not.

val five : int = op+ (2, 3)

If the infix identifier is "symbolic" (+, *, @, etc), then no intervening whitespace between the op and the identifier is required.

val xs : int list = op@ ([1, 2], [5, 8])

If not, then intervening whitespace is required.

val two = op div (8, 4)

Often used to pass infix operators to higher-order functions.

val xs : int list = op* [(1, 4), (6, 8), (2, 3)]


Ignore the rest of the rows in a record pattern.

val {b, ...} = {a = 1, b = 4}

Also used as a expression/type/declaration "hole", though this is not valid SML.


Separate the parameter type from the result type in a function type.

type realToInt = real -> int

In this example, real -> int is the type of functions that take a real and return an int.

The arrow is right associative. This means t1 and t2 are the same type, and both are distinct from t3:

type t1 = int -> string -> bool
type t2 = int -> (string -> bool)
type t3 = (int -> string) -> bool
  • t1 and t2 can be read as: take an int, then return a function. That function takes an string and returns a bool.
  • t3 can be read as: take a function (which takes an int and returns an string), and return a bool.

This matches up with the fact that function application is left associative. This means that expressions 1 and 2 are equivalent, which are both distinct from expression 3:

  1. f x y
  2. (f x) y
  3. f (x y)

Compare with =>, which separates a pattern from an expression in a matcher.


Opaquely ascribe a structure to a signature.

structure Stack :> sig
  type 'a t
  val empty : 'a t
  val push : 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t
  val pop : 'a t -> 'a option * 'a t
end = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list
  val empty = []
  fun push xs x = x :: xs
  fun pop xs =
    case xs of
      [] => (NONE, xs)
    | x :: xs' => (SOME x, xs')

Compare with :, which performs transparent ascription in the context of signatures.


Separate a pattern from its expression in a matcher arm.

fun describe x =
  case x of
    0 => "nothing"
  | 1 => "single"
  | 2 => "pair"
  | _ => "other"

Compare with ->, which denotes a function type.


Select a field from a record.

Tuples are record whose labels are numbers starting at 1, so these work with tuples too.

val movie = { name = "Castle in the Sky", year = 1986 }
val s : string = #name movie
val tup = (false, 5)
val n : int = #2 tup

Often, pattern matching is preferred.

fun fst (x, _) = x
val three = fst (1 + 2, "hi")

val tvShow = { name = "The Good Place", year = 2016 }
val { year, ... } = tvShow


  1. Group things together. Can be used to override precedence.

    fun doMath a b c = a * (b + c)
  2. Begin a tuple expression or pattern.

    val tup = (123, "hi")
    val (n, s) = tup
  3. Begin a list of type arguments or parameters.

    datatype ('t, 'e) result =
      Ok of 't
    | Err of 'e
    fun ('t, 'e, 'u) map
      (f : 't -> 'u)
      (res : ('t, 'e) result)
      : ('u, 'e) result =
      case res of
        Ok x => Ok (f x)
      | Err e => Err e
    val x : (int, string) result = Ok 3


The companion of (.


  1. Separate types in a tuple type.

    type pair = int * string
  2. Multiply numbers.

    val _ = 3 * 6


Separate things, like tuple/record elements, list elements, and type arguments.

val tup = (false, 5)
val record = { name = "綿谷新", height = 173 }
val lst = [1, 4, 3]
type ('a, 'b) parser = 'a -> ('a * 'b) option

Compare with ;, which can also separate expressions, but discards the value of all but the last one.


Separate components in a path.

val _ = Int.max (1, 5)


  1. Annotate an expression or pattern with a type.

    val a : int = 1 + 4
    val b = "hi" : string
  2. Transparently ascribe a structure to a signature.

    structure S : sig
      type t
      val x : t
    end = struct
      type t = int
      val x = 5
    val n : int = S.x + 3

    Compare with :>, which opaquely ascribes.


Separate elements in a sequence, like expressions.

val n : int = (
  print "about to give you an int";

Can also be used to separate declarations, but this is unnecessary.

Also indicates the end of input when in a REPL.

Compare with ,, which can also separate expressions, but constructs tuples or lists (when used with () and [] respectively).


  1. Assign things.

    val a = 5
    fun f x = x + 4
  2. Check for equality.

    fun isZero n = n = 0
    fun f s = if "foo" = s then 1 else 2


Begin a list expression or pattern.

val xs = [1, 4, 9]


The companion of [.


Discard whatever matches the pattern.

val (_, a) = (4, "hi")

Also used as a expression/type "hole", though this is not valid SML.


Begin a record expression, pattern, or type.

val r = {a = 5, b = "yep"}
val {a, b} = r
type user = { name: string, age: int }


Separate arms in a matcher, constructors in a datatype, or cases in a fun.

Note that a leading | before the first item is not allowed.

fun describe x =
  case x of
    0 => "nothing"
  | 1 => "single"
  | 2 => "pair"
  | _ => "other"

datatype ans = Yes | No

fun toBool Yes = true
  | toBool No = false


The companion of {.