A binding, like with val
, was not exhaustive.
This is effectively the same error as 5011, but for singular bindings.
datatype d = A of string | B of int | C of bool
fun f (x : d) : string =
val A y = x
(** ^^^ non-exhaustive binding: missing `B _`, `C _` *)
The pattern in a val
binding ought to be "irrefutable", to wit, it alone ought to match all possible values of the type of the expression. For example:
- The wildcard pattern
is irrefutable. - Variable patterns like
are irrefutable. - Tuple patterns composed of irrefutable patterns are irrefutable.
- If a
has only one constructor, then a pattern of that constructor, additionally with an irrefutable pattern argument if one is needed, is irrefutable.
Use a case
or similar instead.
datatype d = A of string | B of int | C of bool
fun f (x : d) : string =
case x of
A s => s
| B i => Int.toString i
| C b => Bool.toString b