This is a file that contains all of my Hacking With Swift projects which include all challenges and extras.
In this project, project 7 is modified to solve a critical problem using one of the most important Apple frameworks available: Grand Central Dispatch (GCD).
Learned Grand Central Dispatch, async() and its parameters, performSelector(inBackground:) and its parameters, performSelector(onMainThread:). Then for the challanges I modifed project 1, project 7 and project 8 which you can find in the project 9 folder.Learned UICollectionView, UIImagePickerController, UUID and modified Project 1
Learned UserDefaults, NSCoding, Codable.
Modified project 10, 1, 2, 5 which you can find on folder called "Project 12"Learned animate(withDuration:) method of UIView, spring animations and alpha values and CGAffineTransform.
Also modified Project 2, Project 8 and Project 13Learned debugging with assert() method, breakpoints and Capture View Hierarchy.
Modified Project 1 and 5.Looked at how strings are different from arrays, how we can write useful extensions for strings, how Swift lets us combine functions together beautifully, and how NSAttributedString lets us add formatting to strings
Implemented three Swift language extensions using what you learned in project 24.