diff --git a/specs/.prettierignore b/specs/.prettierignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fad770cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specs/.prettierignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# VsCode local history
diff --git a/specs/.prettierrc.toml b/specs/.prettierrc.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2582a496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specs/.prettierrc.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+tabWidth = 2
+useTabs = false
+printWidth = 90
+# Avoid re-formatting existing text.
+# All new text SHOULD be formatted with semantic newlines.
+# We SHOULD revisit this setting in the future.
+proseWrap = "preserve"
+# Only use quotes in supported config file formats where necessary.
+quoteProps = "as-needed"
+# Force all newlines to line-feed-only.
+endOfLine = "lf"
diff --git a/specs/README.md b/specs/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fbac31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+[//]: # "Copyright Amazon.com Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved."
+[//]: # "SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0"
+# Duvet Specification
+## Overview
+This directory contains the specification for Duvet.
+The primary goal of this specification is to define a standard,
+language independent, description of the Duvet features.
+It serves as the source of truth for the features that make up Duvet
+and the details of their behavior.
+## Editing
+We use `prettier` to maintain consistent formatting.
+Our CI will stop PRs that do not match our formatting requirements,
+but to easily apply them,
+run `./ci/prettify.sh write`.
+If you want to check them without writing,
+run `./ci/prettify.sh check`.
+We prefer authors adhere to [semantic line breaks](https://sembr.org/),
+but we do not enforce it.
+## Proposals and Changes
+Proposals for new features or changes to the current features of Duvet should be
+authored in the proposals' directory, following the format used by the
+[AWS Encryption SDK Specification](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-encryption-sdk-specification/blob/a2ba123eb42b863bba1babf412af374018b35c0c/proposals/2020-06-26_decrypt-max-header-size-max-body-size/proposal.md).
+Accepted proposals will change the Duvet Specification,
+but should still be documented as a change as is done by the
+[AWS Encryption SDK Specification](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-encryption-sdk-specification/tree/master/changes).
+## Exporting to RFC and TOML
+### Extract `compliance` from Specification
+The Specification is written in Markdown.
+Currently, Duvet needs RFC formatted text and TOML files.
+As such, we have a tool that extracts the RFC spec
+and supporting TOML files from the Markdown.
+### Running `extract`
+The entire specification may be extracted at once. Run:
+### Installing dependencies
+The utility/script `util/specification_extract.sh` depends on four run
+times: `node`, `python`, `ruby`, and `rust`.
+(No, this is not ideal, but
+Duvet is pushing the "spec to code" boundary;
+we are ahead of the tooling.)
+#### Set Up Python & `xml2rfc`
+[AWS Crypto Tools Getting Started with Python instructions](https://github.com/aws/crypto-tools/blob/master/getting-started/python/README.md#local-development-setup)
+to install `pyenv`.
+Then, in this repository, run
+`pyenv local 3.9.7; pyenv exec python -m pip install xml2rfc==3.5.0 markupsafe==2.0.1`.
+#### Set up `kramdown-rfc2629`
+This is the Ruby dependency. Unfortunately, we have not figured out
+a good way of installing this, so we do a bad way:
+sudo gem install kramdown-rfc2629
+#### Node
+[Installing Node.js with `nvm` macOS by Daniel Schildt](https://gist.github.com/d2s/372b5943bce17b964a79)
+to get `nvm` and `node` working.
+#### Rust
+Installing Duvet will install rust.
diff --git a/specs/ci/prettify.sh b/specs/ci/prettify.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..09353e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specs/ci/prettify.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+case "${1}" in
+ write)
+ npx prettier --config .prettierrc.toml --write -- '**/*.md' !./history/*
+ ;;
+ check)
+ npx prettier --config .prettierrc.toml --check -- '**/*.md'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "mode required!"
+ echo "${0} [write/check]"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
diff --git a/specs/duvet-specification.md b/specs/duvet-specification.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c379641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specs/duvet-specification.md
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+[//]: # "Copyright Amazon.com Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved."
+[//]: # "SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0"
+# Duvet specification
+## Version
+### Changelog
+- 0.2.0
+ - Initial record
+- 0.1.0
+ - "Specless" Rust Implementation
+## Overview
+This document introduces and describes Duvet.
+Any implementation of Duvet MUST follow this specification.
+## Introduction
+Duvet is an application to build confidence that your software is correct.
+The first step in correct software is to document what correct behavior is.
+This document is called a specification.
+A specification can be a design document or an RFC.
+This specification document describes an application’s behaviors.
+It includes which steps are important, in what order, and why.
+Duvet lets you annotate your code with text from your specification.
+This helps clarify what a specific implementation should be doing and why.
+Any part of the specification can be an annotation.
+However, Duvet treats RFC 2119 keywords in your specification as requirement key-words that must be annotated.
+Duvet reads files you designate as specifications and files you designate as part of your software.
+It matches the annotations in your software to your specification. Duvet will then report on these matches.
+Are there annotations in your source that do not exist in your specification?
+Does every cited requirement from your specification have a test?
+This report can either be a pass/fail for CI or an interactive report for development and code review.
+### Conventions used in this document
+The keywords
+in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119).
+# Structures
+This following sections describe the common Duvet structures and their behavior.
+## Specification
+A specification is a document, like this, that defines correct behavior.
+This behavior is defined in regular human language.
+## Section
+The top-level header for requirements is the name of a section.
+After the section's header, follows the body.
+Requirements defined inside the body MUST be associated to the immediate section in which they are defined.
+This means requirements have one and only one section that they are associated with.
+A header MUST NOT itself be a requirement.
+A section MUST be indexable by combining different levels of naming.
+This means that Duvet needs to be able to locate it uniquely within a specification.
+A good example of a section is a header in an HTML or Markdown document.
+## Requirement
+Any complete sentence containing at least one RFC 2119 keyword MUST be treated as a requirement.
+A requirement MAY contain multiple RFC 2119 keywords.
+A requirement MUST be terminated by one of the following:
+- period (.)
+- exclamation point (!)
+- list
+- table
+In the case of the requirement being terminated by a list,
+the text proceeding the list MUST be concatenated
+with each element of the list to form a requirement.
+Taking the above list as an example,
+Duvet is required to be able to recognize 4 different ways
+to group text into requirements.
+List elements MAY have RFC 2119 keywords,
+this is the same as regular sentences with multiple keywords.
+Sublists MUST be treated as if the parent item were terminated by the sublist.
+List elements MAY contain a period (.) or exclamation point (!)
+and this punctuation MUST NOT terminate the requirement by
+excluding the following elements from the list of requirements.
+In the case of the requirement being terminated by a table,
+the text proceeding the table SHOULD be concatenated
+with each row of the table to form a requirement.
+Table cells MAY have RFC 2119 keywords,
+this is the same as regular sentences with multiple keywords.
+Table cells MAY contain a period (.) or exclamation point (!)
+and this punctuation MUST NOT terminate the requirement
+by excluding the following rows from the table of requirements.
+### Restrictive Requirement Parsing
+Older versions of Duvet were more restrictive in parsing requirements.
+They did not treat elements of lists or rows in a table as individual elements.
+For backwards compatibility Duvet MUST support
+this older simpler form of requirement identification.
+Any complete sentence containing at least one RFC 2119 keyword MUST be treated as a requirement.
+A requirement MAY contain multiple RFC 2119 keywords.
+A requirement MUST be terminated by one of the following:
+- period (.)
+- exclamation point (!)
+- an empty blank line
+The main distinction between this legacy and regular requirement identification
+is that there is no sugar for lists or tables.
+For a given a specification Duvet MUST use one way to identify requirements.
+### Formats
+Duvet MUST be able to parse specifications formatted as:
+- Markdown
+- IETF style RFCs as text files.
+#### Requirements to TOML
+Duvet SHOULD be able to record parsed requirements into Toml Files.
+These Toml features supports users of Duvet who do not author the specifications they are implementing.
+As such, they need to customize the extracted requirements,
+modifying the content of requirements or adding/removing requirements.
+## Annotation
+Annotations are references to a text from a section in a specification,
+written as comment in the source code and test code.
+Annotations are generally stored as formatted comments in source within a project.
+### Meta
+The default identifier for the meta part in source documents MUST be //= followed by a single space.
+This identifier of meta parts MUST be configurable.
+### Meta: Location
+The first line of the meta part identifies the location of the content,
+it MUST be parsed as a URL.
+All parts of the URL other than a URL fragment MUST be optional
+and MUST identify the specification that contains this section and content.
+The URL MUST contain a URL fragment that uniquely identifies
+the section that contains this content.
+If the URL only contains a URL fragment
+then this content only exists as an annotation.
+The scope of such a fragment
+is defined by all the files given to Duvet analyze.
+Formatting such comments for Duvet
+lets Duvet track these implementation specific requirements
+and require tests/evidence of their correctness.
+The Meta: Locations for Annotations targeting specifications
+written in Markdown will NOT be identical to Locations targeting specifications written in IETF.
+### Meta: Key/Values parsing
+After the [Meta: Location](#meta-location) all additional meta data is a series of name/value pairs.
+The name MUST be the characters between the meta identifier and the first `=`.
+The value MUST be all characters after the first `=`.
+If consecutive duplicate names exist in a meta section
+the values MUST be concatenated with a `\n`.
+### Meta: Type
+If the meta part is a single line then the type MUST be citation.
+The type MUST be a valid annotation type string:
+- citation
+- test
+- untestable
+- exception
+- implication
+- todo
+### Meta: Reason
+The reason tag MUST start with `reason=`.
+### Annotation Types
+Annotation types give meaning to the way the thing being annotated relate to the content.
+Each type is listed here with its intended usage.
+- Citation: The implementation of what is described in the content.
+- Test: A test or test vector that verifies that an implementation honors what is described in the content.
+ These tests are ideally negative.
+ i.e. Counter examples to the description are attempted and fail.
+- Untestable: The implementation that can not be tested.
+ Some runtimes, languages, or constructions make the idea described in the content untestable.
+ Additional protections against random bit flips is a good example.
+- Deviation: An implementation that differs from what is described in the content.
+ The implementation may have proceeded the specification for example.
+- Exception: A part of a specification that is not implemented.
+ This can include optional or legacy features.
+ Exceptions have an optional reason field.
+- Implication: A construction that is correct by construction i.e. it can not fail.
+ For example take a requirement that a function take a specific set of arguments.
+ In a static strongly typed language the arguments of a function can not change.
+ So an implication could be a good choice to express that the implementation satisfies this requirement.
+- TODO: The suggested location for the implementation.
+- feature
+- tracking-issue
+### Content
+A one or more line meta part MUST be followed by at least a one line content part.
+The default identifier for the content part in software documents
+MUST be `//#` followed by a single space.
+This identifier of content parts MUST be configurable.
+All content part lines MUST be consecutive.
+## Matching
+Duvet needs to be able to match annotation content.
+Both to other annotations and to specifications.
+This matching is used to report on requirements.
+### Matching annotation and specification requirement
+For an annotation to match a specification
+the annotation's content MUST exist in the specification's section
+identified by the annotation's meta location URL.
+The match between the annotation content and the specification text
+MUST be case-sensitive but MUST NOT be white space sensitive
+and MUST uniquely identify text in the specification.
+For simple text in a paragraph this means just identifying
+the annotation's content is a substring of the text in the specification's section.
+Elements of a list MUST NOT be matched by their order within the list.
+This means that an annotation may contain a list
+that is a subset of the elements in the specification.
+Rows of a table MUST NOT be matched by their order within the table.
+This means that an annotation MAY contain a table that is a subset of the rows in the specification.
+## Matching Labels
+Duvet MUST analyze the matching annotations, generating Matching Labels.
+Matching Labels MAY be exclusive.
+Duvet MUST label requirements matched to annotations as follows:
+### Implemented
+A specification requirement MUST be labeled `Implemented`
+if there exists at least one matching annotation of type:
+- citation
+- untestable
+- implication
+### Attested
+A specification requirement MUST be labeled `Attested`
+if there exists at least one matching annotation of type
+- test
+- untestable
+- implication
+### Excused
+A specification requirement MUST be labeled `Excused`
+and MUST only be labeled `Excused` if there exists
+a matching annotation of type `exception` and the annotation has a `reason`.
+### Unexcused
+A specification requirement MUST be labeled `Unexcused`
+and MUST only be labeled `Unexcused` if there exists
+a matching annotation of type `exception`
+and the annotation does NOT have a `reason`.
+## Report
+Duvet's report shows how your project conforms to specifications.
+This lets you bound the correctness of your project.
+As you annotate the code in your project
+Duvet's report creates links between the implementation,
+the specification,
+and attestations.
+Duvet’s report aids customers in annotating their code.
+### Status
+Duvet MUST analyze the matching labels for every requirement;
+the result of this analysis is the requirement’s Status.
+Requirement Statuses MUST be exclusive.
+The Requirement Statuses MUST be:
+- Complete - The requirement MUST have both the labels `Implemented` and `Attested`
+- Missing Proof - The requirement MUST only have the label `Implemented`
+- Excused - The requirement MUST only have the label `Excused`
+- Missing Implementation - The requirement MUST only have the label `Attested`
+- Not started - The requirement MUST NOT have any labels
+- Missing Reason - The requirement MUST have the label `Unexcused`
+- Duvet Error - The requirements matching labels MUST be invalid.
+[//]: # "TODO: Should `Duvet Error` trigger a warning/exception?"
+[//]: # "TODO: Should `Duvet Error` cause a Fail?"
+### Pass/Fail
+For Duvet to pass the Status of every “MUST” and “MUST NOT” requirement MUST be Complete or Excused.
+Duvet MUST return `0` for Pass. Duvet SHOULD print a success message.
+Duvet MUST NOT return `0` for Fail. Duvet SHOULD print a failure message.
+### Report Summary
+The report summary shows high level information about the linkage between annotations and specifications.
+It MUST have all a link for each included specifications.
+It MUST have all a link for annotations that do not match any included specifications.
+It MUST have all a link for annotations not associated with any specifications.
+For each link it MUST have a table summarizing
+the matrix of requirements crossed annotation types,
+and include totals for both sides.
+### Specification Overview
+The specification overview shows more detailed information about the specific specification.
+It MUST have a table summarizing the matrix of requirements across annotation types,
+and include totals for both sides.
+It MUST show a table with a row for each requirement.
+The table MUST have a column for:
+- Section within the specification - it would be heading in the markdown, section name and number for ietf docs
+- Requirement key word - key word defined in rfc2119
+- Status
+- Text - The requirement text
+### Specification Section
+The specification section shows the specific specification text and how this links to annotation.
+It MUST show all text from the section.
+It MUST highlight the text for every requirement.
+It MUST highlight the text that matches any annotation.
+Any highlighted text MUST have a mouse over that shows its annotation information.
+Clicking on any highlighted text MUST bring up a popup that shows:
+- The requirement level
+- The text
+- List of quick links to add the text to a Duvet comment for every annotation type
+- If annotations exist, relative links to these files. This link SHOULD include the line number.
+Selecting any text of the specification
+and right-clicking on it
+MUST bring up a popup for the selected text that shows:
+- The text
+- List of quick links to add the text to a Duvet comment for every annotation type
+- If annotations exist, relative links to these files. This link SHOULD include the line number.
+It MUST show a table with a row for each requirement included in this section.
+The table MUST have a column for:
+- Section within the specification
+- Requirement key word - key word defined in rfc2119
+- Status
+- Text - The requirement text
+# Behaviors
+Duvet MUST support a [CI Behavior](#ci-behavior).
+Duvet SHOULD support a [Requirement to TOML Behavior](#record-requirements-as-toml-behavior).
+[//]: # "TODO: Define all of behaviors input and output in one place"
+[//]: # "TODO: Describe how Duvet should handle exceptions"
+## CI Behavior
+The following sections describe
+how Duvet parses specifications and implementations
+to generate a report and a pass/fail status appropriate
+for continuous integration (CI) usage.
+Implementations of Duvet MUST implement this behavior.
+This MUST be the default execution of Duvet.
+This behavior MUST accept a configuration file.
+### Parse Specifications
+Duvet MUST accept one or more groups of file patterns that describe the paths to the specifications files.
+These file pattern groups MUST specify which [specification format](#formats) they are in.
+For each file pattern group,
+for each file pattern in the group,
+Duvet MUST attempt to parse as a [specification](#specification) any files
+discovered on this file pattern
+as if they were in the file pattern groups' [specification format](#formats).
+Failure to parse a file MUST NOT halt Duvet.
+Failure to parse a file SHOULD yield a warning.
+#### Specifications as TOML
+In addition to parsing Markdown and RFC (`.txt`) files as specifications,
+Duvet SHOULD accept one or more file patterns that describe the paths to `.toml` files.
+Duvet SHOULD interpret each directory containing one or more TOML files as a [specification](#specification).
+See [Sections as TOML](#sections-as-toml).
+### Extract Sections
+Duvet MUST extract [sections](#section) from [specifications](#specification).
+#### Sections as TOML
+If Duvet has interpreted TOML directories as [specifications](#specification),
+Duvet SHOULD interpret each TOML file in a directory
+as a [section](#section) of that directories' specification.
+See [Requirements from TOML](#requirements-from-toml).
+### Extract Requirements.
+Duvet MUST extract [Requirements](#requirement) from [Sections](#section).
+#### Requirements from TOML
+If Duvet has interpreted TOML files as a [section](#section),
+for every [array of tables](https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0#array-of-tables) in the TOML file,
+Duvet SHOULD extract a [requirement](#requirement).
+### Parse Implementation
+Duvet MUST accept one or more file pattern groups that describe the paths to the implementation files.
+Each file pattern group MAY be associated with an annotation identifier tuple,
+which MUST be used when parsing files from the file pattern group.
+Otherwise, the default annotation identifiers MUST be used for that file pattern group.
+For each file pattern group,
+for each file pattern in the group,
+for every file found via a file pattern,
+Duvet MUST extract [annotations](#annotation) form that file
+with the group's annotation identifiers.
+Failure to parse a file MUST NOT halt Duvet.
+Failure to parse a file SHOULD yield a warning.
+Duvet MUST attempt to match these [annotations](#annotation) to [requirements](#requirement)
+as described in [Matching](#matching).
+Even if a match is not found,
+Duvet MUST record every [annotation](#annotation).
+### Generate Report
+Duvet MUST analyze every [requirement](#requirement) extracted,
+generating and validating matching labels as described in [Matching Labels](#matching-labels).
+Then, Duvet MUST determine every [requirement's](#requirement) [Status](#status).
+Duvet MUST generate an HTML report as described in [report](#report).
+### Pass or Fail
+Duvet MUST Pass or Fail as described in [Pass/Fail](#Pass/Fail).
+## Record Requirements as TOML Behavior
+Duvet SHOULD support requirement to Toml extraction as a separate utility that MAY be invoked outside normal execution.
+See Requirements from TOML, Sections as TOML, and Specifications as TOML.
+[//]: # "TODO: Flesh this out"
diff --git a/specs/util/extract.js b/specs/util/extract.js
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..161b12ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specs/util/extract.js
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+// Copyright Amazon.com Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+/* This is some sugar to produce compliance TOML
+ * from existing markdown.
+ * It uses `cargo-compliance`, `xml2rfc` and `kramdown`.
+ *
+ */
+const { extname, basename, resolve, dirname, join, relative } = require("path");
+const { execSync } = require("child_process");
+const {
+ readFileSync,
+ writeFileSync,
+ statSync,
+ constants,
+ mkdirSync,
+} = require("fs");
+const ext = ".md";
+const pathToComplianceRoot = `${relative(process.cwd(), `${__dirname}/../compliance`)}`;
+ () => execSync("which kramdown-rfc2629"),
+ "kramdown-rfc2629 needs to be installed, try `gem install kramdown-rfc2629 -v 1.5.21`"
+ () => execSync("which xml2rfc"),
+ "xml2rfc needs to be installed, try `pip install xml2rfc==3.5.0`"
+ () => execSync("which duvet"),
+ "duvet needs to be installed, try `util/install-duvet`"
+/* May need to change this to a better parser...
+ * When run with a shebang
+ * the argv list will start,
+ * with the path to node
+ * then the path to this script.
+ * So the 3rd element ([2])
+ * is the first user parameter.
+ */
+function extract(filePath) {
+ const fileName = basename(filePath, ext);
+ const tmpdir = require("os").tmpdir();
+ const markdownSpecFile = resolve(tmpdir, `${fileName}${ext}`);
+ const xmlRfcFile = resolve(tmpdir, `${fileName}.xml`);
+ const complianceSpec = join(pathToComplianceRoot, dirname(filePath), `${fileName}.txt`);
+ const complianceDir = join(pathToComplianceRoot, dirname(filePath), fileName);
+ // Create the root compliance directory if it doesn't exist
+ try {
+ statSync(pathToComplianceRoot).isDirectory();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ mkdirSync(pathToComplianceRoot, { recursive: true });
+ }
+ /*
+ 1. Get the file name without extension
+ 2. Add the RFC crap to a new tmp file
+ 3. kramdown
+ 4. xml2rfc
+ 5. cargo-compliance extract
+ */
+ // Write the spec file with the header and footer
+ writeFileSync(
+ markdownSpecFile,
+ [header(fileName), readFileSync(filePath, { encoding: "utf8" }), footer()].join("\n"),
+ { encoding: "utf8" }
+ );
+ // Convert the markdown file from RFC XML
+ execSync(["kramdown-rfc2629", "-3", markdownSpecFile, ">", xmlRfcFile].join(" "), {stdio: 'inherit'});
+ // An existing spec may exists, clean up first
+ try {
+ // This will throw if the directory does not exist
+ statSync(complianceDir).isDirectory();
+ // If the directory exists, remove it. Nothing could go wrong... :(
+ execSync(["rm", "-rf", complianceDir].join(" "));
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // If the directory does not exist, that is OK
+ needs(ex.errno === -2, "Unknown error");
+ }
+ // make sure the compliance directory exists
+ mkdirSync(complianceDir, { recursive: true });
+ // Convert the RFC XML to a ietf rfc
+ execSync(["xml2rfc",
+ "-P", xmlRfcFile,
+ "-s", "'Too long line found'", // Suppress warnings about long table line length
+ "-s", "'Total table width'", // Suppress warnings about overall table width
+ "-o", complianceSpec
+ ].join(" "), {stdio: 'inherit'});
+ const args = ["duvet", "extract", `${complianceSpec}`, "-o", "compliance"];
+ // extract the specification
+ execSync(args.join(" "), { encoding: 'utf8', stdio: 'inherit'});
+function extract_needs(filePath) {
+ needs(extname(filePath) === ext, `Unsupported ext ${ext}`);
+ needs(
+ () => statSync(filePath).isFile(),
+ `Specification file ${filePath} does not exist.`
+ );
+ return filePath;
+// The `ipr: none` is particularly important
+// this removed boilerplate (especially Copyright)
+function header(docName) {
+ return `---
+title: ${docName}
+abbrev: ${docName}
+docname: ${docName}
+category: info
+ipr: none
+area: General
+workgroup: AWS Crypto Tools
+stand_alone: yes
+pi: [toc, sortrefs, symrefs]
+ -
+ ins: Amazon AWS
+ name: Amazon AWS
+ organization: Amazon AWS
+ email: cryptools+rfc@amazon.com
+ RFC2119:
+--- abstract
+The ${docName} specification for the AWS Encryption SDK.
+--- middle
+# Conventions and Definitions
+The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD",
+document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 {{RFC2119}} {{!RFC8174}}
+when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here
+ `;
+function footer() {
+ return `--- back
+# Acknowledgments
+function needs(condition, errorMessage) {
+ if (typeof condition === "function") {
+ try {
+ needs(condition(), errorMessage);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ throw new Error(errorMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!condition) {
+ throw new Error(errorMessage);
+ }
diff --git a/specs/util/specification_extract.sh b/specs/util/specification_extract.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..70a89f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/specs/util/specification_extract.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+SCRIPT_SOURCE=$(dirname "$0")
+echo "Extracting ${#FILES[@]} files:"
+for FILE in "${FILES[@]}"
+ RESOLVED="$(cd "$(dirname "$FILE")"; pwd -P)/$(basename "$FILE")"
+ echo "Extracting: $RESOLVED"
+ "$SCRIPT_SOURCE"/extract.js "$FILE"