diff --git a/docs/content/en/docs/getting-started/airgapped/_index.md b/docs/content/en/docs/getting-started/airgapped/_index.md
index c3281194ab88..b16c1fa5092d 100644
--- a/docs/content/en/docs/getting-started/airgapped/_index.md
+++ b/docs/content/en/docs/getting-started/airgapped/_index.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ description: >
   Configure EKS Anywhere for airgapped environments
-EKS Anywhere can be used in airgapped environments that are not connected to the internet or external networks.
+EKS Anywhere can be used in airgapped environments, where clusters are not connected to the internet or external networks.
 If you are planning to run EKS Anywhere in an airgapped environments, before you create a cluster, you must temporarily connect your Admin machine to the internet to install the `eksctl` CLI and pull the required EKS Anywhere dependencies. Once these dependencies are downloaded and imported in a local registry, you no longer need internet access. You can configure EKS Anywhere to use your local registry mirror in the EKS Anywhere cluster specification. When the registry mirror configuration is set in the EKS Anywhere cluster specification, EKS Anywhere configures containerd to pull from that registry instead of Amazon ECR during cluster creation and lifecycle operations. For more information, reference the [Registry Mirror Configuration documentation.]({{< relref "../optional/registrymirror" >}})