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We use protocol buffers as a message format for inter process communication.

This folder defines three main protocols:

  1. local.proto - Protocol for communication from local processes like figterm and the fig CLI to the desktop app
  2. fig.proto - Protocol for communication between client Fig.js apps like autocomplete and the desktop app
  3. figterm.proto - Protocol for sending commands from the CLI to figterm
  4. remote.proto - Protocol for sending between figterm and the desktop app, intended to be secure for remote machines


For any client, you must install the protobuf compiler:

brew install protobuf

Client Installations

Client Command
typescript pnpm install
rust N/A*

* The rust build process handles the installation of the proto toolchain.


To compile protos, run:


Deprecating an Amazon Q API

  1. Edit fig.proto and add the [deprecated=true] annotation to the relevant fields
  2. Add an inline comment specifying the version when this was changed applies using the following format: //deprecated: 1.2.3


Adding to protos

Just edit the appropriate proto file.