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File metadata and controls

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Troubleshooting Guide


When troubleshooting, it can be helpful to view the logs so that you might be able to resolve the issue on your own or at least have more context to provide when seeking support. On Windows, the driver's logs will be written to the user's home directory (%USERPROFILE% or %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%) by default. On Mac/Linux/Unix, the default log path is also the user's home directory(getpwuid() or $HOME), whichever one is available. On Windows, you may change the default path in the DSN configuration window. In any platform, you may pass your log path / log level in the connection string. The log path indicates the path to store the log file. The log file name has docdb_odbc_YYYYMMDD.log format, where YYYYMMDD (e.g., 20220225 <= Feb 25th, 2022) is the timestamp at the first log message. The keyword for log path is log_path and the keyword for log level is log_level.

Setting Logging Level and Location

There are the following levels of logging:

Property Value Description
ERROR Shows messages classified as ERROR.
INFO Shows messages classified as INFO and ERROR.
DEBUG Shows messages classified as DEBUG, INFO and ERROR.
OFF No log messages displayed.
Property Name Description Platform Default
log_level The log level for all sources/appenders. All Platforms ERROR
log_path The location for file logging. Windows %USERPROFILE%, or if not available, %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%
log_path The location for file logging. MacOS getpwuid(), or if not available, $HOME
log_path The location for file logging. Linux/Unix getpwuid(), or if not available, $HOME

To set these properties, use the connection string with the following format <property-name>=<property-value>. The user should not have a slash at the end of the log path.

For example: (Note: The capitalization does not matter.)

  • In Windows, append LOG_PATH="C:\Users\Name\Desktop\DocumentDB ODBC Driver";LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG; to your connection string.

    • You can also set the log path and log level from the configuration window in the Microsoft ODBC Administrator.
    • Click on the drop menu for setting the log level
    • Enter the desired log file path in the field next to the label Log File. The user needs to ensure that the directory mentioned in the log file path does exist, or driver will ignore user's passed value and create the log file in the default log path.
  • In MacOS/Linux/Unix, append LOG_PATH="~/path/to/log/file";LOG_LEVEL=ERROR; to your connection string, or append LOG_PATH and LOG_LEVEL as keywords in the ODBC manager.

  • If you just want to change the log level, append LOG_LEVEL=<desired-log-level>; to your connection string.


If an error occurs during SQL query processing, the following logging behavior is enforced to remove the chance of accidentally exposing proprietary information. When the LOG_LEVEL is set to ERROR or INFO, the error code will be logged and thrown, but the contents of SQL query error message will be fully redacted. However, when the LOG_LEVEL is set to DEBUG, the contents of the SQL query error message will be logged and thrown in clear text. The default LOG_LEVEL is ERROR.