Excite the digital input with an attenuated trigger to generate even pulse width bursts from each of the 8 outputs. One pulse per output, so output 1 will not repeat, but output 8 will produce 8 pulses. With a 5v trigger, you'll get 10ms duty cycle bursts, down to a minimum 1v trigger which produces around 500ms duty cycle bursts. Bursts are one-shot and will not retrigger until all bursts have completed.
Demo video: https://youtu.be/_MbU2uUmem0
Uncertainty | Function |
CV input | Trigger bursts |
Gate 1 | Burst x 1 |
Gate 2 | Burst x 2 |
Gate 3 | Burst x 3 |
Gate 4 | Burst x 4 |
Gate 5 | Burst x 5 |
Gate 6 | Burst x 6 |
Gate 7 | Burst x 7 |
Gate 8 | Burst x 8 |