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Christian Woltering edited this page Sep 13, 2023 · 9 revisions

Search for an artist using client.Artists.SearchAsync and lookup artist details like band-members and related urls using client.Artists.GetAsync:

using Hqub.MusicBrainz;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Example1
    public static async Task Run(MusicBrainzClient client)
        await Search(client, "The Rolling Stones");

    public static async Task Search(MusicBrainzClient client, string name)
        // Search for an artist by name (limit to 20 matches).
        var artists = await client.Artists.SearchAsync(name.Quote(), 20);

        Console.WriteLine("Total matches for '{0}': {1}", name, artists.Count);

        // Count matches with score 100.
        int count = artists.Items.Count(a => a.Score == 100);

        Console.WriteLine("Exact matches for '{0}': {1}", name, count);

        // By default, search results will be ordered by score, so to get the
        // best match you could do artists.Items.First(). Sometimes this method
        // won't work (example: search for 'U2').
        // If the search string is the exact name, it might be better to compare
        // to that string or to order by similarity, like done here:

        var artist = artists.Items.OrderByDescending(a => Levenshtein.Similarity(a.Name, name)).First();

        // Get detailed information of the artist, including band-members and related urls.
        artist = await client.Artists.GetAsync(artist.Id, "artist-rels", "url-rels");

        Console.WriteLine("Current band members of '{0}':", artist.Name);

        // Band members are represented as artist-artist relationships. To filter relations,
        // inspect "TargetType" and "Type" properties.
        var members = artist.Relations.Where(r => r.TargetType == "artist" && r.Type.Contains("member"));

        foreach (var relation in members.Where(r => !(bool)r.Ended))
            Console.WriteLine("     {0}", relation.Artist.Name);

        // Lyric are represented as artist-url relationships.
        var lyrics = artist.Relations.Where(r => r.TargetType == "url" && r.Type == "lyrics");

        if (lyrics.Count() > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("You can find lyrics for '{0}' at", artist.Name);

            foreach (var relation in lyrics)
                Console.WriteLine("     {0}", relation.Url.Resource);
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